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LTTP: Kill La Kill: so the second half of the show is essentially a soft-core porno

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Well...here it goes!

I'll start off by saying that I enjoyed the show. At first I was very well put off with how over the top it was. However, after a few episodes the show really began to take into its own.

The show contains a very unique tone with a storyline that goes with it. The first half of the show revolves around how Japan is under the control of a Nazi High School dictator(s?) and the fight to freedom. However, midway through the show pulls a 180 and focuses on alien lifeforms. On paper this sounds ridiculously stupid, but the show handles it very well. This is because the characters, world, and plot evolve with the premise. The "bad" guys are not longer the bad guys and many things aren't what they seem. I feel that is sort of what made or break this show, that it stayed consistent all the way through its madness.

Obviously the show isn't perfect. Some of the character design is really dumb, especially when Matoi's main outfit goes into power mode. The explanation they gave for this was incredibly dumb. Mako's monologues also became extremely annoying. However these are things that anime fans can overlook.

However there was anothing thing that bothered me about the show, which is what is in the thread title. As anyone reading this thread knows, the latter half of the show revolves around how clothes are actually alient invaders from outerspace. This results in people often being naked for multiple obvious reasons. Now a lot of this seems very strange, but you eventually get used to it. However, what is odd are many...how do I say this....sexual moments in the show. Most notable the pussy-rub-life-fiber turn off, the cage spanking, the three way titty grabbing, and etc. It all just seemed so...off to me. I mean if I would have randomly started watching the show during those episodes I would have thought the show was some high budget hentai or at least an actual good Ikki Tousen rip-off. I never really got why the mother kept molesting her daughters.

Besides those things I found the show to be great and it is personally in my top 10 list. I'd recommend it
to the right kind of people.
When I saw it I liked it a lot but had a lot of problems with it! Mostly that it peaks early with the first Uzu fight and then it waffles around a plot that I had very little investment in.

Then I saw Gurren Lagann and that has made me look back at Kill la Kill a lot more fondly because I absolutely HATE Gurren Lagann.

So yeah, thumbs up on KLK!
I had a lot of fun with Kill La Kill. Still find it funny that you really can't ship Satsuki with anybody....Never mind just remembered Nonon who's destined to always be "under" Satsuki.


Show went from being "okay" at best to being kinda awful. The animation also went to shit. Both the story and budget for the show felt it was made for a 12 ep series.


I thought it was fun. Episode 4 was the best one and I wish there were more over the top school event episodes


The show was pretty self-aware of the rapey undertones from the first episode, when you could keep the script of Ryuuko's first encounter with Senketsu and assign it to an H-comic of dubious consent and not skip a beat. In keeping with the show's own spirit, they simply doubled down on that approach. Although the scene where Ragyo gives Satsuki a bath is definitely gratuitous, compared to other stuff where the event at least contributed to the plot.


I enjoyed it. Character designs were pretty good, the well-animated fight scenes were really cool, and the nudie stuff became so commonplace in the back half of the show that I stopped noticing it. Looking forward to Imaishi's next project.

TTGL is better tho
This show has cosplayers basically selling the show for them. This gif is still making the rounds weekly. They must have known what they were doing when they designed the outfits!



Kill la Kill was fucking awesome. Haters can go.

Satsuki was the shittiest girl, and Nui was the best.



Never understood the hype for it. Take away the stylization, and it's just as much a thinly-veiled excuse for questionable softcore porn as most other modern anime.
When I saw it I liked it a lot but had a lot of problems with it! Mostly that it peaks early with the first Uzu fight and then it waffles around a plot that I had very little investment in.

Then I saw Gurren Lagann and that has made me look back at Kill la Kill a lot more fondly because I absolutely HATE Gurren Lagann.

So yeah, thumbs up on KLK!

wow, i've never seen such an awful opinion


The anime that saved the animes. Ryuko was awesome.

This show has cosplayers basically selling the show for them. This gif is still making the rounds weekly. They must have known what they were doing when they designed the outfits!


First time I see this gif. It encapsulates greatly the first few episodes. lol


Kills Photobucket
When I saw it I liked it a lot but had a lot of problems with it! Mostly that it peaks early with the first Uzu fight and then it waffles around a plot that I had very little investment in.

Then I saw Gurren Lagann and that has made me look back at Kill la Kill a lot more fondly because I absolutely HATE Gurren Lagann.

So yeah, thumbs up on KLK!

What didn't you like about Gurren Lagann? Story wise it and KLK are pretty much the same thing.

PK Gaming

It was pretty clear that they had no idea where to go at one point and started throwing a bunch of ideas on the wall hoping that they'd stick

Which made the second half... messy
What didn't you like about Gurren Lagann? Story wise it and KLK are pretty much the same thing.

Truth except Gurren Lagann is so awesome you can forget how stupid it's story is. While Kill LA Kill has no such distraction unfortunately. Really disliked the show and unless you are a horny 15 year old I don't see how you could like it to be honest.


Just watched all of this a few months ago and found it pretty entertaining. The action was pretty good, just wish there was more of it.

I also liked the main story and the twist it took and how it was like the out for episodes of back and forth, seemed like it was kind of making fun of twists since you pretty much saw it coming from the beginning.


Kills Photobucket
I enjoyed KLK. Normally super fanservicey shows aren't my thing, but this show was so over the top and self aware about it that it didn't matter.


Yep. This is probably the number one reason why Kill la Kill left a bad taste in my mouth and made me realize that: "Hey...Maybe I don't actually 'like' anime."
After Gurren Lagann I was expecting some weirdness, some over-the-top-ness, and some crazy style...

What I *wasn't* expecting was the creators to create a show around every annoying, skeevy fanservice cliche and then try to pretend it's so original and so justified because they've wrapped it in a show about alien clothing?

This feels like a show for people who like shounen but secretly LOVE hentai.

Nui was batshit, but hilarious, Satsuki had the best ass.

Ryuuko actually

You can be pretty sure your show is nutritionless filler when the most popular conversation topic surrounding it is which animated high school female has the best anatomy.

Kill la Kill just...Isn't even trying to pretend it isn't what it is.


Eeeeeeh it was okay. It had some cool moments, but wasn't really that great most of the time.

Satsuki and Mako are the best tho


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
It's less obnoxious then Gurren Laggan, but like Gurren Laggan it gets repetitive after a dozen episodes, and never really recovers.
I think my favorite one is the time she got her ass kicked and the music was all fucked up during the monologue.
That one is hilarious. Music is all out of tune and wonky.
Eeeeeeh it was okay. It had some cool moments, but wasn't really that great most of the time.

Satsuki and Mako are the best tho
Satsuki had the most character development. Ryuuko
struggling to call Satsuki her sister
is one of the funniest things to me.


When I saw it I liked it a lot but had a lot of problems with it! Mostly that it peaks early with the first Uzu fight and then it waffles around a plot that I had very little investment in.

Then I saw Gurren Lagann and that has made me look back at Kill la Kill a lot more fondly because I absolutely HATE Gurren Lagann.

So yeah, thumbs up on KLK!

This opinion is so bad it hurts :/

What didn't you like about Gurren Lagann? Story wise it and KLK are pretty much the same thing.

A big difference being that TTGL executes most of the things it sets out to do well. KLK does not.

Yep. This is probably the number one reason why Kill la Kill left a bad taste in my mouth and made me realize that: "Hey...Maybe I don't actually 'like' anime."
After Gurren Lagann I was expecting some weirdness, some over-the-top-ness, and some crazy style...

What I *wasn't* expecting was the creators to create a show around every annoying, skeevy fanservice cliche and then try to pretend it's so original and so justified because they've wrapped it in a show about alien clothing?

This feels like a show for people who like shounen but secretly LOVE hentai.

Not sure if serious or not but KLK doesn't "represent" all/most anime. There are a million shows out there that can satisfy your tastes. You just have to look for them or ask for them.


This opinion is so bad it hurts :/

A big difference being that TTGL executes most of the things it sets out to do well. KLK does not.

Not sure if serious or not but KLK doesn't "represent" all/most anime. There are a million shows out there that can satisfy your tastes. You just have to look for them or ask for them.

Huh? Kill la Kill pretty clearly sets out to be a stylish show with random nonsense and lots of fanservice

Does it very well


The second half definitely didn't live up to the promise of the first half but I liked the show overall. Mako in particular always brought something special to the table.

I was pretty devastated that Nudist Beach turned out to be a bunch of jobbers but that's life.

I never really got why the mother kept molesting her daughters.

The mother
experimented on her daughters and thought she had killed one. This fact didn't bother her. To her the children were just successors in her goal of propagating the life fibers so she basically saw them as playthings to do whatever she wanted with. Molesting her kids isn't even #1 on the list of why she's a creep so it's not really out of left field that she'd do it.
The mother
experimented on her daughters and thought she had killed one. This fact didn't bother her. To her the children were just successors in her goal of propagating the life fibers so she basically saw them as playthings to do whatever she wanted with. Molesting her kids isn't even #1 on the list of why she's a creep.
She definitely
did what ever the fuck she wanted to the one that she raised, incest be damned. Satsuki was nothing but a plaything to her.


Not sure if serious or not but KLK doesn't "represent" all/most anime. There are a million shows out there that can satisfy your tastes. You just have to look for them or ask for them.

Why do most of the popular/successful anime in recent years go for that crowd, then? Obviously, not every show is like KlK, but there's a reason that anime (and other bits of Japanese media)'s been getting a more negative reputation, lately.


Pretty obvious the creators had no idea what the hell they were going with show. It started interesting with a lot of promise, then they decided that it wasn't working and just went Gurren 2.0. I don't mind the Gurren 2.0, but if that's what they wanted it should of been like that from the start. The transition is quite jarring, and pretty much made the story completely forgettable.

That said the ending is quite the spectacle.
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