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Mother Of Charlottesville Victim Heather Heyer: ‘I’m Proud Of What She Did’

And she and everyone out there took to protest these bastards they earned nothing but respect. She died a hero, and that's the legacy she will hold.

Tear down the statue of Robert E. Lee and replace it with a memorial to her.

You do this, replace this president, and we actually come to together and I'll buy every fucking american flag I can. This would be a solid first step.


RIP Heather. The idea of replacing confederate monuments with a memorial to her is fantastic.


People grieve in their own way. I can't imagine losing my damn dog let alone my grown daughter. I think I'd lose my mind.

But yeah, there was no devil at play here, just nazis and there is nothing wrong with hating nazis.

Royce McCutcheon

Junior Member
Heather’s dad said his daughter’s campaign against hate is inspiring him to forgive Fields despite the horrible atrocity.

“I can’t hate the man who did this to her because that would make me as bad as the people who did this,” he said.

“As far as I’m concerned, he was deceived by the devil.”

I hate hate hate when people spout forgiveness when something unforgivable happens.
As a person of color doing social justice work, I can say the biggest disappointments to me where the "white allies" that stood in their comfort zone instead of putting themselves out there.

I'd take one person like Heather over 1000 of those people. Thank you for everything you did in life and I hope we can galvanize around your death to inch closer to the common goals and dream we shared.

RIP Heather.


Everything she did, she did for her country.
She sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land.
She was a real hero.

She was a true patriot.



Both parents don't want to hate the guy because they think their daughter doesn't want it either. I think that's a fair argument.

Their daughter was literally protesting against white supremacy, and killed by a white supremacist.

I don't like parents willing to overlook shit like this happening to their kids over some bullshit religious pacifism.


When his coping disrespects his daughter and how she died, nah.

As the father to daughters (children really). If someone killed one of my children I would either need to forgive them or end their lives myself.

Otherwise I'd burn in hatred the rest of the time I was alive.

His coping doesn't disrespect squat. Gain some perspective.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I don't like parents willing to overlook shit like this happening to their kids over some bullshit religious pacifism.

They just suffered the worst loss a person could have in their entire lives. Let them find peace with whatever pacific means they can.

Let the rest of the world worry how to fight the actual forces that caused her death.
When his coping disrespects his daughter and how she died, nah.

Their daughter was literally protesting against white supremacy, and killed by a white supremacist.

I don't like parents willing to overlook shit like this happening to their kids over some bullshit religious pacifism.

They're trying to cope, and personally I don't believe it's my place to cast opinion on or judge how someone grieves through a loss that I've lost sleep over for fear of it happening to my family.

You do you, friend.
Can't help but admire the guy for being able to forgive something like that.

If anyone did something like that to my daughter I'd go Gary Plauche on them without a second thought.
What angers me is, the driver is the hero to too many motherfuckers out there, right now.

Land of the free, home of the brave, right? 😡😡😡

RIP Double H


When his coping disrespects his daughter and how she died, nah.

This is honestly pathetic. Don't tell people how to grieve. Why don't you focus on the people who actually DID this instead of posting about how the fucking parents grieve for their child?


This is honestly pathetic. Don't tell people how to grieve. Why don't you focus on the people who actually DID this instead of posting about how the fucking parents grieve for their child?

GAF will honestly critique anything from their armchair...

GAF Reviews: A mother's heartfelt words about the circumstances surrounding how her daughter was murdered.

Next week...

GAF Reviews: Spelling mistakes in an Auschwitz diary.


GTFOH with this bullshit.

No? It sends a message of passivity that demeans the active protests their daughter died doing and all those people endangered themselves to do. Fuck white supremacists and fuck people that expect others to forgive and forget unforgivable crimes.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
You understand that he actually does have more of a stake in this than you do right
I know what you mean, of course, but one could argue this battle is bigger than just about one person.

Personally he can grieve however he wants and if that means forgiving the unforgivable, then whatever. But at least put the blame on the right problem and not an imaginary being, because that problem is still going to be there and still needs to be fought.


You understand that he actually does have more of a stake in this than you do right

I'd be more interested in hearing the stakes of the people who were injured at the protests, instead. If most of them preached that, sure. Fine. But she wasn't the only victim. This is bigger than them to forgive it.


No? It sends a message of passivity that demeans the active protests their daughter died doing and all those people endangered themselves to do. Fuck white supremacists and fuck people that expect others to forgive and forget unforgivable crimes.

There is absolutely zero things wrong with processing the death of a child in your own way rather than speaking platitudes to energize an ideological base. Seriously.

His daughter died so he can cope with her death however he damn well feels like it. Learn to have some fucking empathy.
No? It sends a message of passivity that demeans the active protests their daughter died doing and all those people endangered themselves to do. Fuck white supremacists and fuck people that expect others to forgive and forget unforgivable crimes.

Pretty sure that the terrorist is going to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And no one has any expectation or should, frankly, have the impression that it's "forgive and forget".

Think back to Dylan Roof.

Edit: His being forgiven by a Mother of one of Roof's victims, that is.


I'd be more interested in hearing the stakes of the people who were injured at the protests, instead. If most of them preached that, sure. Fine. But she wasn't the only victim. This is bigger than them to forgive it.

Why are you making this about you?


There is absolutely zero things wrong with processing the death of a child in your own way rather than speaking platitudes to energize an ideological base. Seriously.

His daughter died so he can cope with her death however he damn well feels like it. Learn to have some fucking empathy.

I have shit tons of empathy, but I dont for people so easily able to say they "forgive" and hold no anger towards dangerous bigots that killed their loved one. They can cope how they want, i just find it personally fucked up.
I have shit tons of empathy, but I dont for people so easily able to say they "forgive" and hold no anger towards dangerous bigots that killed their loved one. They can cope how they want, i just find it personally fucked up.

And you have never buried a murdered child so again, STFU about how this family processes this.


I feel like absolute shit that I'm thinking that this would be a great foundation for a movie that can tackle our country's current racial tensions. Ugh. Don't hurt me gaf.
I feel like absolute shit that I'm thinking that this would be a great foundation for a movie that can tackle our country's current racial tensions. Ugh. Don't hurt me gaf.

There have been countless stories of the senseless deaths of individuals in the past years that would have made for that. In your mind, what makes this one stand out for you?
Anyone who is anti-Nazi is the best

This is not the time to "feel the bern", a woman was murdered and you thought it was best to post about Bernie Sanders?

There are plenty of anti-Nazis who aren't the best, look at the traditional Republican party.

The fact she supported Bernie should be mentioned in this her memorial thread. How you find this so offensive you have to reply to me...I have no fucking idea.

Take a chill pill son.
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