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The biker that was run over by the SUV in NYC might be paralyzed for life

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What kind of person/group terrorizes a family in a car? He had his 2 year old in the car. That is pretty disgusting. I probably would have ran them over too.


What kind of person/group terrorizes a family in a car? He had his 2 year old in the car. That pretty disgusting. I probably would have ran them over too.
Reckless assholes. Assuming the driver didn't do some incredibly asshole moves himself before the video.
What kind of person/group terrorizes a family in a car? He had his 2 year old in the car. That pretty disgusting. I probably would have ran them over too.

In the last few seconds of the 6mins video I think you can hear the back window attacker yell that he has a family. That second attacker curtails their attack due to this and leaves the back window intact while approaching the helmet-window-smashing attacker then the video cuts out. I wonder if it was that family call out that prompted the GoPro to be switched off?


Now I'm not going to say that this guy is a violent thug, and that he deserved getting run over. However, past videos of this gang have shown them punching and breaking mirrors on cars that were trying to cross intersections blocked by them on green lights. I can't imagine the violence they'd display if one of their riders were involved in a fender bender.


In the last few seconds of the 6mins video I think you can hear the back window attacker yell that he has a family. That second attacker curtails their attack due to this and leaves the back window intact while approaching the helmet-window-smashing attacker then the video cuts out. I wonder if it was that family call out that prompted the GoPro to be switched off?

Camera went off because they got into the vehicle pulled the guy out and beat him unconscious

Regardless or prior actions you just don't pull infront of a moving vehicle and hit your breaks. The intention was clearly obvious and this is a possible reaction. It's a shame paralysis is now something he'll have to deal with but I really have no pity.

Same here. Guy thought that he was invincible because he was with a bunch of his wannabe-bandit friends. I sympathize more with his family because they're suffering from his actions, too.
If your strength comes from a group, there are still risks to the individual.

If you are the nicest person in a bad group, you do not obviate moral culpability for the groups's behavior.


Even if he did do something prior it still wouldn't warrant them harassing him and assaulting him. Sorry.
Agreed. But I didn't say that. I said it would mitigate my characterization of them as reckless assholes. Although I'm not sure I stand by that, either.

I do find it funny that you think it's unwarranted to harass somebody who drives like an asshole. But you think it's fine to run somebody over if you're scared and they happen to be in front of you.


From my close observation over the recorded video you'll might notice the biker looking back while at the same time slowing down in front of the Range Rover vehicle just right before the driver hits the biker. It does look like he tried to brake check the Suv.


I do find it funny that you think it's unwarranted to harass somebody who drives like an asshole. But you think it's fine to run somebody over if you're scared and they happen to be in front of you.

Your ability to present scenarios and actions outside of their context is amazing. Do people who do armed burglary deserve to be shot by their shop keepers in self defense? What about in a situation where we knew outcomes would be certain one way or another?
Your ability to present scenarios and actions outside of their context is amazing. Do people who do armed burglary deserve to be shot by their shop keepers in self defense? What about in a situation where we knew outcomes would be certain one way or another?

Armed burglary[SIC]? Yes. If you point a gun at someone, you deserve to be shot.


I ride one too and this is disgusting. How the hell are you going to terrorize anyone let alone a family with a young child...Mob mentality is a sickening thing...

But seriously the way they all were riding, ugh despicable...
Good. Fuck every last one of those thug ass bikers that thought it was a good idea to stop in the middle of the street to intimidate a man driving his wife and child around. I would have done the exact same thing in that situation.


Hard to find sympathy for the guy.

Judging from their general attitude this was bound to happen sooner or later, you can't trust everyone to make rational decisions or perceive things the same way you do. The guy was unlucky and came off 2nd best to something that was much, much bigger than he was. Hopefully this incident makes the others ride with a hell of a lot more respect.


Agreed. But I didn't say that. I said it would mitigate my characterization of them as reckless assholes. Although I'm not sure I stand by that, either.

I do find it funny that you think it's unwarranted to harass somebody who drives like an asshole. But you think it's fine to run somebody over if you're scared and they happen to be in front of you.

I'm sorry but how was he driving like an asshole? The driver of the SUV who you think drives like an asshole called the cops prior to the start of the incident because the bikers were driving like assholes.

Dude you're welcome to sit there and negotiate with a pack of fifty hostile bikers who have it in for you with your family in the car. No one will stop you.

And I hope you aren't implying that it's okay to harass someone on the road and put lives in danger because someone is driving like an asshole. That's how a child would handle that sort of situation.


Thread full of victim blaming.

Nobody deserves to get run over. Even if you're riding a motorcycle. Even if you're riding near people who are doing questionable things. Even if you stop on the interstate/highway and get off your bike. You don't deserve bodily harm for that.

Deserve it? Maybe not. But because he didnt deserve it doesn't put the blame on the SUV driver.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Thread full of victim blaming.

Nobody deserves to get run over. Even if you're riding a motorcycle. Even if you're riding near people who are doing questionable things. Even if you stop on the interstate/highway and get off your bike. You don't deserve bodily harm for that.

Why do you think those bikers were trying to get the guy in the SUV to stop?
Hint: It wasn't so they could tell him he had a tail light out.
If this guy died, I'd give the same amount of fucks. Zero.


I do find it funny that you think it's unwarranted to harass somebody who drives like an asshole. But you think it's fine to run somebody over if you're scared and they happen to be in front of you.
What in the world is this? You've got a man and his family being messed with, chased, surrounded, stopped, threatened, and assaulted and having his car window broken into from multiple sides, and he has no idea what their agenda is, what they're capable of, or what is going to follow. The man is scared not only for his life but his family's life and they're coming after him from all sides?

And you think for one second he's going to be able to think rationally or think "hey these guys are nice and out for a joy ride, let me speak to the old chaps!" No, you slam on the gas and hope to god you can get away.

Yeah that's exactly the same as some a-hole on the road that you can easily ignore.

You need some fresh air.
Sorry, but watching the original video, along with all of these other videos from that guy's youtube channel, it's hard to muster up much sympathy for the guy who got run over. Riding around in the hundreds driving like fucktards, terrorizing people? Sucks for the guy who got paralyzed, but when you're fucking with people like that... well, playing with fire and all of that.
Thread full of victim blaming.

Nobody deserves to get run over. Even if you're riding a motorcycle. Even if you're riding near people who are doing questionable things. Even if you stop on the interstate/highway and get off your bike. You don't deserve bodily harm for that.

But.. they brake checked him. The guy in the hospital just got hoisted by his own petard.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Yup. My grandfather was once arrested for being a getaway driver. Thing is, he had no idea that he was a getaway driver until his friends came back from where they were stopped and said "quick, drive fast! We just robbed that place!" LOL

I worked with someone who was passed out in the back seat of a getaway car and served two years.


No sympathy, drove like what is labeled on his helmet. I feel sorry for the Range Rover guy who had to deal with a pack of aholes on cycles.

clearly the bikers are the innocent victims. they would never drive stupid

Apparently nypd has a policy where they do not interfere with these groups. They run wild constantly and never get pulled over

Meanwhile, they require groups of twenty five bicycle riders to have three police escorts and fine them 500 for riding on the sidewalk.

NYPD doesn't care about safety, they just prey on the weakest link.

Hopefully this changes things. Instead of citing bicycle riders from making a right turn on red from a bike path to another bike path, perhaps focus on the real dangerous drivers?

Jea Song

Did the right thing
Guys on the bikers side gotta be bikers themselves or something.

It comes down to this.

50 fucking "tough guy" bikers (funny how they gotta be in a big pack to be tough) are harassing the guy and his family. Maybe it was the suv's fault. Maybe he taped the motorcycle in front of him slightly.

These bikers had to be driving too fucking close or break checking the suv. Even if this isnt the case, when the cruz guy didnt apparently get out of his suv, these bikers also apparently start to bang on his car, slash tires. Whatever they are doing they did something to case alarm and danger to cruz, so out of fear for him and his family he fucking floored it .

So these vigilantes go after him with anger and proceed to break all kinds of traffic laws. They break his windows, drag him out and beat the living shit out of him in front of his wife and his kid.

As for the paralyzed person, hey tough shit. You hang around a group like that you are a victim of circumstances.

If cruz didnt want to exchange information these bikers could of easily took the license plate down, call the police over a hit and run.

But of course you expect guys like this to act civil? Live by the sword die by it. Sad day for you paralyzed biker.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Actually, yes it is. Not the way it happened here but I imagine serious injury is pretty common on a motorcycle.

That wasn't my intent but I see what you mean. It was poorly worded.
This is oddly the thing that pissed me off the most. A family member of the guy who is paralyzed was quoted as saying:
"This man with a Range Rover and luxury lifestyle — it's OK for him to do something to someone because he rides a bike or has tattoos?" she said.
Like what the fuck does his expensive car have to do with anything? It doesn't matter if it's a Ferrari or a Honda, that does not excuse the behavior of the dumbasses on the motorcycles.

No Love

This is oddly the thing that pissed me off the most. A family member of the guy who is paralyzed was quoted as saying:

Like what the fuck does his expensive car have to do with anything? It doesn't matter if it's a Ferrari or a Honda, that does not excuse the behavior of the dumbasses on the motorcycles.

I love how the person that said that dumbass quote is acting like the dumbfuck with tattoos and that rode a motorcycle was doing fucked up, illegal shit, and instead tries to spin it as if he was being discriminated against by some evil rich guy.

It is so funny how this issue just brings ridiculous, irrational people out of the woodwork. I really don't envy those whose inability to reason brings them to their insane ideas that somehow the SUV driver deserved what happened to him, but also that he was the bad guy!

Bizarro-fuckin-world, that's for sure.

Fox Mulder

a mob initiated the flight of a man with a family and bad shit happens.

maybe these assholes will learn to be responsible bikers going forward, but probably not.


Apparently nypd has a policy where they do not interfere with these groups. They run wild constantly and never get pulled over

Meanwhile, they require groups of twenty five bicycle riders to have three police escorts and fine them 500 for riding on the sidewalk.

NYPD doesn't care about safety, they just prey on the weakest link.

Hopefully this changes things. Instead of citing bicycle riders from making a right turn on red from a bike path to another bike path, perhaps focus on the real dangerous drivers?

From whats being reported this particular group was already in a bad mood because NYPD had gotten wind of the event and setup some blockades at key entry points to the area they were to gather.

In someways NYPD is near powerless against a group like this because the manpower to do anything would be obscene and as you'll see in a few of the other videos when police do attempt to intervene they get left behind in the dust.

Something needs to be done though


The biker(s) was being a dick, right? If so, fuck them. Quit playing around or showing off when you're operating a goddamn motor vehicle.


I'm sorry but how was he driving like an asshole? The driver of the SUV who you think drives like an asshole called the cops prior to the start of the incident because the bikers were driving like assholes.

Dude you're welcome to sit there and negotiate with a pack of fifty hostile bikers who have it in for you with your family in the car. No one will stop you.

And I hope you aren't implying that it's okay to harass someone on the road and put lives in danger because someone is driving like an asshole. That's how a child would handle that sort of situation.
You misunderstood everything that I said.

I didn't say he was driving like an asshole. And I didn't say it's okay to harass anybody. I said it was not okay, and that I agreed with you. I was clear.

But.. they brake checked him. The guy in the hospital just got hoisted by his own petard.
The guy who was run over didn't brake-check him.

What in the world is this? You've got a man and his family being messed with, chased, surrounded, stopped, threatened, and assaulted and having his car window broken into from multiple sides, and he has no idea what their agenda is, what they're capable of, or what is going to follow. The man is scared not only for his life but his family's life and they're coming after him from all sides?
Yeah, he was scared. That's what I said.

And you think for one second he's going to be able to think rationally or think "hey these guys are nice and out for a joy ride, let me speak to the old chaps!" No, you slam on the gas and hope to god you can get away.

Yeah that's exactly the same as some a-hole on the road that you can easily ignore.
I never said anything about whether he will be able to think rationally or whatever. I don't know where you're getting this from, but I didn't say anything like what you're attributing to me.


The bikers had already blocked off at least some of the highway's entrances to prevent other drivers from getting onto the stretch near West 125th Street, sources said.

They just wanted this guy to slow down so they could have the whole highway to themselves, a source said

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/world-news/v...rk/story-fndir2ev-1226730402276#ixzz2gWgUM9XM

So they were trying to take over the highway. What gives them the right to do this?

I have zero sympathy for the bikers at this point.


You misunderstood everything that I said.

I didn't say he was driving like an asshole. And I didn't say it's okay to harass anybody. I said it was not okay, and that I agreed with you. I was clear.

The guy who was run over didn't brake-check him.

Yeah, he was scared. That's what I said.

I never said anything about whether he will be able to think rationally or whatever. I don't know where you're getting this from, but I didn't say anything like what you're attributing to me.
Reread what I quoted and read the second part of my response, the part you chopped off.
I think the rational conclusion is that the guy who was run over wasn't really to blame, aside from the fact that it's a bad idea to stop in front of a vehicle when your boys are trying to scare the crap out of the driver. To what extent he was a willing participant or would become a willing participant in the attack, I don't know. The SUV driver wasn't to blame either, because asking the driver to stay put to avoid running over a biker, in disregard for his and his family's safety, is unreasonable.

His posse of asshole bikers are to blame.
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