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Trump to widow of dead Sargent: 'He knew what he signed up for'


Truthfully I don’t even remember hearing the term gold star family in news till Trump and I’ve been around since Reagan. The context that it keeps coming up with Trump is just fucking sad everyone doesn’t see how ridiculous it is. It’s so fucking disgraceful to be known as the guy who gets in fights with gold star families. And then on top of that you are the goddamn POTUS.


Truthfully I don’t even remember hearing the term gold star family in news till Trump and I’ve been around since Reagan. The context that it keeps coming up with Trump is just fucking sad everyone doesn’t see how ridiculous it is. It’s so fucking disgraceful to be known as the guy who gets in fights with gold star families. And then on top of that you are the goddamn POTUS.
All this....


Truthfully I don’t even remember hearing the term gold star family in news till Trump and I’ve been around since Reagan. The context that it keeps coming up with Trump is just fucking sad everyone doesn’t see how ridiculous it is. It’s so fucking disgraceful to be known as the guy who gets in fights with gold star families. And then on top of that you are the goddamn POTUS.

Yep, you haven't heard it, because until this dipshit, presidents usually didn't insult them, so the term was never in the news.


The father comes off a bit weird in that article. Like he was more worried about money than anything else.

That is not fair. He said he couldn't rub two nickels together. He seemed he was poor and now with his son gone. it will be worst. Maybe his soon was helping with bills or maybe he has more kids to support.
Congresswoman Wilson put out a statement recently, and I saw it on her Facebook page.

Of course, because I'm an idiot, I looked at the comments. There were as nasty as you would expect them to be for a black Congresswoman who called out the President and got thrust into the national spotlight. Third comment up called her a baboon.

You would think having your photo and name next to your filthy, disgusting post would make people think twice about posting.


Congresswoman Wilson put out a statement recently, and I saw it on her Facebook page.

Of course, because I'm an idiot, I looked at the comments. There were as nasty as you would expect them to be for a black Congresswoman who called out the President and got thrust into the national spotlight. Third comment up called her a baboon.

You would think having your photo and name next to your filthy, disgusting post would make people think twice about posting.

America was built on racism. It is so fucking racist.


That is not fair. He said he couldn't rub two nickels together. He seemed he was poor and now with his son gone. it will be worst. Maybe his soon was helping with bills or maybe he has more kids to support.

Yeah I apologize, I regret jumping to conclusions.


He'll deny it, fake news, etc etc. Sanders will say it never happened.

Just another day in the Trump White House.

Someone mentioned that there are transcripts of these calls. Can they be requested by the media?

They’ve already responded that they have sent the check.
Donald J. Trump
.@NFL: Too much talk, not enough action. Stand for the National Anthem.

We're back to the NFL. Nothing about the shooting.


Aftershock LA
I fucking hate this guy...so...much. Like, a truly deep, loathing, immolating hatred. I can’t even look at his face when it pops up, we’ll, everywhere (I literally can’t escape his stupid fucking mug, unless I completely drop looking at the internet or streaming services for a day, and even then, I’d have to not leave my house).

I don’t think I’ve ever hated a human being the way I hate this sociopathic, racist, fuckface.

If I was the widower of that soldier, I’d have hung up the phone.
Over under on John Kelly resigning? 1 month?

I'm going under.

I think Kelly hates it there and hates Trump as well. But he and Tillerson think that they may be the last barriers to Trump completely losing it and doing something insane like attacking North Korea. If they're there, they can restrict him to just keeping it as insane threats rather than actions.

I know that if my boss ever brought up my killed-in-combat son to win an argument, I would have torn him a new one and quit on the spot. If/when Kelly quits, I wouldn't be surprised if that's mentioned as the breaking point for him.
I cried pretty hard when Rep. Wilson spoke about him on Morning Joe. Plus they had video of his wife crying over the coffin... Goddamn I can't even imagine losing someone like that. :-( RIP.

Fuck Trump.

It almost looks like he writes his last name as "dummy".
All three of you are so wrong.

This is what people aren't getting about Donald Trump. The NFL protests statement he made was calculated. Charlottesville was also calculated. It was why he hedged and wasn't as clear as he should have been. You guys think it's just a coincidence the only controversy that exists is about the ONE black guy that was killed? This is why Trump will probably win re-election. People don't know how serious they need to take some of the things he does, even if he himself does not initially realize the strategy behind it.

He clearly does now. Even the line at the values dinner about things "changing back" was yet another signal to his racist base. Stop taking what this guy does so lightly, or else after he finishes succeeding, it will be too late by then. Morning Joe nailed it this morning when he said all these distractions are often times calculated by Trump.

Trump is an idiot, surrounded by idiots, and supported by idiots. There's no long game or ruse here, otherwise he would have a single accomplishment that isn't total bullshit by now. The only thing he seems capable of doing is digging in and firing up his own base of shitty people who wouldn't care if he raped someone or went ahead and called football players people the N-word.
Ballard's mother had to issue a statement to Trump.

Which 100% means he's trying to reach for his phone to tweet-scream at her right now.

Donald J. Trump
"46% of Americans think the Media is inventing stories about Trump & his Administration." @FoxNews It is actually much worse than this!

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Ballard's mother had to issue a statement to Trump.

Which 100% means he's trying to reach for his phone to tweet-scream at her right now.

But fake ne...

Donald J. Trump
"46% of Americans think the Media is inventing stories about Trump & his Administration." @FoxNews It is actually much worse than this!

Oh for fuck sake.

The Gold Star parents statement is spot on. I said it before too, Trump doesn't know what the office of the presidency actually means. What's worse is that even with supposed intervention by Kelly etc, he still can't manage to be presidential for the most simple of tasks.


I think Kelly hates it there and hates Trump as well. But he and Tillerson think that they may be the last barriers to Trump completely losing it and doing something insane like attacking North Korea. If they're there, they can restrict him to just keeping it as insane threats rather than actions.

I know that if my boss ever brought up my killed-in-combat son to win an argument, I would have torn him a new one and quit on the spot. If/when Kelly quits, I wouldn't be surprised if that's mentioned as the breaking point for him.
They’re delusional then. Nothing can stop Trump from saying and doing whatever he wants. This has been proven over and over in the past, and there isn’t a scrap of evidence he has suffered anything like restraint.
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