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Mother Of Charlottesville Victim Heather Heyer: ‘I’m Proud Of What She Did’



More details about the woman killed by the Charlottesville terrorist. Not an easy read because it's so sad, but she should be remembered.

Heather, a paralegal who lived in Charlottesville, was determined to stand up to injustice, her mother told HuffPost. There was no question that she would protest throngs of neo-Nazis and other extremists that had descended on her town.

“She always had a very strong sense of right and wrong, she always, even as a child, was very caught up in what she believed to be fair,” Bro said. “Somehow I almost feel that this is what she was born to be, is a focal point for change. I’m proud that what she was doing was peaceful, she wasn’t there fighting with people.”

She recalled that her daughter was charitable and reached out to the underprivileged. Bro said Heather used to invite friends who were “having a hard time” to stay with them, sometimes for months. Anyone who needed help received it from Heather, Bro said.


There still seems to be some confusion about either she was a member of a socialist org or union or not. Either way, she's a comrade. RIP.
She was killed at a rally for white supremacist and Nazis in 2017 and the White House can't denounce the group.

This is not the time line I wanted for my daughter.
Dying from a Nazi on American soil seem surreal...I wish her family the best. She is a hero and her image should be paraded around the White House. Someone dying isn't a small thing. They need to understand that life means something.
No parent should outlive their child, even if your kid dies an amazing hero like Heather was it still has got to hurt beyond words.

Donating to the fund, hope they do eventually put up a statue of her and the terrorist who killed her is forgotten by everyone and left to rot in jail for the rest of his life.


She's a true hero.

Fuck Nazi's and and the confederacy. We should tear down each and every one of their memorials and then erect statues in honor of the victims and heroes that have been oppressed, murdered, and marginalized in their stead.
Fighting against nazis and terrorists is one of the bravest and morally upright things a person can do in this world. For such courage, she will not be forgotten.

R.I.P. Heather Heyer

Madame M

Remember when Donald Trump said he wanted to kill the family members of terrorists? What a wacky guy America elected for President!
There still seems to be some confusion about either she was a member of a socialist org or union or not. Either way, she's a comrade. RIP.

According to members in my IWW branch even they aren't sure. She worked regularly with the IWW but her formal membership was up in the air.
Seriously just some of the worst news, but her death was just worse of all.

Tear down the statue and have a memorial to her instead.

She will be forever a symbol to us, a comrade to the end. A blow to one is a blow to all. Rest in power.

Also please consider donating towards this verified fund to help her family:

Thank you for sharing this! Wouldn't have been able to donate thanks to you.
Here's a New York Times article as well.


For her, activism was about more than just “sitting behind your computer screen,” Ms. Blair said. “You gotta get out in your community and do things.”

Ms. Heyer and her friends were walking together at the protest when a car crashed into the crowd.

Ms. Blair, 27, saw it unfold.

Ms. Blair said her fiancé pushed her out of the way. She had a scrape on her arm and a bruise on her leg.

She began to look for him, and spotted his red baseball cap on the ground, covered in blood.

“It terrified me,” she said.

They two were reunited — he had a broken leg — and taken to a hospital, all the while wondering what happened to Ms. Heyer.

A detective broke the news that Ms. Heyer had been killed.

“I kind of knew and didn’t want to believe it,” she said. “When the cop told me, I cried and sank to my knees.”

Also, this heartbreaking detail.

Ms. Heyer lived alone with her Chihuahua, Violet, who was named after her favorite color.

Poor doggie. I hope someone has taken it in.
Everyone who voted for Trump, who has racist family members they refuse to confront, who talks about both sides when they know better, who enjoys "ironic" racism, is complicit in this young woman's murder.

Don't @ me.
Everyone who voted for Trump, who has racist family members they refuse to confront, who talks about both sides when they know better, who enjoys "ironic" racism, is complicit in this young woman's murder.

Don't @ me.

Jesus. How do you function in society when at least 60 million people are complicit in someone's murder?

That being said, I hope the death penalty comes to the terrorist who is responsible for this shit.
Do not let Heather's sacrifice be in vain, do exactly what she would have done.

Organise, get angry, protest, get involved, take to the streets.

Sitting at home posting with the #resistance won't change anything, you create change by going out there and marching.


There's something so tragic about someone fighting for equality snuffed out in an instant without probably even knowing what happened to them.

We all should be proud. Being killed for protesting against racists in America in 2017 is a dark thing.

I hope there is a movement to comb images, and identify all of the people who proudly displayed their hate and racism publicly. We should know who they are.

And yes. The statue torn down and replaced with a memorial would be the right idea here.
Tear down the statue of Robert E. Lee and replace it with a memorial to her.
Here in NOVA one of our major highways is Robert E Lee highway and they are planning on changing it this year. I'd love to see a born and raised Virginian who was brave and stood for American values named after the highway.
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