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School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive

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Boy, girl both or neither? Society has officially gone crazy over political correctness. There are boys and there are girls. These are decided by the Chromosomes. Two X chromosomes and you are a girl and if you have an X and a Y chromosome then you are a male. It is dumb to say that you can be both or neither when genetically you are one or the other.

You're confusing sex with gender.
lol but why purple penguins

I feel like that's probably an intentionally goofy example. I'm sure they mean to use words like "everyone", "kids", or "children", which I really have no issue with. Never really understood the intense gender segregation that goes on in the earlier grades anyway.


the motivations behind this are great but the execution is pretty ridiculous

and tremendously dorky
The part where children are told to stop using gendered words is where it gets troubling for me. Make it more inclusive, but don't downright ban gendered descriptions, that's just extreme.

All of this stuff reminds me a little of people on twitter going mad over the Royal baby getting called a boy.
These little kids don't know the difference between "sex" and "gender" and stuff like this is going to make them even more confused than other kids when they're taken out of this strange "purple penguin" environment

So they're being taught the difference or at least taught that there isn't a 100 percent binary always. Why is that a bad thing? Kids aren't idiots.

What about the little girl that feels like a little boy? Fuck that kid because another kid might be maybe possibly confused?


Purple penguin sounds like a codename for penis.

These little kids don't know the difference between "sex" and "gender" and stuff like this is going to make them even more confused ...

You're right, that's all the more reason to work towards ensuring that girls and boys don't grow up thinking that there are toys for boys and toys for girls or jobs for boys and jobs for girls.

It does not matter what you say you are, you are either a male or female and that is genetically set.

Has less to do with genetics and more to do with social and cultural expectations on gender.
But intersex people exist.
So you're wrong?

Nature never deals in neat categories - it deals in continuums and fuzzy borders.
Also, 1 in 2000 people are intersex, so they can't be dismissed as a statistical anomaly, which I know people like to do.


Intersex people are more common than redheads, and there are more intersex people than Jewish people in the world.


well that's silly. I mean what are the chances that there is actually a transgender kid in the class? Tending towards zero I'm guessing.
You're right, that's all the more reason to work towards ensuring that girls and boys don't grow up thinking that there are toys for boys and toys for girls or jobs for boys and jobs for girls.

Yeah, but that's more of an issue of how these toys are marketed and presented I think. Toy companies could go a long way towards having toys with "pieces" that are both genders, not featuring advertising with only boys or only girls. I think it's a separate issue from this

Also, did schools make kids line up as boys or girls? I'm just trying to wrap my head around what situations that would be needed in.
well that's silly. I mean what are the chances that there is actually a transgender kid in the class? Tending towards zero I'm guessing.

The post right before yours:

Also, 1 in 2000 people are intersex, so they can't be dismissed as a statistical anomaly, which I know people like to do.


Intersex people are more common than redheads, and there are more intersex people than Jewish people in the world.
well that's silly. I mean what are the chances that there is actually a transgender kid in the class? Tending towards zero I'm guessing.
What are the chances that when a kid realizes they're transgender or anything else that they'll then not feel like an oddity or that they're wrong?

I get lost on threads like these on GAF because I figure people here would be more likely to have some sort of empathy about what it means to feel you're different.
"Purple penguins" is dumb.

That being said, it's a good thing to attempt to get rid of gender differences at an early age--this fights entrenched gender roles. But I think parents would need to work in the same direction as well for this to work and that's just not happening.
The intent is good, but it still shouldn't be done. Imagine biology class for these kids.

I really don't think the intent of this directive is as extreme as people are perceiving it to be. I think it boils down to the school not wanting gender to be a wedge between their students. Clearly these kids are still going to be growing up with a pretty decent idea of whether they're a boy or a girl. Putting kids in a single line or calling them "kids" instead of their gendered pronoun isn't going to throw all sense of gender identity out the window.
I have only ever known sex to mean gender.

What does "I've only known" even mean or matter? What we "know" changes all of the time.

You'll need to elaborate on your last sentence because

After all, to conflate any other set of characteristics with gender is, in and of itself, biased or maybe even bigoted.

makes no actual sense.

This nomeclature is at the expense of biological accuracy.

No it isn't. Gender isn't a biological construct at all.


The post right before yours:

Any more reliable and scientific sources? Either way I don't see how that's an issue given that even most intersex/transgender kids grow up as boy/girl at that age.

What are the chances that when a kid realizes they're transgender or anything else that they'll then not feel like an oddity or that they're wrong?

I get lost on threads like these on GAF because I figure people here would be more likely to have some sort of empathy about what it means to feel you're different.

the world can't revolve around the off chance that a kid may realize that he/she is transgender/intersex etc. and may feel a little odd about it. has little to do with empathy.
What are instances where kids are split by gender in early education and why? Like I said earlier, I'm still struggling to think of when and why you'd say "Hey kids, line up as boys and girls" or even the "corrected" way of lining up by a mutual interest
the world can't revolve around the off chance that a kid may realize that he/she is transgender/intersex etc. and may feel a little odd about it. has little to do with empathy.
It has everything to do with empathy, because the rest of us who easily identify as a boy or a girl are losing nothing.

What are instances where kids are split by gender in early education and why? Like I said earlier, I'm still struggling to think of when and why you'd say "Hey kids, line up as boys and girls" or even the "corrected" way of lining up by a mutual interest
I remember every school I went to lining us up first by gender and then by either height or name to go to lunch, bathroom breaks, recess, etc.
What are instances where kids are split by gender in early education and why? Like I said earlier, I'm still struggling to think of when and why you'd say "Hey kids, line up as boys and girls" or even the "corrected" way of lining up by a mutual interest

This is how we were told to line up when we left the classroom from pre-k to 4th grade.
Seems fine to me, though I'd personally go with broader standard expressions that don't seem like they'd only be effective for younger kids, like "children" or "class." While I don't think it's as problematic as singling out boys or girls for certain activities and in certain contexts, it's definitely a subtle step toward the implicit understanding that not everyone may fall neatly in either gender or sex.
There teems "Boy" and "Girl" will forever be linked with "Male" and "Female". That's never going to change and I'm not sure it's a fight worth fighting.
What does "I've only known" even mean or matter? What we "know" changes all of the time.

You'll need to elaborate on your last sentence because

makes no actual sense.

No it isn't. Gender isn't a biological construct at all.

Simple; How do you define a class of things? By specific characteristics. I have only ever used the term gender and sex as synonyms. Any other characteristic you use to separate gender and sex aside from' Whatever I feel like saying" is rude and shows selection bias. What makes a male a male besides their sex? Liking sports? Rude. Liking red meat? Rude. Liking flannel? Rude. So what defines a man other than biological sex. And frame this without being biased and rude. And who are you to define whether I or anyone else is a male based on specific characteristics?
What are instances where kids are split by gender in early education and why? Like I said earlier, I'm still struggling to think of when and why you'd say "Hey kids, line up as boys and girls" or even the "corrected" way of lining up by a mutual interest
When I was in elementary school they would make us line up boy/girl/boy/girl. Mostly because at that age, girls socialized with girls and boys socialized with boys, so making the line staggered prevented most kids from goofing off and slowing the line down while walking somewhere.
Seems fine to me, though I'd personally go with broader standard expressions that don't seem like they'd only be effective for younger kids, like "children" or "class." While I don't think it's as problematic as singling out boys or girls for certain activities and in certain contexts, it's definitely a subtle step toward the implicit understanding that not everyone may fall neatly in either gender or sex.

I'm actually wondering why they didn't just do this, now that I think about it
It's pretty clearly a purposely silly example that kids can laugh at and relate to. It's not for adults to pick apart for no reason other than that we think we don't like it.

I think it would work better if it was class specific. When I went to elementary school each second/third grade class had its own animal and color. I think I was first a purple tiger and then a white lion? Or something? Either way the teacher used that mascot name (all purple tigers follow me; all white lions go to the far end of the field, etc). I think that works better than something completely arbitrary.


What are instances where kids are split by gender in early education and why? Like I said earlier, I'm still struggling to think of when and why you'd say "Hey kids, line up as boys and girls" or even the "corrected" way of lining up by a mutual interest

Probably to take the kids for restroom breaks as done in my elementary school.
What are the chances that when a kid realizes they're transgender or anything else that they'll then not feel like an oddity or that they're wrong?

I get lost on threads like these on GAF because I figure people here would be more likely to have some sort of empathy about what it means to feel you're different.

I am genuinely curious what the transgender rate is among children, because that seems like a concept that is far too developed for a child. To me, children preferring things that are generally prescribed to the opposite gender does not mean they all of a sudden have decided for themselves to switch gender. So, I'd like to know what the criteria are, and what the research in that area says for individuals who are not even at puberty yet.
I think it would work better if it was class specific. When I went to elementary school each second/third grade class had its own animal and color. I think I was first a purple tiger and then a white lion? Or something? Either way the teacher used that mascot name (all purple tigers follow me; all white lions go to the far end of the field, etc). I think that works better than something completely arbitrary.
I get the feeling it's the same situation.


Hail to the KING baby
that's actually kind of cool. when i read the thread title i thought they were just being trolling dicks in response to some sort of guidelines
Simple; How do you define a class of things? By specific characteristics. I have only ever used the term gender and sex as synonyms. Any other characteristic you use to separate gender and sex aside from' Whatever I feel like saying" is rude and shows selection bias. What makes a male a male besides their sex? Liking sports? Rude. Liking red meat? Rude. Liking sports? Rude. So what defines a man other than biological sex. And frame this without being biased and rude.

You don't know the actual scientific definitions and how they are different therefore science is wrong? The nice thing is science doesn't bow to cultural ignorance. Your overly simplistic system doesn't even account for intersex individual let alone the issue of gender.
What are instances where kids are split by gender in early education and why? Like I said earlier, I'm still struggling to think of when and why you'd say "Hey kids, line up as boys and girls" or even the "corrected" way of lining up by a mutual interest

In elementary, if things got too noisy in the lunchroom or wherever, we'd have to rearrange boy-girl-boy-girl, the idea being (i suppose) that 1st grade boys and girls don't want to talk to each other, and so friends would be separated and things would quiet down. Kinda weird I guess.
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