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Destiny: Rise of Iron Review Thread


The benefit is there is no pressure to grind your level as fast as possible so you can do the raid with your clanmates who are pressuring you to hurry the fuck up. You have a few days to level up and enjoy the new content at your leisure before the raid opens up.

Really though, even the 8-hour-a-day players are gonna be struggling to be raid ready by Friday. Most players won't be at the right level for weeks. Or longer.

I find that line of reasoning hilariously patronizing. I'm confused as to why people find it acceptable for a dev to decide on your progression speed with this game and not others where content is not time gated. If people wouldn't be ready anyway, why is the time-gating even required? It's a pointless and artificial constraint in that case.

You are unaware of the benefits because your arguing for something that makes no sense. Time gating in most games is shit, I agree but it's not the same situation as Splatoon which was content light at launch and it was 3 months at least before all the content that was time gated was released which was stupid and it should have all came out at launch.

Destiny is the opposite, Nobody would be the right light level to play the Raid if it launched when it initially is launched. The time gating is giving people time to level up to the needed light level.

It's an important distinction also any reviews that are not an in progress review that doesn't wait for the Raid are useless.

And reviews are useless by what metric? They're not useless simply because they don't meet your arbitrary measure of usefulness. You provided exactly zero reasoning for your claim so there's no reason to take it seriously.

Definitely not on board with "devs should be able to say when players have access to content that is complete and already paid for" and "products should not be reviewed at launch." Continuing reviews are fine, I suppose, but I would argue that an informational tool delivered after the vast majority of people have made decisions is useless. And "don't pre-order games" is not an acceptable argument because a large portion of the market does in fact pre-order games and we can all produce counterfactuals all day.

Last post so as not to derail, but I find people actively arguing for artificial gates on content they own and against reviews of products actively on the market a net negative for the industry.


Gold Member

As someone who only ever played vanilla Destiny and liked the gameplay and PVP and art direction (love the armour and weapon designs) but not the grinding, lack of content and underwhelming campaign... and has at least 1 friend to play with. Is it worth it to the get the destiny collection?

The grind is ALOT easier than in Vanilla. I mean, holy sheet easier. BUT, it is still very grindy.

If you don't like running strikes and missions over and over (I never have, but the gameplay of Destiny is so freakin good), then it will probably not click for you.

However, if you come on over to the Community thread, and get on some raid groups, crucible trains, etc., the game becomes absolutely excellent. The co-op nature of it really is where the game sings.
lol do you still play the game.... thats what everyone is already doing why do you think that there are thousands of people playing everyday still. I feel like ppl who dont play with other people or take advantage of the multiplayer, they get bored of Destiny, hence its called a "online multiplayer game" than you probably should not buy Destiny 2, because it just going to be a bigger game and have more multiplayer things to do. Destiny isnt just a online shooter, its a multi playing, loot driving, repayable game. Playing solo in Destiny is not fun.
What I'm talking about is being able to re-run any mission or strike, scaled to your level, and dropping rewards you can use to advance. You soon reach a point in the game where you're limited to the latest raid, and a paltry number of weeklies and dailies, or severely light gated activities to progress. And why not put all strikes into rotation rather than a curated list?

That leaves the vast majority of content in the game unrewarding as far as progression goes. That's my biggest problem with Destiny, and am hoping Destiny 2 doesn't follow the same mold.

For instance, it'd be nice to be able to run the campaign through again, on demand, and allow for getting good drops. Or hand select any strike to do the same. Or any of the raids. Or any activity for that matter. Its all just too gated.
I really don't understand how people can hate vanilla destiny but love the current version. It's still the same game... fantastic combat and art direction with a painfully limited MMO scope. There have been some tweaks to progression and post-game busy work, but nothing to drastically change the experience. I think when it launched it was just a victim of expectation, and in the proceeding years we've lowered those expectations for triple A shooters and the appreciation for destiny has grown.


Started at 8pm and finished the campaign at 10:45 pm.

I'm sure there's plenty more in terms of quests and objectives, but that was quick, and I usually average twice as long to get through games as the usual estimates go.

I hope Bungie has plans to sustain interest.

The campaign is never what keeps Destiny going.


What I'm talking about is being able to re-run any mission or strike, scaled to your level, and dropping rewards you can use to advance. You soon reach a point in the game where you're limited to the latest raid, and a paltry number of weeklies and dailies, or severely light gated activities to progress. And why not put all strikes into rotation rather than a curated list?

That leaves the vast majority of content in the game unrewarding as far as progression goes. That's my biggest problem with Destiny, and am hoping Destiny 2 doesn't follow the same mold.

For instance, it'd be nice to be able to run the campaign through again, on demand, and allow for getting good drops. Or hand select any strike to do the same. Or any of the raids. Or any activity for that matter. Its all just too gated.

Everything in the game gives you experience that levels your factions and gives high level drops upon each level-up.

Activities that drop loot up to 385 Light:

Unique Strike rewards
Decryping Exotic Engrams (obtained from post crucible match or ultra kill using 3oC - 20% chance)
Faction reward packages
Watch of the Machine on normal difficulty
Archon's Forge


Finished the campaign tonight... This seems much more like House of Wolves than The Taken King. Actually feels shorter than HoW in some ways since that had some quests interspersed with the main missions.

Still looking forward to the raid and hoping the Plaguelands stuff is enough to really sink my teeth into.
It felt like it was very light on content, but in my opinion it was the highest quality content so far. The strike is interesting with a boss that is more than just a bullet sponge, and the revamped earth strike is a thorough refresh that I really enjoy while improving on the original boss and removing a lot of its bullet-sponge-ness.

The campaign was short but a lot of it was original spaces other than one really short mission that's just an area of an old strike. The final boss was finally not just a giant version of an existing enemy type but a new enemy type that also is used to introduce a new item so its very different from other boss fights and very welcome.

The patrol space is my favorite by far. There's a good mix of indoor and outdoor space with the outdoor space used well instead of just being a huge empty field with things scattered around. There's definitely more thought put into the patrol space. I normally find patrol missions really boring but the newest one is very fun. Just gives you an axe and spawns a ton of enemies to wail on. The new patrol mission mixed with well-thought out and interesting and diverse locations, along with keys and locked treasure rooms spread throughout the Plaguelands makes patrol actually fun to just wander around and complete bounties on.

Story is done well, the character of Lord Saladin and the Iron Lords has more development which is nice. Every new exotic, while sparse, are all either very useful or very fun! None seem pointless additions or end all be all guns.

My only complaint other than lack of content would be Archon's Forge. The new bublic event horde mode arena. It's very sloppily thrown together with its mechanics not really making much sense compared to previous encounters. The rewards are bad and you can only have 1 key at a time to start it.

I'm sad this is most likely the final major content update till Destiny 2, because it feels like there's a lot of small QoL enhancements I'd love to see expanded on and moved on to future content, like the new Record Book and Ornaments, but I'm happy they're continually heading more and more in the right direction and gives much hope for Destiny 2.

Also the Raid isn't out yet but the story content has me excited
I really don't understand how people can hate vanilla destiny but love the current version. It's still the same game... fantastic combat and art direction with a painfully limited MMO scope. There have been some tweaks to progression and post-game busy work, but nothing to drastically change the experience. I think when it launched it was just a victim of expectation, and in the proceeding years we've lowered those expectations for triple A shooters and the appreciation for destiny has grown.

The system change with activities and mission into quests started a trend with Destiny in TTK that made it so progression seemed and was easier alongside just being more coherent. Add that with the fact that TTK just added a crap ton more content for $40. It was pretty cool to finish the "story" in that and only find MORE missions and quests to do. Plus Bungie had slightly time gated more stuff that fed into in the next weeks and months. It pretty much at least made the Destiny game play loop "seem" more appealing. There is a story that is easy to follow now, higher levels of loot can be attained easier and faster because you have very direct paths now. Before they were limited to far less activities, mainly in Raids were where you got the absolute best stuff. Obviously a lot of people won't do or be able to do them, so people were stuck without a choice.

It still needs more work and more stuff to do, but they are on the right path now unlike Vanilla
After about 10 hours, I'd say it's exactly what you'd have expected from a Destiny expansion before The Taken King came out. So it feels like a step backwards.

It's definitely much closer in content to Dark Below/House of Wolves, therefore unless the raid happens to be absolutely mind-blowing, I think it should have cost the same (those two were overpriced already IMO).

$30 for a super short campaign with more than half of it taking place in recycled areas, and which stops right when it starts to get interesting, is a bit much to ask.
The new strike is completely forgettable and the "remastered" strikes is something I'd expect to get out of a free patch.

The new patrol area is alright I guess, although vastly inferior to the Dreadnaught, which I spent so many hours exploring because of its great mix of labyrinthic hallways and huge areas with massive fights going on. Also it just looked great artistically, and felt new.
For the plaguelands however, the huge quantity of reused assets makes it a lot less interesting. It feels too much like Cosmodrome 1.5.

The Forge is decent but, again, it looks way too much like the Prison of Elders, and although the area is bigger than the court of oryx, most players I saw ended up camping on the small platform at the beginning.

But it's still Destiny, and all my friends with whom I played every expansions are back, so I know I'll definitely get my money's worth.

But man, I am SO ready for Destiny 2.
After about 10 hours, I'd say it's exactly what you'd have expected from a Destiny expansion before The Taken King came out. So it feels like a step backwards.

It's definitely much closer in content to Dark Below/House of Wolves, therefore unless the raid happens to be absolutely mind-blowing, I think it should have cost the same (those two were overpriced already IMO).

$30 for a super short campaign with more than half of it taking place in recycled areas, and which stops right when it starts to get interesting, is a bit much to ask.
The new strike is completely forgettable and the "remastered" strikes is something I'd expect to get out of a free patch.

The new patrol area is alright I guess, although vastly inferior to the Dreadnaught, which I spent so many hours exploring because of its great mix of labyrinthic hallways and huge areas with massive fights going on. Also it just looked great artistically, and felt new.
For the plaguelands however, the huge quantity of reused assets makes it a lot less interesting. It feels too much like Cosmodrome 1.5.

The Forge is decent but, again, it looks way too much like the Prison of Elders, and although the area is bigger than the court of oryx, most players I saw ended up camping on the small platform at the beginning.

But it's still Destiny, and all my friends with whom I played every expansions are back, so I know I'll definitely get my money's worth.

But man, I am SO ready for Destiny 2.

Man, more HoW/DB is not a flattering impression.
Man, more HoW/DB is not a flattering impression.

It's still way better than both of those since it's post TTK design wise, but yeah. IMO RoI is what those two should have been in terms of content for their prices though. This isn't the game changer like TTK and obviously doesn't have the same amount of content. For me it's still enough since I play the game regularly, but it is definitely a stop gap they made and needed since Destiny 2 got delayed from this year to next.


..but cry so much I wish I had some
I find that line of reasoning hilariously patronizing. I'm confused as to why people find it acceptable for a dev to decide on your progression speed with this game and not others where content is not time gated. If people wouldn't be ready anyway, why is the time-gating even required? It's a pointless and artificial constraint in that case.

And reviews are useless by what metric? They're not useless simply because they don't meet your arbitrary measure of usefulness. You provided exactly zero reasoning for your claim so there's no reason to take it seriously.

Definitely not on board with "devs should be able to say when players have access to content that is complete and already paid for" and "products should not be reviewed at launch." Continuing reviews are fine, I suppose, but I would argue that an informational tool delivered after the vast majority of people have made decisions is useless. And "don't pre-order games" is not an acceptable argument because a large portion of the market does in fact pre-order games and we can all produce counterfactuals all day.

Last post so as not to derail, but I find people actively arguing for artificial gates on content they own and against reviews of products actively on the market a net negative for the industry.

Haven't you ever played any MMO? Raids are end game content, and the slrt of time gating practice you guys are arguing about is commonplace and always will be.

You can't be geared up for the content by the time it is released anyway unless you are a hardcore played that took the whole week off to play and barely slept, or unless you are a pro twitch streamer. MMOs require some grinding to be ready for the ready, there is a gear requirement (in Destiny's case a Light requirement) and if you don't meet that requirement you can't do it, and it takes time to get there.

Bungie isn't keeping away paid content from anyone, it's just the way it is.

Also, what is up with all the anti consumer stuff popping everywhere on these boards recently? Same kind of arguing happened in FH3 thread about stuff that is commonplace and normal for everyone it seems except for few people. I just wish people would read up on that stuff a little more instead of coming in here and derailing threads...
Actually you can get raid ready light level with in about 10 hours of strikes if you were in the low 300s. So about 2 hours a day for 5 days.


I literally can't think of a more review-proof game than Rise of Iron. At this point if you haven't been playing since year 1 you're probably holding out for Destiny 2.

(I'm enjoying it quite a bit, by the way)

Nuh, I only played Vanilla but I'm back for this with the Collection. My gut tells me Destiny 2 will be vastly different and won't support the already released content. So might as well get my fix now and then wait another three years for Collection 2.
I'm not sure what people were expecting regarding recycled content. They just started on this the beginning of the year when they realized they were not going to hit destiny 2 release. So yeah some is new some is not as it uses a lot of assets used before. The game is good though. They seem to be learning, I just think they are ready to move on from this engine which should make new content easier to produce. Unless wralth of the machine is absolutely horrible I'm gonna say it was worthwhile pick up.

Also while people are so complaining about $30 for the content. Can someone please point me to the call of duty season pass bitch thread. Talk about getting little for your money. Do people look at that as the norm for cod, so no one says anything?
This expansion feels a little small for 30 euros, I'm curious how the reviews will pan out. At this point I'm more likely to jump back in with Destiny 2, especially since I'm not the type of person that plays with a group or raids every week.

I think the Raid will tell if it is small for $30...
I'm hoping to the Raid be like VoG.

Edit - This creates a good question... these early reviews are most without the new Raid.

This is premature until the raid comes out.

That said, I agree with the blurb from GamesRadar in the OP that Rise of Iron brings structures in place that will greatly benefit the future of Destiny. Something, IMO, that really started with the April update and the changes to infusion that came with it.

Looking forward to the Halloween event.

So is basically a raid and a strike for $30?
If that's what you want to believe, it sounds like you already have your mind made up no matter what anybody says so enjoy.

Herr...not sure why your answer like that but TTK was a step forward but the impressions I am reading here looks like this DLC is pretty light in content for that price


So is basically a raid and a strike for $30?
I already finished some missions playing about 2 hours... so if you account everything you have at least 6 hours of gameplay for $30.

Not bad.

But for normal Destiny player the content is like 100+ hours gameplay.

It is definitively bigger than first two expansions.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I'm a bit let down by how short the story was, but look forward to checking out the other missions that popped up afterward and the strike.

I may do the raid once, but I'm not huge into them as it's a hassle to find a group and tough for me to get 2+ hours of guaranteed uninterrupted time.


Finished the campaign tonight... This seems much more like House of Wolves than The Taken King. Actually feels shorter than HoW in some ways since that had some quests interspersed with the main missions.

Still looking forward to the raid and hoping the Plaguelands stuff is enough to really sink my teeth into.

Same here. Now it is a grind for better gear.
I already finished some missions playing about 2 hours... so if you account everything you have at least 6 hours of gameplay for $30.

Not bad.

But for normal Destiny player the content is like 100+ hours gameplay.

It is definitively bigger than first two expansions.

Thats nice then, gotta grab it later this month


I already finished some missions playing about 2 hours... so if you account everything you have at least 6 hours of gameplay for $30.

Not bad.

But for normal Destiny player the content is like 100+ hours gameplay.

It is definitively bigger than first two expansions.
100 hours? Lol maybe half or less for sure when comes to the vets.


But it should be.

Even the greatest campaign of all time can't keep a community engaged week after week.

No one is playing TLOU on a weekly basis like they do with Destiny.

Edit: That's not to say a great campaign shouldn't be a focus for Destiny 2...just that it doesn't necessarily add to it's longevity.
There's a shitload of stuff to do after the final mission, including two exotic quests.

Let me preface this lil rant by saying I've bought vanilla destiny about 6 times and TTK 4 times across systems and for friends. So I'm not just trying to shit on people's parade. I've dedicated A LOT of time to this game, ~2500 game play hours, and will double or triple that til the series goes away.

There's more than 2 exotic quests but there's not anywhere near a shitload of stuff to do. Other than the thorn and the raid pulse, most people can finish all the quests in a week or two.The campaign is short, same amount of missions as HOW but I'd guess takes less time. I'm almost certain we've seen 95% if not 100% of all exotic weapons/gear. The ROI book. If some of it wasn't time gated, the whole thing could be completed in a couple weeks as well. Anyone who does PVP will have the entire crucible page done and will wait days/week for IB and Trials to come back.

The campaign is great but with the smart loot nerf and the limited paths of progression; blue engrams to 340, heroic strikes to 365, exotic engrams to 386, I see people being displeased.

What I should've kept in mind is that ROI wasn't made by the same people who gave us all the previous DLCs. It was the live team, the guys they brought oi to give us small filler in between releases. I thought $40 for TTK was fair, many didn't, but so far, I have a feeling I won't feel the same way about ROI UNLESS the live events they bring us throughout the year are stellar and frequent-ish.

In a couple weeks, when the dust settles, people will look back and realize ROI lacks content.


After about 10 hours, I'd say it's exactly what you'd have expected from a Destiny expansion before The Taken King came out. So it feels like a step backwards.

It's definitely much closer in content to Dark Below/House of Wolves, therefore unless the raid happens to be absolutely mind-blowing, I think it should have cost the same (those two were overpriced already IMO).

$30 for a super short campaign with more than half of it taking place in recycled areas, and which stops right when it starts to get interesting, is a bit much to ask.
The new strike is completely forgettable and the "remastered" strikes is something I'd expect to get out of a free patch.

The new patrol area is alright I guess, although vastly inferior to the Dreadnaught, which I spent so many hours exploring because of its great mix of labyrinthic hallways and huge areas with massive fights going on. Also it just looked great artistically, and felt new.
For the plaguelands however, the huge quantity of reused assets makes it a lot less interesting. It feels too much like Cosmodrome 1.5.

The Forge is decent but, again, it looks way too much like the Prison of Elders, and although the area is bigger than the court of oryx, most players I saw ended up camping on the small platform at the beginning.

But it's still Destiny, and all my friends with whom I played every expansions are back, so I know I'll definitely get my money's worth.

But man, I am SO ready for Destiny 2.

I think this is pretty much spot on. Honestly, I think Bungie should have wrapped up with TTK and let people have some time off from Destiny. After a year or two with no new Destiny content, people will be pining for some new shit, and then they can drop Destiny 2. But now it's just gonna feel like a continual flow of Destiny without any time to recharge.
I really don't understand how people can hate vanilla destiny but love the current version. It's still the same game... fantastic combat and art direction with a painfully limited MMO scope. There have been some tweaks to progression and post-game busy work, but nothing to drastically change the experience. I think when it launched it was just a victim of expectation, and in the proceeding years we've lowered those expectations for triple A shooters and the appreciation for destiny has grown.

Shards. Fucking shards. Hated the damn things.
I really don't understand how people can hate vanilla destiny but love the current version. It's still the same game... fantastic combat and art direction with a painfully limited MMO scope. There have been some tweaks to progression and post-game busy work, but nothing to drastically change the experience. I think when it launched it was just a victim of expectation, and in the proceeding years we've lowered those expectations for triple A shooters and the appreciation for destiny has grown.
As someone who digs story and exploration the biggest thing for me is added context. I don't remember any actual thing from the story of vanilla. I remember beating it and feeling like that could have been the moment when the title flashes on screen and the game begins in earnest.

While not insanely great, the stuff that came after felt much more like real story, or, I should say episodes of a neat episodic series. There'should not much true plot arc to any of these, but the world started to feel a lot more rich, the enemies gained some definition, and I actually wanted to know more.

Two Words

Rise of Iron is really making me hope that Destiny 2 makes some huge changes from the ground floor. Classes need to be more differentiated, and not restricted for PvP considerations. The game really needs to increase the amount of passive skills for classes. Give Hunters more movement abilities. Wall running/climbing should be something a hunter can do that is unique to them. Allow them to get into places other guardians can't. Warlocks should have a passive group healing effect when near teammates. Titans should have a significant amount of more HP, but enemies should aggro towards Titans more. Things like that would really go a long way with encouraging class diversity more. As it is now, I feel like classes are still too homogeneous after 3 major Destiny releases.


Yeah, for what I've read on /r/DestinyTheGame and the gameplay I've seen... This version seems to as limited as HoW (without Trials being a new thing of course) but with a Raid that is apparently not all that.

I'm tempted just because the game doesn't appear to take much time (with exclusive PvP stuff not adding in the hours anymore) I feel a mixture of happiness and sadness about that.
Yeah, for what I've read on /r/DestinyTheGame and the gameplay I've seen... This version seems to as limited as HoW (without Trials being a new thing of course) but with a Raid that is apparently not all that.

I'm tempted just because the game doesn't appear to take much time (with exclusive PvP stuff not adding in the hours anymore) I feel a mixture of happiness and sadness about that.

Defenders of the game will say otherwise but the story is pretty much a copy/paste of the dark below with different people.


Defenders of the game will say otherwise but the story is pretty much a copy/paste of the dark below with different people.

Oh, I've never cared for the "story" in Destiny. I liked TTK story missions though.

it's been so long I can't remember TDB story missions... it was just that omnigoul crap right?
After about 10 hours, I'd say it's exactly what you'd have expected from a Destiny expansion before The Taken King came out. So it feels like a step backwards.

It's definitely much closer in content to Dark Below/House of Wolves, therefore unless the raid happens to be absolutely mind-blowing, I think it should have cost the same (those two were overpriced already IMO).

$30 for a super short campaign with more than half of it taking place in recycled areas, and which stops right when it starts to get interesting, is a bit much to ask.
The new strike is completely forgettable and the "remastered" strikes is something I'd expect to get out of a free patch.

The new patrol area is alright I guess, although vastly inferior to the Dreadnaught, which I spent so many hours exploring because of its great mix of labyrinthic hallways and huge areas with massive fights going on. Also it just looked great artistically, and felt new.
For the plaguelands however, the huge quantity of reused assets makes it a lot less interesting. It feels too much like Cosmodrome 1.5.

The Forge is decent but, again, it looks way too much like the Prison of Elders, and although the area is bigger than the court of oryx, most players I saw ended up camping on the small platform at the beginning.

But it's still Destiny, and all my friends with whom I played every expansions are back, so I know I'll definitely get my money's worth.

But man, I am SO ready for Destiny 2.

Sounds like the raid is really short too.
I really don't understand how people can hate vanilla destiny but love the current version. It's still the same game... fantastic combat and art direction with a painfully limited MMO scope. There have been some tweaks to progression and post-game busy work, but nothing to drastically change the experience. I think when it launched it was just a victim of expectation, and in the proceeding years we've lowered those expectations for triple A shooters and the appreciation for destiny has grown.

This is true. Ive had a lot of fun with friends with this game and I agree with this


I already finished some missions playing about 2 hours... so if you account everything you have at least 6 hours of gameplay for $30.

Not bad.

But for normal Destiny player the content is like 100+ hours gameplay.

It is definitively bigger than first two expansions.

6 Hours of gameplay for 30$ is not bad ?! Are you insane ?


I did the Echo's of the past quest solo last night for the Gjallorhorn and found it pretty good overall.
Took me around three hours but that included a couple of events cracking off.

Currently a quest tells me to do Sepkis on hard but for some reason only medium difficulty shows up.
Light level 343.
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