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The biker that was run over by the SUV in NYC might be paralyzed for life

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If I were in a SUV with children and some biker punks came around acting like idiots I would ultimately do what the driver did. I'm not saying that it's completely justifiable but shit like those riders were doing was just unacceptable. Reminds me of the video Jalopnik did an article on.


The comments on the video are rage inducing also.


A sad situation all around. But a rare case where I can't strongly sympathize with the injured party.

I just saw the footage. All I could think while watching it was how terrified I would have been if I were in that car. I can't blame the driver at all.

Hopefully bikers think twice before they pull this type of shit.


A sad situation all around. But a rare case where I can't strongly sympathize with the injured party.

I just saw the footage. All I could think while watching it was how terrified I would have been if I were in that car. I can't blame the driver at all.

Hopefully bikers think twice before they pull this type of shit.

And let's not forget that these bikers have been doing this kind of shit constantly over the years, it's a miracle that something like this didn't happen sooner. Terrorize enough people and sooner or later it will bite you in the ass.
Lol...just saw a clip on Fox where they talked to the guy who got the door open for a second. He said they chased after the suv so he wouldn't hurt anyone running from the scene and opened the door to try and get the keys. For safety reasons.


Lol...just saw a clip on Fox where they talked to the guy who got the door open for a second. He said they chased after the suv so he wouldn't hurt anyone running from the scene and opened the door to try and get the keys. For safety reasons.

We used helmets!
Thread full of victim blaming.

Nobody deserves to get run over. Even if you're riding a motorcycle. Even if you're riding near people who are doing questionable things. Even if you stop on the interstate/highway and get off your bike. You don't deserve bodily harm for that.

Nobody does, but if a mob of 40 bikers stops and surrounds my SUV on the highway, and I feel like my life and the lives of my wife and child are in danger, you better believe someone is going to get my Michelin's on there fucken face. I'm protecting my family even if it means killing someone, period.


Throw him in a jail cell as soon as he's out of the hospital

From what I understand the guy who got run over wasn't the one doing the brake check, he stupidly parked his bike in front of the SUV and checked on the guy that was hit. He didn't do anything illegal, just stupid.


From what I understand the guy who got run over wasn't the one doing the brake check, he stupidly parked his bike in front of the SUV and checked on the guy that was hit. He didn't do anything illegal, just stupid.
I don't think that is confirmed except by his wife who would have of course said that.


I don't think there's enough information on what this particular biker was doing before he got run over. Most people in this thread are applying a bit of mob mentality to him here to prove his guilt simply because a bunch of other faceless bikers were being dicks in the later footage. I'm not trying to excuse them for their road dickery, but let's try to remember that not all of these bikers were out for blood.

Maybe there's some incriminating evidence I'm missing here but I think people in this thread are jumping to the guilty by association verdict a bit too soon.


No sympathy for the paralyzed rider. He was not an innocent bystander - he was part of the mob/gang that were acting like they owned the road and escalated things to terrorize a family.


I feel sorry for the people in the SUV.

Looks like they were victims of intimidation and then violence from the beginning.


Guilty by association, sad it has to be that way for him. Hopefully his friends will grow the fuck up. Probably not though.


Thread full of victim blaming.

Nobody deserves to get run over. Even if you're riding a motorcycle. Even if you're riding near people who are doing questionable things. Even if you stop on the interstate/highway and get off your bike. You don't deserve bodily harm for that.

Boy, victim blaming has become a license for idiocy. There are times when victims suffer because they didn't take responsibility for their own actions. Running with a large group doing illegal things, and then surrounding a vehicle they stopped illegally? Yeah...I'd say that's not really responsible.

It's unfortunate, because he was trying to help out his fellow rider, but now his fellow riders can't do anything to help him out. Their idea of help was to savagely beat a man. Yeah...that'll give him great comfort in his hospital bed. PEACE.
I don't think there's enough information on what this particular biker was doing before he got run over. Most people in this thread are applying a bit of mob mentality to him here to prove his guilt simply because a bunch of other faceless bikers were being dicks in the later footage. I'm not trying to excuse them for their road dickery, but let's try to remember that not all of these bikers were out for blood.

Maybe there's some incriminating evidence I'm missing here but I think people in this thread are jumping to the guilty by association verdict a bit too soon.

For that specific individual maybe not direct involvement but still guilty by association or accomplice. There are plenty of LiveLeak videos linked in these common GAF threads that show a variety of bikers on that day with en masse violations:

  • Premeditated removal of license plates
  • Illegal vehicles on road
  • Running red lights
  • Creating artifical blockades to run red lights
  • Abuse & damage to other vehicles that in fact had green intersecting lights (side mirror broken on purpose after illegally halting said vehicle, not the Range Rover)
  • Wheelies down the wrong side of the road
  • Change lanes without indicating (other various minor infringements too)
  • Blocking on ramps to the highway for their own road dominance
  • Braking/collision with the Range Rover
  • Aggressive mob approach after first brake incident, rocking the Range Rover
  • Chasing the Range Rover (should have just reported to police)
  • Destroying the passenger side window with helmet
  • Dragging the Range Rover driver out of the vehicle and beating him
  • Not cooperating with police investigation

I could keep going but enough said, this organised mob invaded the city roads and blatantly and actively ignored laws and safety of many other road users. The Range Rover incident is the culmination of these assholes thinking they own the road. If you're a bike rider and go on such group rides then you have no one to blame but yourself and it's clear what is going on in these group rides before you decide to involve yourself. When you choose to involve yourself with such antics then sooner or later it's going to bite you in the ass.

I'm sorry the guy could be paralysed but he/they should have the integrity to not get involved with such a group or choose to leave the group when you see such antics, all possible before the escalation into the Range Rover incident. Common sense and decency to your fellow man and all...


benevolent sexism
I believe that some/many of the bikers are at fault, and they created the situation. Some people in the thread are saying that the guy deserves to be run over by a car because he was part of that group riding. Nobody deserves to get run over by a car, no matter what they're doing.

Hey what if someone is standing in front of your car and pointing a gun at you? What if they fire through your windshield? Just sit there, right? Or maybe go in reverse, to make sure you don't hurt them or stop them from firing the gun while you escape?


Hey what if someone is standing in front of your car and pointing a gun at you? What if they fire through your windshield? Just sit there, right? Or maybe go in reverse, to make sure you don't hurt them or stop them from firing the gun while you escape?

It's ok, dude. The angry mob just wanted to exchange insurance information.

I ride my bike, and I'm guilty of lane-cutting at red lights. I make no apologies for that, it's hot as hell down here. I do so slowly and carefully, not popping wheelies. However, I try to observe the other rules of the road at all time. I signal, have my plates and respect the fact that my bike stands no chance against anything with 4-wheels. Brake checking that SUV was about the dumbest thing I've ever seen. You don't assume people will automatically stop, or that once stopped illegally, will remain stopped. Hell, cops don't even do that shit, and they have reinforced chassis, guns and radios in their squad cars. PEACE.


I have a kid. If I was driving down the highway and a swarm of bikers surrounded my vehicle and brought it to a halt, there is no measure of fucked up that would be too extreme in my mind to keep the two year old in my car protected from them. I would run people over. I would destroy property. I would kill or die. As a parent, there isn't a decision. It's just an instinct that takes over. So if the guy who got paralyzed was at the wrong place wrong time, that's too bad but I wouldn't lose sleep knowing my child was safe. Who knows what would have happened on that highway if he didn't stomp on the gas.

I'd have the same reaction.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Well jeez, it's almost like bad things happen when you fuck around with a giant weapon.

Shame it ended that way but the SUV person was put in a terrifying spot.


For that specific individual maybe not direct involvement but still guilty by association or accomplice. There are plenty of LiveLeak videos linked in these common GAF threads that show a variety of bikers on that day with en masse violations:

  • Premeditated removal of license plates
  • Illegal vehicles on road
  • Running red lights
  • Creating artifical blockades to run red lights
  • Abuse & damage to other vehicles that in fact had green intersecting lights (side mirror broken on purpose after illegally halting said vehicle, not the Range Rover)
  • Wheelies down the wrong side of the road
  • Change lanes without indicating (other various minor infringements too)
  • Blocking on ramps to the highway for their own road dominance
  • Braking/collision with the Range Rover
  • Aggressive mob approach after first brake incident, rocking the Range Rover
  • Chasing the Range Rover (should have just reported to police)
  • Destroying the passenger side window with helmet
  • Dragging the Range Rover driver out of the vehicle and beating him
  • Not cooperating with police investigation

I could keep going but enough said, this organised mob invaded the city roads and blatantly and actively ignored laws and safety of many other road users. The Range Rover incident is the culmination of these assholes thinking they own the road. If you're a bike rider and go on such group rides then you have no one to blame but yourself and it's clear what is going on in these group rides before you decide to involve yourself. When you choose to involve yourself with such antics then sooner or later it's going to bite you in the ass.

I'm sorry the guy could be paralysed but he/they should have the integrity to not get involved with such a group or choose to leave the group when you see such antics, all possible before the escalation into the Range Rover incident. Common sense and decency to your fellow man and all...
On top of that list is something a lot have overlooked. Later on they forcibly stop a white van in the path of the Range Rover to try and stop him. You can see the white van trying to get away from the bikers and they finally let him go when the Range Rover Manages to escape.

That's got to be grounds for attempted kidnapping or carjacking
Thread full of victim blaming.

Nobody deserves to get run over. Even if you're riding a motorcycle. Even if you're riding near people who are doing questionable things. Even if you stop on the interstate/highway and get off your bike. You don't deserve bodily harm for that.

What if I am driving a bus full of school children. Traffic is jammed on both sides. There is only one lane. I drive up and am stopped by a man holding a rocket launcher. He yells at me that he is going to load the launcher and blow up the bus. There is no time to reverse. There is only enough time to drive forward and hit the man in order to save myself and the bus full of school children. What then usea?


What if I am driving a bus full of school children. Traffic is jammed on both sides. There is only one lane. I drive up and am stopped by a man holding a rocket launcher. He yells at me that he is going to load the launcher and blow up the bus. There is no time to reverse. There is only enough time to drive forward and hit the man in order to save myself and the bus full of school children. What then usea?
Nope. Wait for him to reload and risk the children's lives. You can't just run someone over because you want to dude.
You guys are freaking unreal. The guy hit one biker then almost killed another. I don't care if he was scared. He doesn't hit the first guy and nothing happens. That is all there is to it. Watch the video and you can see the guy is telling the Range Rover to slow down or pull over. He then pulls in front and looks back several times and slowly brakes. The Range Rover hits him anyway. Once stopped there is no evidence of any slashed tires or helmets being swung. Then he takes off and possibly kills another guy. Did he deserve to be beaten in front of his wife and child? No, but his decisions cost someone their life and he will need to face repercussions. Several years in prison and a large suit would be a part of those.


What if I am driving a bus full of school children. Traffic is jammed on both sides. There is only one lane. I drive up and am stopped by a man holding a rocket launcher. He yells at me that he is going to load the launcher and blow up the bus. There is no time to reverse. There is only enough time to drive forward and hit the man in order to save myself and the bus full of school children. What then usea?

Hey what if someone is standing in front of your car and pointing a gun at you? What if they fire through your windshield? Just sit there, right? Or maybe go in reverse, to make sure you don't hurt them or stop them from firing the gun while you escape?
Scenarios where the best course of action is to run a guy over doesn't mean he deserves it.
You guys are freaking unreal. The guy hit one biker then almost killed another. I don't care if he was scared. He doesn't hit the first guy and nothing happens. That is all there is to it. Watch the video and you can see the guy is telling the Range Rover to slow down or pull over. He then pulls in front and looks back several times and slowly brakes. The Range Rover hits him anyway. Once stopped there is no evidence of any slashed tires or helmets being swung. Then he takes off and possibly kills another guy. Did he deserve to be beaten in front of his wife and child? No, but his decisions cost someone their life and he will need to face repercussions. Several years in prison and a large suit would be a part of those.

Terrible troll post

Scenarios where the best course of action is to run a guy over doesn't mean he deserves it.

Can't argue with that logic!
You guys are freaking unreal. The guy hit one biker then almost killed another. I don't care if he was scared. He doesn't hit the first guy and nothing happens. That is all there is to it. Watch the video and you can see the guy is telling the Range Rover to slow down or pull over. He then pulls in front and looks back several times and slowly brakes. The Range Rover hits him anyway. Once stopped there is no evidence of any slashed tires or helmets being swung. Then he takes off and possibly kills another guy. Did he deserve to be beaten in front of his wife and child? No, but his decisions cost someone their life and he will need to face repercussions. Several years in prison and a large suit would be a part of those.

Who are the bikers to be pulling people over?


You guys are freaking unreal. The guy hit one biker then almost killed another. I don't care if he was scared. He doesn't hit the first guy and nothing happens. That is all there is to it. Watch the video and you can see the guy is telling the Range Rover to slow down or pull over. He then pulls in front and looks back several times and slowly brakes. The Range Rover hits him anyway. Once stopped there is no evidence of any slashed tires or helmets being swung. Then he takes off and possibly kills another guy. Did he deserve to be beaten in front of his wife and child? No, but his decisions cost someone their life and he will need to face repercussions. Several years in prison and a large suit would be a part of those.

The person the Range Rover Bumped cut him off and slammed on his breaks to initiate an accident. A group with no legal authority took it upon themselves to claim the freeway as their exclusive playground for a day and were trying to force cars off of it.

I have a very close family member who drives large trucks for the Union in NYC for construction sites. He has had the unfortunate case to be involved in an accident with a motorcycle. The Cyclist was one of these hot dogging types and they lost control and ended up skidding underneath this Semi. The person was lucky enough to get far enough under in the skid to avoid getting his head or anything crushed but wasn't lucky enough to get his legs clear. So a 20 ton vehicles ended up crushing the guy from the waist down basically. The person lived thankfully but when your legs are crushed to that degree its game over for normal life.

It was a total accident and the driver was of course found innocent of anything but it didn't change how he felt personally about it. Yeah it wasn't his fault but it didn't stop him from basically going into a severe depression and closing him self off from pretty much everyone for years because no matter the circumstances he couldn't forgive himself for what happened to that guy who would never walk again etc.

While the range rover guy did what he had to do there is nothing to say this wont impact him for a very long time.


You guys are freaking unreal. The guy hit one biker then almost killed another. I don't care if he was scared. He doesn't hit the first guy and nothing happens. That is all there is to it. Watch the video and you can see the guy is telling the Range Rover to slow down or pull over. He then pulls in front and looks back several times and slowly brakes. The Range Rover hits him anyway. Once stopped there is no evidence of any slashed tires or helmets being swung. Then he takes off and possibly kills another guy. Did he deserve to be beaten in front of his wife and child? No, but his decisions cost someone their life and he will need to face repercussions. Several years in prison and a large suit would be a part of those.

The bikers don't act like jackasses and nothing happens. The bikers don't harass a man and his family, surround and damage his vehicle while threatening him and his family and maybe one of the idiot bikers don't get paralyzed. This is a gang attack and the driver has every right to defend himself. Considering they chased him down, beat him and slashed him, what he did wrong was he should have taken more of them down. None of those bikers were innocent bystanders.


Can't argue with that logic!
Your post was unrelated to mine. If I said nobody deserves to die, can you contradict me by presenting a situation where you're forced to kill somebody? It makes no sense. They have nothing to do with each other.
It's nice to know I can go to work tomorrow, be completely unproductive, trash everyone's stuff, curse at customers and staff. The best course of action may be to fire me, but hey, no one deserves to be fired from their job!


May contain jokes =>
Earlier today in another thread I said I wouldn't feel bad for the bikers even if they were killed (or seriously injured) and I still don't having heard this.
Your post was unrelated to mine. If I said nobody deserves to die, can you contradict me by presenting a situation where you're forced to kill somebody? It makes no sense. They have nothing to do with each other.

Your "nobody deserves to" argument makes absolutely no sense. I presented a pretty outlandish scenario if only to immediately show how silly it is to have that opinion.
riding motorcycles without a license plates in the 1st place..... something something

that SUV driver was protecting his baby and wife from a mob of bums on motorcycles riding illegally without license plates




. Did he deserve to be beaten in front of his wife and child? No, but his decisions cost someone their life and he will need to face repercussions. Several years in prison and a large suit would be a part of those.

If you decide to take part in illegal activity you kind of give up your rights to not have bodily harm done to you. You take the risk, you suffer the consequences.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
From what I understand the guy who got run over wasn't the one doing the brake check, he stupidly parked his bike in front of the SUV and checked on the guy that was hit. He didn't do anything illegal, just stupid.

He most definitely did something illegal. He stopped in the middle of a highway for the purpose of forcing to a stop and surrounding the SUV. At the very least he did this.


Junior Member
Everybody is stupid. Nobody is innocent.
Not so sure about that. The RR driver seems pretty innocent. He may have been in a minute car accident and responded the way most people would. Not matter the reason, 40-50 guys on bikes surrounded his car after a minor traffic accident. The logical leaps to keep him out of this situation are tremendous and border on insane. I'm not putting him in the same class as the bikers. And I'm not going to excuse the bikers behavior by lumping the RR driver with them for blame. Nor give them any credit for not being cooperative with police. The only evidence we have from them against the RR driver is these rumors. Rumors from a group easily swayed by mob mentality. And a group too stupid and arrogant to realize their everywhere is damning to their own case. After watching the video where I can identify many hipster thugs on bikes with iPads and helmet cameras, no one can give good evidence of the RR driver doing something illegal. Driving over a group harassing you that them goes to try and pull you out of your car is not illegal; it's self defense.

Let's not pretend both groups are in the same category. This is why people are defending the RR driver.
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