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Edge: PS4 is your next console... maybe

What's up with people in here being incapable of accepting that there are different tastes or preferences when it comes to games or systems. If someone want's to buy a Xbone over a PS4 then let it be. I'm not interested in either one, but I can totally understand if someone prefers the launch window line-up MS is providing for their console.
I would disagree. It all goes back to that analogy.. Some people would thoroughly be upset if their best friend was getting beat by their boyfriend and their excuse to going back would be because "he has money and that appeals to me."

Literally. I agree with enjoying what you like but people aren't mad or concerned about what you want to spend your purchase on, they are concerned because it feels like your running back to the antagonist who's only doing it for their best interest and making it seem like it was for yours. It could be that some people just aren't that "easy". It has nothing to do with graphics at all.
What a stupid concern. Those of us getting an XB1 at launch have been enlightened by this army of PS4 warriors over and over again for months. Thank you but you must have failed on your mission on just a few of us. We still have a couple of months so they can still let us know what idiots we are for being duped by MS into believing we were going to be able to play some fun games for years to come. I look forward to the efforts.
If MS wants to win over the hearts and minds of the consumer they need to drop kinect and match the price with the PS4.

Why? They are going to make easy money grabbing $500 from all the suckers at launch and then a few months later they will drop the price and start smooching up to all the other consumers.
Honestly, with what I saw from them before, that's reason enough for me to never read, much less trust, anything they have to say ever again. I thought what they did before was quite disgusting and as low as it gets for a publication that's suppose to represent gamers as a whole. They might as well had announced that they're officially joining the marketing department at Sony. There was a better way to say you think the PS4 is looking like the better option without going full blown bias the way Edge appeared to.
Why? They are going to make easy money grabbing $500 from all the suckers at launch and then a few months later they will drop the price and start smooching up to all the other consumers.

Really? OK. So, by that logic, wouldn't anyone buying a next-gen console (launch or otherwise) be a sucker for not just building a PC?


I'm not sure what your problem is.

The person I quoted suggested the PS4 being the more powerful was a reason to buy it over the Xbox One.

I stated the more powerful platform does not make it the better platform.

How my response was vague (or wise) is beyond me. Feel free to think otherwise.

The problem is that the console wars are in full swing and you are on the wrong side of the battle lines, or at least that's how some are trying to paint it.

I personally think it's quite revolting to see them posts such stuff and get away with it time and again, but alas, that's how it goes.

And that's coming from someone who has a PS4 preordered, and no intention of buying an XB1 anytime soon.
I kinda like Sony as a company, but I truly do hate their rabbit fanboys that can't stand anyone enjoying a product that has another logo on the box...

Wether people like it or not, after all the 180s Ms have pulled, things have slowly started coming back around for them, or so it seems.
It certainly won't be a completely one sided affair when all is said and done. Certainly not like it was looking when the whole DRM fiasco was going full steam ahead.


The problem is that the console wars are in full swing and you are on the wrong side of the battle lines, or at least that's how some are trying to paint it.

I personally think it's quite revolting to see them posts such stuff and get away with it time and again, but alas, that's how it goes.

And that's coming from someone who has a PS4 preordered, and no intention of buying an XB1 anytime soon.
I kinda like Sony as a company, but I truly do hate their rabbit fanboys that can't stand anyone enjoying a product that has another logo on the box...

I agree to an extent, I used to own a 360 it was my main console (ps3 was for exclusives - now my main) I now hate everything about MS because of their direction and their corporate bs, now come the reversals and all the apologies. I was thinking the games where getting stale as a xbox owner....Microsoft SEVERLY need to open more first party studios and prove to us their about games.

However, I do believe if you love playing on xbox and you enjoy your FPS games and the others it provides, then each to their own, live and let live, we all have a right to do the things we enjoy.
Doesn't look very different from where I'm sitting. The Xbone still looks like an extremely unappealling purchase.

Good for Microsoft on deciding not to fuck their consumers on what they're allowed to do with their own purchased property (I guess?), but the fact is the console is still too expensive, they're still forcing an unnecessary and unwanted piece of tech with it and (Most importantly) that the PS4 is just a proposition that is far more appealling an alternative on every front makes this the easiest decision I've ever had to make heading into a new gen.

I really don't see any reason to pick the machine that has basically been a clusterfuck trying to unfuck itself since announcement over the much more appealling competition.

I kinda like Sony as a company, but I truly do hate their rabbit fanboys

Wtf is your problem? Jumping Flash was awesome!
Why? They are going to make easy money grabbing $500 from all the suckers at launch and then a few months later they will drop the price and start smooching up to all the other consumers.

LOL. This is the kind of nonsense that really does lower the level of discussion. So people are suckers now for buying a game console at $500 that they think not only has games they want to play, but is offering an overall experience that people are excited to get hands on with?

The only sucker is you for being so petty that you would go so far as to insult gamers for choosing to buy something they like.

Who is she?


I agree to an extent, I used to own a 360 it was my main console (ps3 was for exclusives - now my main) I now hate everything about MS because of their direction and their corporate bs, now come the reversals and all the apologies. I was thinking the games where getting stale as a xbox owner....Microsoft SEVERLY need to open more first party studios and prove to us their about games.

However, I do believe if you love playing on xbox and you enjoy your FPS games and the others it provides, then each to their own, live and let live, we all have a right to do the things we enjoy.

That's all it really should come down to as far as I'm concerned, but hey, perhaps I'm weird that way. ;)
I'm in the same boat, loved my 360 and certainly was happy with the online games not crashing on an almost daily basis like with my PS3. But due to the whole DRM thing and how it all went down, I don't want to support MS at this point, even if that means missing out on some games for a while.
Never say never though, because I know for a fact that when Cave releases their first 2D shoot em upexclusively for the X1, I'll have to get one.
So yeah, even though those games could probably run without much effort on a 360 or PS3, that would make me buy the system. :)


Pardon the attention-grabbing title, but I found it fitting, bearing in mind what has transpired before. So Edge Online posted a new article:

What follows is a pretty levelheaded look at the approaching console battle, with some analysts chiming in with their opinions. You can read the whole article here: http://www.edge-online.com/features/ps4-vs-xbox-one-the-state-of-play/

I thought it was an interesting read and worth posting, considering how much controversy the now infamous cover of Edge #256 caused here. Whether Edge is doing a mini-180 of their own or the whole bold exclamation was just a means of boosting readership, as some of us claimed, that's up for you to decide.

It sounds reasonable enough, and quite fair.
Microsoft has a second chance to re-estimate their policy, so can Edge.


The origonal edge article was not in the least bit surprising it simply echoed what nearly everybody in the games media were saying and thinking. And I'm not suposed that since fixing a lot of their missteps edge is being less harsh on Microsoft.


However it is still 100 dollars more expensive, for offering slightly worse tech. These 2 one-two punches are significant in ones decision to decide which one to buy. 100 dollars is 2 games, or almost 2 games.

It is 100 dollars more expensive and it does offer slightly worse tech in some key areas, but it's really up to you to decide if the experience difference is worth that gap. I'm actually excited about all the basic UI and convenience things the Kinect 2 has to offer. To me, this substantially closes the value gap between the consoles. Not everyone feels this way, and that's fine. I'm on board with the X1 because of this and the exclusives they offer.

Almost every single argument over the consoles boils down to Kinect and exclusives at this point. We just don't know enough about how the extra power the PS4 has will affect multiplatform games in the future. Until then, we might as well not even argue it.


For everyone talking about Edge 180, remember the full headline of the PS4 cover story:

This is Your Next Console: Why the PS4 is the Only Option For Now
Emphasis. The entire article was conditioned, and was evaluating the state of play. Now, some months on and with launch details solidified, they are re-evaluating the state of play. To me it just seems like good journalism to do so.

"They just want clicks" in a bit overly cynical, as it's a good, fair article, and that general observation applies to every article published on the web.

Also, NeoGAF shoutout, woo:

And let’s not forget the power of marketing. As Microsoft discovered after E3, it’s important to define your console in the eyes of the consumer as clearly as possible; how each console is advertised to the mainstream consumer – the vast majority that don’t gobble up every NeoGAF thread or conference livestream – will play its part.
So MS bought dr3 and ryse? Sony will still have WWS and I'll take their offerings any day. Infamous: SS looks better than anything on X1

Personally I'm thinking Resogun looks like the most fun 'next gen' title I've seen to date.

But yeah, Infamous is, at the very least, the most impressive title so far.


Price and specs is not subjective so that doesn't really work.

But saying the same thing the other way around is equally ridiculous. You can't come up with one reason to buy an X1 over PS4? Who cares if you agree with the reason or not; you should still be able to come up with one. Saying the PS4 is better in EVERY way is asinine.


For everyone talking about Edge 180, remember the full headline of the PS4 cover story:

This is Your Next Console: Why the PS4 is the Only Option For Now
Emphasis. The entire article was conditioned, and was evaluating the state of play. Now, some months on and with launch details solidified, they are re-evaluating the state of play. To me it just seems like good journalism to do so.

"They just want clicks" in a bit overly cynical, as it's a good, fair article, and that general observation applies to every article published on the web.

Also, NeoGAF shoutout, woo:

They could have waited until the X1 launch details were known. I don't see what the rush is.
Did people forget that when Edge's article came out the X1 was probably the worst mainstream console ever? An anti consumer DRM machine? Sure, things have changed, but you can't really blame them for posting that.

i agree with this. i dont think its fair to call the change in edge's stance a comparable 180 to microsofts. it is completely reasonable to respond to new information.


PS3 turned out amazing though.

I just think it's weird that people are making choices based on games that no one is going to care about 6 months from now. When was the last launch game that came out that was truly great and had staying power? Mario 64? People buy Sony and Nintendo consoles because they know they're going to get a certain level of first party support even with bad launch lineups.

You're wearing the hardcore gamer goggles. Take those off for a second and TRY to look at the Xbox One as someone who doesn't care about drm, mega bixxles and teragigs, and M$ bad. Ready? Ok, now you're 90% of the buying public. These people MIGHT be interested in things other than what a company will produce 5 years from now. We know many on this site think the Kinect stinks, the TV integration is garbage, the voice commands are a joke, etc, etc. But maybe, just maybe the public will think those things are pretty damn cool.

Also, you keep bringing up that MS abandoned its fans. Obviously it hasn't been detrimental to the sales of the 360 as they continue to be the leader (IN AMERICA) month after month. The general public sees value in what MS provides. If what you keep saying is true "People buy Sony and Nintendo consoles because they know they're going to get a certain level of first party support" , the sales would have dropped off drastically for the 360 and actually remained steady for the Wii. Also, how do explain the Wii U with that statement?
Are people seriously forgetting that sony has 12 studios working on the ps4? Those 12 studios must be doing something and not just laying about. In the long run they will surely make games.

The only xbox one games I want are dead rising and quantum break. I dont see MS coming up with 1st party compelling titles


They could have waited until the X1 launch details were known. I don't see what the rush is.

Why wait? E3 was an ok time to judge things because until all of the 180s, that was MS's plans at the time. Now after the 180s, we can look back and see how things have turned around.
Oh EDGE, your fall from grace has been heartbreaking to witness, but this blatant click baiting is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Couldn't even die with a shred of a dignity....


Who cares? You don't buy consoles that you're going to keep for 5+ years for the launch games. You're buying it for the games it's going to provide over its entire existence. Do you trust MS to support it that long?

for once, I agree

good question who's more likely to do long term support?


Microsoft doubled down on thier most successful franchises in the later years of the 360. Every publisher also did this. It's not just MS who stopped releasing new IP, it was everyone.

TLOU was Sonys first new IP since 2010, before this they relied on thier established franchises. The idea that MS abandoned the 360 in the last 4 years is nonsense.
Microsoft doubled down on thier most successful franchises in the later years of the 360. Every publisher also did this. It's not just MS who stopped releasing new IP, it was everyone.

TLOU was Sonys first new IP since 2010, before this they relied on thier established franchises. The idea that MS abandoned the 360 in the last 4 years is nonsense.

Let's just ignore Puppeteer, Beyond, and Journey

Microsoft's output the last 4 years has been massively disappointing in comparison.


TLOU was Sonys first new IP since 2010, before this they relied on thier established franchises. The idea that MS abandoned the 360 in the last 4 years is nonsense.

What's coming next for the X360?

Ps3 still has the Puppeteer, GT6, Rain and Beyond: Two Souls lining up for the system as exclusives. And of course niche titles such as Drakengard 3

MS has abandoned the X360.


What's coming next for the X360?

Ps3 still has the Puppeteer, GT6, Rain and Beyond: Two Souls lining up for the system as exclusives. And of course niche titles such as Drakengard 3

MS has abandoned the X360.

Everyone forgets Ratchet and Clank coming out too.


Everyone forgets Ratchet and Clank coming out too.

Yes, and Until Dawn :p

I guess Sony could've released GT6 for the Ps4, but they're still making it a Ps3 title. While MS is releasing Forza 5 for the X1.


Ps3 is also getting that new LBP game
Tbh sony gave us new ips, heavy rain and infamous in the latter stage. Sequels aint bad as long as they good. MS are doing well with quantum break. I would love to play it. But I trust sony more to deliver games to us due to experience with this gen


X1 has better games so far, isnt this suppose to be the number 1 factor amongst gamers? Surely most people on GAF recognise this and will buy the console with the best games. Sometimes we need to sift through all the fud in the console wars to see the truth.
Microsoft doubled down on thier most successful franchises in the later years of the 360. Every publisher also did this. It's not just MS who stopped releasing new IP, it was everyone.

TLOU was Sonys first new IP since 2010, before this they relied on thier established franchises. The idea that MS abandoned the 360 in the last 4 years is nonsense.

Really...? What about Starhawk? What about Gravity Daze? Plus they have Rain, Puppeteer and Beyond this year...
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