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What is your mobile phone history like?

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Out of curiosity, what is your phone history like? Make a picture or just a list and tell us about it if there's some big decisions :D How often do people change phones? Form or Functionality?

Mine looks like this:

Starting from the OG Nokia 5110 i've always liked obscure phones with weird features. I remember getting that Qtek touchscreen phone in 2006. Windows Mobile for teh win! :D
The Toshiba G450 i still have as a backup phone, 3G and everything and it's the smallest one i've seen that has full buttons.

Both the Motorola and the old Sony Androids failed me with basic functionality like alarm clocks not working so i gave up on Android alltogether. Now i'm a slave of the iOS.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Both my anti-technology mom and younger sister had a cellphone before me. In HS, why did I WANT people to be able to get ahold of me? But I always said that if there was either an Apple phone or an "Xbox Live" phone, I'd buy it.

I had no money at its release; and honestly, neither did my mom. But for HS graduation, my mom have me $600 to camp in line for the first iphone. Rest is history. Love the devices, and have no desire to switch.

iPhone (original)
iPhone 3GS
IPhone 4S
IPhone 5
iPhone 5S (current)

... Plan to order an iPhone 6 next month. Still on AT&T unlimited data.


Cellular One hunk of shit (forget model)
Sidekick I then II
OG Droid
HTC Rezound
Galaxy S4

Edit: Stick a blackberry between the Razr and Droid
I can't even remember the original phone I had. It was grey and boxy, I was in middle school and I could only use it for emergencies. Had a few "pay of you go" phones and then the notorious Razr. Eventually got a Verizon Droid and then the R2D2 themed Droid 2. Then got an iPhone 4S and then 5. Hopefully iPhone 6 this fall.


Some Sony Ericsson ' dumb' phone
Samsung D900 (what a classic series)
HTC One M7
A temporary dumbphone

Future: HTC One M9??


I had some cheap Samsung flip phone when I went off to college--a Z300, maybe? And since 2011 I've had the same iPhone 4S. Will probably be upgrading to an iPhone 6 this year.

I lived in a fairly educated and affluent area so it seemed like every well-off kid was rocking a Razr and a Mustang in high school.


Never had one.

I don't understand how you can get around in this day and age without one.

I got my first in 2002. It had a screen on the front , one day I left it in the car and the display burnt out. After that it was flip phones until I got my first iphone in 09.


So not worth it
My first phone was a Siemens C35i
Loved that phone.

Replaced it with an even better one, Siemens S55

Got a Siemens CX65 after that, it never lived up to the S55 though.

Then came the worst phone I ever owned, a HTC Universal. When I got the sim-slot wasn't functioning after a day or two. Had to send it for repairs (didn't even get a replacement) and got it back a few weeks later. Then, I used it happily for about 10 days, and then the LCD broke, just cracked straight down the middle as it was in my pocket with the lid closed and the screen down. Send it for repairs and was informed that it was my own fault (even though I found out on the net that these screens cracked all the damn time) and I had to pay 250 euro's to have it replaced. With no guarantee the new screen wouldn't crack soon as well (given how easily it cracked). I didn't want to gamble that so I got another phone and vowed to never ever own another HTC product again.

So, only a month after that horrible phone, I got the best non-smartphone I ever owned, a Sony Ericsson K800i

Then I got the worst Smartphone ever, the Nokia N95. Horrible menu, sluggish, horrible to use, got rid of it after 4 months.

This is when the iPhone came out in NL, the 3G

Replaced it with the 3GS

Then I found iPhone's becoming too expensive and the Galaxy SII peaked my interest. So for the next two years I switched to Android. Unfortunately the minor flaws in Android, the lack of smoothness and the lack of apps in comparison never really sold me on Android.

All this has lead to me returning to the iPhone, more specifically the iPhone 5.

I lasted about 14 months with the iPhone, when the Nexus 7 2013 reignited my appreciation of Android, the latest OS updates along with the stock experience really showed how much better Android could be than the Samsung experience, so I went out and got myself my current phone, the Nexus 5 32GB:
-Motorola Razr from 2005-2007

-LG ? (it flipped open with a keyboard) 2007-2009

-Apple IPhone 2009-2011

-Samsung Galaxy s1-s5 2011-2014(current)


The first phone I bought was a hideous Motorola. I don't rermember the model, its was rectangular and grey and had a tiny screen. I have no idea why I chose it.


Nokia 3210
Nokia 3310
Ngage (girlfriend at the time was sent 2 by mistake)
HTC Desire
Iphone 5

I've had a few others in between that were given to me, but I can't remember the models.


I can't remember the various models of my pre-smartphones. I just didn't care. But:
2008 - iPhone 3G
2009- iPhone 3GS
2010 - iPhone 4
2011 - iPhone 4S
2012 - iPhone 5
2014 - Galaxy Note 3

Likely to switch back to iPhone if they release a 5.5 inch screen model. Otherwise will upgrade to Note 4.


My first phone was a Virgin Mobile, but I dont remember the model. After that I had a couple Motorola phones.

The last couple phones i've had were the Blackberry Storm, env3, Droid X, and my current phone the HTC One.


we all knew her
I've had at least a couple dozen and I can't remember them all. Simplified version is something like:

1999-2009: Various dumb phones and feature phones
2009-2010: iPhone
2010-2011: Android
2011-2012: iPhone
2012-present: Android, with no intention of ever going back to an iPhone


1998 - Nokia 5110 I think; I don't remember the exact model but the picture in the OP looks a lot like what I had at the time. Either way the thing was a tank that worked great for 6-7 years.
2005 - Can't remember what phone I replaced the Nokia with; it was some shitty clamshell from US Cellular.
2007 - Nokia E60
2009 - iPhone 3GS
2010 - iPhone 4
2012 - iPhone 5


Sony Ericsson T10
Sony Ericsson T68i
Nokia 6288
Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro - the small screen is starting to get on my nerves.

So far my entire life of mobile phones have cost less than a new iphone. :)


In ~2006/7 I got a hand-me-down slide phone from my brother. It had a full keyboard on it, which was kinda nice. I never remembered to carry it around back then though.

In 2010 I got another hand-me-down, that time from my then recently deceased grandfather. It was a flip phone with a Verizon plan on it. I have no idea what the costs were on it, but that was probably the best phone I've used.

Then in 2011, I had to get my own phone. I picked up a cheap Samsung slide up Tracfone. Served well enough, though the service wasn't great.

Now just a week ago, half the buttons on that phone stopped working (most notably 'ok'). So I picked up a new one. This time I got a flip phone, so that's a better form factor. The service is still bad though.

I looked around for Android flip phones... apparently they don't make those in the US. I'm not a big fan of the touch screen slab design. I guess with a nice case I wouldn't really care. It seems like either the phone or the plan is ridiculously expensive though. I paid 60 bucks in December and haven't had to worry about phone money since. Even though I can afford it, it seems like a waste to spend significantly more on something I won't use enough to justify.


Gold Member
one of those old brick nokias
a few motorolas
a razr
iphone 3g
iphone 3gs
iphone 4
lumia 920
iphone 5
moto x
iphone 5

iphone 6
Nokia 6210
Nokia 3310
Motorola V60t
Motorola V60c
Samsung A920
Motorola Q9c
Palm Pre
Samsung (Galaxy) Epic
Samsung Galaxy S3


I held out for a while in college but eventually bought my first one cheap and never looked back.

2007/2008 (can't remember): Razr
2010: droid x (at launch)
2012: galaxy s3 (at launch)

Going with the iPhone 6 when that releases next month. Still have unlimited data, too.


My first smartphone

Verizon XV6800

Good ole Windows Mobile 6, not. Not the greatestt, but it served it's purpose.

Blackberry Storm

Yeah, don't even get me started on this piece of shit. Click screen as a button, nuff said

Motorola Droid

My first Android phone and I loved it (even though Android wasn't that great at the time).

Iphone 4/4S

Upgraded to the 4 when Verizon got it and then used my wife's upgrade for a 4S.

Nexus 4

Bought the 16GB model when it went on sale last year and I still love it.

Nexus 5

Just got it yesterday and I love it more than my Nexus 4
Nokia 3360>6820>6620>6680>E70>N95>N900>iPhone4>iphone5>Lumia 920> Lumia 1020> current is Lumia 520 and Lumia 1520.

All Nokia phones apart from the iphone 4 and 5. I'm probably going to get the iphone 6 when it comes out since it sounds like they are finally going to use big screens and I like iOS app store.

Ninja Dom

In reverse order, newest to oldest

iPhone 5S
iPhone 5
iPhone 4S
iPhone 4
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 3G
iPhone (original)
Blackberry 8300
Sony Ericsson K800
Sony Ericsson K750
Sony Ericsson V800
Sharp GX20
Sharp GX10
Various Nokia's, I can't remember the model number.

Next phone will be the iPhone 6 at launch. Best phone out if all of those is the iPhone 5S. But I also truly love the OG iPhone and still have it, it works fine.

I used to be in the mobile phone industry for 7 years so i never had to pay the prices that regular consumers had to pay.


-Cheap Samsung flip phone
-Cheap sliding phone, forget brand
-Galaxy S2
-Galaxy S4

My next upgrade isn't until early next year. So everything should be out by then.
2000 - Nokia 3210
2005 - some random cheapish nokia phone whose name escapes me that I lent to my brother and he lost
2009 - HTC touch pro 2 (amazing slider keyboard I wish was still a thing)
2013 - Sony Xperia Z1 (not bad, though the vibration is crap which causes me to miss calls/messages)


Swing 200

Alcatel OT-331?

Nokia 6610

Nokia 6600

Nokia N73

HTC Hero

Samsung Galaxy S2

Nexus 5

I'm pretty sure i owned a Sony Ericson at one point, but i can't think of when and which one it was. This will haunt me all day.
Oh, man...

Started with an old Kyocera flip phone from Cricket. The damn name escapes me.

Once I moved out on my own, I kinda went phone crazy in terms of trading:

HTC Windows Mobile Slide Phone (?)
Blackberry Curve A310
iPhone 3G
T-Mobile G1
Sidekick 3
HTC Windows Mobile Phone (?)
Verizon Juke

Then when the Palm Pre came out, I got that and mostly had that.

After that, I was on Virgin Mobile:

Samsung Intercept
Motorola Triumph

Then when the GS3 came out, I got that...and that's all I've had for 2 years.


Maturity, bitches.
Nokia 3510i -> Sony Ericsson K700 -> ZTE Blade

First one I lost. Second one the battery died so it was basically unusable. Basically I'll only upgrade when I'm forced to.


Sprint Nextel to start. CHIRP CHIRP BABY. Father was a general contractor so Nextel was vital for the instant communication, and that meant the family had to suffer through getting *chirp chirp* GET MILK while in a store aisle.

Family moves off the Nextel requirement but doesn't see the need to get a data plan, I grab this shiny little toy in 2009, since a smartphone was not in the cards.

Naturally, a month after I purchase the phone, the kid sister cries that her friends have smartphones (...in 6th grade) so everyone grabs a new phone. Being a broke law student precluded me from dropping no-subsidy money on a new phone.

In 2011, grab a smartphone:
Currently, escaped Sprint to Verizon:


Gold Member
Let's see if I can remember this correctly.
» Nokia 3310. 13th birthday present. The king.
» Nokia 3650. Buttons in a semicircle round the bottom. Had great features though, like switching between running apps and an edit button that let you highlight/copy/paste. I could record a whopping 9 seconds of video on it. Was £300 on pay as you go. Got it for my 16th birthday. Parents paid some, and I used my birthday money on it. I vowed to never see D that much on a phone again though.
» Sharp GX15. Roughly £100. The first phone I bought entirely with my own money.
» Nokia 6230i. Roughly £100. Good phone. Served me well. Lost the first one (must have fallen out of my pocket in the hairdressers and someone took it) so I bought a second one.
» Nokia 1800. Bought as a backup phone when I got it for about £2.50, and ended up being used a few times.
» Samsung B5310 AKA Genio Slide AKA Corby Pro. I think it was about £130, give or take £20. Loved this thing. Slide out physical keyboard. If it ran Android instead of whatever shit OS Samsung used for it it would have been perfect.
» Vodaphone 345. Bought this for about £15 with the intention of having a cheap texting phone (rubber qwerty keyboard) when my B5310's buttons started to give up. Awful screen, threaded messages but bugger all memory for them, and truly shocking call quality. I forgot I had it until I looked for the Nokia 1800 box to check the model number.
» Acer Liquid Metal. After cashback and vouchers it cost me about £105. My first venture into the world of Android 2.3. Good times. Great phone for the money. Had to drop it eventually when the 256MB internal memory stopped me from installing anything (didn't realise root and Link2SD didn't stop the phone from using internal memory)
» Google Nexus 4. The current phone, bought for £160 when the price dropped to make way for the N5. I love the stock Android experience. I don't want to use anything else, so it's severely limited my future options. It's the 8GB version, which has its drawbacks, but I get by just fine. Even moreso now I have my Nexus 7 2013 and don't need to use it as much (I was fed up of having to charge it twice a day). The size is pretty much perfect for me too, I don't think I could go smaller than 4.5" now.

I kept to my "Never pay £300 for a phone again" rule.
In middle school my parents gave me a brick/beast nokia that I never turned on
In high school I went through a small Lg flip phone, a BlackJack, and a Razr
In college I got the Droid (first one), then the HTC Thunderbolt (horseshit), then the Galaxy S3
After college I got a Moto X and I'll probably be switching to a iPhone soon.


This nice piece of tech was my first one:

A Trium Astral. Yes, you can extend the antenna. Great, isn't it?

After that, a used Nokia 3210 because I couldn't be arse with that POS any longer:

Followed by The Other Phone Everyone Had, the Motorola Razr V3i:

And a Nokia 6610 for a short while:

After that, two Windows Mobile phones, the first without a touchscreen (oh yeah, but you had Wi-Fi and Internet and such things...), the HP iPaq VoiceMessenger 510

And the HTC Touch Diamond2:

Then I thought a hardware keyboard would be the best thing, so a HTC Desire Z:

And finally, my current phone, a Sony Xperia ZL:

Except for the Trium, I think I still have all of these phones.


As best as I can remember:

  • Sagem RC815
  • Siemens A60
  • Nokia 3510
  • Sony Ericsson K710
  • Sony Ericsson W810
  • Nokia 5610
  • Samsung U600
  • iPhone
  • iPhone 4S
  • Nokia 1110
  • Lumia 620

I remember back in the day when "polyphonic" ringtones = baller
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