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New Battlefield 4 Details

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I know second assault is coming to xbox one and there is some sort of exclusivity, but the exclusive part is just that xbox owners get it early right? PS4 owners will get it too right?
I know second assault is coming to xbox one and there is some sort of exclusivity, but the exclusive part is just that xbox owners get it early right? PS4 owners will get it too right?
I believe it was one month.
It also appeared to me that it was the only DLC with timed exclusivity.
Hopefully that will not be the case for all the DLC like when Sony got BF3 DLC earlier than Xbox DLC

Come on EA be nice to everyone haha
They would seriously need to change the dynamics of some maps for them to be better next time around.

Metro is just a linear spamfest with chokepoints and traps galore. Not enough areas and routes to flank. Add plenty of routes and places to get out of these traps, then it may be more tolerable. Also they should include the park in conquest. Still, it's the equivalent of fast food in the game.

Noshahr is another popular map, mainly due to TDM. I suppose we'll see that in there aswell. Problem is, on most owned servers, during conquest, admins (anytime they're on RU) will pubstack and unleash hell on your spawn with scout helicopters or stealing / destroying yours when they spawn. Plus tanks will stick to the edge and have laser designation fuck you until you have no choice but to hide behind the ship.
seriously, when i played Metro Rush i really really really imagined there would be an above ground path to get from one side to the other in Conquest and there would be fighting above and below. what we got was well below my hopes and dreams...


Not surprised metro is coming back. Its shooting fish in a barrel if you're on the team at the top of the escalator. Easiest way to unlock stuff too. The average player run metro server usually had 1000 tickets on conquest. It shouldn't be anything but a rush map. PERIOD.


Haha Metro Map is coming to BF4 as well? The only map that I had played in a BF game that doesn't feel like a BF game. Tons of XP can be earned though, pretty sweet.
Define "work". It's great if you're farming unlocks.

I wish they'd just slap a section of the Metro tunnel under Seine Crossing and made a better city-map instead.

That'd be incredible.

I really hope the destruction is more akin to BC:2, shooting a hole through a wall with the underbarrel grenade launcher and flanking or just choosing not to use the door never got old. Plus buildings actually collapsed and made the gameplay much more dynamic and deep.


I only play Metro when I can't find any good servers and what to shoot people. I wouldn't like it in BF4 though. Way too many servers are Metro only servers.


metro rush is ok, cq is terrible

that its coming out as dlc is a good thing i.e. not everyone will have it
though there will probably be another linear spamfest of a map that comes out at release that ppl go to grind... me included :|


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Metro could easily be fixed by adding some more cover in the US spawn and leading up to the first set (Rush)... and (CQ/Rush) extending the subway tunnels under bravo, adding another set of escalators by the RU entry doors.

Boom. I just fixed 90% of the problems in Metro. Cut me the check.

Of course the ticket booth would have to be tweaked to makes sense, but I think they could figure it out.


• Admitted that the BF3 story could have been more.
• Campaign will be more character driven and emotional. Confidence in their skills in building multiplayer led them to spend more time into creating a good singleplayer story.
• NPCs will be more human. Right down to the smallest and simplest details of just watching you walk around etc.
• Cutscenes are acted out in a soundstage like in movies

• He also stated that Operation Metro is the most popular map in BF3, thus indirectly confirming that it'll return in the Second Assault DLC.

Nobody cares about the story in a Battlefield games, I don't know why they waste their time on it. Of the dozen or so people that I know who have the game, NONE of them have even touched the single player, as in, they've never even booted it up once. That's not what Battlefield was founded upon, that's not what it's about.

And jesus, Metro is only popular because it lets people grind their levels and unlocks faster and pad out their KDR in abnormal game conditions by setting it to a 64 player cluster#@$% where you just spam grenades in the stairways and 5 people randomly die. It's not good for the community. It's pretty demoralizing when all the regular servers are empty because ADHD people are are stuck in 24/7 Metro servers cuz of dem points.

Is Metro the one that basically fucks whatever team doesn't spawn in the subway?

For conquest, It's generally the team that spawns in the subway that is the one that's F#$%ed. Dudes on the high ground side can lock down those escalators and stairway quickly and it's hard fighting up hill.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
For conquest, It's generally the team that spawns in the subway that is the one that's F#$%ed. Dudes on the high ground side can lock down those escalators and stairway quickly and it's hard fighting up hill.

Unless it comes to being pushed into spawn.

It's far easier to fight through the US spawn camp than it is to make it across the wide open (cover-less) area coming out of RU spawn. RU spawn camp is a death sentence.
Metro? Oh god why...



Nobody cares about the story in a Battlefield games, I don't know why they waste their time on it. Of the dozen or so people that I know who have the game, NONE of them have even touched the single player, as in, they've never even booted it up once. That's not what Battlefield was founded upon, that's not what it's about.

I wouldn't say "nobody." They sold 5 million copies of BF3. How many of those people played the game online?


This says:
The statistics for Battlelog (reported by p-stats.com) is a total of 1070533 registered users. The largest community of players is the Personal Computer, with as many as 573,854 registered users, leaving remote console versions Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, respectively, 311939 and 184740 registered users, noting also stands out as one of the console versions of the PS3. Numbers that could still rise with the arrival of the fifth and final planned expansion in calendar, End Game, set in March 2013.

That's almost 4 million people (give or take) that didn't play online. They must have played something.


Operation Metro will surely get an overhaul. It's not balanced in any way for 64 players, and it mainly attracts boosters and exploiters. The lead designers of the game have admitted this themselves so it bodes well for an upgraded map.

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For conquest, It's generally the team that spawns in the subway that is the one that's F#$%ed. Dudes on the high ground side can lock down those escalators and stairway quickly and it's hard fighting up hill.

Haha damn, I've only played it in TDM so far. Was messy, to put it lightly. A rubbish skip doesn't provide very good cover, it turns out.


Metro could help with improved destruction when reach the tunnels knock down walls around the ticket hall.

Bring back the APC for it also


I think OP Metro would benefit greatly by having the outside portion of the level span over top of the underground Metro. Have streets and buildings up top that ultimately connect to the other outside area, that way all the people aren't running in the confined spaced below and bottle-necking at the escalators. Suddenly, there's area to actually flank and whatnot.

I wouldn't say "nobody." They sold 5 million copies of BF3. How many of those people played the game online?


This says:

That's almost 4 million people (give or take) that didn't play online. They must have played something.

Yes I know there are people that actually do play it. I guess I'm just angry about them diverting resources from what has traditionally been a mutliplayer game.


I'll be happy to see it back, especially if they add some new features/destructibility to it. Its a good change of pace once in a while.

Recommended specs similar to BF3 is good to hear.

About the knocking power to elevators - does that completely eliminate access to the top area by foot? That doesn't sound very fair if there's a capture point up there.

Also, what happens if you're in an elevator and the power is knocked out?

And what happens if you're in an elevator as the building topples over? Obviously you'll die, but does the elevator start to bump around and then you fall on the sides and shit? Like, do you get to *experience* the death in the elevator? That would be pretty sweet.

Yeah it isnt something i can play all day. But it is fun to have that ultimate chaos going and rack up some points if you are getting close to an unlock.
Flashbangs have been spotted for BF4.

That has the potential to change the dynamic in metro by quite a bit.

it actually wasn't that hard to push the objectives in Metro, it just that no one ever used smoke grenades, smoke grenades + INVR scope and pushing on Metro was as easy as pie

but pitching tents and turning staircases and hallways into meat grinders was always the preferred tactic, such is the way of the Call of Duty generation
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