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The Walking Dead - Season 2 - Sundays on AMC

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The physical form of blasphemy
on the show her son isn't her son anymore because she doesn't watch the fucker

Exactly. How you can't manage to get it through your child's head that wondering off will get you killed, in a world full of vivid examples, I don't get. How the hell can you not know where your kid is at all times in that situation? :/

It's crazy that he hasn't died yet, but Carol's daughter did.
All I'm saying is if I was lori, there would be VERY few times of the day where I don't have my eyes on Carl, and when I don't I'd be 100% sure where he is. He was just in the house looking out of binoculars the night shane died and he went after it, what did he do jump out of the window, does she not check on him. Dude is notorious for doing shit he shouldn't do.

I don't even blame carl, he is just a kid.
My guess is that they'll start S3 very softly, sans (maybe) for some Andrea/Michonne hijinks. Unless the prison is overrun with zombies, but then... what would be the point?

Edit: A flashback episode explaining what happened in the prison would be the tits.

the problem with a flashback episode for the prison is that it would have to back to the beginning of the zombie outbreak... and that would kind of ruin the point of the show... ya know, in medias res.

however, I do think it would be awesome :)

and yeah.. the prison will definitely be overrun. I think the premier will be them trying to find their new home under ricktatorship and the group reuniting with andrea and the joining of Michonne

Can't wait for the governor :)


I'm worried that Carl can't die because he's already been on the brink of death and lived, and that sorta gives him a free "get out of dying" card for the remainder of the series.

Yeah, he needs to go.


Beat EviLore at pool.
My guess is that they'll start S3 very softly, sans (maybe) for some Andrea/Michonne hijinks. Unless the prison is overrun with zombies, but then... what would be the point?

Edit: A flashback episode explaining what happened in the prison would be the tits.

Don't think they will start slow again. They started way to slow this first half of this season which wasn't a good thing at all. Hopefully they will keep at a good steady pace for this next season and not stay around looking for Andrea.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
All I'm saying is if I was lori, there would be VERY few times of the day where I don't have my eyes on Carl, and when I don't I'd be 100% sure where he is. He was just in the house looking out of binoculars the night shane died and he went after it, what did he do jump out of the window, does she not check on him. Dude is notorious for doing shit he shouldn't do.

I don't even blame carl, he is just a kid.

Again that just goes back to Lori having to take care of everyone else in the group. She was out there with all the adults panicking about the next part of the plan as the zombies loom over the hill. Yes she could be a hover parent and just be crying in the room with her kid as they wait for the zombies to come into the room and munch on em or she could be pro-active like she is. Carl needs to stop being a complete little prick, either actually grow up and know his limits or continue down the road he's on by walking around with a gun and hat, playing pretend grown up.


Again that just goes back to Lori having to take care of everyone else in the group. She was out there with all the adults panicking about the next part of the plan as the zombies loom over the hill. Yes she could be a hover parent and just be crying in the room with her kid as they wait for the zombies to come into the room and munch on em or she could be pro-active like she is. Carl needs to stop being a complete little prick, either actually grow up and know his limits or continue down the road he's on by walking around with a gun and hat, playing pretend grown up.

Well yeah, but c'mon. I mean, the one time where it ought to be CRUCIAL to keeping track of him (when Randal is supposedly out and about with a gun) she doesn't.


I bet Lori dies/miscarries before she ever has the kid. It'd just be too grating having to deal with a baby on top of everything else. Kid will be quiet most of the time but will predictably squeal its head off whenever they need to be quiet.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Well yeah, but c'mon. I mean, the one time where it ought to be CRUCIAL to keeping track of him (when Randal is supposedly out and about with a gun) she doesn't.

It's also not hard to believe that parents, when dealing with a troublesome child, are notoriously easy to take advantage of (especially in this situation when the father is the defacto leader of the group and mom is playing den mother). She tells him to stay while she goes down stairs to see what the commotion is. Carl leaves a few moments later, then the zombies start coming and that's when she realizes Carl is missing. Maybe it's the timing of the show and the unfurling of events.


Edit: A flashback episode explaining what happened in the prison would be the tits.

I don't think they need to dedicate an entire episode to it, but that would be a pretty cool way to open the season. Have a bunch of prison guards firing off guns, tons of "badass" inmates screaming for their life as they're being eaten, zombies everywhere. Do a quick time jump to show the prison totally deserted except for some zombies. Then THE WALKING DEAD title screen.

That way they don't need to kill any main characters, yet we still get some zombie carnage.

big ander

Sad to see such genuine hatred in this thread for Lori... She's one of the most sympathetic characters in the book and even in the show, her actions aren't that crazy. Taking in everything she's been through and the culmination of her son not really being her son anymore and the fact that she's fighting just to have a normal life (as futile as that is)...

Tis' sad.

it's not like that, man. I become hulk-level furious when people hate Sky White on Breaking Bad. Because, while she's made some tough choices, she is a way better person than nearly anyone else on that show. She's a normal, kind, and reasonable person thrown into a mega fucked up situation, and she's staying above water. Sky is sympathetic.

Lori is not. She freaks out at any and every opportunity, choosing to make irrational decisions that put the lives of everyone else in danger. She repeatedly flip-flops motivation, she refuses to have a clear argument with anyone (if someone else had been talking to Andrea when she was talking about the suicidal Beth, they would have smartly debated her or at least had a conversation instead of getting all fierce), and she's irresponsible. If Lori were a man I would hate her just as much. I would hate anyone who repeatedly endangered dozens of others, never attempted reason, and never appeared collected. The worst part of it all is that Lori seems to think she's the den mother type. She tries to help, but she does a whole lot more of hurt and doesn't realize. That complete and utter lack of self-awareness makes her even more bumbling and destructive. It's terrible.


It's also not hard to believe that parents, when dealing with a troublesome child, are notoriously easy to take advantage of (especially in this situation when the father is the defacto leader of the group and mom is playing den mother). She tells him to stay while she goes down stairs to see what the commotion is. Carl leaves a few moments later, then the zombies start coming and that's when she realizes Carl is missing. Maybe it's the timing of the show and the unfurling of events.

Eh, maybe. But it's not like this is the first time he's gone off on his own. I mean, if he has shown once that he can't be trusted, well, multiple times, then I'd expect her to keep a closer watch.

Also, WTF with the hooded dude with bdsm zombies?


What a shittastic finale. It was sooo badly done.

RV guy really didn't need to die; why the hell did he stop the car; he could have slowed it down but still just enough for rick+son to jump. DEAD. LOL

woman from the farm didn't need to die. They procrastinated in the face of that many zombie and I just lost it when she got bit and luna lovegood cried holding her hand. Bitches. leave the house and jump in the car. Oh we gotta leave now. Lets just hang around. Freaking idiots. When she got bit, it cracked me the fuck up. LOLOL

So poorly done the whole episode. There was lots they could do; like running zombies down with their cars but these people are flat out stupid. If they're going to light the barn + rick and carl could have yelled for help.

Stupid show. stupid people.

and LORI. Her face and reaction to the shane story? Fucking bitch is psycho. Die already.

I didn't enjoy the finale. It wasn't badass. It was just dumb. Hershel standing there wasting ammo. Them driving around wasting ammo. Also stupid




Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Eh, maybe. But it's not like this is the first time he's gone off on his own. I mean, if he has shown once that he can't be trusted, well, multiple times, then I'd expect her to keep a closer watch.

Also, WTF with the hooded dude with bdsm zombies?


it's not like that, man. I become hulk-level furious when people hate Sky White on Breaking Bad. Because, while she's made some tough choices, she is a way better person than nearly anyone else on that show. She's a normal, kind, and reasonable person thrown into a mega fucked up situation, and she's staying above water. Sky is sympathetic.

Lori is not. She freaks out at any and every opportunity, choosing to make irrational decisions that put the lives of everyone else in danger. She repeatedly flip-flops motivation, she refuses to have a clear argument with anyone (if someone else had been talking to Andrea when she was talking about the suicidal Beth, they would have smartly debated her or at least had a conversation instead of getting all fierce), and she's irresponsible. If Lori were a man I would hate her just as much. I would hate anyone who repeatedly endangered dozens of others, never attempted reason, and never appeared collected. The worst part of it all is that Lori seems to think she's the den mother type. She tries to help, but she does a whole lot more of hurt and doesn't realize. That complete and utter lack of self-awareness makes her even more bumbling and destructive. It's terrible.

I get Lori tho, her entire plate is stacked at this moment and there is no one she's been able to talk to about her shit. Her shit just happens to weave it's way through the entire group because it festered for so long. Everyone is in danger all the time, if anyone else in the group had a pair they wouldn't put themselves into danger. I honestly can't blame her for being so unhinged. Not anymore.


The physical form of blasphemy

I get Lori tho, her entire plate is stacked at this moment and there is no one she's been able to talk to about her shit. Her shit just happens to weave it's way through the entire group because it festered for so long. Everyone is in danger all the time, if anyone else in the group had a pair they wouldn't put themselves into danger. I honestly can't blame her for being so unhinged. Not anymore.

She has a kid, is pregnant, and decided to drive off to play cowboy and save someone...by herself. It was just as dumb as Carl walking off into the woods by himself.

big ander


I get Lori tho, her entire plate is stacked at this moment and there is no one she's been able to talk to about her shit. Her shit just happens to weave it's way through the entire group because it festered for so long. Everyone is in danger all the time, if anyone else in the group had a pair they wouldn't put themselves into danger. I honestly can't blame her for being so unhinged. Not anymore.

I'm not saying I would be fully reasonable: I'd have died the first day in an apocalypse. But for someone to be a survivor and not drag the group down, they need to contain their shit as often as possible. Which Lori cannot do. Hell, her strange reaction to learning of Shane's death (I rewatched it and it's not just shock at Carl shooting him, it's also anger that he's dead at all) hints that she wasn't even decided on who she loved between Shane and Rick. It's simply weak conviction. I'm not saying I don't understand it: I "get" Lori. Everyone has different mileage. I do not like her and I see no reason why I should.


I love how after the mayhem the dudes driving away from the barn were persuaded to go back by hysterical women. They seriously need a female adviser/consultant for some of this script writing.

Besides that, it was an ok episode. Zombie killer at the end reminded me of someone out of House of the Dead or Resident Evil. Part of my brain was like "Really? They're going that route? Shark Juuuuuump", but the other half of my brain was like "Cool, someone besides a dumb hick."

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
T-dawg doesn't know how to do a three-point turn.

My wish for Season 3 is for the baby to die before it's born, turn into a zombie fetus, and eat it's way out, killing Lori in an agonizing, horrific way.

Oh god, yesss. But doesn't it take almost a year for babies to grow teeth?

Babies have prenatal teeth that usually fall out by the time the baby is born.

But I don't see them doing this. The virus is dormant inside every living human but it doesn't seem to get activated until the brain dies.


I don't know if this has been talked to death already but the intro to this episode really pissed me off. Zombies can recognize a helicopter and know that it contains humans, but they can't figure out a fucking fence? How does a rational human being put that sequence of events to paper?

The Andrea chase sequence ending with Michonne showing up was the most I've enjoyed this show in a long time, though.

Everything I know from pop culture suggests that the baby would be born uninfected and possibly carrying critical antibodies to protect humanity.
Guess you missed Dawn of the Dead 2004.

I love how after the mayhem the dudes driving away from the barn were persuaded to go back by hysterical women. They seriously need a female adviser/consultant for some of this script writing.
That's one of the biggest mysteries of the show, considering one of the more "powerful" people, besides Frank Darabont, to help create this show was Gale Anne Hurd. Does she hate women or something?

Funky Papa

I don't know if this has been talked to death already but the intro to this episode really pissed me off. Zombies can recognize a helicopter and know that it contains humans, but they can't figure out a fucking fence? How does a rational human being put that sequence of events to paper?

Some gaffer explained it quite well: zombies don't actually feed themselves. They don't need the flesh of their victims, they just kill and dine on humans because that's what their insticts tell them. In theory anything interesting enough could catch their attention.


I don't know if this has been talked to death already but the intro to this episode really pissed me off. Zombies can recognize a helicopter and know that it contains humans, but they can't figure out a fucking fence? How does a rational human being put that sequence of events to paper?

I don't think any of that was ever suggested.

They just heard a powerful noise and began migrating toward it. There's people in here who've already done a great job of explaining it on multiple occasions.

Funky Papa

And what the fucks up with Yoshimitsu showing up slicing walkers!?

That's a she and you'll love her. As long as they don't fuck her character, anyway.

I've been enjoying the show despite its many shortcomings, but if they screw Michonne... I think that'll be the end of it for me.


The mom was bit and became a zombie before giving birth. Not the same.
How does that matter if everyone is infected? Can't remember if they were in DOTD, but they are here.

Some gaffer explained it quite well: zombies don't actually feed themselves. They don't need the flesh of their victims, they just kill and dine on humans because that's what their insticts tell them.
That's as made-up a theory as any other for zombies, though. It's not like "some gaffer" has extensive real-world zombie experience. My theory that they like eating is just as valid.
So what exactly is the deal with the chained up zombies? Aside from making the character look cool what possible reason would there be to ever have zombies just follow you around?


Caught up. Easily my favorite episode since the pilot. About the zombies following the helicopter, I don't think they "know" humans are inside it's just the noise that drew them. They definitely have a thing for loud noises. In season one there was a scene where one of them bumped into a car setting off the alarm. Sure enough they flocked to it like moths to a flame.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually felt sorry for Andrea and was rooting for her to make it out. I was two out of three with my death count. I thought Hershel was a goner for sure. I do wish someone would have told him, "Hey you've got zombie brains on the back of your head." Lori and Carl continue to fill me with rage.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
And what the fucks up with Yoshimitsu showing up slicing walkers!?

I love how she cut that zombie and then when the camera cuts to her she walks like five fucking city blocks up to it so she can look "cool" for the camera. How long is her sword?!


Just saw this, lol.
I love how she cut that zombie and then when the camera cuts to her she walks like five fucking city blocks up to it so she can look "cool" for the camera. How long is her sword?!

Already confirmed that she had full health, therefore could shoot sword beams. Not sure if its like Hershel's inf. ammo/no reload perk though.


Well yeah, but c'mon. I mean, the one time where it ought to be CRUCIAL to keeping track of him (when Randal is supposedly out and about with a gun) she doesn't.

I mean the believable route to take her character would of been one of almost unhealthy OVERPROTECTION. Then growing the plot line of Carl needing to become independent.

As it stands now they want us to believe she's a decent mother but she acts completely unrealistically.


Some gaffer explained it quite well: zombies don't actually feed themselves. They don't need the flesh of their victims, they just kill and dine on humans because that's what their insticts tell them. In theory anything interesting enough could catch their attention.

I always thought that zombie's/walker's only functioning part of the brain (next to motor abilities) is the 'reptilian brain'. It may drive their desire to just eat and search for food, but I don't think they're necessarily looking for humans... just fresh meat. Humans just happen to be the most available source of that meat.

We've seen them eat a cow and a horse on the show, (and some unidentifiable animal in the very beginning of the final with them in the city before following the helicopter) so I don't think they're really picky.


I'm just really hoping there's not too much CGI used in Season 3. The prison complex in the last frame of the finale looked amazing, but I have a feeling there's no way they would be able to film in one of that size. It just looks too perfect.

They used minimal environment CGI on the farm but when it was used it looked so absolutely out of place. I have faith that the crew will try to keep it as authentic as possible though.
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