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Steve Bannon replaces Joint Chiefs of Staff and DNI in the National Security Council

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Editor of Foreign Policy magazine

Thank god February only has 28 days. Less to deal with.

One of these days in February will probably be starting a war with another country, mass deportations of hispanics from their homes, or Sessions becoming AG and making BLM a terrorist organization. Or all 3.


Political science professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst:


Sound advice.
The disease is right-wing media outlets and their influence on people as a whole. Bannon is merely the symbol of it - albeit one that wields an incredible amount of unchecked power. The Breitbarts, LifeZettes and Infowars of the world will continue to exist even if Bannon is subjugated - fostering ignorance, racism, nationalism and intolerance without reprisal. The Mercers might actually be the root of all of this cancer but good luck taking them down.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The Muslim ban was timed to distract people from this, wasn't it?

Not that it wasn't something everyone needed to focus on. Still, really hope this doesn't just get brushed under the rug.
The Muslim ban was timed to distract people from this, wasn't it?

Not that it wasn't something everyone needed to focus on. Still, really hope this doesn't just get brushed under the rug.

If Bannon & Co. are willing to cause an international crisis just for a "distraction", then they need to rot in prison (they need to rot in prison regardless...but eh).

Seriously, if they just wanted to distract the media, they could have Trump shit out some nonsense tweets or sent Spicer to brief the press on his favorite anime.


If Bannon & Co. are willing to cause an international crisis just for a "distraction", then they need to rot in prison (they need to rot in prison regardless...but eh).

Seriously, if they just wanted to distract the media, they could have Trump shit out some nonsense tweets or sent Spicer to brief the press on his favorite anime.
It's two-pronged.

1. Foment racism and create division.

2. Distract from power ascension.


It's crazy to me that we still have Democrats who, still today, think Hillary was only marginally better than this shit show.


Im not sure we should be citing Rove and Bush as an example of political decision-making not influencing military action. Regardless of what they say or the protocols they had set up.
The point is... they knew that including Rove was not right, even if they joked about it.

The same way that Trump and Bannon know it's not right.


A lot of the attention needs to be on people like Bannon. Trump is the useful idiot that is the face of the Bannon's etc.

I mean Bannon and crew are the ones who are writing this shit and purposely making sure other aspects of the Government are excluded and blocked from input. So yes we need to focus on these people.

Trump is a bad guy in all of this and we cannot let up on Trump but we have to keep the light on the real powers behind the Puppet
Political science professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst:


Sound advice.

But, when you are being pulled under by a shark, do you do consider the reasons this stretch of water seems to have been mis-managed and has a shark issue and what might be done about it, or do you try to kick the shark in the eyeball as a more immediate priority?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
How long until swastikas hang from the White House and Capitol building....?

Fuck me....
It doesn't need to be a swastika, America has long had an obsession with plastering the US flag all over everything so enough horrible shit done under its name and bam, new swastika.


Another reminder.

Now I can say a whooole lot wrong about "Deadeye Dick, Lawyer Hunter Extraordinair!" (Love that Whitehouse.org is coming back :D), but I doubt he sees himself as dark and evil nor agrees with destroying whole planets to make a point to a princess.

Isn't the man very religious? So isn't liking him to Satan a huge insult? This can't go over well with the Republicans.


...I don't like this February anymore.

Indeed if he classifies BLM as a terrorist organisation in February it would be a gigantic insult. As February is Black History Month, and thus is designed then to be a sting to African Americans, getting them annoyed.

OMG, this shit writes itself, he will do exactly that in February! Blaming them for all the cop shootings, and announce it with a huge grinning smile :(. Gosh I hope he doesn't, but really I won't put it beyond them any more.
Bannon is obviously a nasty piece of work, but he's not an elected official in any capacity, is he? How does one with no mandate get this kind of power? Please explain for a Brit with only a basic understanding of your government system...
Bannon is obviously a nasty piece of work, but he's not an elected official in any capacity, is he? How does one with no mandate get this kind of power? Please explain for a Brit with only a basic understanding of your government system...

Bannon is a bit of an "evil chancellor + weak king" situation. The president is elected, but obviously his senior staff in the White House isn't. He freely appoints those people. Major cabinet positions (= not White House staff, but the people heading other government agencies such as the State Department, the Department of Defense, etc. on behalf of the president) have to go through confirmation hearings in the Senate, but not the White House staff.

It's a bit like what Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill are to Theresa May. These two aren't elected either, but they have the ear of the PM and you can bet your ass that this gives these two more political influence than your average MP and probably even some of the Cabinet ministers.

So obviously if you have a weak-minded President who appoints a bunch of evil psychos in these positions, you're gonna have a problem.


Steve Bannon is on track to test US resolve as a democratic republic I feel. He's going to push against the system and the checks and balances very hard and we'll see how they really hold up if no-one actually takes proactive steps to prevent him.

As a European I've always noticed a tendency in my US friends to believe "it couldn't happen here". I feel this is going to be tested by the presidency of Trump being leveraged by Steve Bannon.


As a European I've always noticed a tendency in my US friends to believe "it couldn't happen here". I feel this is going to be tested by the presidency of Trump being leveraged by Steve Bannon.
I'm faced with the exact same thinking in my family... plus actual racists who hope it does happen here, like my brother :-/
He worships a German man with a funny mustache who lead that country between 1933 to 1945.

Thas actually was an Austrian who migrated to Germany...

But yeah, Bannon is a full-blown nazi, no doubt about that. And I am pretty sure he studied Hitler's seize of Power as well as the disempowerment of the Polish jurisdiction most intensive.
The disease is right-wing media outlets and their influence on people as a whole. Bannon is merely the symbol of it - albeit one that wields an incredible amount of unchecked power. The Breitbarts, LifeZettes and Infowars of the world will continue to exist even if Bannon is subjugated - fostering ignorance, racism, nationalism and intolerance without reprisal. The Mercers might actually be the root of all of this cancer but good luck taking them down.

The Mercers, the DaVos, The Princes, the Koch brothers, and others ...all of them collectively are a cancerous "board of directors" funding the right wing media and putting their political "executive management" in place (i.e., Trump, Bannon, Conway, etc.).
As a European I've always noticed a tendency in my US friends to believe "it couldn't happen here". I feel this is going to be tested by the presidency of Trump being leveraged by Steve Bannon.

Well, there's a famous novel about a fascist takeover in the US with that title and it seems well worth reading nowadays: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Can't_Happen_Here

Interestingly enough, the author's got it down to a T how fascism would be different in America compared to Europe. The Trump character in that novel is not really a fascistic zealot with a cohesive political ideology, but a blustering blowhard and con man. And he happens to have his very own Steve Bannon: a close advisor who is the real fascist of the bunch, who also writes all of his boss's speeches, and sets policies. He's eventually assassinated after staging a coup though.


Well, there's a famous novel about a fascist takeover in the US with that title and it seems well worth reading nowadays: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Can't_Happen_Here

Interestingly enough, the author's got it down to a T how fascism would be different in America compared to Europe. The Trump character in that novel is not really a fascistic zealot with a cohesive political ideology, but a blustering blowhard and con man. And he happens to have his very own Steve Bannon: a close advisor who is the real fascist of the bunch, who also writes all of his boss's speeches, and sets policies. He's eventually assassinated after staging a coup though.
This is insane. I knew of the book before today, but not how prophetic it is.

Much of the book's premise foretold what's just happened, as you said, down to a tee.

Salon - It Really Can Happen Here

Time - The Book People Are Saying Predicted Donald Trump's Rise

Zen Aku

How much you want to bet in October they'll make an attempt to revoke gay marriage? Hell they'll probably get itchy fingers and do it in March.
This is insane. I knew of the book before today, but not how prophetic it is.

Much of the book's premise foretold what's just happened, as you said, down to a tee.

Salon - It Really Can Happen Here

Time - The Book People Are Saying Predicted Donald Trump's Rise

I started reading it in December (haven't managed to get back to it for some time because, well, it got kinda overtaken by reality...) and some of the passages are chilling in their accuracy. You got your version of a deplorable in there who turns into a fascistic goon; you have the detached liberal elites who realize what is going on but are ultimately too indifferent and too passive to prevent it; and so on.

Not everything fits with what is happening at the moment (it's not the Republicans but the Democrats that get upstaged by the Trump character, for example). Still, it is absolutely chilling reading this what is happening around us. Sinclair Lewis obviously understood the dark corners of the American psyche very well.


How much you want to bet in October they'll make an attempt to revoke gay marriage? Hell they'll probably get itchy fingers and do it in March.

They'll do whatever her internal polling company suggests will be the most effective/divisive:


President-elect Donald Trump's campaign manager once worked closely with a group of anti-immigrant extremists and conspiracy theorists, creating polls aimed at generating ill feeling towards Muslim Americans.

Kellyanne Conway, who now acts as a senior aide to Mr Trump, ran a polling firm which has worked with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) – an organisation described as an anti-immigrant hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center – for 20 years.

FAIR is known for its hard-line stance on immigration and in its early years received large donations from the Pioneer Fund, an organisation dedicated to promoting eugenics and ethnic cleansing programmes.

In June 2015, Ms Conway's polling firm conducted a survey for the Centre for Security Policy, a right-wing think tank, which found that 51 per cent of Muslims in the US believed they should be governed by Shariah law.

Despite doubts over its accuracy, this poll was used by Mr Trump during presidential campaigning following the Paris terror attacks last November, as the then-Republican candidate attempted to justify his proposed ban on allowing Muslims to enter the United States.
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