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Captain America: Civil War Review Thread

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We discounting reviews now? Haha this gonna be great.

It was just amusing to me that THR and Variety are pretty explicit about Zemo's role and IGN of all places looks at him like any other movie bad guy. It would be lazy reviewing from anyone but it's funnier because it's a games site trying to rep hard. "Legit" film review places are "Legit" because they find and hire people who excel at film criticism. IGN ain't playing in that arena, and it shows in circumstance like that. I don't give a fuck what CW's RT score, but I find that very amusing.


Sounds like another great Marvel movie with a terribly executed villain...

IGN noting Zemo as a minus.

I wonder how the consensus on this will pan out since I don't see this being everyone's conclusion and it seems that they are taking a chance by making the heroes also antagonists and not having the 3rd act be the big action set piece, but rather a more personal character driven climax.

In that sense, it doesn't seem to fit into normal preconceived notions of how superhero films should be structured and therefore the same cliches and criticism of those cliches may not apply.


They called the plot nonsensical...

"Captain America: Civil War has a storyline, and it’s a rather complicated one. That’s actually the film’s biggest flaw, the fact that it’s a little too big for its britches and relies overmuch on concepts that fall apart under close scrutiny."

I bet im not going to like it

I didnt like Winter Soldier....
And i really dont understand why (some) people love that movie so much
More from Mike Ryan's Uproxx review that I quoted earlier:
I agree with your list except for Iron Man, I would put that in top and leave everything as is.

For me Iron Man 1 is sorta in between top and mid, but if I had to place it, it'd be mid. Main reason probably being that I can't stand Tony Stark and feel absolutely nothing for that character. In terms of writing, performances, and general execution I could definitely agree with it being one of the tops, but this is just my persona placement.
People are getting way too angry about that IGN review. And it's positive!

I understand that because it's a gaming forum people have a predilection towards caring about IGN and their writers, but that's an addiction that should probably be broken, especially when there are so many other options available.

But then again people won't stop visiting comicbook.com for all their news. Not movie news. ALL their news.

i'm patiently awaiting reviews from actual good sites.

Daily Beast, Variety, and Uproxx been posted already. Good writers having written thoughtful reviews.


We won't need to. Looking at these numbers and reviews coming in, it just won't be necessary, even for the most defensive fanboy. It's flat out reviewing excellently.
I knew it would, it's bloody Marvel. They've built their MCU with blood and sweat and its paid off. It's just funny seeing people discredit IGN because they are games.


So there is some good action again?

Based Russo Bros. I don't know who at Marvel suggested to hire these guys, but that man or woman needs a payraise.
Man the graphic on the RT page should be Rogers facing down Superman or something and there should be a ticker for both of their scores.

Mostly feel this way because I'm an asshole.

This is it - the peak of the superhero movie shared universe. Captain America: Civil War is a tight action thriller that works on its own, but when taken as the latest chapter in an unprecedented experiment in longform storytelling it’s a brilliant chapter, one that makes everything that went before seem better if only because it was all leading to this pinnacle.
I wanna know what that Walter Chaw dude thinks about it. Hes a big fan of many of the marvel movies that I like (in and out of studio) and loved the Nolan stuff too so he'd be more analogous to my taste on this one

Plus he gave BvS a hilarious review. Shit was pretty bleak. Same score or a bit higher than AoU too which I certainly agree with

In fact I think the whole film comes close to blockbuster perfection. A first viewing may not make that clear - the Russos are engaging in a lot of clever misdirections based on the audience assuming they know how these movies work - but a second viewing shows that Civil War is an expert piece of storytelling, one that is is littered with great actors doing extraordinary work as great characters. There are nits to be picked - I like Henry Jackman, but his score here does little for me, for instance - but as a whole Civil War is the ideal for how these movies should be - smart, tightly plotted, emotionally resonant and filled with awesome, ass-kicking action scenes.

This is it - the peak of the superhero movie shared universe. Captain America: Civil War is a tight action thriller that works on its own, but when taken as the latest chapter in an unprecedented experiment in longform storytelling it’s a brilliant chapter, one that makes everything that went before seem better if only because it was all leading to this pinnacle.

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