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What anime besides Steins; Gate and Attack on Titan are worth watching?

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My personal favorites, apart from the ones you mentioned:

Dennou Coil
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Gunbuster 2

Mind Game
Children Who Chase Lost Voices
Only one person mention Tatami Galaxy? Tragic.

OP, they are a lot of hidden gems in anime. Haibane Renmei, Tatami Galaxy, Welcome to the NHK, Shinkai films(5cmps, garden of words, voices of a distant start but read the manga for more depth), The flower we saw that day, Only Yesterday(very underrated), Ocean Waves(very underrated), Paprika, Denpa teki na Kanojo, Into the Forest of Fireflies light, Honey and Clover, Monster, and I'll stop there for now.

The list you posted is good but I still think it's missing some great gems.

Edit: Forgot Time of Eve. Good stuff


Some solid recommendations. The ones that I can vouch for are: Full metal alchemist, Code Geass, Broken Blade, Ghost in the shell (excellent sci fi), Black Lagoon, Fate/Zero, Kaiji, Monster, Wolf's Rain, and Kaiba. These are all listed together but by no means have the same flavor. Shows like Black Laggon and Ghost in the Shell are gritty while something like Full Metal Alchemist feels more alive and enthusiastic. Monster is really slow moving and shouldn't be watched in one sitting. If you liked Death Note you will automatically love Code Geass. Its practically the same show except the writing is a little weaker (but still good) and there are mechs. Kaiji is in similar veins with Death Note and Code Geass where the central focus is protagonist's ability to outsmart his opponents. Kaiba looks like a kid's show but features some of the most tragic stories I have seen in recent years.

Shame that you didn't enjoy Evangelion. Its a unique show. But I can see how some of the characters can be grating to one's psyche. Maybe you should give Gilgamesh a try. It tries to tackle same themes as Evangelion but the cast of characters is more bearable. Its final message is also a lot less obtuse than Evangelion's.


The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki is one of the very best animated movies ever made. You should make every effort to find it and watch it. It tells the story about a woman who for one reason or another has two raise her 2 children (who happen to be able to transform into wolves) on her own. A very beautiful movie.

Hyouka is the best animated series of the past few years (GAF agrees!). Its ostensibly about a group of friends coming together and solving everyday mysteries but its really a character study about relationships and growing up. Its also beautifully animated.

Usagi Drop is about a man who has to take care of his grandfather's illegitimate 10-yr old daughter and all the trials and tribulations that come from taking on such a feat. Its a very cute and soothing series that never treats the situation as a joke and is more about the joys of being a parent.

I'll leave the rest to the other people but it would be a good idea to read the AOTY threads (2011 and 2012 only) and get a feel for the series from the discussion there. Looking through AnimeGAF might be a good idea too. We don't bite.
There are lots, but I think these are essentials to try.

Satoshi Kon (Perfect Blue, Paranoia Agent, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika)
Yuasa Masaaki (Kaiba, Mind Game, Tatami Galaxy, Kemonozume)

Hunter X Hunter 2011
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Black Lagoon
Kino's Journey
Crest of the Stars
Full Metal Panic
Seirei no Moribito


Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
The Devil is a Part Timer
I also liked Shinsekai Yori
...and Yuyushiki and Kiniro Mosaic

Are these the best anime ever? Probably not but I did really enjoy these shows.
There are lots, but I think these are essentials to try.

Satoshi Kon (Perfect Blue, Paranoia Agent, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika)
Yuasa Masaaki (Kaiba, Mind Game, Tatami Galaxy, Kemonozume)

Hunter X Hunter 2011
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Black Lagoon
Kino's Journey
Crest of the Stars
Full Metal Panic
Seirei no Moribito

This is a good person with good taste. I'll also throw in Denno Coil and Flowers of Evil.


WataMote has to be the funniest cartoon I've seen. It's truly hilarious - as a high school teacher in Japan the way the students are characterized is the only time I've felt like students are accurately portrayed, and it reminds me of myself in high school, constantly hating everyone else and thinking the world is against me when everyone else were just having fun in their own worlds.

Fwiw I don't watch much anime. I've seen a few - Ippo, Monster and uhh that's really about it. The odd movie here or there.



Welcome to the NHK is a dark comedy about a man suffering from acute social withdrawal .

Black Lagoon is a balls to the wall, action packed joyride about a Japanese business man and a group of modern day pirates .
If you're willing to put in the time, the entirety of One Piece is incredible, beginning to current. If you don't want to watch that much stuff, watch the Ennies Lobby and War of The Greatest archs. So fucking good.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
I hope op understands from the diversity of the responses that there are plenty of good stuff out there. Try venturing outside of your comfort zone and watch your universe expand.

Also explore 70s to late 90s anime more and also 12 kingdoms and guardian of the sacred spirit are some of the beat of epic and unique animes you'll find.


Since you dig Bebop, Champloo and Death Note I'd suggest watching any episode from Ghost in the Shell: Stand-Alone Complex; it explores themes of humanity/machines, technological advancement, and secret agency stuff. The show has an overarching plot for each season but it's designed so anyone can jump in at any point and enjoy the show. It has amazing writing and animation. The music is quite top notch as well. Here's a quick picture of the cast if you want a glance of who you'd be watching;

I try to watch only the best anime. Seems like there's a lot of crap out there. (As with all entertainment forms but especially anime.)

I'm a huge fan of Miyazaki films, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Akira, Bebop, Champloo, Gurren Lagann, Kenshin, Death Note, Mushi-Shi, Berserk, FLCL, Golden Boy.

For what it's worth: not a huge fan of Evangelion.

Steins; Gate and Attack on Titan seem to be the next two I'll watch.

What else should I try? Is this list reliable?

Mushi-shi if you haven't seen it already. Psyco-Pass is good too. Black Lagoon is good as well.


Since you liked Mushishi, you should watch Kino's Journey, Mononoke, and Kaiba for some more awesome episodic stories along the same vein.
Guilty Crown

Woo, a fellow Guilty Crown fan

I didn't read the whole thread, so some of these may be repeats

FMA Brotherhood
Great Teacher Onizuka
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Mawaru Penguindrum

a whole bunch of others.

this thread on ANN lists people's opinions on the best and worst anime they've seen. it's a huge thread, but it's helped me select some stuff to watch


I usually only look at the ones with the red Q next to them, those are rated as quality posts.


Serial Experiments Lain is a must.

Ergo Proxy, Paranoia Agent, RahXephon, Beck and Flowers of Evil are also pretty good in my book.

- J - D -

I don't want to sound dismissive, but I don't really quite understand what makes Attack on Titan an exceptional show, at least to warrant the constant praise I've seen it get on gaf (among other places). The premise is cool, but the show is very much trapped within its shonen/for-teenage-boys boundaries, and the writing reflects that.

Episode 11 almost made me quit watching the series. The blonde soldier, Rico I believe, spits out one of the worst monologues I've ever heard.

edit: I'm gonna give it another chance.

Space Brothers

I love this show. It's one of the few anime series I care to follow for the long run.
Serial Experiments Lain is a must.

Ergo Proxy, Paranoia Agent, RahXephon, Beck and Flowers of Evil are also pretty good in my book.

People say RahXephon is a better Evangelion than Evangelion, but I thought RahXephon was pretty forgettable. Just my opinion though.

I found out my campus library has the entire Serial Experiments Lain, so I pretty much have no excuse not to watch it anymore, even though I could have just found it online lol. Hope I like it.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Morobito: Guardians of the Sacred Spirit
Space Brothers
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Inuyasha (well it's pretty stellar so far - I'm at the 30 episodes mark)
Macross Plus
Kenshin OVAs
Besides S;G and AoT huh?

Mawaru Penguindrum has the drama of S;G but not sci-fi based. It will give you the feels of S;G and hosts its own little dark/tragic/mystery story.

And Fate/Zero if you haven't watched it yet.
Besides S;G and AoT huh?

Mawaru Penguindrum has the drama of S;G but not sci-fi based. It will give you the feels of S;G and hosts its own little dark/tragic/mystery story.

And Fate/Zero if you haven't watched it yet.

Mawaru Penguindrum is kind of sci fi, I think. It's more fantasy, but it seems like it has some elements of sci fi in it.


There are so many good anime out there, just looks for your favorite genre and you'll be sure to find a good one there.


Ghost in the Shell SAC and 2nd Gig. It's a cop show set in the future where cyborgs are part of everyday life and people are interconnected through their cyber brains. It's genuinely amazing.

Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit is another god tier anime. This one skews more into adventure show territory as it chronicles the journey of a boy born with a water demon and the female bodyguard who becomes his caretaker. It's got a great story with impeccable writing and wonderful action scenes.

Gunslinger Girl (season one) I would recommend if you're into movies like Hannah and Leon: The Professional. It's about an intelligence agency training sick little girls to become assassins. The subject matter is strong and can disturbed those sensitive to such things, but no one can deny the craft of the first season. It's a very intelligent show: sometimes thought provoking, sometimes heartbreaking, but always amazing. Great show.

Chihayafuru. It's the story of a girl who develops a fascination with karuta, a niche Japanese card game, when she meets a boy who is a prodigy at it. It follows her years in high school as she develops a team and tries to shock the world by becoming the best female karuta player. The show has ounces of romance (there is a love triangle), but it plays out like Searching for Bobby Fischer. There's a lot of focus on the game itself, the players, and their thought processes. Each episode is like watching a great sports film. You'll never believe how intense a card game about Japanese poetry can be. It's because the direction, the writing, and the characters are that damn strong.

There, OP. I gave you four A-Tier shows. Do what you want and stop thinking anime is filled with shit because it's not. ;)


I'm rarely "that" person, but the anime totally fucked up the manga. The ending is also wildly different (the manga probably wasn't finished at the time), and it completely misses the point.

The manga does go to some dark, unpleasant places, which the anime tends to skim out, sometimes leading to strange side-effects. Character has a bad drug trip? No, in the anime, he just randomly hallucinates his fridge is talking to him. That's... better somehow?

Hm, that's interesting. I knew the novel was supposed to be "darker" than the anime was with more drug references and such, but I didn't know there were some differences in tone between the manga and the anime. Guess I'll look into it.

I still recommend the anime of Welcome to the N.H.K., though. One of the best I've seen.



Yeah, it's cute until you realize that blah blah

Good thing he asked for anime and not manga, right?

This happens in every single goddamn thread this show is brought up. Also, did you read the manga or did someone tell you about it? It didn't go like that.
Also, it's essential for you to watch School Days, because while most will agree that it sucks it's still a once in a lifetime experience that every anime fan needs to go through.


I microwave steaks.
You've already watched Clannad and Clannad after story, it doesn't get any better than that.

OK, here's one you haven't heard recommended yet. Go watch some Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (when they cry). The first season is so fucked up (and the best season). If I had to describe it, I would paint it as a psychological horror thriller, that doesn't make much sense the first time you watch through it (and especially if you don't watch the later seasons). Sure, it does have it's light hearted moments but some of the things these kids do... man you just need to experience it for yourself.


I just watched B Gata H Kei - it's fantastic if you don't mind ecchi. Absolutely hilarious series, and the English dub is awesome.


If you like Miyazaki movies (especially Totoro) then Natsume's Book of Friends and Mushishi are just plain amazing. They're more adult and serious than Totoro, but their vibe is similiar and they both just leave viewer in awe.
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