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Could this be the first real PS4 info? (pc.watch.impress.co.jp)


dabbled in the jelly
Don't act surprised. We all know the industry was retarded by Wii. It would be suicide for any company to push technology to the same degree Sony did this gen.


If Sony is making the the PS4 only marginally better then the PS3 it means the PS3 has a lot of untapped potential.


Don't fail me Sony!!! I want 2 GB VRAM, 4 Sys, ultra-fast BD drive, a GPU worthy of entering the current TOP500 supercomputer performance list, a 32 SPE/4 PPE+ Cell, all linked together by hyper-fast 512 bit jumbo-jets, facilitating the use of advanced hybrid raster/ray-tracing rendering techniques, without any noticeable visual glitches like low-res shadows and textures. I want SHIT TO LOOK GOOD!!!!

And I want to pay no more than $300/€250 at launch.



Kosma said:
If Sony is making the the PS4 only marginally better then the PS3 it means the PS3 has a lot of untapped potential.

No it doesn't mean that at all ( and yes, I see the silly argument you are going to try and make ).


It seems off because the real price killer on the PS3 is the bluray drive, which by 2011 or later should not be a deal breaker.

That means they could put out a cutting edge machine for $400.

I wish they would put out two models, with different names. A true PS4 with a beefed up Cell (keep the Cell to build upon what devs have learned about it) and more advanced graphics card. Then a Wii type Playstation called Playstation Family Fun or someshit, which is just a PS3.5

The PS4 would run the PS3.5 games, but would be made in less quantities. We all win.
msdstc said:
If that's true, which I'm having a hard time believing, then wii has done exactly what I was worried about in the first place.

i'm with you. i think i might cry if the next batch of systems are all wii clones.

At that point i might just drop the cash on a really nice gaming pc and just have it be my valve/blizzard box and call it a day.
drohne said:
except that deadmeat presents all of that as rumors originating from developers, when most if it is actually pc watch's speculation

i mean, they may be right for all i know, but the original post seems to be inaccurate

edit: wait, isn't gamecyte the place that was just outed as a viral marketing operation for some pr firm? this thread is just bursting with reliable sources :(

somebody do a proper translation pls

Deadmeat is just a messenger of what Goto Hiroshige is reporting to pc watch. This is that Japanese dude that does all the detailed technology breakdown of all consoles and video card architectures etc... You know, the dude that puts together all those fruity colored block diagrams of new consoles like this one.

He is basically more technically leaning version of Dean Takahashi, reporting on gaming stuff, and has similar contacts within the industry. I wouldn't discredit guy's reports before anyone else's.

keyrat said:
It seems off because the real price killer on the PS3 is the bluray drive, which by 2011 or later should not be a deal breaker.

That means they could put out a cutting edge machine for $400.

They are trying to follow the Wii business model, which means $250 launch price instead of $400. Of Course, Wii's success was also largely due to it's unique control method and novelty, which will not be so unique and novel by the time Sony and MS rips it off by 2011 or whatever...
kevm3 said:
It would be underpowered in the sense that they wouldn't be using the graphical technology that they could use. PS3 simply isn't established for Sony to be pushing a new system on us. Their biggest games aren't out and they haven't got the PS3 to a reasonable price level. Get back to repairing 3rd party relations. THAT should be their focus. Get the best games out for PS3 possible and get that price level low. That would serve them much better than rushing a new system to market in which they only have 2 year sto push out.

Also, who would Sony be marketing a Waggle PS4 to? The Wii sells to casuals who don't really care about graphics that much. If it came down to a 150 to 199 dollar Wii compared to a 399 Wagglestation 4, it's obvious where the casuals will go. They will fail to capture the casual audience and also anger the hardcore for tacking on a gimmick and rushing a new system to market. That's not a winning situation.

um... i dont think that article said anything about waggle at all. all it suggests is that sony is not going to go all out to have the most uber machine on the market which is a good.

sony has almost lost it's shirts on releasing a machine at $600. they see that is better to be profitable than have the absolute best tech.

and what are you talking about the wii for? in 3 years, nintendo will probably be prepping their next machine too. the wiii will probably be $129 and the PS360 will be at about the $199 range.

i would not be surprised if the MS end up doing the same thing and the next xbox is not a super huge leap over the 360.


keyrat said:
It seems off because the real price killer on the PS3 is the bluray drive, which by 2011 or later should not be a deal breaker.

That means they could put out a cutting edge machine for $400.

I wish they would put out two models, with different names. A true PS4 with a beefed up Cell (keep the Cell to build upon what devs have learned about it) and more advanced graphics card. Then a Wii type Playstation called Playstation Family Fun or someshit, which is just a PS3.5

The PS4 would run the PS3.5 games, but would be made in less quantities. We all win.
You should call SEGA for a job. That would be the biggest clusterfuck since the
32X and Saturn. Not only do they have to keep supporting the PS3 they also have to release games for the PS3.5 and PS4. The fanbase will be split into two, just like the sales of popular games like Singstar, Gran Turismo and Resistance. The best part about the current consoles is that they offer both 'family fun' and 'hardcore' entertainment. Even Nintendo with the most casual system on the market is still trying to reach the hardcore with games like Zelda, Metroid and Capcom support.
What's so surprising about a 2011 date? that's 5 years, a standard console life cycle! The PS3 will continue to be supported like the PS2 is now for another 5 years afterwards as well.

Wouldn't it be funny though if Nintendo suddenly decided to go with a ridiculously powerful super machine while everyone else went with a Wii style upgrade, so that Nintendo were the ones with the super powerful console and everyone else's hardware was a generation behind :lol

Ranger X

I wouldn't surprised that next-gen would not see that much more powerfull machines. Seriously, devs costs are still rising and this might create a plateau. Also, people in general will probably more than happy with slightly better than PS3 graphics. It's the plateau that WILL happen sooner or later. Face it.


[Nintex] said:
You should call SEGA for a job. That would be the biggest clusterfuck since the
32X and Saturn. Not only do they have to keep supporting the PS3 they also have to release games for the PS3.5 and PS4. The fanbase will be split into two, just like the sales of popular games like Singstar, Gran Turismo and Resistance. The best part about the current consoles is that they offer both 'family fun' and 'hardcore' entertainment. Even Nintendo with the most casual system on the market is still trying to reach the hardcore with games like Zelda, Metroid and Capcom support.

It's all about marketing. The 32X wasn't released at the same time as the Saturn, and the 32X was an add-on. This would be simultaneous, and the Wii-type console would be marketed as a toy much like the Wii. You wouldn't expect for Gran Turismo to be on the PS3.5, but on the PS4.

$250 for a PS3.5 with a wand, some lame collection of minigames, and Home. Hell, they could just keep it a PS3 and just redesign the hardware and make a family bundle when it drops to $250.


keyrat said:
$250 for a PS3.5 with a wand, some lame collection of minigames, and Home. Hell, they could just keep it a PS3 and just redesign the hardware and make a family bundle when it drops to $250.
And because Sony, MS and 99% of the industry think like this, Nintendo stays ahead of them by billions in revenue laughing at them in interviews.
Vorador said:
Seems almost all webs are linking the deadmeat "article"....so :lol :lol :lol :lol at the news.
Why do people keep saying this? The original article has nothing to do with this "deadmeat" poster.


Ranger X said:
I wouldn't surprised that next-gen would not see that much more powerfull machines. Seriously, devs costs are still rising and this might create a plateau. Also, people in general will probably more than happy with slightly better than PS3 graphics. It's the plateau that WILL happen sooner or later. Face it.

That really depends on the advancements that the semiconductor industry can or cannot bring, and, what console providers are willing to pay for large advancements, if they are available. It also depends on tools. realtime graphics *can* improve drastically over 360/PS3. But only if hardware costs are reasonable and if development costs don't skyrocket. Lot of ifs. For any of those reasons, we could indeed see a plateau in the next-gen. But I hope not.


[Nintex] said:
And because Sony, MS and 99% of the industry think like this, Nintendo stays ahead of them by billions in revenue laughing at them in interviews.

You don't think it would work? I'm rethinking my idea constantly. The PS3.5 is a bad idea altogether. They'd be way better off just slimming the PS3 down, adding a wand or something like a wand, a collection of minigames, and Home. Then call it something else and put it in a new box geared towards the toy market. Considering they could give it an even simpler menu system via software update, it could definitely work and not cost them a penny.

Then just release a PS4 how it's meant to be done, but considering that it probably won't sell so hot.




Rapping Granny said:
I am not ready to jump into the new console hype crap until 2013-2015.

10 year life cycle bitches.

LOL, no. By 2016, the industry will be looking toward and Xbox4,
and by late next decade, a PS5 :lol


Ranger X said:
I wouldn't surprised that next-gen would not see that much more powerfull machines. Seriously, devs costs are still rising and this might create a plateau. Also, people in general will probably more than happy with slightly better than PS3 graphics. It's the plateau that WILL happen sooner or later. Face it.

While it's true that a plateau will eventually be achieved for most gamers (for me personally, 360 and PS3 are pretty close to it), it's also true that it is easier (and cheaper) to develop games with the same level of graphical fidelity on a more powerful system. It requires far less development resources when you can design a good-looking game and then the hardware can brute-force it without much, if any, optimization.

Eventually the industry will get to that point, it's inevitable. When it does, the medium can truly be considered mature. Indie devs can rely on the hardware's brute force to run a good-looking game, while the blockbuster developers still try to squeeze the most out of the hardware with their big-budget releases.


Oh god please stop with the "this is fake" crap. It's an article in a trustworthy site with some fact and quite a bit of speculation from a respected tech journalist. It just happens to be that the most contentious part of the article is the speculation.


Ranger X said:
I wouldn't surprised that next-gen would not see that much more powerfull machines. Seriously, devs costs are still rising and this might create a plateau. Also, people in general will probably more than happy with slightly better than PS3 graphics. It's the plateau that WILL happen sooner or later. Face it.
Plateau my ass, it looks like Sony fan wants to give up now eh? Stop that shit and go buy more Blu-rays so that Sony and Ms bring it next gen.
Dude, i'm just saying lol

PS3 is doing well, i don't think Sony would make that kind of mistake, launching a console until 2011! Specially an upgraded version of PS3.
It would be a mistake for all 3 companies to try and pull a 'wii' next gen. There is still a big market for high-end hardcore gaming. If sony does go 'casual' then MS should keep the 720 high tech and they'll have that market all to themselves.
Durante said:
PS4 "news" posted by deadmeat?
Strangely I knew whether they'd be positive or negative before reading them.

Because it clearly needs quoting again:
Shogmaster said:
Deadmeat is just a messenger of what Goto Hiroshige is reporting to pc watch. This is that Japanese dude that does all the detailed technology breakdown of all consoles and video card architectures etc... You know, the dude that puts together all those fruity colored block diagrams of new consoles like this one.

He is basically more technically leaning version of Dean Takahashi, reporting on gaming stuff, and has similar contacts within the industry. I wouldn't discredit guy's reports before anyone else's.
Pretty much in line with what i've said in the past, though I think the hardware improvements will lead to a greater than 2x improvement and far greater than the improvements seen from GC -> Wii. If they go with DDR3 there's really no excuse to go with less than 4GB of main memory in 2011, for example.


I don't see what the problem is here, console life cycle's have always almost followed a 5 year run. Even if it was two times more powerful it would still make some pretty impressive games.


Shogmaster said:
Deadmeat is just a messenger of what Goto Hiroshige is reporting to pc watch. This is that Japanese dude that does all the detailed technology breakdown of all consoles and video card architectures etc... You know, the dude that puts together all those fruity colored block diagrams of new consoles like this one.

He is basically more technically leaning version of Dean Takahashi, reporting on gaming stuff, and has similar contacts within the industry. I wouldn't discredit guy's reports before anyone else's.
LMFAO, he discredits himself several times every day on OA.



msdstc said:
If that's true, which I'm having a hard time believing, then wii has done exactly what I was worried about in the first place.

My fears as well. Wii is the last system where i rebuy last-gen hardware to play the new batch of exclusive games, it's extortion. I'd rather new systems not come out at all.


I don't see why everyone is up in arms. It seems a cheaper console is what is needed, we do not need and consumers do not want another console launching at $600. Will the current economic problem still exist in 3 years from now, who knows but with the way things are going it makes much more sense to progress from the PS3 in this manner. Sony wants to make money, they do not want to lose billions again on the next playstation.
All the stuff about the PS4 being a Wii-level upgrade is just Goto's speculation. He feels it likely that this will happen. However, just before this, he also suggests that Sony could even include 32 cores in the PS4.
Who the heck would call it a PSX(4) anymore? What is this, we back in the mid-ninties to the eXtreme phase again? Why even bother putting an extra letter for something that doesn't exist anymore for over a decade?

EDIT: Oh, I see...that guy, what a sad little man.


my reputation is Shadowruined
Psychotext said:
Why do people keep saying this? The original article has nothing to do with this "deadmeat" poster.

Deadmeat is an internet icon that provides insights.

A more rational version of N'Gai.


If this is true: Bailing out of console gaming.

I dont mind paying premium for an awesome system once every six years or so. I wont be paying 200 for a slightly updated system.

Guy Legend

I like how the article says they want to use Cell again, thus backwards compatibility is almost certain. I can pretty much say right now that I would not buy PS4 unless it could play whatever I've already invested in the PS3.

The worst thing I read was the mention that Sony wants to beat the next Xbox to the market. If that's the case, I fear it will be far too early. I don't know when the next Xbox launches (my guess is 2011), but I would be satisfied to see the PS4 launch in the US in 2012.
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