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Splatoon has surpassed 1 million sales world wide


Junior Member


Excellent news. Looks like a fun title so well deserved.

Can you post a translation of the Tweet OP? Is this shipped or sell-through? Either it's impressive tho, especially for a new IP.


That's good news. I'm happy to hear it since it's a great game. Just keep giving me more content for it and I'll play it for a long ass time.
Less than a month. Impressive.

The online game I've put the most time into. Admittedly it's still a tiny amount. Probably the funnest online game for me as well.

Now I want to see that Squid Girl DLC in the West!

Also use some of that money for physical releases in NA.


I'm excited for future entries in the franchise. Surely Splatoon is going to become a series now. It's probably too late for the 3ds, so I hope Nintendo's next handheld gets an awesome Splatoon game.


Took longer than I thought, to be honest.

Man I still remember the ridiculous predictions people were having. Honestly amazed some people genuinely believed this would do W101 numbers.

Same here. I thought it'd hit a million a week ago. Wonder if we'll get a breakdown of regions eventually.
Congratulations to Nintendo and everyone involved, and godspeed with continued sales. Well-earned! :D

I also hope it spurs Nintendo on to be smart risks with new IPs (a not-so-smart risk being, arguably, Federation Force). Clearly the creativity is all there.



definitely deserves it, this game has been a damn time sink for me. it has the most engaging controls I've experienced in a game and I think it has to do with the increased interactivity with the gyro and map.
I imagine it's worth noting that the amiibo have likely sold very well too. Not sure how much they make per figure sold, but it should result in the project being fairly profitable.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Pushmo, BoxBoy, Splatoon. Keep making new games Nintendo, they work well on their own.
Awesome. Always good to see a new I.P. do well. Doesn't hurt that the game looks insanely fun. Still have to pick it up myself.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Awesome news!

Don't be surprised to see Splatoon have great legs via word of mouth from here on out. It should see nice bumps during August (matchmaking update) and the holidays (Nintendo titles always do). Also the rumored Mario DLC should help (evidenced by the splatoon data mine). I wouldn't be surprised to see Splatoon hit 2 million+ before all is said and done.

The Boat

It's good news not just because a really great game is selling, but because this is a game made and spearheaded by the next generation of Nintendo developers, so this success story hopefully means Nintendo will be even more open to let the "new blood" take the spotlight.
Now to aim for 2 million :D
Loving the game, it may be the most fun thing I've played in the last 3 or 4 years. Good job Nintendo squid kids!


Fung ame and well deserving of good sales, good to see Nintendo takes some risks on new IP, especially an online 4v4 game. I don't really play much multiplayer, but the Single Player was fun as hell for me!


Junior Member
But this would be the time where it's the most deserved!
Well when you put it that way...

I am expecting slightly better sales than wonderful 101. So no, not a major new IP.

It'll bomb.

It doesn't have Mario in it so I don't expect it to do very well.

It's on Wii U.

So no.

I honestly expect it to flop...

I hope that in wrong though

You mean the next major Nintendo bomba?

Of course not. I'll be amazed if it reaches 1 million.

I mean, did you expect Codename S.T.E.A.M. to be the next big Nintendo IP? The Wonderful 101?

I'm expecting Wonderful 101 levels of bomb.

I expect it to sell around the same as the wonderful 101. At very, very best pikmin 3. And that's me being optimistic. So no I don't think it will.

I'll be legit surprised if this game doesn't bomb. I guess we'd have to discuss what constitutes a bomb though considering the low user base. I should be clear though that the base isn't the reason I think it will bomb. I just don't think the game has a lot of appeal.

But yeah what is considered a bomb in sales for the wii u in terms of numbers.

I doubt it.

I'd be nice if it sold well because I allways like new Nintendo Ip's doing well.
But I don't see it appealing to that many people with it being a shooter focusing on online play on the WiiU. Even the Mario Kart online community got smaller after a few months (before the DLC), and that's was Mario Kart. Also, even kids that play online like basic online features like chat.

I have a WiiU and like it quite a bit, but I have no interest in Splatoon

I doubt it will do well.

This is a game for:

- shooter fans
- that dont need blood
- that dont mind "kiddy" looks
- that dont need voicechat
- that own a Wii U

It'll bomb.
I am expecting slightly better sales than wonderful 101. So no, not a major new IP.

Maybe about as well as wonderful 101

No it's going to flop. But it will be marketed by Nintendo as the next big one though.

I figure it's going to be a cult classic. Might not even sell enough to warrant a sequel.

Honestly I'm not even sure there is a market for Splatoon. A lot of young kids these days are already playing Call of Duty and talking all kinds of random shit online. I think Mario Kart and Smash are still so popular because you cant find anything as good elsewhere and I don't see Splatoon being able to pull away the younger generation from the already established shooters.

I could of course be horribly wrong but the market just seems so volatile these days.

A major IP that will unfortunately not sell well.


You might see an Inkling as a Assist Trophy in Smash 5

That's about it

I think it'll be a one-and-done series.

Its totally going to flop. It doesnt have anything the mainstream audience want.

lol, no.

If it's any consolation, though, it will do better than Wonderful 101.

i expect it to bomb

Nah I expect it to be the next Wonderful 101

Majority of Nintendo fans will ignore it because Mario and co. ain't there

You can advertise something no one is really interested in as much as you want, people still won't buy it.

Personally I don't think so. I feel like they are coming a few years too late to the shooter game. I know that the game is somewhat unique from other shooters, but will it be a powerhouse to move consoles? I doubt it.

It will probably do average-ok first week sales, then disappear into the vortex of forgotten games hovering somewhere above its epicenter at Konami.

I'm not sure it will sell better than Bayonetta 2.

Its not going to sell hardware. So its only whomever is playing wii-u now. There really is nothing else like it on the system so that will help. Pikmin, Bayo and 101 is probably where is sits in sales. This month they really need to push the campaign part of this game or sales will be worse. Wii-u base is not multiplayer type in general. This really has the a good chance to tank. At best its a moderate success. The bar is pretty low.

It's going to bomb.

They're doing a Splatoon tour I think but I doubt it's going to do much for them. I'm going to wait for a price drop before picking it up.

I'm thinking it will be a light flop. Not terrible but it's not going to do all that well.

I think it'll bomb pretty hard. Not quite 101 bad, but close.

It's a Wii U game that doesn't have Mario, Zelda or Smash in the title. It could be the best game ever. It's still going to bomb. Best case scenario it becomes the Wii U's Tearaway.

At this point I'm in the camp that believes the game will bomb

I think sales wise it will do poorly.

It is not going to attract gamers from PS4/Xbone to get a WiiU to play this. There are WAY more games on those systems that are much more feature rich. Also it doesn't seem very competitive, and more "fun for everyone!" type of game.

I think there is a big deal for this game because its a first for a Nintendo IP to be a "shooter".

Considering how much of the Nintendo fanbase I've encountered over the years that loudly dismissed shooters and online play, I don't really expect it to do all that well, even among Nintendo's diehard crowd.

I predict a bomba, but I hope I'm wrong. Love the artstyle and the amiibos.

Also while the game looks good enough and appears to be fun, I think that it's not my thing. I'm probably not buying this or leaving it to the future.

It's launching on the Wii U...you honestly think it has a chance?

I doubt it. I reckon it'll hit a couple of hundred thousand tops, lifetime. The super-core Nintendo crowd keeping the Wii U on life support will make some noise about it, as they are now.

Nope. It'll get lukewarm sales at best and be forgotten about.

I think it'll be a total bust, but those couple of months the playerbase sticks around are going to be a pretty sweet ride down.

I don't think so. It doesn't seem to babe enough new about it to make it hit and its launching on Wii u this hampering the ability of it to find a large audience.

I feel this game is gonna bomb... don't want it too.. but just feel like it's gonna bomb.. badly.

I was going to type the same exact thing.
At this point the only games on the Wii U I see selling very well are Mario and Zelda games. That's about it.

It will bomb, its a multiplayer game with no voice chat...

no new IPs could ever hope to become major on the WiiU, even less so a game like Splatoon. 200k LT ww tops is my prediction, and that will already be considered a sort of success

I don't expect it to be a major IP. It will probably be niche. Doubt that a sequel will be made either.

A shooter that's geared towards a shooter audience that doesn't buy shooter games? Yep this will be a definite bomb.

Expecting it to bomb big time.

I think it's going to go the way of W101.

I don't want it to, but it seems like everyone "the hype is real!" on GAF it's like dooming a game early.

I hope not though, it looks cool.

I don't think it'll sell very well. The name "Splatoon" + sort of pictures of paintball just looks kind of shovelware or mini-game like at first glance. I just think it's a hard sell unless you really market it hard, and Nintendo won't.

It's releasing on the wii U which is basically dead at this point. Even on a successful console this looks like it would be a niche game but on the wii U is be pretty shocked if t wasn't.

Hoping that isn't the case but I don't like the games chances.

I'm expecting something beetween Wonderfull 101 and Pikmin 3 sales.
Nintendo is going to advertise it because they don't have anything else for middle of 2015.

I hope it does well, but I doubt it.
No matter how well shooters gameplay feels natural to Nintendo's motion controllers, they have a history of failing on their recent consoles.

Remember Red Steel and The Conduit ?

PS: Can anyone help me find infos on the in-game rewards for each of the different Splatoon amiibos ? I can't find it online, and I need to know what to buy.
Also, will those rewards be exclusive or can they be unlocked even without the amiibos ?

Thanks !

this. Population meeting this profile must not be large imo.

Seems like a flop in the making.

I think it'll bomb as well. I don't see it doing well.


It has Saturday morning cartoon charm. Maybe 'Ubisoft appealing to children' charm. Based on what I've seen it doesn't have Nintendo charm, not nearly.

Game won't break 500k worldwide.

Would bet my Wii U along all my Wii U games it will.

Nintendo is incapable of creating and maintaining new mega-IPs, for the possible exception of Wii Sports. Wii Fit? Dead. Nintendogs/cats? Dead. Brain Age? Dead. They reserve their AAA efforts and resources on old mascots, then they wonder why those are the only games that sell.

Splatoon doesn't even have a good local co-op feature. 1vs1? WTF. Nintendo is suffering from some sort of identity crisis this generation. On one hand, they want to resurrect the local/family multiplayer experience, but on the other hand they're pushing new IPs that don't bring such experiences to households.

Hard to give birth to a new major IP on Wii U, it's a private circle for best selling titles. If we see the characters in Smash, though.. there could be a chance. Personally, I don't think so.

I honestly expect it to do about as well as the W101, inside the Nintendo bubble it may seem like the next big thing though...

Seeing as how i'm not Japanese nor "in the know" of said market, i was unaware of this...

Advertising can only get you that far when the game that you're advertising doesn't cater to the general masses.

I'm not "having fun" here, i'm only answering to the question in the OP... i don't see it becoming Nintendo's next big franchise at all, maybe it's next Pikmin perhaps?...

The idea is cool and all, but no way this will be considered a hit sales wise.

I honestly think it is going to be underwhelming. At Christmas this year, for kids who already have a PS4/X1, Wii Us may sell (especially if Zelda is on the horizon). But the problem is there is too much out there to pick up with it (MK8, Tropical Freeze, NSMBU, SM3DW, Smash), so it is likely to get grazed over on the shelf for other games by new console purchasers. I just don't see it taking off. I'm not a fan of these type of things, either, so I know I'm out on it. I imagine many others won't drop the cash for it, either. Especially with Witcher recently and Batman coming in a couple weeks.

I expect this to bomb and bomb hard.

no 4 player split screen killed it for me.

Of all the things that Nintendo could do to get back in the game, a third person shooter isn't it, no matter how creative it is.

Splatoon looks really fun (I kinda regret refusing to play it at E3), and would be great if it was a major success, but I kinda doubt it. Among other reasons, I hear the single player mode is like 3 hours long. No bueno.

The game is going to be the industries first Tsar Bomba

Prepare yourself for disappointment

It would have a greater chance to become a long-running IP if Nintendo released it on the 3DS instead or simultaneously.

With the Wii U, there is a greater chance that something like Splatoon will just be a one-off on a failure of a console.

I'm expecting it to be considered a sales flop after ~3 months.

I really want it to do well but I don't think it has a chance. Maybe if it was released on 3DS as well.

I expect Splatoon to fail miserably. As a concept, it's just flawed. Plain and simple. Children do not want to play first person shooters. It's been proven time and time again. The only way Nintendo can keep from going the way of SEGA is to produce games their primary audience wants to play. In my opinion, Nintendo made a huge mistake by letting Minecraft fall into the hands of Microsoft. Nintendo shouldn't make the same mistake twice. They should buy the Five Nights at Freddy's IP right now while they have the chance.

Lol no way this game is gonna sell well. I doubt it will reach the 1 mil worldwide. I don't expect many people to be interested in this game with the way it looks.

I see them staying on the assist trophy level of Nintendo franchises, but I would love to be proven wrong.


It lacks magic... just kinda seems like a Mario Party mini-game they decided to try and monetize.

Saw ads for this game in front of all the movies we've seen lately at Cinemark. It looks insanely stupid and the most kid-made game ever from Nintendo.

I don't see it making big success, not on Wii U anyway.

I'm really intrigued as to what happens with this franchise. I'd like to see anything Nintendo attempt do well but nothing is really clicking. This will probably go the way of Bayonetta 2, TW101, and Pikmin 3.

i own a wii u and have absolutely zero interest in this game, don't get the hype on here. expecting it to perform poorly and don't expect many people will be talking about it a couple of months after release.

I guess my expectation is that this game will not have a sequel so whatever the sales numbers are, they will not be large enough for Nintendo to continue the franchise.

if wonderful 100 and bayonetta 2 are any indicators, its gonna have a rough ride.
I don't, after Saturday's little online demo experience. It's fun but there's no way it's gonna latch on with the likes of Zelda or Mario attachment.

EDIT: Yeah, 2 million on the Wii U's install base sounds like a pipe dream.

It will probably be an awesome game that no one will play. Just like a lot of wiiu games unfortunately.

Put me on the wall of shame as a nonbeliever.

What happens when we get proven right though? Are you making a wall of shame for all the hopeful posters as well?

Put me on the non-believer list too, Neoxon. Just know that the Omega Crow is waiting for you if when it bombs.

Here's the winner, lol. Wonderful 101 as well.

If Splatoon ends up being a hit, I'll drink my own urine.


Unless the rest of the world is selling more than Japan and US put together, sold-through seems unlikely.

How do you figure? The game has done 300k~ in Japan, and did 136k for May NPD. In the 20+ days of June it's not unreasonable to think it's done at least an additional 64k, which puts us at 500k between Japan and the US, not even including digital.


Here's my full translation of the tweet but be warned the rest of it aside from the sales announcement is just fluff.

We've received news that Splatoon has sold more than one million copies worldwide! To think the fruits of our labor here at the Squid Research Lab would be accepted by so many people... I think I'm going to cry. First we should show our gratitude to all of you who have supported us.

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