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55 days later, Arkham Knight PC is still hopelessly unplayable


dude what is your proof for this?

like yeah ok, but you're being the counter-argument for the sake of being the counter-argument; it's stupid

we're talking costumers against WB, why would you take the side of "huh, it runs well for me so the complaints must be hyperbole!" other than just being on the opposite opinion?

it's one of the most transparent internet attitudes

I've never had any issue even close to the shit I get in this game. It is absolutely inexcusable. There's no hyperbole, the fucking thing got pulled.

Here's the game running for me

go to 0:15

oh my hyperbole

OK, I'll take back some of it. I never had it do anything like that. People on gaf just tend to make a mountain out of a molehill so it ticked my contrarian nerve a bit too much.
I get just as annoyed on OT when people say they fell asleep watching a movie etc


OK, I'll take back some of it. I never had it do anything like that. People on gaf just tend to make a mountain out of a molehill so it ticked my contrarian nerve a bit too much.
I get just as annoyed on OT when people say they fell asleep watching a movie etc

im with you but when the evidence is this astounding and the backlash this big there must be a reason

we literally never had anything like this (refering to the pulling from sale - months without selling it - basically re-launching it) with a big AAA release
for the people that are saying they played it all the way through...do missing textures, and textures that just do not load in really not bother you? I personally dont even really care about framerate, other than when it dropped to 0 fps when the batmobile came on screen...but the textures were a deal breaker


Unconfirmed Member
It's absolutely disgraceful in how this launched but at this point I don't care how long it takes them to patch it AS LONG as it's done properly rather than half arsed and just rushed out for August time. I could easily go out and buy the PS4 version but I've got other games to play in the meantime and I just don't fancy giving them anymore cash for this game. (well ok I got it with my graphics card but still :p )
okay, let's get one thing clear, the semantics over the word unplayable need to stop already. It's like this every goddamn time someone uses the word here. every goddamn time. someone's gotta get their panties all bunched because how dare you claim I can't play this thing! I'm playing it right now! hohohohoho

yeah we all get it

someone, somewhere, can and will be perfectly content with the state of nearly any game, even if it's a technical disaster. There will always be someone who avoids the pitfalls, or is okay with framedrops.

we all know the connotations of the word unplayable besides its literal definition, and context should, SHOULD, enable you to figure out that OP, alongside 99% of the fuckin people who use the word on GAF, aren't literally saying that it's impossible for any human being anywhere to play the damn game.

if a game comes out and it runs far short of the standards other games meet, and is rife with bugs and technical issues on top of it, then I'll know exactly what you mean when you say it's unplayable. It means it's not anywhere close to your standards, and doesn't meet your expectations for a modern product played on your particular hardware, and therefore, you won't play it. see how easy that was?
We already raked them over coals at launch for releasing it in this state and rightfully so. Their response was as good as it could have been under the circumstances, they blocked it from further sales and pressured non-steam digital storefronts to offer refunds. There are two more weeks of August, which is when the next patch is supposed to be, not sure what else we're supposed to say in the interrum?


Out of curiosity, did you adjust the framerate cap from 30 to 60?

yeah, believe me I struggled to try to get it to run well any possible way. even setting everything to low made no difference

im not on a monster rig, but it should run well at some setting on a 680, 8 gigs of ram and an i5 2500k at 4.4ghz on an SSD. Witcher 3 runs perfect for example

clearly memory leaks or the likes cause the game ran fine for like 10 minutes then started to chug like in that video I posted. basically mini-freezes. doesnt feel like the rig not being up to it or the game dropping frames, just fucking up entirely
I'm assuming the fixing of the PC version is receiving MINIMAL resources.

I'm talking like interns and non-essential employees when they're not working on other titles.

You don't go from releasing a game in this condition to genuinely caring about its quality. The ONLY reason they pulled this game was to minimize the distraction from early release hype. They couldn't give two shits about the PC version.

This will never be fixed to people's satisfaction. They're going to stretch out these fix promises for another couple of months, with the occasional minor but ultimately ineffective patch thrown in here and there. When they're convinced they have finally weaseled their way out of any sales-relevant time period for this game, they will drop it. Sweep it under the rug and never bring it up until they need to hype their next game so they can use the classic "we learned from our mistakes last time and this time the PC version will run great" bullshit that every other developer has used in the past.


for the people that are saying they played it all the way through...do missing textures, and textures that just do not load in really not bother you? I personally dont even really care about framerate, other than when it dropped to 0 fps when the batmobile came on screen...but the textures were a deal breaker

I played all the way through it but I never had any issues with missing textures just framerate drops. I have a 4GB R9 290.


I'm assuming the fixing of the PC version is receiving MINIMAL resources.

I'm talking like interns and non-essential employees when they're not working on other titles.

You don't go from releasing a game in this condition to genuinely caring about its quality. The ONLY reason they pulled this game was to minimize the distraction from early release hype. They couldn't give two shits about the PC version.

well, a different studio made the port. Chances are they went back to the drawing board on a lot of stuff.

i'd get you if it was Rocksteady fucking it up themselves and not a publisher situation (as it's mostly believed to be)

they lost a shit ton (all?) of goodwill. I very much doubt this doesnt re-launch in a good state.


for the people that are saying they played it all the way through...do missing textures, and textures that just do not load in really not bother you? I personally dont even really care about framerate, other than when it dropped to 0 fps when the batmobile came on screen...but the textures were a deal breaker

I rarely encountered that issue and the only time i remember it happening was with the textures on the batmobile

Oni Jazar

for the people that are saying they played it all the way through...do missing textures, and textures that just do not load in really not bother you? I personally dont even really care about framerate, other than when it dropped to 0 fps when the batmobile came on screen...but the textures were a deal breaker

I 100% the game and never had missing textures. Sometimes I noticed it would take a second or so for the high-res texures to load but that's it. Framerate for me was solid 30 for the most part on my 980m
I'm happy about the situation now. I got my refund, played it at a friend's, realized it is the worst entry in the series anyway, so I saved some money.


I checked it out a few days ago, and forget it. It's a shit show once the Batmobile comes into play. I'm pretty much ignoring the game as if I don't even own it.

Batman is such a disaster, I feel WB owes everyone either a free game or the season pass for free. At least that's what should be done as a kind gesture for making customers wait to have their June game fixed by winter. Merely fixing the game doesn't cut it for me.


i cant believe this is going to be an interim patch
The interim patch will cover 51-60% of all users' issues and they will stop patching it. I'm not expecting any more support that they were obligated to do. I can imagine the PC version is a quagmire for everyone at WB and rocksteady and the sooner they can get it back on sale at a faintly satisfactory quality, they'll forget about the PC version altogether.


I like how people still insist he port isn't that bad when it was bad enough for the publisher to pull it from sale.
Bit of an exaggeration. It plays just fine at 30fps.

Right now, I get frequent hitching even when leaving it locked at 30. The textures will sometimes never pop in and frequently take a long time to do so. I don't feel like installing some reshade mod for it in this state and there are very few graphics options aside from the Nvidia effects (which put a hit on performance already). All crap I was dealing with shortly after release.

Taking all that into account, the game looks worse than my friend's PS4 version. I'd be happy to play it at 30fps, but for a lot of people, saying "it plays just fine" is a lie.

I wonder if Valve will make them keep the shitty reviews in place.



Bit of an exaggeration. It plays just fine at 30fps.

dude what is your proof for this?

like yeah ok, but you're being the counter-argument for the sake of being the counter-argument; it's stupid

we're talking costumers against WB, why would you take the side of "huh, it runs well for me so the complaints must be hyperbole!" other than just being on the opposite opinion?

it's one of the most transparent internet attitudes

I've never had any issue even close to the shit I get in this game. It is absolutely inexcusable. There's no hyperbole, the fucking thing got pulled.

Here's the game running for me

go to 0:15

oh my hyperbole

Watch Salsa's video. Still think it's an exaggeration?


Gold Member
It's a shame that I was fortunate enough to run the PC version okay. But then I have to wait for all of the DLC until they feel it's ready. I understand why and it makes sense, it's just by the time it's out I'll be done most likely.


I've been "playing" the game for the past few days and what makes all of this even worse is how incredible the game is.

Bit of an exaggeration. It plays just fine at 30fps.

Nope, eventually the memory leaks get so bad it's impossible to play. It's been getting worse for me the more I play and I reached a point last night where it starts after only a few minutes of starting the game. This is at 30 fps too.
I like how people still insist he port isn't that bad when it was bad enough for the publisher to pull it from sale.

I think most of the people who think this port is fine, are running it at the default 30 fps cap.

It's when you uncap it or set it to 60 that the real problems appear. That is when the texture loading issues really start, even on high end cards like my 980 ti. That's when the framerate fluctuations and stuttering really become noticeable as well.
While I don't think they've confirmed one way or another, I think they'll go for a new SKU. I wonder if Valve will make them keep the shitty reviews in place.

I hope they would make the right decision and release a new SKU the problem is for those who will download again the entire game :/

They'll thank you for buying the season pass and encourage you to preorder their new game for that sweet exclusive bonus.

That's nice :p


We already raked them over coals at launch for releasing it in this state and rightfully so. Their response was as good as it could have been under the circumstances, they blocked it from further sales and pressured non-steam digital storefronts to offer refunds. There are two more weeks of August, which is when the next patch is supposed to be, not sure what else we're supposed to say in the interrum?

Aye, this seems weird. They've pulled the game from Steam and are going to put it up again when it works. If it comes back and it's still broken, then we complain. Not in the interim. This kind of impatience is why broken products get released in the first place.


Aye, this seems weird. They've pulled the game from Steam and are going to put it up again when it works. If it comes back and it's still broken, then we complain. Not in the interim. This kind of impatience is why broken products get released in the first place.
If only WB put so much care into making sure the PC version the game was any good instead of just throwing it out there and hoping no one would notice.
I would have thought it would at least be available on Steam by now. If it's taking them so long the new port better be amazing.


I am interested that everyone has so happily jumped on to the MGSV PC Day One bandwagon for Sept 1st

So many issues that suggest that might not go well

Really seems that it would be worth waiting a while (a few days at least) to see how that one plays out.

What are those issues?
I think most of the people who think this port is fine, are running it at the default 30 fps cap.

It's when you uncap it or set it to 60 that the real problems appear. That is when the texture loading issues really start, even on high end cards like my 980 ti. That's when the framerate fluctuations and stuttering really become noticeable as well.

I and others get those problems even without uncapping it. Actually, I run into fewer texture streaming issues with the framerate uncapped.

And that's the thing: the port is so borked, people's experiences are seemingly completely random regardless of build.

Aye, this seems weird. They've pulled the game from Steam and are going to put it up again when it works. If it comes back and it's still broken, then we complain. Not in the interim. This kind of impatience is why broken products get released in the first place.

Considering there are still people denying the poor quality of the port, there's some benefit to pointing out how bad it is, even at this point, if only to spread awareness (which you'd think would be unnecessary). I imagine someone who thinks this release was anything other than 100% unacceptable would convince someone to purchase it.


I sold my free nvidia code for this to someone on gaf launch week for $25. Am I an asshole? :(

launch week? I don't think so. Did they know what they were getting themselves into?

I feel like an asshole for wishing I bought the game when it was available. It bugs me that I can't have it now.

I was under the impression that this won't be fixed until Spring, and "interim" patches might make it hurt less but it'd still be less than ideal.

Do tell? Ground Zeroes was an excellent port.

I'd say the Ground Zeroes was a fantastic port, too. It still probably makes sense to hold off a few days at least to buy TPP, since Ground Zeroes is apparently a game that is much smaller in scope.


Ah..... a big upside to the internet being available to everyone. We don't have to worry if our game works at launch, we can just fix it later. Or if we weren't so big, we could go the Early Access route.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Did GMG REALLY refund you guys? Apparently they gave me a refund a few days after release but it never appeared on my credit card. Game is still in my Steam library figured I'll just hold on to it.
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