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343 Rescinds Job Offer to Halo Community Member Over Forum Post

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has no one hear worked in an office, ever?

dont go online and talk shit about the people signing your paycheck, and expect them to keep signing it.

happens ALL THE TIME with social media, and I knnnnoooow the attitude of this forum over if off topic when something like that happens is "well what did you expect?"

Some bozo who works at pizza hut talks shit on his manager on facebook and is fired, his fault. some bozo who wants to work for a company in game development talks shit on that company on a public forum, COMPANY SO MEAN

but its fun to talk shit on 343 evidently so now they are crybabies?

That would get you a job offer rescinded pretty much everywhere as far as legally possible
Seriously LMAO

Like no fucking shit


this post is quite naive. would you expect to got a job at an employer you publicly criticized, saying everybody there should be fired?

not to mention you really think the people at 343 would be happy working with someone who wanted them all fired? attitudes like that are damaging to a corporate culture.

As we have seen before, lots of young people place little value in cohesion in the workplace. We have had this discussion on GAF before, but it seems a lot of people think the only thing that matters in employability is technical skill at the job at hand. So few realize that an employer would let you rot in the bread line no matter how brilliant your technical skills if you cant fucking get along with other PEOPLE in the office.

Like... basic social skills are so devalued to some that they think it shouldn't matter. That's why you get posts like that. As if his brilliance matters if no one can stand working with him.

90% of the people saying this is petty wouldnt dare walk into a Job Interview with a shirt that says "Company here sucks" or something closely related because deep down they realize thats a bad idea. In this case, dude got caught wearing that shirt and the company passed.

I'm not surprised.
So, let me get this straight:

1) He gets a job offer
2) Quit his old job
3) Sells his apartment and starts moving his belongings to the new place
4) 343 retracts their job offer because of old online stuff?

My question is: Who quits his old job without having first inked the new contract?

I did, when I first applied to Nintendo and they wanted me in (I no longer work there currently). Of course my circumstances were different, and I have no qualms about saying that I was extraordinarily lucky.


Hopefully Naughty Dog will hire me over my post history because I've got nothing but praise for them.

Doesn't work that way? Oh well...
I loathe 343's judgment here. That forum post is an obvious bit of ill-considered hyperbole, the same kind that everyone – even 343 employees, I'd wager – has dropped at one time or another. To sack him over it shows a ludicrous over-sensitivity. God help us all should we annoy the wrong kind of anonymous bottom-feeder.


I am sure we know the whole story.

Sacrasm aside, going to the internet to make 343i seem like the bad guy makes his job search tougher.
People get mad and say stuff online. No, I'm not talking about the n-word, only racists do that.

I wouldn't rescind over this (if it's an accurate rundown of what happened, in which case I'd say 343 is being petty).


The post I'm referring to still exists on GAF. If that person wants to talk about this I'll let them post.

My stance is that it seems this dude doesn't have the perfect record. I think he could post whatever excuse as the reason for the job offer being rescinded since 343/Microsoft are surely not going to give a public response to this.


Nothing petty about not wanting to hire someone that basically told you all to get fired three short months ago.

Eh, that's why I said it's a bit petty. I don't think it's unjustified, but it seems extreme. Then again, I guess I'd have doubts about someone who could, in full faith, say something so weirdly irrational about a video game.

It makes more sense in the context of the thread about "toxic communities" we had the other day.


Comment has been deleted so I can't say for sure, but the "nobody at 343 deserves their job" sounds like pretty standard internet complaining to me. Hyperbole is not new, and while it's become excessive IMO in modern internet culture (not just games, mind you: everything is the best thing ever or the worst thing ever), using it shouldn't be a fireable offense.

Some random internet forum isn't the Washington Post or IGN, it's amateurs shooting the shit casually.
Really awful situation. I'm a bit confused over the timeline. When did he get the job offer? I assume he applied for the job sometime after that post was made.. right?

Also, is there any context to the post? Otherwise yeah, that really comes off in a very negative manner...

As shitty as it is for him I can sort of see why 343 would not want to hire someone that posts that (unless there is some context that I'm unaware of).

His little essay made it seem like he made those posts a loooong time ago while its only been a few months. So totally his own fault.

Yeah initially I figured it was some old post from years ago that (unfairly) bit him on the ass. But it was from like 3 months ago. When did he apply for the job?

Either way I kind of feel bad for everyone involved in this.


Neo Member
You cannot hire someone who has already publicly insulted everyone they're about to work with by saying they don't deserve their jobs, that'll immediately create a toxic work environment.

This isn't even remotely comparable to criticism of specific design elements: it's a personal insult of everyone at 343.


And this is why Gary Whitta deleted all his gaf posts when he got the Star wars gig.

I guess it's fair game that 343 revoked the offer but it's shitty that Internet detectives made it their job to dig up the old stuff. (edit:eek:h apparently the comment was made 3 months ago)
I want to just add this to the discussion:

The comment was made less than 3 months ago. I believe that should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not 343i are being unfair.


I loathe 343's judgment here. That forum post is an obvious bit of ill-considered hyperbole, the same kind that everyone – even 343 employees, I'd wager – has dropped at one time or another. To sack him over it shows a ludicrous over-sensitivity. God help us all should we annoy the wrong kind of anonymous bottom-feeder.
He also did some kinda creepy personal attacks on other forgers from what I've heard


Nightmare fuel situation.

Ridiculous reaction to common internet hyperbole made as a fan rather than as a professional. Only people totally disconnected from standard internet discourse could believe he actually meant that. Criticism online often has a weightless, hyperbolic quality to it. You need to be able to parse that. On top of which, they really should have found that stuff before hiring him.

Petty in the extreme.

No, I think people need to realize that behaving like a jackass has consequences in the real world.
So, let me get this straight:

1) He gets a job offer
2) Quit his old job
3) Sells his apartment and starts moving his belongings to the new place
4) 343 retracts their job offer because of old online stuff?

My question is: Who quits his old job without having first inked the new contract?

Receiving an offer letter and accepting it, does not constitute an employment contract. They can change their minds, and fire you on your first day.
As if his brilliance matters if no one can stand working with him.

Highly debatable. Is he really a guy no one can stand working with? Does anyone at his previous workplace complained about him? His brilliance is what got him hired in the first place, and I'm sure the interview wasn't a blind hiring process.
If they were smart they'd have hunted that post down before even giving him an interview. Who the fuck doesn't do due diligence on that shit in this day and age, especially in that sort of community? Honestly if that was the worst thing he posted (and if that was the only time he said shit like that and wasn't whining like that all the time) it's something on the level where I'd have forgiven it as a Heated Gaming Forum Moment if I was in charge of deciding if he got to keep his job offer, but that's just me.

Regardless, it's a dick move for them not to do it until he already quit his old job, and I'd hope that he has grounds to sue for at least the cost of moving.


His post was shitty, but so was 343's reaction. So this amounts to a pile of... shit.
I mean, come on, I don't think he ever really meant that. Welcome to the internet, a lot of the stuff people say here is hyperbole. Withdrawing the job offer after the guy has made all the efforts to adapt to his new (soon to be ex) job is awful.
Couldn't they test the waters? At least give him a chance to prove he's worth it?
Maybe even ask him to apologize to his fellow co-workers, addressing that specific post? A simple company-wide e-mail would have sufficed.

This is really petty on 343's part.


Oh, it got removed a few seconds ago.

I'm not sure how mods think of linking it, but here it goes:



It's a shitty comment and probably quite a few on GAF wouldn't get hired for what they've probably said based on that. It seems like it's negative is a very cold way which I think is probably what done it, not necessarily criticism itself of which there was none which also doesn't help, have to be constructive.

I get he said a really ignorant thing that helps nobody but I would just roast him in the studio, play on it, buy him a "Do I deserve to be here" t-shirt, welcome to party pal, here is forum feedback duties for your work, enjoy!
343i are in their right to rescind an offer if those posts were anything approaching unprofessional or disrespectful. That's not exactly the type of atmosphere you would want to foster in a team where cooperation and teamwork is vital.


I want to just add this to the discussion:

The comment was made less than 3 months ago. I believe that should be taken into consideration.

Yeah, when I noticed that I edited my original comment.

He probably applied to the job right around that time which just makes the whole thing super baffling. You'd think he'd know better.
“Just your average gaming hyperbole nbd” is exactly why the gaming community is as toxic and shitty as it is lmao

For fucking real. It's obvious the people saying that have no experience working with any sort of large company. I bet they'd be shocked to learn that employers google your name too!


”Just your average gaming hyperbole nbd" is exactly why the gaming community is as toxic and shitty as it is lmao

Exactly. Here comes the "I mean, who HASN'T done that right guys?" posts. Didn't we just have this discussion with the "Lazy Devs" bullshit surrounding Skullgirls or whatever?

If they were smart they'd have hunted that post down before even giving him an interview. Who the fuck doesn't do due diligence on that shit in this day and age, especially in that sort of community?

I have to agree here though. They should have found that sooner.
Nightmare fuel situation.

Ridiculous reaction to common internet hyperbole made as a fan rather than as a professional. Only people totally disconnected from standard internet discourse could believe he actually meant that. Criticism online often has a weightless, hyperbolic quality to it. You need to be able to parse that. On top of which, they really should have found that stuff before hiring him.

Petty in the extreme.

start attaching your real name and information to your posts online then.

people need to learn being a shit online isnt in some vaccum, things you say have consequences

there was a huge thread yesterday on why game devs dont talk to the community. because of its toxicity.

because of the attitude and thinking you have right now, IMO


People get mad and say stuff online. No, I'm not talking about the n-word, only racists do that.

I wouldn't rescind over this (if it's an accurate rundown of what happened, in which case I'd say 343 is being petty).
So you would hire somebody who think you don't deserve your job and expressed as much in an online forum?
Probably for the best. Would you really want to work for a company that does that? Sounds like a fun work environment.

Besides, its a sinking ship anyway.


Protip: Don't connect your personal and professional life if you make crying, whining and insulting your potential future bosses on the internet one of your hobbies.


Reminder: this is this guy's side of the story. And now that he's gone public and makes 343 looks a little bad (but really not that bad), I bet 343 says something publicly as well and reveals something this guy failed to mention.


Even though his comments were, from what I gather, rather benign (compared to the crap other people post that gets them fired) people should be cognizant of what they post online. Still, fuck the no doubt jealous asshole that went out of their way to bother digging it up.
I understand why they did it but I feel really, really bad for the guy.

People need to understand how important it is not to share views in public that may damage you professionally or personally. Especially when it’s as asinine and unimportant as the comment that got him fired.


Protip to all those saying "this is no big deal" or that a reaction like this is "petty":

Working in a professional environment necessarily involes a tight-knit group under high stress conditions. Incredibly talented people don't always fit in with a studio, even without showing this sort of published hostility to a team/studio. If someone, casually or otherwise, makes this sort of spiteful personal attacks from the outside, there's no doubt those feelings of resentment would be disruptive on the inside. Whether that means the team feeling rightfully attacked, or because that person harbors their own petty resentment.

As the person who wrote the letter very maturely notes, no one deserves a job like this.

If you'd hire someone that publicly says that no one at your company deserves their job, you're a pretty terrible employer.
Not the sort of people you want working in group projects, that's for sure.


Edit: Also, holy shit, his "old post" was less than three months before the hire? This was hardly "something from the past." The hiring process isn't quick anywhere. This could easily have been almost simultanious.


No, I think people need to realize that behaving like a jackass has consequences in the real world.

Plus, what individual at the company is going to want to work with this dude? "Oh, hey, you're the new guy who said I, and all of my colleagues, shouldn't have a job. Let me show you around the office and we'll grab coffee!" Seems like a recipe for a terrible workplace environment.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
If this is how they handle hiring, it goes a long way towards explaining the huge drop on quality the series has suffered since they took over.


I want to just add this to the discussion:

The comment was made less than 3 months ago. I believe that should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not 343i are being unfair.
Probably shouldn't shit talk your employer almost right before you accept their offer


It's understandable. I think it may be more of a grey situation if the post had been made a few years ago and it was a one time thing, but that comment is pretty recent.

Yea, with the post being that recent, you wouldn't even be talking about a situation where his perception of his new colleagues would have changed over time. He would have basically been writing that whilst applying to them at the same time.

For someone who's dream was apparently always to work on Halo, that was an incredibly stupid thing to be posting. The timing is super unfortunate... but you'd get job offers pulled damn near anywhere for a comment like that.


If you'd hire someone that publicly says that no one at your company deserves their job, you're a pretty terrible employer.

Agreed. This is a red flag for me.

Those complaining about 343 being crybabies have probably never worked in a corporate job. Try posting on your linkedin profile how no one in your company deserves jobs and see where that gets you.


I mean, I get where 343 is coming from. Don't talk shit about a potential employer. Seems easy enough.
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