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Ebola in Spain: Nurse 'infected in Madrid' / Man dies of Marburg Virus in Uganda

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They say the virus from body fluids can last as much as months, that's insane.

Imagine if the nurse traveled in a subway, sweating or coughing, if another people accidentaly gets in touch with those fluids chances are they will become infected.

Also, keep in mind that transportation in infected regions over in Africa are not as rich as in Madrid, which is a popular tourist attraction. You've got buses, trains, subways and airports.

One of the main causes of Ebola being stuck in Africa is that infectees were not able to travel long distances because they would die in about 20 days, as they depend in ground transports and journeys on foot.

It really makes me very worried.
The longest Ebola has survived outside of a body is 50ish days and that was during an experiment trying to see how long they could keep it alive.
Normally it survives for 1-2 days if the surface isn't cleaned or anything.

There has still been no cases of someone getting sick from tough a doorknob or anything like that with Ebola.
Yep, that's Spain. :/

could you translate the twitter feed?

How could they let them live a normal life after coming in contact (even if protected) with the disease?

She left work on vacation only a day after the man died? Wtf

You would think they would be quarantined until they were sure they didn't get infected.

And they used level 2 protective suits (using adhesive tape...) instead of the recommended level 4 ones.


This is a royal fuck up and the whole ministery of health should be fired.

could you translate the twitter feed?


Is an image of how they "isolated" the nurse in the Alcorcon Hospital.
I just read that austrian authorities picked up a 15 year old refugee in Salzburg(Austria) who fled from Liberia to austria because "his entire family died from Ebola" and because he was afraid of the disease.
He is now under surveillance in the infectiology section of the Salzburg State Hospital.

(The medical staff also stated that they have level 4 suits. :p )

edit: source (german) and other austrian news outlets


Are you drunk or something?

No, It needed quotes, and well... different words to suggest just tossing someone a power washer to clean up is a bad idea. As in me saying it to you in a joking way. The W.A comment was about what we'd already discussed. Above.


No, It needed quotes, and well... different words to suggest just tossing someone a power washer to clean up is a bad idea. As in me saying it to you in a joking way. The W.A comment was about what we'd already discussed. Above.

We haven't discussed anything above. I haven't posted in this thread. Hence my question.


Burn all southern european politicians, let us elect some swedish dude or something. The incompetence is terrifying.


looks more like a poorly secured construction site but better than nothing, I guess.

It's enough. But the shoddy improvised feel of it (really Spain, are you sure you don't have any isolation wards?) doesn't exactly inspire confidence, no argument there.
This what-if regarding a door handle was mentioned like ten times in the other thread, does it keep popping up around the internet or something? It's a theoretical method of transmission and has never been determined to have actually happened.You'd have to immediately touch the handle after the victim did and then immediately shove your fingers in your mouth or eyes or whatever. At which point I'm not sure who to blame, really.

Yeah it sorta maybe could happen but like nearly everything else about the contagiousness of this disease it's not something to actively worry about.

Weird, haven't seen it thrown around. My point was just giving a simple example of how easy it is to spread germs and the likelihood of touching something nearby thay may have infected body fluid. All under the case that you're actually within reach of an infected person, of course.

We may have a lot more resources, money and better sanitation conditions in the U.S. than these areas in Africa. But people are still dirty as fuck.


Weird, haven't seen it thrown around. My point was just giving a simple example of how easy it is to spread germs and the likelihood of touching something nearby thay may have infected body fluid. All under the case that you're actually within reach of an infected person, of course.

We may have a lot more resources, money and better sanitation conditions in the U.S. than these areas in Africa. But people are still dirty as fuck.

If "this Ebola strain" was "spreading like the flu", West Africa would be wiped out by now and there would be thousands of cases in way more than just 3 countries.

Funky Papa

It's enough. But the shoddy improvised feel of it (really Spain, are you sure you don't have any isolation wards?) doesn't exactly inspire confidence, no argument there.
We do, but massive cuts to our hospitals have forced the closure of entire floors. Many hospitals are understaffed, underequiped and just plain unable to cope with something like an Ebola scare.

If it feels improvised it's because it was improvised. Nobody was ready to accept those folks, yet the government pushed ahead to appease the religious right, going against the advice of the doctors ignoring the nurses' complains and using protocols less strict than those mandated by the WHO. Moving those people to Spain before they died was more important than implementing an actual plan.

People need to be lined against the wall for this.
Well... They are reporting the suits were two levels lower than what is required to handle such dangerous diseases.

Not only that, the gloves were sealed with duct tape


But didn't they have to touch the suits or at least the gloves with their hands at one point? Maybe she caught it while removing her gloves.


So much shame with that, another time Spain becomes the laughing of the world, and isn't the first time. Then people from all around ask why we don't want to be a part of this country...
But didn't they have to touch the suits or at least the gloves with their hands at one point? Maybe she caught it while removing her gloves.

There are techniques for removing gloves without actually at any point touching the outside of the glove with your bare hands.

However... with the duct tape, that would be a lot harder to do.
Well hopefully they would have sprayed themselves down with bleach and/or chlorine before they took of their suits.

Which I'm sure they did. It wouldn't make any sense for them not to disinfect everything after treating the priest.

There are techniques for removing gloves without actually at any point touching the outside of the glove with your bare hands.

However... with the duct tape, that would be a lot harder to do.

There must of been a small cut or opening on her uniform that allowed fluid or something to get in.


I am not worried, the government has a cohort of virgins and saints at its disposal after all, they'll just call in the virgin of something or other and all will be fine.
Very good read on how the firestone corporation handled/handling ebola.

Its weird that they have a town named after them, and there are 80,000 people working in it, that work at the rubber plantation, but...

So basically Firestone and an Internet search is clowning some of the western medical response services in Africa.

I know that's not the tone of the article, but that's pretty crazy.
Very good read on how the firestone corporation handled/handling ebola.

Its weird that they have a town named after them, and there are 80,000 people working in it, that work at the rubber plantation, but...



Firestone to end latex production in Liberia

However, I am very happy they are able to do it, but there is a matter of scale and money that would be there as opposed to Monrovia. I hope they are able to scale this up for other areas.


#VAMOSAMORIRTODOS (We're All Gonna Die) is Trending topic in Spain right now

Well, in a way they are actually correct. Everyone is going to die. at some point.

Burn all southern european politicians, let us elect some swedish dude or something. The incompetence is terrifying.

Why just the southern european politicians? Why not simply all of them, just to be sure?

Funky Papa

This is a complete disaster. Now that the cat is out of the bag nurses and doctors broke their silence and have been talking to the media, painting a picture of utter chaos and incompetence.

To recap:

  • The hospital where the missionaries were treated used to be one of the references in contagious diseases, but it had been completely gutted by budget cuts.
  • Nurses and doctors used level 2 suits (like the ones used to treat HIV patients) instead of level 4 suits. The reasons for this are not clear. The staff raised hell about it, but they were told to sod off.
  • The hospital has no negative pressure rooms like the ones used to contain any pathogens. Due to the massive budget cuts inflicted on the healthcare budget, there are no operative negative pressure rooms in any Spanish hospital. Research institutions and probably the army have them. It is not clear why the army (which is properly equiped and trained to deal with NBQ emergencies) was not involved.
  • The hospital, lauded by the government as one of Europe's most advanced centres for the treatment of contagious diseases, is in such a state of disarray after the cuts that it didn't even have a proper lab to deal with an emergency like this. They quickly had to build a makeshift one that has been described as "laughable" and "toy-like".
  • There's a brutal shortage of medical staff in Spain due to budget cuts. This means that the nurses who treated the missionaries were rotated among a number of hospitals instead of remaining there as a precaution. This means that they could have exposed hundreds of patients at other hospitals (although this doesn't seem to be the case, luckily enough).
  • Nurses were not properly trained. Many of them received a 45 minutes crash course on Ebola without even using full suits/proper tools and that was it.
  • Nurses and doctors angrily complained about the situation and warned the authorities about the risk of spreading the disease instead of curing it; they were told by administrators to suck it up or get fired/sanctioned.
  • Protocols were a complete joke. Although the nurse asked to get checked as soon as she noticed that she was suffering from fever, she was ingored in several ocassions because her temperature was below 38.5ºC, despite the fact that the WHO is asking to isolate anybody showing even the smallest discomfort after dealing with Ebola patients.
  • Ebola tests were only administered after the nurse began to feel actually sick and insisted on it.
  • She went to the Carlos III hospital at first. They denied her a check up, claiming that she was to see her usual doctor instead, making her walk/drive around Madrid. Her doctor told her to scoot off to the hospital, which then accepted her to ER.
  • She wasn't isolated from the rest of the patients at the Carlos III hospital upon entrance. Her acceptance to ER and her Ebola tests were conducted in a normal ER booth, separated from the rest of the patients by nothing but folding screens.

The whole situation is a colossal fuck up at so many levels it's a miracle we are not dealing with an actual epidemic. After destroying our healthcare system in the name of austerity, our conservative government wanted to score some points by treating those missionaries against the opinion of the medical authorities and even the army, so they mounted a veritable media circus to bring two dying, highly infectious patients to a hospital that was simply unfilt to deal with Ebola cases, and then tried to silence the critics until everything blew on their faces.

Prision charges for crimes against the public health need to be levied against the minister, hospital administrators and every single high ranking official involved in this mess.


Welp, not visiting my family this year then! (I'm from Madrid, Spain)

Edit: Just to be clear, this is a joke. I'm not going to Spain this year anyway but if I had plans I would still go.
This is an absolute disgrace.

The priest who was being treated in Madrid was moved from Africa for purely political reasons (to appease the religious right, which is incredibly angry at the conservative government due its fumbling and botching of their much maligned abortion reform), against the criteria of the experts, with no viable treatment and at a high economical cost.

They shipped a patient who was already in his very last throes for nothing but scoring points with the far right, and as a result there's an infected nurse who may also die.

Heads should roll for this.

that's it.

the govt should've sent treatment to Africa instead of moving the infected priest back to Madrid, but you know the govt has to make efforts to keep their voters satisfied (very religious..) so they thought this was a claver idea, when as you said, many experts highly recommended to treat the patient in Africa, but they brought him back to Spain..

I feel ashamed for everything that's happening here. apparently the nurse started to feel sick last sunay so she went to the hospital where the priest was treated and she told them she was infected with ebola for sure, but the doctors sent her back to other hospital where she lives, so she was carrying the infection with her across Madrid.

then I also read that the hospitals don't have a protocol for this case scenario so, they're dealing with it on the run, I mean, apparently the hospital where the nurse is currently hospitalized is also attending other patients, it's a mess.

the health minister should be fired and/or resign, she has no clue about how to manage a crisis like this, plus, I remember she recommended people to pray for they health when they talked about cutting investment in public healthcare.

btw, here are some details for spanish speakers: http://diarioenfermero.es/el-person...-auxiliar-infectada-por-ebola-sin-proteccion/


This chain of fuckups is straight out of a movie. It's the same of stuff that makes you scream at your tv because you can't believe how dumb the characters in the movie are.



is there any word on a breakthrough in drugs that may help combat the virus?

surely the world is going mad with research right now?

Funky Papa

that's it.

the govt should've sent treatment to Africa instead of moving the infected priest back to Madrid, but you know the govt has to make efforts to keep their voters satisfied (very religious..) so they thought this was a claver idea, when as you said, many experts highly recommended to treat the patient in Africa, but they brought him back to Spain..

I feel ashamed for everything that's happening here. apparently the nurse started to feel sick last sunay so she went to the hospital where the priest was treated and she told them she was infected with ebola for sure, but the doctors sent her back to other hospital where she lives, so she was carrying the infection with her across Madrid.

then I also read that the hospitals don't have a protocol for this case scenario so, they're dealing with it on the run, I mean, apparently the hospital where the nurse is currently hospitalized is also attending other patients, it's a mess.

the health minister should be fired and/or resign, she has no clue about how to manage a crisis like this, plus, I remember she recommended people to pray for they health when they talked about cutting investment in public healthcare.

btw, here are some details for spanish speakers: http://diarioenfermero.es/el-person...-auxiliar-infectada-por-ebola-sin-proteccion/
Apparently the actual Ebola protocols have not been released to the hospitals; not even the "fixed" versions the government made on the go to account for the lacking conditions of our health centres. Doctors and nurses are just improvising with what they have.

The Ministry of Public Health is run by idiots.

This chain of fuckups is straight out of a movie. It's the same of stuff that makes you scream at your tv because you can't believe how dumb the characters in the movie are.


It's like The Strain, but IRL.
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