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Here are 25 minutes of gameplay footage from Squadron 42





Gold Member
Don't mind me. Just uh... rubbin one out over here. Been following this game since the crowdfunding started. First pitched in 6 years ago. Super excited to see so many things they were talking about years ago finally coming around. I know we're still looking at a good deal of time left, but it finally feels like the finish line will be in sight soon.


Gold Member
99% of developers dont have the luxury to have decade long development cycle with stupid amount of budget.......and this game is not even out yet.

If all developers try to be like Star Citizen then we wouldn't be playing any game because they would be still development.
You canceled out your own argument and you didn't even notice.

CIG and Rockstar, they're both unique in this respect. As you implied, there's no need to be concerned about anything because either way it's only a tiny fraction of the industry, and practically no one else will be able to adopt the same models.

But with that said, I wouldn't even mind the entire industry to do long dev cycles if it lead to more unique technology and games. I'd love to see Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed bake for a decade (although Starfield kinda failed that test by left baking in outdated tech).
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In my opinion, this is coming out. I think their commitment to this project has come full circle now, hype, scam and back to hype now. I think 2025 will be SQ42's release year.

The question I have though has shifted away from will it come out to will it be good. It certainly looks good but fun factor? Let's see.

Buggy Loop

99% of developers dont have the luxury to have decade long development cycle with stupid amount of budget.......and this game is not even out yet.

If all developers try to be like Star Citizen then we wouldn't be playing any game because they would be still development.

But in Starfield’s case it’s eerily close in budget and time.

8 years and $400M for a single player game with completely outdated tech, using an engine they already knew and devs ready to go from previous project, no real major hiring process and learning of in-house tools.

These guys started with no offices, no employees (or skeleton crew around Chris Roberts) with no engine to this, I would say it’s mind blowing. Perfect run? Nope. Mismanaged for a while? I think so. Feature creep a few years ago? Oh yeah. But it seems they’re almost there, now more than ever.

Oh and they have the MMO also eating away at time and budget, tech that did not exist until this weekend like dynamic server meshing. And Hollywood actors for single player..

In fact, why did Starfield end up the way it is when we compare…

You’re right 99.9% of developers don’t have the luxury, that was the point of the whole pledge, to not be pressured by publishers in decision making, budget and timeframe. It’s unique in that it’s a monstrous project but still an indie.

No I don’t want all games to take 10 years, but I wish some of them would push the envelope a bit more. It’s in a sad state of affair, the story / art / gameplay changes but the foundation almost all look like they came from Unity/UE with havok. It’s always very safe without too much ambition. That’s what the engine can do as default? Oh well let’s not push further. Think of the 2000’s games like F.E.A.R., Crysis, Half Life 2, Red Faction. They were pushing tech, physics and AI like nobody else. That feeling is long gone for the majority of AAA now. I haven’t had the feeling of exciting tech until this game in a long time.
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Gold Member
Agreed, but this game is 11 years in and a half a billion dollars deep and still not even close to release.

99% of developers dont have the luxury to have decade long development cycle with stupid amount of budget.......and this game is not even out yet.

If all developers try to be like Star Citizen then we wouldn't be playing any game because they would be still development.

Bethesda is not some indie games studio. They have the time, funds, and manpower.

Squadron 42 is the Starfield that Todd Howard sold to us.


You can play it. You have been able to play it for year but it never seems to get out of the alpha stage.

That user always does that. I just ignore them lol.
I like your posts, just real information, not shitting on the news like some 5 year old toddler and still not praising it like the second coming of Christ like some lunatic fanatic! Keep up the good work👍


hide your water-based mammals
From somebody like me who is truly at a distance when it comes to the happenings of this universe, it will be so gratifying to see this game come out and hopefully get it to do because there's nothing even close that has scratched the edge like this. In terms of overall scale and production. There are other space simulation games that just aren't as big budget and clearly it shows with what they're doing in Star citizen and with squadron 42, this just looks expensive. It's going to be a privilege to play something like this when it comes out. And it's probably going to draw a lot of people like me in to try star citizen if it's as good as it looks.

I'm sure there are some who have been following this more and probably posting and defending the game more so coming from them it would probably feel like some defense, but from somebody like me who has been the opposite, you can take it from me when I say this is easily the most exciting game by a long shot.


Gold Member
I hadn't spent money on this game until yesterday....after watching this video. Ended up getting the F8C Lightning...$260. I figured through the time it takes for this to actually be released I can melt this ship to other ships I might wanna try for a time. Probably will end up losing money doing that, but I'll make that decision when it becomes necessary.

For now...I been playing Star Citizen for about 2 years...I have not been blown away until this Citizencon. I'm all in now. I choose to believe.
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look as someone who loves space games from X series to elite dangerous i wanna be excited for this but why they wont just give an estimated release date 10 years after the game announced instead they tell us that is feature completed . What the f***k that even means ? Is it coming the next few weeks the next few months the next few years ?
look as someone who loves space games from X series to elite dangerous i wanna be excited for this but why they wont just give an estimated release date 10 years after the game announced instead they tell us that is feature completed .

To string people along some more?


'Feature complete' is certainly a new interesting term lol, whatever that means. They could at least give a release window. To me, the polishing phase is 12 months at most but I fear it could be more here.


Gold Member
'Feature complete' is certainly a new interesting term lol, whatever that means. They could at least give a release window. To me, the polishing phase is 12 months at most but I fear it could be more here.
Mrs Clark is "feature complete" but no amount of "polish" will make me happy.

She still has no release window
I wouldn't get too hyped. Feature complete means it's about half or bit more of the game. Those systems take a long time to implement and polish and that's only features.
But I definitely see the light as updates released much faster now and they are more meaningful. Also they are less buggy now, with exceptions.


Gold Member
I think maybe you are confused with Star Citizen aka space simulator. Squadron 42 is a cinematic action game, and a spiritual successor to wing commander. Its not an opinion you dick, its a fact and is what we all backed 10 odd years ago.

My friend, go back and watch Todd Howard's deep dive of Starfield. A lot of the things he talks about that you can do in the game such as travel anywhere and space exploration is not actually in Starfield but is in S42.

Buggy Loop

I hadn't spent money on this game until yesterday....after watching this video. Ended up getting the F8C Lightning...$260. I figured through the time it takes for this to actually be released I can melt this ship to other ships I might wanna try for a time. Probably will end up losing money doing that, but I'll make that decision when it becomes necessary.

For now...I been playing Star Citizen for about 2 years...I have not been blown away until this Citizencon. I'm all in now. I choose to believe.

I still have the base 325A. I was wondering, what is the insurance thing again, I never quite followed what it really meant or if it changed through time. Are ship upgrades, whenever PU is released, then you're at risk of losing the ship forever and start grinding again? Or ship upgrades will make the default spawn ship the one selected and will always be available, no insurance needed?

This always confused me.


Gold Member
I still have the base 325A. I was wondering, what is the insurance thing again, I never quite followed what it really meant or if it changed through time. Are ship upgrades, whenever PU is released, then you're at risk of losing the ship forever and start grinding again? Or ship upgrades will make the default spawn ship the one selected and will always be available, no insurance needed?

This always confused me.
I'll give you the perfect example. Personal Experience. Before the 3.21 patch was launched, I had bought a few ships using the in-game currency. There were some hiccups with the "long term persistance" feature. where they would only wipe part of your account to launch the new patch. If working properly, you would keep your money, your ships bought with auec (in game currency), any armor or guns you had stored since the last patch and any pledged ships (ones you bought with real money).

The patch went well, performance wise for the most part...but there was an issue with the long-term persistence and I lost 2 ships. The Sentinel and the Scorpius. Neither were very expensive, maybe 2-3 million auec per ship but its kinda the risk you take when playing in an alpha state of the game. The only things promised are the ships you pay for with real money. Ships you buy with real money come with Lifetime Insurance. You always have it.

To some that may seem like a scam, but I've seen what it's like when they try to hold onto everything people earned through gameplay. Inventories become glitched...kiosks stop working properly. Sometimes you can't retrieve items from your dead body in space because it ceases to exist even you somehow comically died from jumping off a staircase that was too tall. The end result is that they have to somewhat wipe long term persistence to give the servers a fresh start. USUALLY your money is salvageable even in the worst cases and if there is to be a full wipe, you will know weeks, sometimes months in advance.

There's an easy workaround though. Find some friends who have a pledged multicrew ship. When the wipe happens, join them as a crewmate...go out and earn money at maximum efficiency to get enough auec to buy stuff back. I was watching a buddy of mine stream this last night with his friend. They went scavenging planetside. Basically battlefield scavengers. I watched them in about an hour scrounge up 4.5 million auec of discarded cargo which they split half n half. So wiping is not a big deal if you know the right folks with the right pledges.
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What most recently released space combat games?
Everspace 2. Star Wars Squadrons. Chorus. All of these look better in space sections. This game seems like it's not sure if it's a simulation or an arcade-y game. The zooming in hud effect is a non-starter for me. The lighting on distant planets, asteroids, and space stations looks great. The up close ships are glitchy and poorly lit.

Buggy Loop

Everspace 2. Star Wars Squadrons. Chorus. All of these look better in space sections. This game seems like it's not sure if it's a simulation or an arcade-y game. The zooming in hud effect is a non-starter for me. The lighting on distant planets, asteroids, and space stations looks great. The up close ships are glitchy and poorly lit.

I Dont Know GIF by Paramount Network

Played them and I have nothing bad to say for what they are, as the size of the devs (cept Squadrons) or the actual aim of the games (polar opposites of Star Citizen in complexity. ), what can you expect. But yea... i do not agree even a bit. These are going for simplistic, nowhere near sim and in very narrow levels just flashy effects, they're fine as a quick action space game.

Well to start, if your whole point of reference is the Squadron 42 guy flying from this thread's video, every Star citizen players from the PU basically said the guy sucked, why CIG did that, who knows, presenting mostly the key features and be as newbie friendly as possible rather than crazy flying, which would be a bit alienating honestly, even for me some of what the PU pilots do is too much.

Bounty hunter all around solar system

Small guys against a fat boi in the city

Crazy asteroid race.

Its like comparing Mario kart to GT 🤷‍♂️ all about different tastes, like i can respect someone that would say Mario kart is his jam, but it's just not mine.

But you see what i did here? I didn't shit on them by saying they "look pretty bad". Those arcadey space games are just not my cup of tea, they're side dishes when i feel a hitch to play "something" space, they're not the main meal for me.


I Dont Know GIF by Paramount Network

Played them and I have nothing bad to say for what they are, as the size of the devs (cept Squadrons) or the actual aim of the games (polar opposites of Star Citizen in complexity. ), what can you expect. But yea... i do not agree even a bit. These are going for simplistic, nowhere near sim and in very narrow levels just flashy effects, they're fine as a quick action space game.

Well to start, if your whole point of reference is the Squadron 42 guy flying from this thread's video, every Star citizen players from the PU basically said the guy sucked, why CIG did that, who knows, presenting mostly the key features and be as newbie friendly as possible rather than crazy flying, which would be a bit alienating honestly, even for me some of what the PU pilots do is too much.

Bounty hunter all around solar system

Small guys against a fat boi in the city

Crazy asteroid race.

Its like comparing Mario kart to GT 🤷‍♂️ all about different tastes, like i can respect someone that would say Mario kart is his jam, but it's just not mine.

But you see what i did here? I didn't shit on them by saying they "look pretty bad". Those arcadey space games are just not my cup of tea, they're side dishes when i feel a hitch to play "something" space, they're not the main meal for me.

For what SC is trying to do, I think it looks pretty bad. The cockpit details are just really bland. The environments I've seen are visually boring, especially that bounty hunter one you posted. The asteroids have flat shading on them and they all have similar sizes and geometry. It honestly doesn't look technically better than OG X-Wing Alliance to me. Maybe the generic procedurely generated asteroids are polygonal objects now instead of sprites, but they also have terrible LOD that's constantly jumping. Looks very bad.

The race is better in terms of LOD and lighting. The cockpit details are vland and sterile. There's very little physicality to the cockpit. Turning the head we should see the way light changes on the glass. Even futuristic spaceships get smudged and dirty, but this one looks like an unfinished 3d render of a spaceship.
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Buggy Loop

For what SC is trying to do, I think it looks pretty bad. The cockpit details are just really bland. The environments I've seen are visually boring, especially that bounty hunter one you posted. The asteroids have flat shading on them and they all have similar sizes and geometry. It honestly doesn't look technically better than OG X-Wing Alliance to me. Maybe the generic procedurely generated asteroids are polygonal objects now instead of sprites, but they also have terrible LOD that's constantly jumping. Looks very bad.

The race is better in terms of LOD and lighting. The cockpit details are vland and sterile. There's very little physicality to the cockpit. Turning the head we should see the way light changes on the glass. Even futuristic spaceships get smudged and dirty, but this one looks like an unfinished 3d render of a spaceship.

krispy kreme week GIF

I don’t think I’ve ever so not agreed with someone. X wing alliance? Are you nuts?


Credit where its due this is better than what I expected and is impressive, now lets see if this level is consistent in the released product and the performance is acceptable. The biggest test for them is will they be able to release this within a given timeframe for once so they can build some credibility in terms of deliverables.
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