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School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive

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I hate our world, this is insane.

There is a difference between accepting everyone for who they are and this utter ridiculousness.

Hey hey it's ok you purple penguin. Those other purple penguins can't harm you anymore. You're safe with us other purple penguins.


Purple Pengin offends me.

I'd rather identify as a silver snake or a blue barracuda.
Where's the justice here? #notallpenguins


We all should call everyone as mortals and sound like a villain.

"Hello mortal, nice day, isn't it?"

"All mortals, please gather in the gym"

Bonus if you use a British accent

Puny human, if they identify as so, can be good as well. Maybe piece of shit...


I hate our world, this is insane.

There is a difference between accepting everyone for who they are and this utter ridiculousness.

A simple handout that a single school is using to help kids learn about inclusiveness makes you "hate our world?"


Perhaps instead of normal we should divide it into Common and Uncommon.
So that trans people fall under the uncommon banner and that's perfectly fine.
Kids should be told that while boys/girls is a thing, some people can have uncommon genders.

I identify as Mythic Rare, personally. Please don't batch me in with the common/uncommon janky plebs.
Do I find this asinine? Yes. But then again many things about kindergarten are pretty asinine she you think about it. Whatever, it's not hurting anyone.


Unconfirmed Member

This is the same as them giving trophies to every kid. Oh yeah my kid got 18th place!! Or like those crazy people saying like "let the baby decide it's own gender." It's a fucking baby. It can do whatever it wants later on in life when their brain is developed. Evil gender....so what they say "Good Morning Purple Penguin Teacher" instead of "Ms. Teacher". Sounds like something out of idiocricy.


It's like those people who let their kid choose their own name, there's being politically correct, and being really dumb while pretending to push an agenda while at the same time not actually knowing what you're doing.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I would guess that most of the utterly ridiculous crowd don't actually have children.

This isn't denying that there are different genders, it's keeping kids from being limited to expectations that come with a gendered label.

My 3 year old son is now not speaking to one of his female friends because she wouldn't stop arguing that he doesn't have the movie Frozen at home. Why is she arguing that? Because he is a boy. This stuff starts early. There is no reason why my son can't enjoy a Disney movie.
I have children, one of each, and think this is completely ridiculous. Not using the terms boys and girls is not going to change what you are describing, chances are the girl came up with her rule of only girls having a copy of frozen all on her own. At that age she probably holds a whole bunch of incorrect assumptions based on the small sample size of life she has encountered.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Do I find this asinine? Yes. But then again many things about kindergarten are pretty asinine she you think about it. Whatever, it's not hurting anyone.
It might well be harmful though - not allowing kids to identify with their gender could well cause psychological issues.
It might well be harmful though - not allowing kids to identify with their gender could well cause psychological issues.
I'm going to assume the kids will naturally identify with their gender or say "you guys" like 99% of other kids. The school doesn't dictate how they act outside of school or even on the playground.


Do I find this asinine? Yes. But then again many things about kindergarten are pretty asinine she you think about it. Whatever, it's not hurting anyone.

This was passed around to teachers in a middle school. It started a wildfire because it was passed out by a person from an equity committee in Lincoln, NE.


If you're a transgendered boy or girl, isn't "boys and girls" still inclusive? A transgendered male-to-female girl would just be a girl and so on, right? Even if someone identified as both or either would still be within the set "boys and girls". I can understand not wanting to have the kids line up separately though. Is the issue with individuals who'd rather not identify as either?

I mean, it seems easy enough to just use "everyone" or "children", but I don't think a teacher using "boys and girls" is being intentionally exclusive. But I don't really have great perspective on the issue, not having children and also being cisgendered.

Edit: I see now that "genderqueer" can be neither, both, or somewhere in between. So I think I understand a little better..
This is beyond ridiculous. When are people going to draw a line and say that this kind of thing has gone beyond acceptance and into insanity? Purple penguins? Really?


Get Inside Her!
Some of this is A Bit Much, but

The document also warns against asking students to “line up as boys or girls,” and suggests asking them to line up by whether they prefer “skateboards or bikes/milk or juice/dogs or cats/summer or winter/talking or listening.”

I actually really like this bit. I think it'd be more fun for kids over all.


I think our western society is getting just a little too politically correct.
This is starting to get a little crazy.
PE class in my high school was, and still is, segregated by gender.
And this school wants you to pretend boys and girls don't exist.


My supervisor is currently losing it over a trans kid in his son's elementary school. He's completely ill-equipped to mentally process it.

Tempted to send him this article and add to the outrage.
It might well be harmful though - not allowing kids to identify with their gender could well cause psychological issues.

They won't spend their lives at school. They'll be influenced by environments outside the school just as much as they will by it, namely their own homes.

Plus the matter is not to prohibit the kids from identifying themselves as anything, but imprinting in them the notion that identity is a spectrum.


Seems like a weird intro for identifying yourself, but if it works, hey. Hope that's not the only thing they have on hand.

Suddenly I'm reminded of Silver Snakes and the other animals from that Nick show.


I think schools need to teach children to accept differences rather than tell them "there is no difference at all!". That's just willful ignorance IMO.

Oh and Purple penguins is an awful name.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
How is this disallowing anything by changing the way kids are addressed?

This is a lot of anger over something that's such a small deal.
Furthermore, it instructs teachers to interfere and interrupt if they ever hear a student talking about gender in terms of “boys and girls” so the student can learn that this is wrong.

“Point out and inquire when you hear others referencing gender in a binary manner,” it states. “Ask things like . . . ‘What makes you say that? I think of it a little differently.’ Provide counter-narratives that challenge students to think more expansively about their notions of gender.”

It seems like the teachers are being told to actively challenge kids who talk about gender in terms of boys and girls.
Furthermore, it instructs teachers to interfere and interrupt if they ever hear a student talking about gender in terms of “boys and girls” so the student can learn that this is wrong.

“Point out and inquire when you hear others referencing gender in a binary manner,” it states. “Ask things like . . . ‘What makes you say that? I think of it a little differently.’ Provide counter-narratives that challenge students to think more expansively about their notions of gender.”

It seems like the teachers are being told to actively challenge kids who talk about gender in terms of boys and girls.

It's encouraging them not to think of gender as a binary, not to slap a kid's hand if they call themselves a boy.

I think schools need to teach children to accept differences rather than tell them "there is no difference at all!". That's just willful ignorance IMO.

Oh and Purple penguins is an awful name.

Where are you getting this? It's about teaching gender as a spectrum and not as a binary. That's actually teaching that there are more differences, not less. I feel like you just read the title and not the content of the article.
This seems incredibly dumb. Like "I'm colorblind, everyone is just human to me" dumb.
The key difference is why those people somehow develop that dumb mentality over years, these kids are having it instilled into them from an early age


You know we should ask the other side what they think about this i want to her the opinion and point of view of a Penguin on this critical issue ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Not treating people differently based on their race is dumb? Care to elaborate?

Yes, in a way it is. Not acknowledging that there are different races and acting like everyone is treated the same is dumb. It's why race threads always devolve into victim blaming, because people try to project their experiences as what everyone deals with, when that's not the case.

Acting like I, as a black male, am treated exactly the same as a white male is nothing but naivety and pure ignorance. Maybe in a few hundred years we can start treating everyone as just "human", but now, and in the coming generations, that definitely isn't the case. Not when racism, sexism and other forms of bigotry still exist. Pretending they don't is almost as damaging as partaking in it.

There's better ways of teaching kids to treat others equally and to be all inclusive then pretending that differences don't exist.
Yes, in a way it is. Not acknowledging that there are different races and acting like everyone is treated the same is dumb. It's why race threads always devolve into victim blaming, because people try to project their experiences as what everyone deals with, when that's not the case.

Acting like I, as a black male, am treated exactly the same as a white male is nothing but naivety and pure ignorance. Maybe in a few hundred years we can start treating everyone as just "human", but now, and in the coming generations, that definitely isn't the case. Not when racism, sexism and other forms of bigotry still exist. Pretending they don't is almost as damaging as partaking in it.

There's better ways of teaching kids to treat others equally and to be all inclusive then pretending that differences don't exist.

This isn't that though. This isn't "treat everyone as if their experiences and hardships don't matter," it's "be more sensitive to the fact that everyone isn't the same." They aren't saying differences don't exist, they're saying that there isn't just two choices.

I don't see how teaching a child not to treat someone differently because they're a different color is a bad thing. You can teach someone to not be a bigot without teaching them bigotry doesn't exist.


To make a child take a decision by themselves as to what they identify with or about other life decisions is child abuse.
Children are not fully developed human beings.
They are children and until they fully grow up they HAVE to be guided and taught.
Adults should NEVER give children the burden of responsibilty.
Children have the right to be children.
And no, you're not a liberal justice fighter when you let your child decide their life for him\herself (especially at such young age). You are fundamentally neglecting your child. You are guilty of child abuse.

Now, concerning this gender issue. It is complete and utter madness.
The ONLY thing that society should and must regulate is how people treat each other: mutual respect, mutual acceptance, empathy.
To stop a child from calling his classmate a boy or a girl is so beyond fucked up, I can't even comprehend.

When an individual is born that falls outside of standard classification in society, may that be sexual or whatever, the only thing that society should do is to accept such an individual as they are and treat them the same as everyone else. But that individual will be DIFFERENT. But in the end, we ALL are DIFFERENT one way or another. There's no need to find a common denomitor for everyone and everything, especially in the name of inclussion.
im no goddamn purpe penguin
Boy, girl both or neither? Society has officially gone crazy over political correctness. There are boys and there are girls. These are decided by the Chromosomes. Two X chromosomes and you are a girl and if you have an X and a Y chromosome then you are a male. It is dumb to say that you can be both or neither when genetically you are one or the other.
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