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Young Blacks Voice Skepticism on Hillary Clinton, Worrying Democrats

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In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, 70 percent of African-Americans under 35 said they were backing Mrs. Clinton, 8 percent indicated support for Mr. Trump and 18 percent said they were backing another candidate or did not know whom they would support. In 2012, Mr. Obama won 92 percent of black voters under 45 nationally, according to exit polling.

Over 25 percent of African-Americans are between 18 and 34, and 44 percent are older than 35, according to 2013 census data.

If we wish to make this a Clinton/Sanders thread, here goes. No one in the running was going to reach Obama levels. Given Bernie, you have this same article, but with over 35 instead. And the latter is a stronger voting bloc overall.

Here's the rough numbers from the primaries.



Even in the younger black demographic, Sanders is stronger compared to older black voters, but he doesn't hold a majority. In fact, it's one of his weaker groups. So if you wish to have a discussion as to what Clinton can do to reach out more firmly to young African-American voters, that's a worthwhile discussion to have, as the rest of the article does.

But to frame this as "Bernie would've been a better choice with this demographic" misses the actual data at the time. Which is to stay, "hey, stay on topic, please."

No one is doubting she is going to dominate the black vote. The concern is what percentage of the black vote actually shows up to vote. It is a realistic concern.

The African-American voting population really gets shafted by everyone . Republicans for the most part have 0 interest in the African American voting block and actively work against it. The Democrats speak lots of platitudes but deliver rarely but even that is better than what the republicans have to offer.

It basically comes down to voting for keeping the status quo which sucks.

It's something minorities have a long history with.

If your choice is between Faygo and RC Cola and you hate both, you need to realize that you're going to get forced to drink one or other, regardless of sitting out. At least in one instance, you have a part in the choosing. I'll go with RC Cola.


Some of these fucking replies


After all of the shit Trump has said about minorities and what he would do to the supreme Court and the economy....

We still have people saying both are the same and it doesn't matter who wins...

Jesus fucking Christ....

Yea the Supreme Court alone should be reason enough to vote for her.

Look at Trumps campaign team. Kellyanne literally unprompted said if woman were as strong as men they wouldn't be raped. He has roger ailes on his team and Steve Bannon.

Also didn't Trump just hire the chief of Citizens United? Come on people. The man is as establishment as it gets.
You're voting for her, and yet seem adamant about throwing her under the bus whenever possible? You clearly understand whats at stake here, what's the purpose of your emotional outburst about how "terrible" she is?

The alternative is admit that Bernie lost. And that will not ever happen from a significant amount of people

I voted for him in the primary. He lost. I accept that L, because that L happened.


Hillary uses racist terms like superpredator and her family backed some terrible legislation for minorities, of course young blacks should be skeptical. Still infinitely superior than Trump but her toxic ratings just might trickle down to a worse downticket than what even Obama faced, thank god for Trump lmao
I'm not a conservative, republican or white. All i'm saying is birds of a feather flock together.



And post debunked grandma emails and photoshoped pics (he was in the KKK in the early 40's, so can you explain to me why he has an entire getup posing for a pic when he was old as fuck?)

Actually, don't answer that, because you can't, because you're posting stupid shit that is easily disproven with a five second google search, which means you're an idiot if you just post it as some type of argument.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
So in other words more email, and foundation media talk because that's really all that gets covered?

It's been 274 days and counting since the Clinton campaign held a press conference, and you wonder why she hasn't had much coverage? Some of the apologism in this thread is atrocious; it makes Corbynites look tame.
The alternative is admit that Bernie lost. And that will not ever happen from a significant amount of people

I voted for him in the primary. He lost. I accept that L, because that L happened.

Shit, he was my candidate of choice too, I had some heated arguments with family members about this, but he lost and I know what the fuck I have to do.


It's been 274 days and counting since the Clinton campaign held a press conference, and you wonder why she hasn't had much coverage? Some of the apologism in this thread is atrocious; it makes Corbynites look tame.

What the hell is a press conference going to do? Why does she need to hold one? Media needs to do their jobs and report facts and stop needing their egos fellated.


It's been 274 days and counting since the Clinton campaign held a press conference, and you wonder why she hasn't had much coverage? Some of the apologism in this thread is atrocious; it makes Corbynites look tame.

Press conferences are the metric to determine media activity?

I thought this was about policy?


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
You're voting for her, and yet seem adamant about throwing her under the bus whenever possible? You clearly understand whats at stake here, so what's the purpose of emotional outburst about how "terrible" she is?

Mostly to contrast the insufferable circlejerk. I don't think we should encourage too much insularity in our political parties.

Hillary uses racist terms like superpredator and her family backed some terrible legislation for minorities, of course young blacks should be skeptical. Still infinitely superior than Trump but her toxic ratings just might trickle down to a worse downticket than what even Obama faced, thank god for Trump lmao


We dodged a bullet because Trump took the gun and started firing blindly all over the place.

Why you guys think Hillary isn't connecting as much to this demographic lol.

Honestly, I think the article covers some of this.

Part of Mrs. Clinton’s problem, said Symone Sanders, a former top aide to Senator Bernie Sanders’s campaign, is that the candidate is overly cautious and is conducting an outdated style of black outreach.

Ms. Sanders has begun taking matters into her own hands. She said she was working with other young activists to recruit black celebrities for a millennial mobilization tour through Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia.

“Black churches and an H.B.C.U. tour is just not going to cut it in 2016,” said Ms. Sanders, referring to historically black colleges and universities. “The Clinton campaign has to be willing to get out of what’s comfortable and get on the streets.”

Mrs. Clinton has met with mothers of those who lost children at the hands of the police and has used the signature refrain that “black lives matter” in public remarks. But she and her husband also come from an earlier political tradition rooted in the Deep South, where black voters are primarily reached through the church and the threat of white conservative backlash is never far from mind.

Today’s young African-American voters are less likely to be found in black churches and more likely to be found in schools, loosely organized activist groups and online, said Ms. Packnett, the St. Louis activist.

Both Clintons play well with older black votes because they come from the Deep South and hold many of the same ideas and cultural touchpoints. When it comes to the younger demographic, Hillary still holds some strength, but there's an undercurrent of social activism that's manifesting across all races in that age group. Clinton does not have as strong a connection to that.


Honestly, I think the article covers some of this.

Both Clintons play well with older black votes because they come from the Deep South and hold many of the same ideas and mannerisms. When it comes to the younger demographic, Hillary still holds some strength, but there's an undercurrent of social activism that's manifesting across all races in that age group. Clinton does not have as strong a connection to that.

Yeah, I was trying to get the discussion back on track from Bernie V Hillary (Round 1889) lol.

Thanks for the answer, tho!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
What the hell is a press conference going to do? Why does she need to hold one? Media needs to do their jobs and report facts and stop needing their egos fellated.

A press conference is an event where she gets to schmooze with the media, remind them she exists, and force them to cover her policies for a while. The media in this country has never been neutral nor particularly high quality; it has always focused on the immediate here and now because that sells. You can't, as a presidential candidate, say "it's not my fault I wasn't noticed, the media was shit"; and if you are saying that, you're a terrible candidate. It's your job to go out there and do the media's job for them. Sell your policies, get on TVs, make people want you.

I mean come on, this is politics 101.
This is more of an indictment of how dumb and ignorant and entitled some of these youths are than anything about Hillary.

False equivalency is just pure intellectual laziness
It's really frustrating. "What am I supposed to do if I hate him and don't trust her!?!"

Maybe learn what the fuck you're talking about.


to me these discussions aren't even about clinton v trump anymore, i don't think there's any way he wins.

this kind of article should be immensely worry to anyone who cares about 2018 and especially 2020. people like this are the future of left-wing politics in america and we need to stop nominating centrists who focus on economic liberalization and compromising with the utterly insane right wing if we want to get them to the polls.
It's been 274 days and counting since the Clinton campaign held a press conference, and you wonder why she hasn't had much coverage? Some of the apologism in this thread is atrocious; it makes Corbynites look tame.

Please, she gives a big speech on the alt-right, lays out precisely the kind of people Trump surrounds himself with, what his racist history consist of, and the narrative after said speech is essentially both sides and name calling, followed by nothingness.

Trump has very real shady shit that could tear him to fucking shreds, and yet they go soft, barely cover it and proceed to laser focus their attention on the WATERGATE-ESQUE scandal that is Hillary's emails.\

So, yeah, the media pretty much trash.


A press conference is an event where she gets to schmooze with the media, remind them she exists, and force them to cover her policies for a while. The media in this country has never been neutral nor particularly high quality; it has always focused on the immediate here and now because that sells. You can't, as a presidential candidate, say "it's not my fault I wasn't noticed, the media was shit"; and if you are saying that, you're a terrible candidate. It's your job to go out there and do the media's job for them. Sell your policies, get on TVs, make people want you.

I mean come on, this is politics 101.

This is the same media that has been soft of many Trump scandals, but trumpet emails and CFoundation even though nothing can be made of it. Even though Trumps scandals are legit.

Yea I wouldn't be quick to pat their heads either. Especially when she's fundraising and breaking numbers doing so for downballot races that will hopefully help us retake the senate and put a dent in the House.
Probably not the best choice of GIF when talking about Hillary support.
As I am not someone who is frothing at the mouth to lay blame for laws in the 90s at Hillary's foot, that gif works just fine. And Hillary's support amongst African Americans who were actually adults during that period is as strong as ever.


A press conference is an event where she gets to schmooze with the media, remind them she exists, and force them to cover her policies for a while. The media in this country has never been neutral nor particularly high quality; it has always focused on the immediate here and now because that sells. You can't, as a presidential candidate, say "it's not my fault I wasn't noticed, the media was shit"; and if you are saying that, you're a terrible candidate. It's your job to go out there and do the media's job for them. Sell your policies, get on TVs, make people want you.

I mean come on, this is politics 101.

People have been complaining all primary about how much she is a career politician that would do dirty thing to get elected. Play the game so to speak.

And now you want her to play the game

And I Wouldnt be so quick to jump to the media after shit like the recent AP articles came about.
People have been complaining all primary about how much she is a career politician that would do dirty thing to get elected. Play the game so to speak.

And now you want her to play the game

I've seen so many supposedly liberal people trot out rhetoric straight from the alt-right/republicans, it's kind of insane.


Even if this was true, which it isn't, what a dangerous game to be playing.

i'm not saying i won't bother to vote, i vote in every single election that comes around. and i don't think it's 100% a sure thing, it just looks incredibly unlikely that trump will win and it's important to be looking to the future as well.

clinton and her people should honestly be terrified of the next 2 national elections, if she wins and dems take the senate i think it's extremely unlikely that they hold either victory past 2018/2020.


Hillary uses racist terms like superpredator and her family backed some terrible legislation for minorities, of course young blacks should be skeptical. Still infinitely superior than Trump but her toxic ratings just might trickle down to a worse downticket than what even Obama faced, thank god for Trump lmao

So I see we are going to ignore all the times she's fought for the rights of minorities, women, children, etc. (past and present) and ignore the context of the 1990s huh? This is a recurring problem when talking about Clinton - too much criticism of her is based in "feelings" or ignorance of large swaths or her record. It's why some of it is hard to take seriously - too many people show they have no idea what they are talking about.


As I am not someone who is frothing at the mouth to lay blame for laws in the 90s at Hillary's foot, that gif works just fine. And Hillary's support amongst African Americans who were actually adults during that period is as strong as ever.

I'm talking about Pierce being charged with battery for reportedly attacking a Sanders supporter, not making a broad statement on Hillary's support among African Americans.


Please, she gives a big speech on the alt-right, lays out precisely the kind of people Trump surrounds himself with, what his racist history consist of, and the narrative after said speech is essentially both sides and name calling, followed by nothingness.

Trump has very real shady shit that could tear him to fucking shreds, and yet they go soft, barely cover it and proceed to laser focus their attention on the WATERGATE-ESQUE scandal that is Hillary's emails.

Hillary's entire strategy is to explain why Trump (a person young black people wouldn't vote for anyway) is bad. That does nothing to explain why Hillary is good. Her campaign slogan should just be "I'm not Trump", and being better than Trump isn't a benchmark to be excited about.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
He comes across as genuine?

Well, yeah. That's what I meant with the 'charm' bit. Still, he's firmly in the 'establishment' category and I don't think him coming across as more genuine than Hillary would move the needle too much for young voters.
Hillary's entire strategy is to explain why Trump (a person young black people wouldn't vote for anyway) is bad. That does nothing to explain why Hillary is good. Her campaign slogan should just be "I'm not Trump", and being better than Trump isn't a benchmark to be excited about.

Are you suggesting she hasn't talked policy?


Hillary's entire strategy is to explain why Trump (a person young black people wouldn't vote for anyway) is bad. That does nothing to explain why Hillary is good. Her campaign slogan should just be "I'm not Trump", and being better than Trump isn't a benchmark to be excited about.

Considering she's talked about systemic racism and police brutality she's infinitely better than Trump.


Hillary's entire strategy is to explain why Trump (a person young black people wouldn't vote for anyway) is bad. That does nothing to explain why Hillary is good. Her campaign slogan should just be "I'm not Trump", and being better than Trump isn't a benchmark to be excited about.

If you ignore all the speeches on policy since. Most recently was the one on mental health.

But don't let that interrupt your talk about how she hasent done anything beside be antiTrump.
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