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Games with Gold April: The Wolf Among Us, Sunset Overdrive, Saints Row IV, Dead Space


I know that and never said they have a ditaction on the matter, but they did publish the game and SO1 can't be released on any other console. I believe it would be in Microsoft's and Insomniac's best interest if the game was given the chance to expand its audience on PC. I know you don't just flip a switch to port a game, but I think it would be very worth the cost because it's a great game and PC gamers tend to like those things.

I believe you're wrong, waoh

Stop port begging.
Crazy how much better Games with Gold has become over PS+. What paid online did to Plus is a travesty.

It's probably less an issue of paid online changing the PS+ free game selection and more that the PS4 has a much bigger market share over the Xbox One. Microsoft needs to provide more value to increase sales, whereas Sony does not.


Hilarious that anyone can defend the absolute piles of shit Sony feeds us every month when Microsoft does this sort of thing regularly.


It's probably less an issue of paid online changing the PS+ free game selection and more that the PS4 has a much bigger market share over the Xbox One. Microsoft needs to provide more value to increase sales, whereas Sony does not.

Also Sony and Their fans adore indie games, so it makes sense we get so many

This is the first month I can legit say I'm jealous of GWG. These are the kind and caliber of games I got used to in the PS3 days with PS+ and haven't seen in quite a while since.

Kudos to MS.
...and the trade-in on SSO is now $2.39. Guess I'll hang onto that disk.

KILLER lineup for the month. One of the very best games of the whole generation, and one of the best point-and-click adventures of recent years.
SRIV for 360 is kinda like... wut. Especially with an XB1 version out there. But the rest is awesome.

And it's inclusion means Microsoft made it backwards compatible for the X1, despite a superior X1 port being available. Very strange choice, but it probably cost them peanuts.

This is the first month I can legit say I'm jealous of GWG. These are the kind and caliber of games I got used to in the PS3 days with PS+ and haven't seen in quite a while since.

Kudos to MS.

March was pretty great as well with Sherlock Holmes and Lords of the Fallen. They're not quite as good or high profile as TWAU or Sunset Overdrive, but they're legit titles that offer considerable value for the cost.


Gold Member
Sony isn't in a position to need to give a shit about what MS is doing with their lineup. If MS were #1 by the margin Sony is, we wouldn't be seeing quality games like the April lineup. I'd love some awesome PS+ games as much as the next person, but reality is reality.

That said, I honestly think I will download all four of these titles. Actually I will probably pass on Saints. Can't fucking wait for Sunset though. I played it during that free 24 hour promo they had awhile back and it was incredible. Just NEVER on sale it seemed.


Tell me what is wrong in what you quoted, I genuinely would like to know. Will gladly retract my comment if there's anything wrong in it.

Well for starters the idea behind people buying a game simply because it's great is mostly subjective. I mean, D4's a great game and that didn't do any better than it did on Xbox One honestly (granted it did well enough to give SWERY a shot at making a second installment) but there are plenty of great games from consoles that fail just as well on PC as they did on console, if not worse.

Insomniac doesn't self-publish and if it did its for very small and experimental titles like Slow Down Bull, (which is also bad). Obviously the means of pubbing a game on the W10 store as a third party developer is bad because W10 store is garbaggio so what does Insomniac even get out of MS putting their game out on W10 outside of disgruntled fans and loss of a wider audience. What does MS get out of pubbing another game on Steam? Goes against their plans for UWP.

I don't like speaking much on the idea of what the dev/pub should do because I'm, well, a consumer. No authority, if it's good it's good and if it's shit it's shit.

Putting out an original IP with a divisive aesthetic to a community who probably still thinks PC Master Race jokes are fucking hilarious is like, a huge risk.
March was pretty great as well with Sherlock Holmes and Lords of the Fallen. They're not quite as good or high profile as TWAU or Sunset Overdrive, but they're legit titles that offer considerable value for the cost.

That's true, but neither of those games were ones that interested me. I honestly doubt I would have even downloaded them if I owned an XBO. Just not my cup of tea. But both Sunset Overdrive and TWAU are right up my alley (although I've already played the latter).

If I compare PS+ and GWG's offerings side by side, they've honestly been pretty equal to me for the past year or so. Although it's not saying much, as I've only been excited by 5-6 titles. Not to say that there haven't been big or exciting games, just not games that appeal to me personally. But I would grab all 4 of April's GWG games without a second thought, which is much more than I can say for PS+ for a very long time.


Already own all these so this month doesn't really do anything for me, but Sunset Overdrive is a diamond in the rough and I hope everyone ends up playing it.


Sony isn't in a position to need to give a shit about what MS is doing with their lineup. If MS were #1 by the margin Sony is, we wouldn't be seeing quality games like the April lineup. I'd love some awesome PS+ games as much as the next person, but reality is reality.

That said, I honestly think I will download all four of these titles. Actually I will probably pass on Saints. Can't fucking wait for Sunset though. I played it during that free 24 hour promo they had awhile back and it was incredible. Just NEVER on sale it seemed.

Sunset Overdrive is $29.99 on Live. Couldn't have been that incredible if you still haven't played it.


Sunset Overdrive! Wow what a great month. I played the game a little a while back and traded it in because there were other games coming that I wanted more and knew I wouldn't have time for it. Getting it for free I will definitely check it out again.


Sunset Overdrive was the very first game I played on my Xbox One. It is an incredibly fun game and anyone who hasn't tried it really should. Great month for GWG. Sony needs to step it up.



Everyone HAS to play Sunset Overdrive if they got an Xbox One :D! Such a great game and amazing how its part of Games with Gold :).


Nice. Looking forward to replaying Dead Space again. One of my favorite games last gen. Sunset Overdrive will be the icing on the cake.


Already own all of those games, so a crappy month for me.

I actually just started Sunset Overdrive a week ago and it didn't click with me at all, so I stopped. I was surprised, because I'm a huge Insomniac fan.

Salty Hippo

Well for starters the idea behind people buying a game simply because it's great is mostly subjective. I mean, D4's a great game and that didn't do any better than it did on Xbox One honestly (granted it did well enough to give SWERY a shot at making a second installment) but there are plenty of great games from consoles that fail just as well on PC as they did on console, if not worse.

Insomniac doesn't self-publish and if it did its for very small and experimental titles like Slow Down Bull, (which is also bad). Obviously the means of pubbing a game on the W10 store as a third party developer is bad because W10 store is garbaggio so what does Insomniac even get out of MS putting their game out on W10 outside of disgruntled fans and loss of a wider audience. What does MS get out of pubbing another game on Steam? Goes against their plans for UWP.

I don't like speaking much on the idea of what the dev/pub should do because I'm, well, a consumer. No authority, if it's good it's good and if it's shit it's shit.

Putting out an original IP with a divisive aesthetic to a community who probably still thinks PC Master Race jokes are fucking hilarious is like, a huge risk.

I think the fact that it is a great game always helps, but of course no one can know for sure. I'm not very familiar with the costs of porting a game, but I have a hard time believing they would lose money on this venture, even if it was put on the Win10 store. It would be one more reason for hardcore gamers to use that ecosystem, which is what they're trying to do. And they already said UWAs will be improved. Remains to be seen.

If it came out on Steam (more likely since it's Insomniac's IP) I think it would likely do really well and MS would probably get a small cut of it without doing anything. Obviously this all depends on who would fund the port, but I also fail to see how Steam would be a bad scenario for anyone involved.

But it's all nothing but conjecture, and I think this subject has long run its course on this thread.


Despite the terrible framerate, Lords of the Fallen was a very decent free game. I only played the first investigation but Sherlock also seems fine. I still have yet to even touch Thief. Very satisfied with the free games xbox is giving away, even if I prefer to play elsewhere for the majority of multiplatform games.


No we don't.

We do, but we love quality indies (most of the PS+ offerings aren't) and more importantly we also LOVES AAA, which Sony seems to ignore, obviously cause they rather save money on our asses, PS+ is a must for online so who cares? throw at them some third class indie title.


I haven't even bothered to install a PS+ game since Grow Home lol. Games with Gold has been so damn good for a while now though. It's almost embarrassing comparing the two at this point.


This BC thing makes my backlog unmanageable. I don't have time for all these awesome games. Dead Space is among my top 3 last gen and I can't wait to play it again.


Really good month. Only one that feels a bit like a cheapshot is Dead Space 1 (considering how old it is), but hey, it's a great game anyway.


This is huge and I hope people don't skip out on Wolf Among Us. I just played through it on Vita and I think I liked it even more thank Walking Dead Season 1.


Killer month, shame I own all of them.

Everyone that doesn't own Sunset, get on that now. Amaaaazing game, so much fun.
I do wonder if PlayStation Plus has become a victim of its own success a bit? With everyone owning it, it must be immensely difficult securing big budget third-party games that still have a shelf life.
Popular new indies are cheaper than launch exclusives which don't sell anymore?

It also helps to keep expectations in check.

MS are setting the bar high, but they'll soon reach a point where they have to go back to indies/smaller titles and then comes the backlash as people say it's now not worth the money, etc, etc, etc.

Sony, by sticking to mostly indies, can offer the occasional big title but the expectation of big games every month won't be there as everyone has been conditioned to expect indies for the most part...
I do wonder if PlayStation Plus has become a victim of its own success a bit? With everyone owning it, it must be immensely difficult securing big budget third-party games that still have a shelf life.

I would have thought the opposite might be true, publishers are more likely to want to get their games on PS+ because they know there is a large audience that can play them and then be enticed into buying DLC/microtransactions etc, this can also help for future installments of games etc. Of course, publishers do get paid for that, perhaps there is a middle ground issue

Im kind of surprised things like Watch Dogs havent hit it yet really

big fake

What a month, GWG is really paying off. So many classics on my Xbox 360 just from 1 year of GWG's. This is how to execute on this free game model, PS+ needs to start offering better AAA games for PS+ Games.
I would have thought the opposite might be true, publishers are more likely to want to get their games on PS+ because they know there is a large audience that can play them and then be enticed into buying DLC/microtransactions etc, this can also help for future installments of games etc. Of course, publishers do get paid for that, perhaps there is a middle ground issue

Im kind of surprised things like Watch Dogs havent hit it yet really

But a game like Watch Dogs still pops up in the UK charts from time to time, and must do alright when there's a sale on. You suddenly give that away to 25-30 million subscribers and its value at retail and on the PlayStation Store sinks immediately.

I agree DLC sales could be a positive reason for pubs to get involved, but you look at PlayStation Plus on the PS3 -- in its prime if you will -- and pubs could give away their games to the two or three million members that had it, and increase the word of mouth around that title so people would buy it in shops.

With everyone required to own PS Plus now, that incentive isn't the same. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this very well, but I know what I mean in my head.

Hopefully someone can make sense of it!
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