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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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Why does he keep getting the benefit of the doubt? He's demonstrated he's not a nice guy and he's not a neutral observer. His posts on this are embarrassing and people who excuse this behavior are looking for reasons to do so.

I don't think your political leanings should mean anything here. Jontron said extremely racist things in context and out of context that should be condemned. If you don't do so, you are not a nice person.

And comparing him to Anita Sarkeesian is the clearest signal yet that Boogie is not a nice person.

Thank you!

Boogie if anything has, much like "centrism", weaponized nice... He uses nice as a shield and simultaneously a sword... he's not nice, he's "nice"


This situation reminds me of this.

dril is an eternal source of wisdom.
Found this video from a fan of boogie detailing why he is disappointed with his response to this issue. Thought it was really good and shows how having the middle ground hurts your fans.

The fact that Boogie replied to apologize a week ago and then immediately webt back to literally doing what he claimed to be sorry for doing highlights once again how insincere he is and how much "nice" and "polite" are his weapons


Was this posted? Nice guy Boogie still batting for Jon by claiming peeps are out to get him.

This guy "both sides-ed" Gamergate. As far as i'm concerned, his career can disappear along with Jon's racism (which is not a view).

EDIT: That holocaust remark he (Boogie) made is vile.


People are out to get a racist.

Oh no. Somebody please stop them. Heavens. Oh no. Just think of his money.
Look, maybe the middleground is somewhere in the middle of racism and being a decent person.

And that middle ground is the one where Boogie can keep making money while cowardly trying to not alienate potential viewers.

you know nothing about south park, stop
At the risk of derailing the thread, I religiously watched South Park for over 15 years before souring on it. I think I know enough about it to say that it (knowingly or not) contributed to the kind of shitty mentality that we are seeing people use to defend Jontron.


They're both tools and have a reach to kids. It is an issue, same with pewdiepie.

Insulting their heroes in any way only makes them huff, puff and dig their heels in more.


Wow...Destiny(the streamer that interviewed Jon Tron) disapproved Playtonic's move :(


No surprise here. I think a lot of these public personality guys get -- understandably -- worried when other public personality guys get excoriated. Because they're worried it could happen to them. And certainly there are a few cases of public personalities getting witch-hunted on statements actually taken out of context.

But like... what's happening to Jonny here isn't that, at all. Jon said gross shit in clear terms and there's no uncertainty. People aren't mad at him because "politics", but because he spat hateful garbage.


Well this whole debacle was the first time I'd ever heard of Destiny, I guess he can't win 'em all.

Was his JonTron debate and subsequent stream with the stormfront racist unusual for his streams?

L Thammy

Was Boogie's Francis character actually mentally disabled? I haven't heard that before. I thought he was just supposed to be a stereotypical obnoxious, petulant nerd.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Events like these are good to filter out the good from the ugly of the YouTubers and game streamers.

Edit: is Dunkey good? Please tell me he's good.


I have a minor question. A co-worker of mine was discussing the situation, and otherwise he's a fan of Game Grumps, Starcade, and in particular JonTron. He was speaking how AFTER Jon had apologized for everything he was wrong about (?), some "shitters from NeoGAF" (his words), put pressure on PlayTonic to remove him from the game, which isn't fair because he wasn't paid at all, and simply was a fan of the original Banjo Kazooie games.

I didn't choose to engage on this, merely curious as to how he thinks the story goes, nor does he know I'm a gaffer (but if you come across this thread, hi Jayson!), but did NeoGAF actively put pressure on PlayTonic for this? I was under the impression this was their own doing with no outside influence, just a mere collective decision on their part.


I have a minor question. A co-worker of mine was discussing the situation, and otherwise he's a fan of Game Grumps, Starcade, and in particular JonTron. He was speaking how AFTER Jon had apologized for everything he was wrong about (?), some "shitters from NeoGAF" (his words), put pressure on PlayTonic to remove him from the game, which isn't fair because he wasn't paid at all, and simply was a fan of the original Banjo Kazooie games.

I didn't choose to engage on this, merely curious as to how he thinks the story goes, nor does he know I'm a gaffer (but if you come across this thread, hi Jayson!), but did NeoGAF actively put pressure on PlayTonic for this? I was under the impression this was their own doing with no outside influence, just a mere collective decision on their part.

No, there are some forums on the internet that are strangely obsessed with threads on here and think this forum weilds some magic influence when it's just a link aggregator like any other forum.


I got like a 40 post chain going on GI. Some of these people, man. Somehow the conversation turned to Sargon and JonTron being on it wasn't bad and Sargon isn't bad either. They don't believe he's a vile cretin who paints himself as a classical liberal and for equality but is actually fully anti-progressive in every way, has harassed women in the game industry and an alt-righter. Saying I do not actually know Sargon at all and what type of person he is.

This is like GamerGate 2.0.


I have a minor question. A co-worker of mine was discussing the situation, and otherwise he's a fan of Game Grumps, Starcade, and in particular JonTron. He was speaking how AFTER Jon had apologized for everything he was wrong about (?), some "shitters from NeoGAF" (his words), put pressure on PlayTonic to remove him from the game, which isn't fair because he wasn't paid at all, and simply was a fan of the original Banjo Kazooie games.

I didn't choose to engage on this, merely curious as to how he thinks the story goes, nor does he know I'm a gaffer (but if you come across this thread, hi Jayson!), but did NeoGAF actively put pressure on PlayTonic for this? I was under the impression this was their own doing with no outside influence, just a mere collective decision on their part.

It's an unfortunate timing coincidence, I think. I'm sure they planned on removing him after the whole thing happened, but the announcement came out like... Two days after a thread on NeoGAF asking if he'll still have a voice role or not.


I have a minor question. A co-worker of mine was discussing the situation, and otherwise he's a fan of Game Grumps, Starcade, and in particular JonTron. He was speaking how AFTER Jon had apologized for everything he was wrong about (?), some "shitters from NeoGAF" (his words), put pressure on PlayTonic to remove him from the game, which isn't fair because he wasn't paid at all, and simply was a fan of the original Banjo Kazooie games.

I didn't choose to engage on this, merely curious as to how he thinks the story goes, nor does he know I'm a gaffer (but if you come across this thread, hi Jayson!), but did NeoGAF actively put pressure on PlayTonic for this? I was under the impression this was their own doing with no outside influence, just a mere collective decision on their part.

This thread is pretty much the "pressure" we exerted on anyone. It was mentioned here that Playtronic had previously offered Jafari the opportunity to do voice work on their game, and wondered whether they were aware he was pushing white supremacist views.

Also, Jafari did not apologize for what he said. He basically apologized that he could not represent white supremacist talking points well enough in public.


I have a minor question. A co-worker of mine was discussing the situation, and otherwise he's a fan of Game Grumps, Starcade, and in particular JonTron. He was speaking how AFTER Jon had apologized for everything he was wrong about (?), some "shitters from NeoGAF" (his words), put pressure on PlayTonic to remove him from the game, which isn't fair because he wasn't paid at all, and simply was a fan of the original Banjo Kazooie games.

I didn't choose to engage on this, merely curious as to how he thinks the story goes, nor does he know I'm a gaffer (but if you come across this thread, hi Jayson!), but did NeoGAF actively put pressure on PlayTonic for this? I was under the impression this was their own doing with no outside influence, just a mere collective decision on their part.

Someone asked them on twitter and I personally said I wouldn't buy the game if neonazis were doing VA in it.
That's the extent of Gaf pressure.
Gamers better beware I have the superpower to make dev bow to my will.
You have to thank me for Seiken Densetsu collection, you're welcome.


I have a minor question. A co-worker of mine was discussing the situation, and otherwise he's a fan of Game Grumps, Starcade, and in particular JonTron. He was speaking how AFTER Jon had apologized for everything he was wrong about (?), some "shitters from NeoGAF" (his words), put pressure on PlayTonic to remove him from the game, which isn't fair because he wasn't paid at all, and simply was a fan of the original Banjo Kazooie games.

I didn't choose to engage on this, merely curious as to how he thinks the story goes, nor does he know I'm a gaffer (but if you come across this thread, hi Jayson!), but did NeoGAF actively put pressure on PlayTonic for this? I was under the impression this was their own doing with no outside influence, just a mere collective decision on their part.

It's really being pushed that GAF did it, though the evidence people have is like 5 people actually asking Playtonic about JonTron from GAF. It was so late a night and most people were asleep. I was even asleep.

L Thammy

I have a minor question. A co-worker of mine was discussing the situation, and otherwise he's a fan of Game Grumps, Starcade, and in particular JonTron. He was speaking how AFTER Jon had apologized for everything he was wrong about (?), some "shitters from NeoGAF" (his words), put pressure on PlayTonic to remove him from the game, which isn't fair because he wasn't paid at all, and simply was a fan of the original Banjo Kazooie games.

I didn't choose to engage on this, merely curious as to how he thinks the story goes, nor does he know I'm a gaffer (but if you come across this thread, hi Jayson!), but did NeoGAF actively put pressure on PlayTonic for this? I was under the impression this was their own doing with no outside influence, just a mere collective decision on their part.

I booked a flight over and took a shit on Grant Kirkhope's lawn. It wasn't actually related to JonTron but I can understand how the timing would confuse him.

But if I make a joke about how this fool can't take a step without breaking a sweat, I'm in the wrong....

You can't have it both ways, you can't be sensitive about people coming at you about weight but be totally open to everyone coming for race and genocide jokes.

Better man the fuck up.


If you're more upset about a handful of people griping on GAF about someone being shitty than you are about groups on reddit, 4chan, etc actively coordinating and creating sockpuppets to troll and harass the developers on all social media channels for days, you're an obtuse asshole.


Someone asked them on twitter and I personally said I wouldn't buy the game if neonazis were doing VA in it.
That's the extent of Gaf pressure.
Gamers better beware I have the superpower to make dev bow to my will.
You have to thank me for Seiken Densetsu collection, you're welcome.

Make Nintendo finally localize and release Mother 3 outside Japan, O' Great One!


For you.
I have a minor question. A co-worker of mine was discussing the situation, and otherwise he's a fan of Game Grumps, Starcade, and in particular JonTron. He was speaking how AFTER Jon had apologized for everything he was wrong about (?), some "shitters from NeoGAF" (his words), put pressure on PlayTonic to remove him from the game, which isn't fair because he wasn't paid at all, and simply was a fan of the original Banjo Kazooie games.

I didn't choose to engage on this, merely curious as to how he thinks the story goes, nor does he know I'm a gaffer (but if you come across this thread, hi Jayson!), but did NeoGAF actively put pressure on PlayTonic for this? I was under the impression this was their own doing with no outside influence, just a mere collective decision on their part.
Not at all. There was like two or three people talking about it. Most people in Neogaf didn't even know he was in the game to begin with. Only after they decided to remove him from the game and this thread was created people started being aware of it. Blaming NeoGaf for it is the usual alt right spinning bullshit tactic.


Make Nintendo finally localize and release Mother 3 outside Japan, O' Great One!

I can only do that once a month, I wanted more Mario Kart without having to boot my WiiU so I used up my May one too...
Looking at the schedule don't expect anything before e3...
It's really being pushed that GAF did it, though the evidence people have is like 5 people actually asking Playtonic about JonTron from GAF. It was so late a night and most people were asleep. I was even asleep.


GAF is no stranger to massive megathreads about scandals that go on for weeks. This, however, was an extremely small amount of people demanding anything. Playtonic got ahead of the curve and announced the drop before it got any real chance to gain traction on GAF.

People pushing "OMG IT WAS GAF'S FAULT" are fucking idiots, full stop. They know they can't produce receipts, they know only a handful of GAFers raised the concern. The idiots are looking for a scapegoat, but reality is simply not on their side. They absolutely cannot stand the notion that Playtonic made this decision themselves, and it's destroying their fragile little minds.


Not at all. There was like two or three people talking about it. Most people in Neogaf didn't even know he was in the game to begin with. Only after they decided to remove him from the game and this thread was created people started being aware of it. Blaming NeoGaf for it is the usual alt right spinning bullshit tactic.

The only reason why GAF is targeted like this is because we are famously anti-GG.


Hey guys, you really should stop trying to disculp Gaf on this.
I mean I'm part of it and it's my fault he was removed after all.
I posted about me not going to buy the game and 30 min later : boom neonazi removal patch incoming.
The rest of Gaf isn't to be feared but do not incur my wrath.
Someone asked them on twitter and I personally said I wouldn't buy the game if neonazis were doing VA in it.
That's the extent of Gaf pressure.
Gamers better beware I have the superpower to make dev bow to my will.
You have to thank me for Seiken Densetsu collection, you're welcome.

Can you ask Sega to make another Jet Set Radio please? It seems you are the influencer we deserve.


Wow...Destiny(the streamer that interviewed Jon Tron) disapproved Playtonic's move :(


And to think I gave that spineless joke the benefit of the doubt after his debate with JonTron. I should have known better given his initial stances on GG.

These "middle ground" people are such cowards. When you defend horrendously racist and/or xenophobic remarks, it's very clear your "middle ground" is tilted heavily to the side. They want to believe they're something they're not, but the only ones they're truly fooling are themselves and their flock.
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