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Apple Media Event - 1080p AppleTV, 4G/LTE 2048x1536 iPad, same price, Mar 16th

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$299 - iPad 2 WiFi - 16GB
$499 - iPad 2S WiFi - 16GB (new specs, no retina display)
$579 - iPad 3 WiFi - 32GB
$679 - iPad 3 WiFi - 64GB
$699 - iPad 3 WiFi+LTE - 32GB
$799 - iPad 3 WiFi+LTE - 64GB

$299 - iPad 2 WiFi - 16GB
$499 - iPad 2S WiFi - 16GB (new specs, no retina display)
$579 - iPad 3 WiFi - 32GB
$679 - iPad 3 WiFi - 64GB
$699 - iPad 3 WiFi+LTE - 32GB
$799 - iPad 3 WiFi+LTE - 64GB

no way the iPad 2 falls all the way to $299. It's still a 10" tablet. $399 or bust. Maybe $349.


Uh, why do people think they will raise the price? That's silly.

I think there is a possibility. Tim is known for his management of the supply chain, and if he thinks it would be a wise move to consolidate all the iPads into a single unit by dropping the wifi only model and allowing customers to choose cellular service provider at a marginal increase, I would imagine he might do it.

$549 Retina/Haptic/LTE/16GB does not sound like a bad deal.
I am real, and while I do care, many of you seem to mistake the careful articulation of my position as either trolling or crazy. I never stated that everyone should be outraged that the iPad 3 won't have a Retina Display. I only expressed my own frustration and disappointment over it. There's no need for hyperbole or hysterics when it comes to electronics or the companies making them.

It is sad, though, that this is what Apple has come to. It's like they are slowly slipping back to the Gil Amelio days. Multiple iPad SKUs with different chips? Adding complexity to the product line?

I'm glad I sold my stock when I did.

I dislike obvious trolls who shit up threads for no reason.


Fafracer forever
border said:
They all seem priced pretty similar to competing tablets, media players, and smartphones.
All high-end smartphones are grossly overpriced, Apple just happens to sell the most of them.
There's no way, they release a 2s, a 3 and keep the 2. I think the idea of one model coming with updated specs but no retina display is also kind of crazy. All it would do is fragment the ecosystem.
This is an Apple product; you grossly overpay for it and don't think twice about if the price is actually justified.

Love all the new trolls in this thread. To be expected of course.

Not even overpriced, 'grossly' overpriced'. I just played around with a new toshiba tablet running android that my friend just bought. It was $599. And honestly, it's a piece of shit. Triple the thickness of the iPad, sluggish, and running an old OS. How the fuck is the ipad overpriced compared to equivalent Android tablets? How will the ipad 3 be 'overpriced' if it has the rumored retina display that will blow everything else out of the water at $499? or even $579? Compared to what? It has, by far, the best best tablet app ecosystem in the industry. I own a galaxy tab, and I know how they compare 1st hand. The android tablet situation is abysmal. This overpriced meme is getting old, because it's empirically untrue in all respects. Just go buy a fucking kindle and stop insulting people who don't mind paying more for something useable and with a ton of functionality.
Aww yeah, that's the spot.


Keep fucking that 'fridge.


I'm watching people talk about the price having to increase because the specs of an updated product are better than the old product from over a year ago.

To be fair, mine was actually a decrease and elimination of the current base model. I don't think it will happen this go around, but I think there may be a day where there is no longer a wifi only model.


Fafracer forever
macuser1of5 said:
have you wondered why this might be consistent across multiple companies?
The pricing trend for high-end phone was created by Microsoft and co. about 5(?) years before iPhone when they figured out pocket-PC was a deadend as a standalone product and stuck a modem inside one.
The rest is just a process of dumbing-down and removing functionality - ie. turning it from a function oriented device into a fashion accessory, which is where we are today.
The rest is just a process of dumbing-down and removing functionality - ie. turning it from a function oriented device into a fashion accessory, which is where we are today.
that is a very... interesting outlook to say the least.

I was more referring to the fact that they aren't chasing the low-end tiny margins market with these phones, and are recouping various costs associated with being high end. But eh.
The pricing trend for high-end phone was created by Microsoft and co. about 5(?) years before iPhone when they figured out pocket-PC was a deadend as a standalone product and stuck a modem inside one.
The rest is just a process of dumbing-down and removing functionality - ie. turning it from a function oriented device into a fashion accessory, which is where we are today.

Holy shit.
I remember when they put a retina display and a good camera in the iPhone and the price skyrocketed.

Yea, I can't see Apple increasing the price.

The pricing trend for high-end phone was created by Microsoft and co. about 5(?) years before iPhone when they figured out pocket-PC was a deadend as a standalone product and stuck a modem inside one.
The rest is just a process of dumbing-down and removing functionality - ie. turning it from a function oriented device into a fashion accessory, which is where we are today.

No, they didn't remove functionality, the functions that people wanted simply evolved over time. I'm not sure what magic functionality you think were removed from Pocket-PC's, as MS's own definition of the platform stated that they were " a handheld device that enables users to store and retrieve e-mail, contacts, appointments, tasks, play multimedia files, games, exchange text messages with Windows Live Messenger (formerly known as MSN Messenger), browse the Web, and more."

What functions from that are no longer available in a smartphone?


The pricing trend for high-end phone was created by Microsoft and co. about 5(?) years before iPhone when they figured out pocket-PC was a deadend as a standalone product and stuck a modem inside one.
The rest is just a process of dumbing-down and removing functionality - ie. turning it from a function oriented device into a fashion accessory, which is where we are today.

Pretty much, it's why I'm more excited for x86 Windows 8 tablets than this iPad 3; full desktop functionality + amazingly beautiful (better than iOS) mobile interface? Yes, please!


The pricing trend for high-end phone was created by Microsoft and co. about 5(?) years before iPhone when they figured out pocket-PC was a deadend as a standalone product and stuck a modem inside one.
The rest is just a process of dumbing-down and removing functionality - ie. turning it from a function oriented device into a fashion accessory, which is where we are today.

Still though, the expectation that Apple and only Apple will grossly overprice their products is incorrect.

Free market economics would suggest that if there's an entire industry with a huge, gross profit margin then a competitor will eventually step in and offer a much lower priced, similarly spec'ed alternative. They won't have the same huge profit margin, but they will make up for it in volume.

Why hasn't this happened, then? Collusion? Or is it just that the non-Apple market is so fragmented that it would be impossible to sell in the kind of volume necessary to make up for lost profit margin? Has-beens like Microsoft and Nokia have a huge incentive to offer very competitively priced products just so they can increase their marketshare, but so far they aren't really differentiating themselves on price.
Still though, the expectation that Apple and only Apple will grossly overprice their products is incorrect.

Free market economics would suggest that if there's an entire industry with a huge, gross profit margin then a competitor will eventually step in and offer a much lower priced, similarly spec'ed alternative. They won't have the same huge profit margin, but they will make up for it in volume.

Why hasn't this happened, then? Collusion? Or is it just that the non-Apple market is so fragmented that it would be impossible to sell in the kind of volume necessary to make up for lost profit margin? Has-beens like Microsoft and Nokia have a huge incentive to offer very competitively priced products just so they can increase their marketshare, but so far they aren't really differentiating themselves on price.

Apple's supply chain efficiency is something that, while rarely reported on, is one of their greatest strengths. They are able to sell things at the same price while making substantially larger margins. This leads alot of other companies to either increase price, decrease quality, or focus on other niches of the market.


Apple's supply chain efficiency is something that, while rarely reported on, is one of their greatest strengths. They are able to sell things at the same price while making substantially larger margins. This leads alot of other companies to either increase price, decrease quality, or focus on other niches of the market.

You left out a few options that other companies could try: improve their supply chain, increase quality. Just think, pretty much all of Apple's competitors were larger than Apple was just 4 years ago. There is a lot of talk about how large Apple is, and how they throw their weight around, but this is all relatively a new development.
The pricing trend for high-end phone was created by Microsoft and co. about 5(?) years before iPhone when they figured out pocket-PC was a deadend as a standalone product and stuck a modem inside one.
The rest is just a process of dumbing-down and removing functionality - ie. turning it from a function oriented device into a fashion accessory, which is where we are today.

Make a list of 5 functions a pocket PC can do that a modern smartphone can't, that statistically significant percentage of the population would actually use. You know, like real people who don't live on linux message-boards or something.

Serious question. Cause I've heard this bullshit thousands of times (usually in relation to Apple products), yet never once got a straight answer as to this 'mythical functionality' that is being referred to. I'm assuming it's a code statement for 'Because of increased accessibility I'm annoyed that most people can now do things with technology that only I knew how to do, and I now feel strangely inadequate and non-special because of that'. It's the only rational explanation for the nerd-rage that so many have on the internet towards increased usability and simplicity.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
The pricing trend for high-end phone was created by Microsoft and co. about 5(?) years before iPhone when they figured out pocket-PC was a deadend as a standalone product and stuck a modem inside one.
The rest is just a process of dumbing-down and removing functionality - ie. turning it from a function oriented device into a fashion accessory, which is where we are today.

Rather, it was set by Nokia and Sony Ericsson.

But please don't let facts get in the way of your trolling.
Apple can't fool me this time. People told me that a 9.7" display with a resolution of 2048 by 1536 isn't possible.

It was possible, but not something you could price to move at the time.
If the iPad 3 has quad core like everyone thinks it will have, then that resolution isn't so OMG IMPOSSIBLE! as it was before.

As for Apple and pricing, they've convinced people that they're getting what they pay for when they buy their products regardless of what their quality or whatnot actually is.
Is the brand name worth something? Sure.
Is the experience you know you'll get with an Apple product worth something? To lots of people, it's obviously yes. You're gonna get a car with the hood sealed shut but still drives relatively well and is easy to add gasoline to.

One major thing that impacts smart phone prices? Carriers. Carriers can choose to make something free or whatever to promote their service. I got an iPhone partially because it was the most economical choice of any phone. Sure I'm stuck with Softbank's rather craptacular service, but I really couldn't see the point of paying double for a Feature Phone or Android device. If it was the other way around, I wouldn't have an iPhone.

But that's phones, tablets are another matter.
Ok, this just blew my mind. How the fuck does Apple not own www.iPad.com?!

You'd think the most valuable company on the planet with $100B in the bank could manage to own the damn domain name for arguably it's most important product. What gives? Asking price to high? You'd think they could have struck a deal by now. I just..can't wrap my mind around it.


And Apple.com is great. Probably the best consumer product website; gives you all the information you need, and you don't have to journey through 20 submenus or read a 345,234,350 word FAQ.

Aww yeah, that's the spot.


Keep fucking that 'fridge.
This is oddly arousing.
It's because they already have apple.com and would rather not waste money.

Yes, I'm aware they have apple.com. Thanks for that. I don't see how it's a waste of money to own ipad.com though. When you're the richest entity on planet earth I think you can buy a domain which is the name of your flagship product. Also, sometimes when you type in ipad in the omnibox of any browser it autocomplete the .com for you, and you end up on the wrong site. It should redirect to their iPad page. They do own iphone.com.


Yes, I'm aware they have apple.com. Thanks for that. I don't see how it's a waste of money to own ipad.com though. When you're the richest entity on planet earth I think you can buy a domain which is the name of your flagship product. They do own iphone.com.

They probably don't like hostage negotiations with domain name squatters. Whoever owns iPad.com is probably asking WAY more than what it's worth. They could probably squeeze Apple out of a million for it, but my guess is they are asking something a bit larger. I know if I held iPad.com that I would. :lol

def sim

Yes, I'm aware they have apple.com. Thanks for that. I don't see how it's a waste of money to own ipad.com though. When you're the richest entity on planet earth I think you can buy a domain which is the name of your flagship product. They do own iphone.com.

Who knows? They have specific sites for most of their individual products, but they all redirect to apple.com anyway. Maybe the current domain owner asks for a ridiculous price and are still mid-deal, or they have found that most consumers attach the iPad to apple.com?

I don't think it's so mindblowing. It's a hugely irrelevant issue considering their main site is easy to use, well known, and well designed.


Who knows? They have specific sites for most of their individual products, but they all redirect to apple.com anyway. Maybe the current domain owner asks for a ridiculous price and are still mid-deal, or they have found that most consumers attach the iPad to apple.com?

I don't think it's so mindblowing. It's a hugely irrelevant issue considering their main site is easy to use, well known, and well designed.

It's not about that. It's about people who don't know better and typing iPad.com into their browser. Apple should own it and redirect it.

Was 1 click away from buying a vita...

Maybe I want an ipad ;3

It cost roughly the same after throwing in memory cards and games and cases T_T

Shame that retina screen pretty much = no native unreal 3 games...

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah but all those books that'll be nice to read will be infinitely more engaging than infinity blade.
Yeah but all those books that'll be nice to read will be infinitely more engaging than infinity blade.

got a kindle for that already though =(

Shit I have way too many things to use on the road right now.

3ds, iphone, kindle, psp... but... but...

Maybe I should buy both =(

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
All those devices would stress me out!
I'm actually losing sleep over whether or not I should leave osx for ios.
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