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Wii U Watch_Dogs canceled? GS Italy says so; Ubisoft no comment; back on gamestop.it

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Shame if true, hopefully it isn't. I'm looking forward to the gamepad integration with this one, assuming it performs at least on par with the last gen versions... I'd probably consider buying it if it has good second screen use. Wii U doesn't really have many open world games, so it needs all of the ones that it can get.
Given how awful WiiU third-party sales were these last year, I wouldn't doubt at all. WiiU owners seems to have bought it just to play Nintendo games and anything else.
Ah actually, it looks like Gamestop is the only one that doesn't have the Special Edition for Italy.

It's still available for preorder on Italian Amazon, as well as the other 2 results, GamePeople and Multiplayer

It's also obviously available on the US preorder pages (minus the Limited Edition version). Actually, US gamestop put in a 6/30/14 release date (which I assume is a placeholder for Q2 dates?)

Given how awful WiiU third-party sales were these last year, I wouldn't doubt at all. WiiU owners seems to have bought it just to play Nintendo games and anything else.

I'd go out and buy a bunch of 3rd party titles if they weren't terribly ported or had content dropped from them. I mean, on one hand I understand they cut costs for stuff like online if they don't expect a lot of people but...a lot of them are still the exact same price, but with less content.


I think they should just try to finish the Wii U version, and at least make a couple bucks, rather than canceling after wasting so much time and resources, for nothing in return. If it's really cancelled, it may be that the Wii U version was way further behind, in terms of support & dev time, than we ever imagined.
What he means is that it's often used ironically as a strawman attack against critics of Nintendo. People down on the Wii U more often than not are not that hyperbolic in their assessment of Nintendo's current woes. However, it has become somewhat customary for there to be a thread where something negative is said about Nintendo (i.e. "somebody from EA takes a nonchalant shot at Nintendo"), and the only references to Nintendo being doomed are offered by Nintendo fans who mischaracterize every critique as just more of the same ol', same ol' bad analysis that's been wrong for over a century. "Nintendo's been doomed since 1889 according to critics/analysts!" IsNintendoDoomedClock.gif. And so on...
Thank you. Exactly what I meant.
I don't think they'd hold the fate of a huge game like Watch_Dogs over something as trivial as a Rabbids game.

The point is they made 3 exclusives (counting Rayman) for the system playing to the consoles' strengths and none of them sold particularly well. Rabbids was a popular franchise on Wii at least at some point, and I think it bombed particularly hard.

Is Doom64 close enough to "Doomed sinced 1889"? Nah, Nintendo really is doomed this time. At least until the 31st.


I'll be pretty pissed if this is the truth because I was planning on getting it for Wii U, but at the same time it wouldn't surprise me at all.


It's still available for pre-order at EB Games and shows on the Ubi Website. I still plan to get this for the U over the One so I hope they don't cancel it...


It should be easy to contact Ubisoft on the matter...if it's true they won't be able to deny it....the best they can say is that they'll make a specific announcement in the near future...
With that being said I think it all depends on how far in development that specific version is/was. If the game was conceived for high end PCs porting the game to PS3/360/Wii U might prove to be challenging and Wii U could not warrant enough returns...
Still we'll see, maybe it's a false alarm but it's not like it will change things drastically...Ubisoft will slowly abandon the Wii U during this year anyway.
I'd go out and buy a bunch of 3rd party titles if they weren't terribly ported or had content dropped from them. I mean, on one hand I understand they cut costs for stuff like online if they don't expect a lot of people but...a lot of them are still the exact same price, but with less content.

This excuse would hold water for games like Mass Effect 3. But WiiU's versions of Assassin's Creed IV, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Call of Duty: Ghosts and Batman: Arkham Origins were solid efforts at the same time from the competition (so no late port excuse here) and perfoming even better than the current gen machines. Still WiiU owners didn't cared.

This is the price Nintendo is paying for not giving a shit for multiplatform games and restricting the advertising solely for their own games, consequently making them only interested on Nintendo games.


I have to wonder how much Ubisoft would lose by cancelling a version of the game this late in development. It probably would sell about the 1-3% on Wii U like AC4 and Splinter Cell Blacklist so I could see why if this is true. But I can't imagine spending time and development on a version and then cancelling it all together and getting nothing back in sales of the undeveloped version.

IDK, I plan on getting the Wii U version and so far I've not been informed about my pre-order being cancelled, so I have some hope.

Edit: Could this just be a regional thing as Europe has all but abandoned the Wii U and Ubisoft doesn't see it being worth it to make a European version?


I still got it preordered for $40 here at Syrup Land. Hope it's OK but wouldn't surprise me if the preorder cancellation sweeps the globe.


Aryan mech phallus gun
Considering I don't plan to get a PS4 / XBO any time soon and hoping a Wii U version is better than the 360 / PS3 versions, it'd be a shame if this was canned. I really want the Wii U version.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
6. Assassin’s Creed IV, Black Flag (360, PS3, Wii U) - <630,000 (Wii U = 1%)


Amazing...I guess the Wii U version was a shitty port or ate to the party..... :/

......and ppl wonder why......

I take it this isnt taking into account the PS4 or XBO versions?


Junior Member
I dunno, man. The Wii U logo is present on the Ubi site and it seems you can still preorder the game at UK retailers.

....No, Nilaul. There is not a significant number of potential Zombi U purchasers waiting for a patch.

Besides, it already has been patched, hasn't it? I feel like it'd already been patched when I played it.

I still I reckon it'll get cancelled. Hope it doesn't, obviously.


Junior Member
Amazing...I guess the Wii U version was a shitty port or late to the party..... :/

......and ppl wonder why......

I take it this isnt taking into account the PS4 version?

Nah. Nintendo hasn't "cultivated" the required audience for these games on their hardware for so damn long, that's why. They're just not there to buy them.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
UBI was one of the main big publishers supporting wii u if they drop out then you may aswell pack it up from third party


Considering the game has been worked on for the Wii u and is close to final, I don't see it being canceled. They have already spent the money on the port, might as well release it.


Considering the game has been worked on for the Wii u and is close to final, I don't see it being canceled. They have already spent the money on the port, might as well release it.

That's not how things work. Plenty of fully completed games never got released.


That's not how things work. Plenty of fully completed games never got released.



Like you said: Wii U sales at 1 and 1.8% is just wow.

5. Batman: Arkham Origins (360, PS3, Wii U, PC) - <650,000 (PS3 + 360 = 98.2%, Wii U = 1.8%)
6. Assassin’s Creed IV, Black Flag (360, PS3, Wii U) - <630,000 (Wii U = 1%)

What were the install bases of each console at the time though? That's rather important when seeing if the %ages are ludicrous. However, even so, there's not much incentive to put the time and money into a 10K selling game when you can make more with those resources elsewhere.


That's not how things work. Plenty of fully completed games never got released.
If its completed then it doesn't cost ubisoft hardly anything to put it on the Eshop and just let Nintendo take a share. Its cheaper then producing copies and more cost effective then leaving it unrealeased but developed.


I'm sure the port is far enough along that it wouldn't be cancelled... but then again who knows (remembering Aliens:CM).


We seriously don't have 5-10 members of this community that are in Italy that can call various GameStops or game stores and see what the responses are? Seems odd to just speculate for 4 pages when we have a giant worldwide userbase here that can do some digging and find out for ourselves.


extra source of jiggaflops
We seriously don't have 5-10 members of this community that are in Italy that can call various GameStops or game stores and see what the responses are? Seems odd to just speculate for 4 pages when we have a giant worldwide userbase here that can do some digging and find out for ourselves.
It's 4am in Italy. I've been calling GameStops for 5 hours but those bastards ARE NOT PICKING UP!


We seriously don't have 5-10 members of this community that are in Italy that can call various GameStops or game stores and see what the responses are? Seems odd to just speculate for 4 pages when we have a giant worldwide userbase here that can do some digging and find out for ourselves.

It's like 4 am in Italy.
Maybe later we'll see some clarifications.
Either than, or if the story will be spread through various channels until an Ubisoft statement will follow.


When has anything like this, especially coming from Italy, been reliable? I would actually only be surprised that it came out later that they cancelled it months ago, but why wouldn't Ubisoft just erase mention of the game everywhere?

I was thinking of Pre-ordering through Amazon soon, may as well do it anyways and if it gets cancelled, who can blame em?
I have no interested in either the Wii U or Watch_Dogs but it sucks that Wii U owners may not be able to play a game they might be interested in. Again, maybe this is a wake up call to the Nintendo to get their shit together but it sucks the people who suffer the most are those who bought the Wii U.
I hope this is all wrong and that it isn't cancelled because the Wii U news just gets worse and worse.


Nintendo should scrap the Wii U, make another console at least on par with Xbone with an x86 architecture, call it the GameCube 2, put a standard controller with optional Wii U game pad support for remote play, and call it good.

Than the account systems and improvements come.

But please do this by E3.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It's 4am in Italy. I've been calling GameStops for 5 hours but those bastards ARE NOT PICKING UP!

See. The stereotype is true. They DO put everything off until later. HELLO ITALIAN GAFFERS WAKE UP AND CALL THE GAMESTOPS
Considering the game has been worked on for the Wii u and is close to final, I don't see it being canceled. They have already spent the money on the port, might as well release it.

It's possible they go digital only for wii u version. Save themselves the manufacturing, shelf space at retail, and shipping costs. And of course digital only games can't be bought as "used".

Anyone who strongly wants it on wii u will make the digital investment.
Nintendo should scrap the Wii U, make another console at least on par with Xbone with an x86 architecture, call it the GameCube 2, put a standard controller with optional Wii U game pad support for remote play, and call it good.

Than the account systems and improvements come.

But please do this by E3.
Nintendo should scrap the Wii U, make another console at least on par with Xbone with an x86 architecture, call it the GameCube 2, put a standard controller with optional Wii U game pad support for remote play, and call it good.

Than the account systems and improvements come.

But please do this by E3.

Nintendo is in a rough spot and rushing anything at this point is a poor decision! They need to decide what they want to be and what market they are going to go after. If they decide they do plan on going after core gamers they need to take this time to repair their relationships, improve their Network, unify the account system, and develop games in these genre's to help establish a player base that will buy these types of games. Rushing a new system out that is on par with PS4/Xbone likely will result in more of the same until they address some of the deep rooted issues at the core of their philosophies.
When has anything like this, especially coming from Italy, been reliable? I would actually only be surprised that it came out later that they cancelled it months ago, but why wouldn't Ubisoft just erase mention of the game everywhere?

I was thinking of Pre-ordering through Amazon soon, may as well do it anyways and if it gets cancelled, who can blame em?

Well, I pointed out that its still up on on Italian Amazon, as well as the other 2 results, GamePeople and Multiplayer. It's just Gamestop that doesn't have that particular edition.

Maybe they decided to only have the Gamestop edition? Maybe they decided to just give Gamestop the Gamestop edition. Or perhaps there was some error in the system that ended up creating problems for all the stores. I'm sure it's happened before with stuff.
They would have already shouldered the vast majority of the development cost by now though, why does it make sense not to release it? Unless the performance was so poor they'd have to rejigger a lot of the game.

Manufacturing of the discs, packaging costs and of course marketing, that costs too, it isn't unheard of that a finished game gets cancelled, better to lose the current investment, then further invest and lose it too, due to low sales.

However from my perspective I hope it is just a rumor and the game does release as while I don't have a Wii U it does suck when a game doesn't come for the platform you own.
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