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Keighley: Epic says UE4 not targeted at Wii U on GTTV, Epic responds [Updated Again]


Anyone who is holding out hope that - since Wii U won't be running UE4, maybe the PS4 and 720 won't either - is just setting themselves up for more pointless disappointment. Nintendo has their business model, they stay between generations.

Was that Sony's business model in 2000, then?


I really do like Geoff and ussually defend him when people accuse him of doing that exact shtick, but man he makes it hard sometimes..

I was only shushing you calling attention to it. I think this thread will be fun to watch.

For the record, I don't care about the Wii U's power level. So long as the games are fun, what's it matter?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
On a happy note - hopefully this means UE4 is another big step (and no, not just tehz graphicz!)

You can do modern tech and still hit $300 when you don't have a $100'ish controller. Gears is money, you can bet several butts the nextbox will be running it in some form or another.

Not insisting on making huge margins will do wonders for your options, too.

Boss Man

Nintendo's Dreamcast.
It's still going to be successful. There are still lots of people who are completely satisfied with the Wii's lineup. Hell, there are plenty of people on Gaf who defend it. How big of a damn do you think most Wii owners give about missing out on Dark Souls, Battlefield, or Red Dead Redemption? How many times have you heard a person with a Wii say, "Man, Mario Kart is fun but I really wish I could play Skyrim." in real life, or even on Gaf? Nintendo will always have its name, its fans, and its first party games.

For everyone who was disappointed with Nintendo this gen, this isn't news. For everyone who's still sticking by them, this news won't change anything.


Unreal 4 capable and 399.99

Not Unreal 4 capable and 299.99.

Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't. People love doom.


Why? You want another Wii like piece if hardware that is a full generation behind?

I was extremely critical of Wii this gen, never bought one, disdained motion control and direction they went. Even so I recognize what Nintendo did and even though I didn't like it I think it did help them to stay afloat and keep and gain mindshare.

I really don't even know why Nintendo fans want the Wii-U to run UE4 so bad given Nintendo's track record and i'm actually thinking the most vocal about this really aren't Nintendo fans and just hardcore pc gamers or console fanboys stirring up shit. You buy a Nintendo console for nintendo games first and foremost. Always have always will. We really don't need 3 consoles pumping out the exact same games.

What has me actually excited for the Wii-U is the controller for one. I think it has a lot of real innovative potential in it, tons more than the gimmick fest of motion controls. Second is its going to be HD like current gen, maybe even little better which is just absolutely fine by me. People talk about diminishing returns every gen but this gen ushered in HD visuals and I don't see anywhere near the jump in next gen consoles happening, especially with that recent UE4 demo. Certainly not the cost to return ratio in visuals and thats not even getting into the complete trampling of consumer rights and videogamers dignity the consoles will bring. I don't run to digital foundry and pour over comparisons, count pixels and demand 60fps in every game. Games this gen just look really good and i'm not alone on this. Plus I miss the days of developers milking a systems power for what its worth and getting incredibly creative opposed to this lazy developer mentality or just slapping everything on UE3 and pumping shit out every year.

As long as Wii-U pushes these current gen graphics and can squeeze even more out of them and really do provide innovative and exciting games with the controller all in an affordable machine then i'm all in for that. I'm back on board with Nintendo if they can do that. And if the developers and Sony and MS really do make good on all these awful rumors and run their end into the ground Nintendo will be safe doing their thing. They can't do the Wii route again, but this could be a very smart move on their part recognizing the dangerous path the rest of the industry is taking.
I thought MS was rumored to be the only of three willing to make the concessions necessary? And that only happened within the last six months.

UE4 might be the mythical "next-gen", but will it really make a difference if only one of the three manufacturers consoles supports it at reasonable fidelity?


It's still going to be successful. There are still lots of people who are completely satisfied with the Wii's lineup. Hell, there are plenty of people on Gaf who defend it. How big of a damn do you think most Wii owners give about missing out on Dark Sousl? Nintendo will always have its name and its first party games.

Wii is great and the games looked fine until my CRT television broke and I had to buy an LCD. They still aren't unbearably bad, just kinda blurrier. WiiU is HD, so that problem doesn't exist anymore.


formerly sane
Why post something so useless. Seriously outside of a few nintendo nuts who was pimping this idea? This is why gaming culture is fucked up too much attention paid to loud mouths who basically represent the tiniest extreme portions of what people expect or want.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
wii u runs ue3? thats the news here

i kid i kid
I like Nintendo so I'm going to continue to hold out hope that it isn't true. But all signs are pointing towards a machine that will not be powerful enough to get 3rd party support again this generation. There is only so many times they can get away with being a Nintendo box. And I don't think the tablet is going to draw in 40 or 50 million soccer moms the same way the Wii controllers did. The tablet is actually more functional as a gaming device and more appealing to real gamers. That is going to work against them this time.


formerly sane
It's not like people were going to buy the Wii U for it's 3rd party inferior ports.

Or from a company that has never directly used their products on a nintendo platform. People overblowing this are ignoring epic has never been with nintendo unlike other pcs devs who came over and tried a few times.
Except according to many devs here they key to UE4 is scalability and sleeding up dev time. So what would take 100 hours before now takes 50 thereby reducing costs.

So, I guess the biggest improvement UE4 will have over UE3 will be in its SDK then, I take it? Better tool integration, improved map editor (probably with multi-user functionality), improved scripting and more modability and such?

Nintendo's Dreamcast.

But there was no hardware in the console market that was comparable to the Dreamcast at all, when it was originally released. :p

In Wii U's case, if the rumors are true, it will be a mild improvement over current generation machines.


I just hope this finally puts the power argument to bed but we'll probably have to wait until E3, which will just be BS anyway. They're not going to admit they have a pathetic machine again.

Boss Man

Next week will be fun, whether or not Wii U is more powerful than current gen or not.
Of course it will be more powerful than current gen.

And for half a year, and half a year only, graphics will be very important to Nintendo fans.


formerly sane
But there was no hardware in the console market that was comparable to the Dreamcast at all, when it was originally released. :p

In Wii U's case, if the rumors are true, it will be a mild improvement over current generation machines.

Dreamcast wasn't a mild improvement over it's predcessors, so that's one point down. Dreamcast was not backed by a company with as much money as nintendo. Sega despite being sega doesn't consistently commands their sales. Stop comparing WiiU or anything to what sega did just because a few things are familiar doesn't even begin to deal with the rest of the situation involved at this current time.

I just hope this finally puts the power argument to bed but we'll probably have to wait until E3, which will just be BS anyway. They're not going to admit they have a pathetic machine again.

Short of a miracle I plan on being one of the few to rail against next gen. Power sucked this gen and I was right about how it would turn out and I don't see any of the big 3 going the distance epic or crytek wants at the minimum. Devs are setting themselves up big time for another gen like this only difference is we may say or year two wait before they actually start saying somethings aren't going to be enough.


Of course it will be more powerful than current gen.

And for half a year, and half a year only, graphics will be very important to Nintendo fans.

They've always been important. Wii games just don't "look like shit" simply by virtue of being on weaker hardware and as long as the graphics were competent they aren't that big a deal. When devs don't try, then the games look terrible.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Here's the thing.

What will happen with OLDerish PCs? I mean what's the point of UE4 if it's down scaled to products that might not have the total horse power of say a top of the line current DX 11.1 card? Wouldn't you just be fucking yourself if you could get the UE4 games to run on anyone without a newerish card by time the 1st set of UE4 games are coming out?

Why not just make a UE3.X game that'll run on a wider variety of systems instead and can still look good? Plus you could probably just shoot for crazy good IQ for the faster more powerful systems as well as a greater chance for a higher/more stable frame rate.

Just seems crazy to be to release an engine that isn't fully scalable. I mean the latest version of their competitor's engines like Frostbite 2 and CryEngine 3 are. Seems like your boxing yourself in just to future proof yourself to have the most cutting edge system. Plus that means it usually takes longer for devs to really get it working and iron all of the new engine's kinks out. Just look at UE3 @ it's launch verses UE3 @ a couple years later with something like UE3.5!

This is all irrespective of the Wii-U thing, and more that I just don't get the move in general.
The tablet is actually more functional as a gaming device and more appealing to real gamers.

Nah, real gamers saw the unrealized potential of the pointer controls, and they didn't cry when that was married to some games that required them to move their wrists.

"Real gamers" is meaningless.

rdrr gnr

Even if we assume that the Wii is gonna be just slightly more powerful than PS3/360 and not as powerful as Sony and MS next consoles, even then, this is still not the same situation than with the Wii.

Most people going this route are missing the fact that this gen was the jump to HD, to active online interactions, to downloadable services, and a big etc.

IMO the Wii's shortcomings came much more from those things (it being SD, failing at the online aspect) than just a matter of graphics. Wii games on Dolphin look great, and i'll be damned if Mario Galaxy 1/2 isnt one of the best looking games this gen.

Unless we get some sort of huge step forward in terms of infrastructure for next gen consoles (wich I really doubt, if I had to guess i'd say we're gonna get better graphics and not much else), this is hardly going to be a similar situation to what happened this gen.

The real question here is what this means to third party support and Nintendo seems to be very worried and active upon fixing that issue, heavy push in their last conference and whatnot. Like I said this is still little info to move forward. For what we know the new Sony and MS consoles could be as far as to give the Wii-U a decent life cycle in the middle, or they could even not support UE4 until late in the cycle. We know nothing.
Isn't the real question here about third-party support, not now, but once the next-gen consoles launch? I'd say it makes sense for there to be 3rd part support now -- but given how large (or small) the disparity could afterwards -- that's when this technology thing starts to matter. I don't think online infrastructure or downloadable services will help mitigate differences outside of digital games (PSN/XBLA titles). I don't think it'll be as bad as the Wii, but I'm not expecting it to be great.


Lets wait until next Tuesday. If the Wii U kicks it out of the park (ie. Retro's game is impressive as hell), then its a case of epic being a bunch of twats.

We will also know if the opposite is true too.


Will it be cheaper and more profitable to keep using UE3 so that you have a wider audience across more than 3 platforms?

Aside from [allegedly] Wii U, we have two consoles with massive bases that can't be ignored. So this may have a similar effect on Wii U, as it did with Wii... hurting the console near the end of it's life cycle, but maybe not as bad.

I'm not an expert at this sort of thing, but I'm wondering if it will even matter the first couple of years.
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