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Dead Rising Coming to Wii - Famitsu


schuelma said:
Good. What exactly gives it such a different vibe, aside from the time limit?

It's a big giant sandbox, you pick up tons of weapons, and surf on zombies. Plus the whole survivor rescue thing.


don't ask me for codes
schuelma said:
Good. What exactly gives it such a different vibe, aside from the time limit?

To me Dead Rising was a humorous game. You get to kill so many monsters in so many glorious ways. As well as see the various human reactions. If you love the camp of zombie movies, you'll like this game.

It was also challenging in a good and exciting way, trying to see if you could survive while doing various missions. This feeling could change in the Wii version depending if they've only merely made it less hardcore and more accessible, and not necessarily making it much easier.
schuelma said:
Good. What exactly gives it such a different vibe, aside from the time limit?

Well instead of being some dude sent to investigate a mysterious castle/research facility/etc you're a reporter checking out a shopping mall being overrun with zombies.

Instead of some dude having to rely on his/her knife and the typical assortment of guns the reporter can use his barehands and nearly ANYTHING he can get said barehands on in the mall(guns? axes? benches? plants? so on)

-Some dude has to munch on herbs to regain health, reporter just goes to the grocery store and pigs out.
-Some dude fights bosses like crazy zombie mutant creatures and fanatical despots, reporter fights bosses like people driven insane by the zombie invasion.
-Some dude might escort one president's daughter around, reporter can protect multiple people at once and even arm some of them with weapons to help out.(also as a bonus except for very rare occassions reporter is free to let people die shitty deaths until they become zombies)
-Some dude fights maybe 4 or more zombies at the most, reporter takes out 15 with a single swing.
-Some dude can't run over zombies, reporter can.
-Some dude is stuck with tank controls, reporter can run freely.
-Some dude is constantly faced with linear progression, again reporter can run freely(though you need to keep up with the story missions if you expect to see a "good" ending)
-Some dude might have been able to suplex zombies, well reporter can do spinning lariats, giant wheels, and even just reach in and rip their guts out.(Or do a karate chop that takes their heads off. Can you beat that? Not likely.)
-Needless to say if some dude ever met reporter in a dark alley it would be the shortest fight in the history of the world as reporter would devastate some dude and his entire family.

And so and so forth.


Hmm... All these missing features could severely cripple the game. I sure hope they can still deliver a good product, even if it's very different from the original Dead Rising.


don't ask me for codes
It's also not a bad thing to have a "bad" ending, as you can do a new game but still keep your experience level and the moves you've learned. If you start the game fresh it's very hard for you to take a zombie down with your bare hands, but as you progress you can basically superman a whole horde of them with your slick moves. Watch that video linked a few posts ago :p


Dascu said:
Hmm... All these missing features could severely cripple the game. I sure hope they can still deliver a good product, even if it's very different from the original Dead Rising.
Yeah, as I said before, whether they're changing stuff out of technical necessities, or by conscious design choice - it's the the end result that matters.

If it's not as much fun as the original Dead Rising, it fails. In that sense, Okami was a good port (because I had as much fun with it as I had with the original), and RE4 Wii was a fantastic port, because it provided an even better experience than the original.


Respawing convicts was a much bigger problem than the save system in dead rising. Ranged weapons also sucked, as fun as it was killing zombies with Frank's spit

The save system should be looked at like Diablo 2. You have one "Character" that you are supposed to take through multiple games/modes. At any time you can quit the current game and start a new one with the same character. People are just way too hung up on getting the "perfect" ending in one play-through
sangreal said:
Respawing convicts was a much bigger problem than the save system in dead rising. Ranged weapons also sucked, as fun as it was killing zombies with Frank's spit

The save system should be looked at like Diablo 2. You have one "Character" that you are supposed to take through multiple games/modes. At any time you can quit the current game and start a new one with the same character. People are just way too hung up on getting the "perfect" ending in one play-through
It's more like Diablo 1 though, where if you die than your current play through is done or you load up an old save.
As part of that effort, Dead Rising's controls and method of storytelling are both going to see some revisions. The basic game is unchanged, of course -- you play freelance journalist Frank West as he infiltrates a zombie-infested mall, helps out survivors, and fights hordes of the undead all by himself. The story structure is a bit different from the 360 version, however: Instead of having your janitor friend Otis continually tell you about things to investigate via your transceiver, the game will proceed in a more traditional, less time-sensitive fashion. "In the Xbox 360 version, the story proceeded as time passed, and you'd get messages about how there are survivors at this or that location that you should check out," Nakai told Famitsu. "With this version, that aspect of the game is now treated as a series of submissions. As you advance through the main story, Otis will give you three or four submissions at once; when you finish those, the main scenario advances. This results in us being able to put a lot more story volume to the game."

holy fuck they're completely nerfing the game.


WickedLaharl said:
holy fuck they're completely nerfing the game.

Does this also mean you can't finish the game without doing the missions like you can in the 360 version? At least it sounds like Otis will be less annoying...


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I'm kinda disappointed that they took out the time limit as that sounded like an interesting idea, albeit one that obviously frustrated plenty of people.
WickedLaharl said:
holy fuck they're completely nerfing the game.

Completely changes the break neck sense of urgency that made the title great, and made you want to replay it. It was impossible to do even half of the available missions in just one playthrough, and it was meant to be that way.

Not saying it won't be good, but the original DR it is not.


schuelma said:
Good. What exactly gives it such a different vibe, aside from the time limit?

It has a much, much lighter tone. Instead of being trapped in a dangerous situation, Frank West voluntarily enters the mall under siege by zombies in search of his news story. He can pick up and use a bunch of different items, from the obvious to the absurd. And the zombie threat is more an annoyance than a major threat after you advance a little bit.

Resident Evil is a survival horror game, and it's meant to be scary and unnerving, and you're supposed to feel at a disadvantage relative to the enemies you're fighting. In Dead Rising, your character becomes powerful very quickly, and it's largely things that you encounter in the mall that create the challenge, and these don't really create a sense of dread.

That's why the clock is so important. Without the zombies being an actual significant threat, the clock is what creates the game's tension, and forces you to be quick and precise. Without the clock, the game is just goofy fun, which is okay, but not exceptionally compelling.
TunaLover said:
I have heard that P.N.03 run in a modified RE4 engine. I´m not sure thought.
i heard it the other way around actually. both games have quite a few similarities... that could just be Mikami's game design though.

not sure how i like the sound of the new structure... but then there were plenty of people that wanted to love Dead Rising but couldn't get past it's mission structure and save game method...

both things i really enjoyed.


the one thing this thread did, is making me get dead rising as first game if i ever get to buying a 360... sounds great.
gregor7777 said:
Completely changes the break neck sense of urgency that made the title great, and made you want to replay it. It was impossible to do even half of the available missions in just one playthrough, and it was meant to be that way.

Not saying it won't be good, but the original DR it is not.


But it indeed is a more fitting structure for those seeking a more casual version of DR. I actually fucking had to restart my game in the original which pissed me off, but I don't care much because the urgency and tension added because of it is what makes the game to an extent. For DR2 I believe times should be more forgiving, but by no means should this strict system be removed.

Also it drives the replayability though the roof.
sonicmj1 said:
That's why the clock is so important. Without the zombies being an actual significant threat, the clock is what creates the game's tension, and forces you to be quick and precise. Without the clock, the game is just goofy fun, which is okay, but not exceptionally compelling.

Without the clock the game can still keep its fun pace killing zombies in different ways, seeing the story, and fighting the insane humans. Honestly the humans you fight made me more tense during battle then anything the zombies or time limit ever did. While I'm sure it made people feel a sense of urgency throughout the game, for me it simple meant I had to be somewhere at a certain time and if you managed your time well it never gave you a sense of urgency to begin with. Now unless I screwed up hardcore, then it might have made me sweat just a little bit but honestly, that happened fairly rarely.

Yet I can see why some people would prefer the time limit, ect. For me its really not a bother. Yet maybe thats also because I own the 360 version.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Without the clock the game can still keep its fun pace killing zombies in different ways, seeing the story, and fighting the insane humans. Honestly the humans you fight made me more tense during battle then anything the zombies or time limit ever did. While I'm sure it made people feel a sense of urgency throughout the game, for me it simple meant I had to be somewhere at a certain time and if you managed your time well it never gave you a sense of urgency to begin with. Now unless I screwed up hardcore, then it might have made me sweat just a little bit but honestly, that happened fairly rarely.

Yet I can see why some people would prefer the time limit, ect. For me its really not a bother. Yet maybe thats also because I own the 360 version.
While I agree to an extent, as a "gotta catch'em all" gamer (to an extent), it was pretty tough to let go of the notion that I had to get to every single survivor and rescue them, so much so that I consider it one of the defining experiences of the game. And although I was like you by the end and not really pressured by the time limit, the easing of pressure was partly due to my becoming used to the idea of not dawdling, so when I went on the Good Ending bee hunt, I knew that I didn't have the time to deal with shooting soldiers or getting captured by them, and had to use the remaining zombie-infested routes to avoid them.


I always thought the premise that you only have 72 hours, and time is passing/stuff is happening in real time (sped up, of course) as you go through the game was much cooler than the actual execution of the time limit in the game. :/

On the other hand, it truly was one of its outstanding features. The premise is just so cool. Dead Rising Wii will be different.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I actually like the changes they are making as it will make for a very different experience. The original was a unique experiment and I want to see it expanded upon in the future, but as it stands, I wouldn't want an exact repeat of the original either. If this is a more linear story driven experience it might be a lot of fun.

My guess is that each area will have a limited number of zombies for the player to dispatch, but you will proceed through them in a linear fashion so it won't really matter.

Let's face it, getting tons of zombies on screen won't be a problem if they do it right. There were PS2 games with hundreds of characters on screen (heck, there was one with 65,000 characters on screen that ran at 60 fps). What suffers is the quality of the collision detection and general AI.


gregor7777 said:
Completely changes the break neck sense of urgency that made the title great, and made you want to replay it. It was impossible to do even half of the available missions in just one playthrough, and it was meant to be that way.

Not saying it won't be good, but the original DR it is not.

Ok I never played the game, but you think that a game that makes you miss out on half the game's content in a single playthrough is a good thing?


later said:
Ok I never played the game, but you think that a game that makes you miss out on half the game's content in a single playthrough is a good thing?
that depends on how long a playthrough is i suppose. i'll take a good roguelike over a lot of other genres, and you're lucky if you see more than a single-digit percentage of the content in a single playthrough there.

experience over story or content quantity anyday.


later said:
Ok I never played the game, but you think that a game that makes you miss out on half the game's content in a single playthrough is a good thing?

It can be when done well. Seeing everything the first time through can make for a boring game if its short to begin with.
later said:
Ok I never played the game, but you think that a game that makes you miss out on half the game's content in a single playthrough is a good thing?

Yes. With this game I do.

You have to choose who to save. The malls inhabitants don't conveniently wait for you to be free to save them.

It truly adds to a sense of discovery...there's some really cool stuff that goes down that you may have not found the first time around.

With the New Game + always active and available, restarting/replaying is part of the game design.

The entire premise of the game is that you have a certain amount of time to find out what happened to this poor town. Having all of the incidents line up like pretty maids all in a row just kills the sense of urgency that, for me, really make the game shine.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Wii-only folks will never know the joy of plowing through a solid mass of zombies with a shopping cart or giant umbrella. Tragic.
dark10x said:
Let's face it, getting tons of zombies on screen won't be a problem if they do it right. There were PS2 games with hundreds of characters on screen (heck, there was one with 65,000 characters on screen that ran at 60 fps). What suffers is the quality of the collision detection and general AI.

crimson sea

this what all those enemies looked like though :lol



The physical form of blasphemy
Resident Evil Outbreak already had a shit ton of zombies on screen at once. I can't see where zombie count is going to be a problem. lol Let's not forget ZoE2 either.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Oldschoolgamer said:
I've never seen Dead Rising.

Well, that's obvious.


Himuro said:

I'm reading this 1up preview. What a joke of a port. And since they're doing this for the rerelease, they're probably going to do the same for Dead Rising. Dead Rising fans, this doesn't look good.

If Dead Rising 2 ends up being some dumbed down piece of shit because of all of this I will be fucking pissed.
Actually, wasn't it the Dead Rising fans themselves that complained about the timer to Capcom?


Himuro said:

I'm reading this 1up preview. What a joke of a port. And since they're doing this for the rerelease, they're probably going to do the same for Dead Rising. Dead Rising fans, this doesn't look good.

If Dead Rising 2 ends up being some dumbed down piece of shit because of all of this I will be fucking pissed.

The timer was one of the most bitched-about things of the 360 version.
Really, this sounds more like a new game designed around the story and premise of the original. It may or may not be any good, but I wouldn't call it a port per se.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Oldschoolgamer said:

Well, at least you got it out of the shrinkwrap.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Father_Brain said:
Really, this sounds more like a new game designed around the story and premise of the original. It may or may not be any good, but I wouldn't call it a port per se.

It really does. I don't know how it will turn out, but its certainly different.

Bet it does a lot better in Japan, regardless.


Himuro said:
Weaksauce pussy gamers are ruining my fucking game series one at a time.

First Devil May Cry.

Then Grand Theft Auto.

Then Mega Man.

And now Dead Rising.

I am going to shit down your throat.

Take a deep breath, Himuro. :lol


Himuro said:
Weaksauce pussy gamers are ruining my fucking game series one at a time.

First Devil May Cry.

Then Grand Theft Auto.

Then Mega Man.

And now Dead Rising.

I am going to shit down your throat.
Geez, Quit your belly-aching crying - you're shaming us.

I played Ultima 6/7, Ultima Underworld, Baldur's Gate, Nethack, Shiren, Fallout, Wizardry and a bunch of other old school RPGs.

And what happens to it? Dumbed down for consoles and the only RPGs left for PCs are diablo clones and MMOs.

You want to whine about watering down genres? Take your turn, son - wait behind the RPG, point n click adventure, and platformer genre fans.


Junior Member
Himuro said:
Weaksauce pussy gamers are ruining my fucking game series one at a time.

First Devil May Cry.

Then Grand Theft Auto.

Then Mega Man.

And now Dead Rising.

I am going to shit down your throat.

You are my favorite poster and this is why :lol


Himuro said:
Weaksauce pussy gamers are ruining my fucking game series one at a time.

First Devil May Cry.

Then Grand Theft Auto.

Then Mega Man.

And now Dead Rising.

I am going to shit down your throat.

(neutral) Himuro
Lookin' for Manly Gamers
(Today, 05:00 PM)
Reply | Quote


sangreal said:
Because people didn't want to play Dead Rising. They wanted GTA in a mall with zombies
I wouldn't have minded a mode like that.

And, no, I'm not talking about Infinity mode. I'm talking about a simple fuck-around-all-you-want-mode. I loved Dead Rising as it was (except Otis), but is a simple extra sandbox mode too much to ask? Just for funsies?


Jesus Himuro, save your meltdown when FFXIV goes Wii exclusive.

Himuro said:
These people are not casual gamers. They're fucking people who SUCK AT GAMES. There is a difference.

I don't see such classificaitons. Just a whiney poster.
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