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‘Justice League’ Rumor: Extensive Reshoots Have Completely ‘Remade’ the Movie

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which star and producer Ben Affleck had reportedly ordered when he arrived on the Justice League set

If true, I love what that says about Snyder.


On Rogue One's reshoots, I didn't know about it, but now I see why it turned out like that.


If you guys truly believe this, look at recent photos of Affleck

He has completely let himself go. There's no fucking way he'd be on set again in that shape. AND HE'S THE MAIN CHARACTER
Splash Report's source also told them Affleck was in rehab weeks before it was publicly announced which is the big reason they are running with the story.

Yeah. Any sort of critical thought and reasoning seems to shut down when it involves these nerd properties. At least /Film's excuse is trying to drive traffic. Gotta get that cosmic book news audience.

/Film was the very first filmblog I started to read, when I was 14 or 15 in the leadup to The Dark Knight. Now, I can't stand the site. It was back around 2012, when I noticed an entire page and a half of subsequent stories were about Marvel films, that I checked out. I love Marvel films, I love nerdy stuff, I don't wanna just read endless amounts of drivel about them. There are other, more interesting films to write about now and then.

For me it's gotten to the point if I go there I just look at the author's name before reading an article. Some of the writers are trying too hard to get attention.


If you guys truly believe this, look at recent photos of Affleck

He has completely let himself go. There's no fucking way he'd be on set again in that shape. AND HE'S THE MAIN CHARACTER


No, I could believe it.


Cool lol, WB learned nothing

They deserve all the slightly-less-than-insane box office this movie will receive


I'm generally pretty eager to dunk on Zack Snyder, but DC rumours are so unreliable because of how easy it is to get people to believe them. If other posters are right about the schedules not lining up for this to be accurate, then it's pretty easy to assume bullshit on this.

But if it is true, Zack Snyder is actually fucking finished if JL doesn't do well (told you I'm eager to dunk on him). In his career already he's got critical and commercial failures (not always both at the same time, which has probably earned him a stay of execution), but if these reshoots are really that extensive he will no longer be considered reliable by the studio to stay on-budget and on-schedule.

I guess the upside if this is true, is that Snyder has finally fucking realised you can't fix serious story problems and a bloated script in editing; which he did with MoS, and tried to do with BvS and somehow ended up with a near-incoherent 2 hour 30 minute movie. The problem is, he's finding this out three movies into a tentpole Hollywood franchise - when this should be something even a film student knows. The man is a hack who has inexplicably failed upwards, and unless he's exceptionally lucky will probably not be welcome at WB anymore, or any of the other major studios for that matter.


Splash Report's source also told them Affleck was in rehab weeks before it was publicly announced which is the big reason they are running with the story.

This was a well known fact for months and months before this 'insider' dropped a dime. This is the main reason he left The Batman. Supposedly ol' Kevin T was prepared to stand by Affleck but he wasn't prepared to risk The Batman for him.

On Rogue One's reshoots, I didn't know about it, but now I see why it turned out like that.

All the Rogue One stuff is true. They reshot anything between 40-60% of the film last summer (at HUGE expense) to get it ready for it's Xmas release.


Hey, it worked wonders for Suicide Squad.

No it did not and this is exactly what worries me about this. Suicide Squad was reshot and reeditted by the people that made the trailers lol and seriously hurt the film. There are tons of Joker scenes that were completely cut from the movie that could have altered the film greatly. We will never know of course if it was for the best or not though.

If Affleck ordered these rewrites/reshoots then theres a chance it was for the best. I just hope WB learned from their mistakes with Suicide Squad and didnt try and alter the movie's style. Justice League doesnt need to be like Guardians of the Galaxy, or any other Marvel movie. No wonder Affleck is starting to back away from Batman. I hope WB doesnt end up loosing him altogether now.


BvS directors cut was a cool movie imo, suicide squad was not a good film

I loved rogue one tho, so idk I'm still optimistic I guess. I'm still enjoying these more than the marvel dumpster fire tho


jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
you don't have to believe a baseless rumor to assume this movie is going to be total garbage like the last 3


No it did not and this is exactly what worries me about this. Suicide Squad was reshot and reeditted by the people that made the trailers lol and seriously hurt the film. There are tons of Joker scenes that were completely cut from the movie that could have altered the film greatly. We will never know of course if it was for the best or not though.

If Affleck ordered these rewrites/reshoots then theres a chance it was for the best. I just hope WB learned from their mistakes with Suicide Squad and didnt try and alter the movie's style. Justice League doesnt need to be like Guardians of the Galaxy, or any other Marvel movie. No wonder Affleck is starting to back away from Batman. I hope WB doesnt end up loosing him altogether now.

They were being sarcastic.

you don't have to believe a baseless rumor to assume this movie is going to be total garbage like the last 3


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
While I have some hope for Wonder Woman, I have zero faith in Justice League as long as Zack Snyder is directing.
Article saids Ben ordered some of the Reshoot. Edit: actually he ordered re-writes when he appeared on set

Wonder what's going on. Could be true or fake, but WB has already done this so who knows


Guys. Do not let confirmation bias take over. Instead, let the last three films, their tumultuous production and re-shoots, their awful shit quality, and the various production trouble with the future DC films like Flash and the Batman remind you that Warner Bros just doesn't know what the hell they are doing with the DC properties.
Guys. Do not let confirmation bias take over. Instead, let the last three films, their tumultuous production and re-shoots, their awful shit quality, and the various production trouble with the future DC films like Flash and the Batman remind you that Warner Bros just doesn't know what the hell they are doing with the DC properties.

What are WB, some kind of suicide squad?


Yeah I knew about Miller and Mortal, but didn't think this would be connected to that directly. I just wasn't sure if it was something that had been reported on elsewhere/previously or not. So I guess he's probably not creatively involved, unless we hear it from a more credible source.


tagged by Blackace
So how do reshoots work into a movie's budget? I can only imagine it significantly inflates it, but then again don't all Marvel movies have time blocked off for reshoots from the jump?


They were being sarcastic.

I know.

The Dark Tower film just went through like 6 months of redoing the Special Effects. Whatever is going on with JL could have been exactly the same and just called reshoots in the article. We really wont know until someone comes out and talks about what has been going on. If anything, Afleck ordering the reshoots as soon as he got on set says alot about Snyder and the script lol.


So how do reshoots work into a movie's budget? I can only imagine it significantly inflates it, but then again don't all Marvel movies have time blocked off for reshoots from the jump?

Jup for example. Civil War in january 2016. Its normal. But like i said. Negative DCU create insane clicks. For a reason offcourse.

As the film heads into the final stages of production, directors Joe and Anthony Russo have re-assembled some members of Captain America: Civil War's cast to pick up some additional footage for the movie.

The reshoots/pick-up shots are being undertaken in Los Angeles, and so far Chris Evans has been spotted, with scar make-up on his face, leaving the set. Chadwick Boseman, who will be debuting as Black Panther, has also been seen.

The Russo brothers said not long ago that they had plans to pick up some extra footage, five months after the main shoot ended.

It's expected that work will go on for just a couple of days, and then there's the small matter of preparing Captain America: Civil War's final cut for its release on May 6.


I would rather that the studio just puts out a singular vision and let the directors do what they want with the material for better or worse , and let the chips fall where they may. They seem to have no confidence in any of these properties and hack them to death, which only makes a bad problem even worse.

Then again I don't think BVS or squad would've been any better without completely different scripts anyway, starting from the ground up.


BvS directors cut was a cool movie imo, suicide squad was not a good film

I loved rogue one tho, so idk I'm still optimistic I guess. I'm still enjoying these more than the marvel dumpster fire tho


Ah yes, that critical and commercially successful dumpster fire that everyone and their mother is trying to imitate


Jup for example. Civil War in january 2016. Its normal. But like i said. Negative DCU create insane clicks. For a reason offcourse.

Reshoots are pretty typical for summer blockbusters, and in a lot of cases (for instance, every Marvel movie) they're built into the production schedule from the start.

But the reshoots on, say, Rogue One and Suicide Squad are way outside the norm. It isn't normal to redo about half your movie in reshoots, as in the case of Rogue One. Or, if this rumor is true, it isn't normal to remake your movie twice in reshoots. That doesn't mean Justice League would be bad, if that were the case; Rogue One turned out pretty well (and, uh, SS less so). But reshoots often being normal doesn't mean ALL reshoots are normal.
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