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GAMESCOM / Impressions from the show floor


I love these threads. Hopefully more people post.
Also isn't the order demo the same one from e3? So it's probably a very old build.


Still heavier. Character moved like a tank. Reminded me more of something like Gears.

That's interesting. Gears characters move fairly slow, but the aiming is still fairly quick. Plus the sprint option is quicker overall than LoU's I find. If both movement and aiming is slower in The Order, I guess they're going for something more realistic and weighty. Be interesting to see how it pans out.


Yoshi Wooly World

Game of the Show! Never expected this, but I had so much fun. Looks and plays fantastic.

Thank crap. Didn't realize it was at the show. Excited for what might finally be the Yoshi game the series deserves after the original.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
You have no idea how hyped I now am for Yoshi's Wooly World.


what exactly is so unexpected about hearing the order plays clunky? its looks very generic and the devs even admitted they cant get around gameplay because its a game but they focus on story. this game is going to flop so hard

Does not help that they had the old E3 build on the show floor but the crow this game serves will be epic.

Positive impression
Played it today for 20 Minutes :p
(should be only ~10 minutes, at first).

Looks damn damn good. Best looking game this gen, together with DRIVECLUB.
Plays a bit like Uncharted, which is a mighty compliment. Atmosphere, design, etc. stands out. Really good job, Ready at Dawn.
Only issue with this unfinished build.
You're shooting 5 bullets into an enemy (far away) but he doesn't get hit (hit detection way off). But hey, this was an early alpha :)

This is a weird one. I played it twice on two different tracks. First on was muddy and grey looking, jaggies everywhere (even on objects) and a really ugly skybox.
Second one was great. It really seemed like this game could benefit from another delay to reach its full potential.

I'm surprised by this. All their trailers show how brilliant their skybox looked. If your impression is the most accurate based upon hands-on impressions, I'm getting worried.


I'm surprised by this. All their trailers show how brilliant their skybox looked. If your impression is the most accurate based upon hands-on impressions, I'm getting worried.
We have seen nice quality videos of every track playable at Gamescom on the Gamersyde site in case you're worried.


On a side note, there are no traditional skyboxes in DriveClub. The game uses volumetric and dynamic clouds.

3. All clouds are full 3D models to ensure accurate light diffusion from the sun. They’re calculated at massive distances in a fully volumetric form, so thin clouds cast lighter shadows than dense storm clouds, and their color impacts the feel of the landscapes and cars.

4. Skies are uniquely generated every time you play, so just like in real life you’ll never see the same sky twice. Unless you’re replaying somebody’s challenge, in which case it’ll replicate exactly to ensure a level playing field.

51 Details About DRIVECLUB on PS4

This is a weird one. I played it twice on two different tracks. First on was muddy and grey looking, jaggies everywhere (even on objects) and a really ugly skybox.
Second one was great. It really seemed like this game could benefit from another delay to reach its full potential.

The Order

Looks great, transitions work as advertised, plays super clunky. It´s always hard to get a solid impression in such a short time, but it didn´t feel good at all. Shooting felt off, too.
Not sure.

Driveclub has no skybox. You're looking at real clouds and a real sun.

If it's the same demo at E3 for The Order, then shooting isn't the point of the weapon if it's the flammable gun. Using that weapon felt great.


So anybody played the damn Shadow of Mordor demo?

Come on man, Im dying for some regular people inpressions.


Thanks for posting these, nothing beats fresh impressions based on actual hands-on. Even the finest videos, gifs, webms can't compare.

Last year when I was at the GC I was honestly surprised by a few games which did not perform/feel as good (or as bad!) as I thought they would; it's always a bit of a shock when you think your mind was made up with everything you've seen on the internet beforehand :)

I couldn't attend this year, so... keep the impressions coming!
I was there yesterday.


I only played and finished Dark Souls so far. While the fighting system in Bloodborne is definitely more dynamic (you have no shield, you can counter attack with your shotgun), it still feels very similiar to the first Dark Souls game. I am not so sure but i also managed to evade around enemies - seems like a new way to dodge enemy attacks? 10min is just too short. Graphically it looks fine - gamescom trailer gave a good idea about that. Sound was none, even with headset. Loading times were abysmal. It is still hard, so don't worry. Fans will love this.

Sunset Overdrive

most suprising game of the show. I was very interested in this game but i didn't think this could be so. much. fun. We played horde mode with 8 players in total. Traversing through the level is so fluid yet it really requires skill to make it look seamless. We were given a wide choice of different weapons to experiment with - all of them were very cool and fun to use. Graphically is looks very colorful and there is just mayhem but i didn't notice any serious framerate problems. As i said i was shocked how much fun i had with this game. I wasn't expecting this.

Bayonetta 2

As expected - my game of the show. I played through a part of Chapter IV (at the end you fight against the lumen sage) with dual sword both on hand and feet. In my opinion trailers don't do this game justice from a graphical standpoint. It is head and shoulders above Bayonetta 1. The fighting is so fluid and the new moves are choreographically even more ridiculous. Also, Umbran Climax is just insane.This is shaping up to be like Super Mario Galaxy 2 - won't deliver a better experience than the first one, yet from a gameplay standpoint it is just plain better.

This guys' impressions are really close to mine.

To add to them:

Captain Toad
Incredibly charming and fun. It's a beautiful little game. We only played the first three levels, so nothing that challenges the player, but knowing Tokyo EAD the challenge will gradually ramp up. If they manage to inject enough variety into this, it will definitely be bought.

Alien Isolation
Not a game that demos well. That's not a fault of the game, but playing ten minutes of a survival horror game at a crowded convention isn't ideal. It's definitely atmospheric and tense though, but the big question that remains is how they'll keep things fresh.

The Order
Beautiful, but not a great demo. I presume it's the E3 demo, you know, the one where you drag the wounded guy away. Not going to write the game off based on that, but they do need to come up with compelling combat. This demo didn't deliver that. I'd like to see more open combat areas that allow for flanking at the like. Not having a dodge like Gears limits you options as well. Just pop and shoot doesn't do it for me, especially when games like TLoU and Uncharted offer so much mobility and verticality. In that respect, I much prefered playing Sunset Overdrive.

Arkham Knight
Sublime. Rocksteady really know their stuff. Combat is further improved with cool new additions like directional throws and the use of enviromental props, the Batmobile controls really well in both standard and combat mode (it even has its own combo system where you build up a powerful attack by strafing around shots and hitting targets) and it looks the part. The level I played had nice open design as well.

Mortal Kombat X
Tremendous fun. First of all, it looks gorgeous. Very sharp and very smooth. Much better animations as well, compared to previous games. The new characters seem cool, the background interaction (i.e. slamming an enemy into a tree) are fun and the three different combat styles offer potential. I could have played this one for a long time. It's a blast.

Also saw hands-off demos of The Witcher 3 (not an optimised build, but what an open world) and Quantum Break (absolutely gorgeous, but I do wonder if the combat can carry the game).

Dee Dee

I played Battlefield 4, and it was okay. I think? The multiplayer mode they gave us was a bit short, but I do not like these kind of games anyway. I was there with friends that were excitrd for it and they enjoyed it.

I did however play Splatoon, and had a lot of fun. You have to think really differently, especially just coming fresh from a Battlefield match. Superhappy for this game to come to Wii U.

I also watched two full grown men giggle their way through a Yoshi's Wooly World Level, looked like a lot of fun, but also lots of options to dick around with each other in Co-Op like in SM3DW (throwing your partner of a platform for the lulz).

The queue for Destiny was crazy, so I passed. Also, the amount of LoL cosplayers here is insane.

A friend of mine managed to sneak into the Morpheus showroom without an appointment. He said it was great, but the graphics were a bit pixly (just quoting him here).
So anybody played the damn Shadow of Mordor demo?

Come on man, Im dying for some regular people inpressions.

Not hands-on, but I saw other play it. It really does come across as a LOTR-themed mix of Arkham and Assassin's Creed. There's certainly a ton of stuff you can do (ride beasts, use enemies as shields, dominate them using the Nemesis system, sneak up on them, use your wraith blink attack and so on), but I played Arkham Knight right after this one and that just looks so much better. Much more fluid as well. I do like Batman a lot more than LotR though, so that plays a part in my impressions as well.

But the guy I was with who actullay played the game really liked it.


Can someone confirm that the " The Order" demo is the same like the E3 one? I wanted to play it tomorrow and hoped there would be a new one.


could never
You're happy with Dragon Age... yissss.

Drive Club got me a little worried though from what you just said.


You're happy with Dragon Age... yissss.

Drive Club got me a little worried though from what you just said.

Other people think it´s the greatest thing ever - don´t be worried, I´m just one guy.

Dragon Age looked epic in scope and scale. I think it will be a huuuuge comeback for the franchise and in some capacity for Bioware itself.


Not hands-on, but I saw other play it. It really does come across as a LOTR-themed mix of Arkham and Assassin's Creed. There's certainly a ton of stuff you can do (ride beasts, use enemies as shields, dominate them using the Nemesis system, sneak up on them, use your wraith blink attack and so on), but I played Arkham Knight right after this one and that just looks so much better. Much more fluid as well. I do like Batman a lot more than LotR though, so that plays a part in my impressions as well.

But the guy I was with who actullay played the game really liked it.
Thanks for taking teh time to write this, yeah Batman probaly will be better since they are just perfectioning what is alreayd awesome, but from what you say it seems that Shadow is a decent open world with some fun combat :)
If anyone visited the indie mega booth, I'd really appreciate impressions for...

-Beat Buddy
-Tetrobot and Co.
-The Next Penelope
-Affordable Space Adventures
-Swords and Soldiers II

Edit: these May have been in the Nintendo booth as well?


Splatoon was my surprise of E3. It looks like such an innovative and fun take on the genre. Sadly I don't like competitive mp games so I'll never buy it.


Thanks very much for all the impressions everyone.

I was about to say the same thing, too bad that we can't attend but at least we get a taste of what's to come via impressions.

Bayonetta 2 sounds absolutely amazing from your impressions guys, even more fluid than the first game? wow...can't wait for this game. Really happy to read positive impressions on Bloodborne & Quantum Break too.

BTW did anyone of you guys played Ori? if yes how the controls/platforming felt?
I was about to say the same thing, too bad that we can't attend but at least we get a taste of what's to come via impressions.

Bayonetta 2 sounds absolutely amazing from your impressions guys, even more fluid than the first game? wow...can't wait for this game. Really happy to read positive impressions on Bloodborne & Quantum Break too.

BTW did anyone of you guys played Ori? if yes how the controls/platforming felt?

Yes, Bayonetta 2 plays wonderfully fluid. All the fights in the demo were fun as hell. I do think it was on normal difficulty, as it wasn't hard at all, but the gameplay is most definitely there and it's as deliciously OTT as you'd expect.
I want to hear some Shadows of Mordor impressions. The stage demo I saw made the game, at least graphically look pretty bad. I want to hear how it plays in general and if it's worth my preorder.


formerly "chigiri"
Some brief stuff:

The Order
Absolutely gorgeous, loved their cutscene to gameplay transitions but the game felt very clunky and the actual gameplay didn't impress me. Its aiming controls were way off, similar to Uncharted pre-patch, huge dead-zone. The aspect ratio and narrow FOV made your character cover 30% of the screen at all times. The demo had monster closets with infinite enemies you could make respawn by walking back and forth... Sincerely hope this doesn't turn out to be another over-hyped dud.

Fucking amazing looking, most of the time, and throughout fantastic car handling. Played two levels, one was gray and jaggy as hell (Scotland?) and the other was fantastic with wonderful IQ - think this was India. Really inconsistent impression from the two play sessions I had. I have to wonder what was up with the first level. Best car cockpit view and damage modelling ever. This game will be a winner.

Forza Horizon 2
Didn't play this, just watched. Looked really smooth and fun to play. Never did play Horizon 1 so I unfortunately have no reference point. I'm assuming the game will look the same once actually released though.

oh my god, the true Souls sequel, you know it'll be aaaaalll goooood.

Project Morpheus VR - Knight Demo
In my veins! Giiiiive it too meee noooow! Absolutely brilliant and super impressive with x2 Move controllers acting as your arms. Beats Oculus DK2 in comfort and clarity hands down.

The Divison
On Xbox One, fantastic stuff. Really impressive scope and the gameplay was very solid tactical shooter type stuff. Was a damn relief to finally see actual game, it's not vaporware! Didn't look quite as good as the amped up PC reveal but really fucking solid overall. Reminded me of Watch Dogs to some extent, had a wireframe building zoom-out map with hotzones (events/missions) and some really nice UI design reminiscent of Dead Space - everything was rendered inside the game environment so-to-speak. Had some jaggies on fences and such and it wasn't running at 1080 nor had a stable 30 fps but saying it wasn't gorgeous would be a lie. The demo was a night-time mission set around Madison Sq. earlier in the time line from the MS presentation trailer but same ish locations. Had to take over a power station, were two players and a third via an iPad, seemed to work just as advertised!

Shape Up
Hilarious fitness game which works super nicely with Kinect. If I had an Xbox One this would be the fitness game I would get!

Heroes 7
This seems solid, was a huge fan of old Heroes 2-3-4 and this looked great. Haven't kept up on Heroes 5-6 so I'm not sure what was really new. It's using the Unreal Engine to great effect.

Farcry 4
It's Farcry 3 in the Himalayas with weaponized animals and weird ass spiritual mind-trippy dream quests (seriously, think Prey 1 death sequences but wacky shit). Seems just as balls to the walls crazy as FC3.

Assassins Creed Unity
Incredibly detailed, and they seem to have changed up almost everything that made the other games feel formulaic. Pro change: you apparently no longer accidentally run up a wall repeatedly when trying to pass a corner, Game changer.

Batman Arkam Knight
Jesus Christ CGI level of graphics Batman running on PS4. I have no idea what magic they pulled but this was the real deal. Only played Arkam Asylum and skipped the others but this one is Day 1.

Lords of the Fallen
Watched this one being played by another GAFer, this is the "western" version of Dark Souls. Looks to have incredibly unforgiving but satisfying gameplay. Streamlined some mechanics to be less annoying, no degrading weapons and such. Looked great.

Quantum Break
Remedy is pioneering another 3rd person cover shooter with a slow motion gimmick. This looks bloody awesome but I didn't get a sense it was breaking much new ground in the demo they had. Still no clue what the TV show bits are really about either.

Went to play it on a recommendation and yeah this was really damn fun to play. Nintendo knows how to generate pure fun. I really hope the game has non-inverted controls to choose upon release though, demo was invert or motion only.


Some brief stuff:

The Order
Absolutely gorgeous, loved their cutscene to gameplay transitions but the game felt very clunky and the actual gameplay didn't impress me. Its aiming controls were way off, similar to Uncharted pre-patch, huge dead-zone. The aspect ratio and narrow FOV made your character cover 30% of the screen at all times. The demo had monster closets with infinite enemies you could make respawn by walking back and forth... Sincerely hope this doesn't turn out to be another over-hyped dud.

Fucking amazing looking, most of the time, and throughout fantastic car handling. Played two levels, one was gray and jaggy as hell (Scotland?) and the other was fantastic with wonderful IQ - think this was India. Really inconsistent impression from the two play sessions I had. I have to wonder what was up with the first level. Best car cockpit view and damage modelling ever. This game will be a winner.

Forza Horizon 2
Didn't play this, just watched. Looked really smooth and fun to play. Never did play Horizon 1 so I unfortunately have no reference point. The game ran on PC though masquerading as an Xbox One. I'm assuming the game will look the same once actually released though.

oh my god, the true Souls sequel, you know it'll be aaaaalll goooood.

Project Morpheus VR - Knight Demo
In my veins! Giiiiive it too meee noooow! Absolutely brilliant and super impressive with x2 Move controllers acting as your arms. Beats Oculus DK2 in comfort and clarity hands down.

The Divison
On Xbox One, fantastic stuff. Really impressive scope and the gameplay was very solid tactical shooter type stuff. Was a damn relief to finally see actual game, it's not vaporware! Didn't look quite as good as the amped up PC reveal but really fucking solid overall. Reminded me of Watch Dogs to some extent, had a wireframe building zoom-out map with hotzones (events/missions) and some really nice UI design reminiscent of Dead Space - everything was rendered inside the game environment so-to-speak. Had some jaggies on fences and such and it wasn't running at 1080 nor had a stable 30 fps but saying it wasn't gorgeous would be a lie. The demo was a night-time mission set around Madison Sq. earlier in the time line from the MS presentation trailer but same ish locations. Had to take over a power station, were two players and a third via an iPad, seemed to work just as advertised!

Shape Up
Hilarious fitness game which works super nicely with Kinect. If I had an Xbox One this would be the fitness game I would get!

Heroes 7
This seems solid, was a huge fan of old Heroes 2-3-4 and this looked great. Haven't kept up on Heroes 5-6 so I'm not sure what was really new. It's using the Unreal Engine to great effect.

Farcry 4
It's Farcry 3 in the Himalayas with weaponized animals and weird ass spiritual mind-trippy dream quests (seriously, think Prey 1 death sequences but wacky shit). Seems just as balls to the walls crazy as FC3.

Assassins Creed Unity
Incredibly detailed, and they seem to have changed up almost everything that made the other games feel formulaic. Pro change: you apparently no longer accidentally run up a wall repeatedly when trying to pass a corner, Game changer.

Batman Arkam Knight
Jesus Christ CGI level of graphics Batman running on PS4. I have no idea what magic they pulled but this was the real deal. Only played Arkam Asylum and skipped the others but this one is Day 1.

Lords of the Fallen
Watched this one being played by another GAFer, this is the "western" version of Dark Souls. Looks to have incredibly unforgiving but satisfying gameplay. Streamlined some mechanics to be less annoying, no degrading weapons and such. Looked great.

Quantum Break
Remedy is pioneering another 3rd person cover shooter with a slow motion gimmick. This looks bloody awesome but I didn't get a sense it was breaking much new ground in the demo they had. Still no clue what the TV show bits are really about either.

Went to play it on a recommendation and yeah this was really damn fun to play. Nintendo knows how to generate pure fun. I really hope the game has non-inverted controls to choose upon release though, demo was invert or motion only.

Forza Horizon 2 is running on Xbox One, not on PC. What made you think it was?


formerly "chigiri"
Nope, we are definitely on Xbox One. Maybe you're confusing it with a return back to the dashboard?

I definitely saw one of the stations next to the Forza 2 demo monitors having a fit. Looked like a bluescreen to me but it could have been a video error I suppose. If I'm mistaken I apologize I don't mean to make up rumors. I'll edit my post.
Driveclub has no skybox. You're looking at real clouds and a real sun.

If it's the same demo at E3 for The Order, then shooting isn't the point of the weapon if it's the flammable gun. Using that weapon felt great.

Yea. Most of the complaints I read about the E3 demo were from people that didn't understand why the gun was so hard to aim and hard to kill people. Well the point is to spray the thermite everywhere and fire the flare into it. Someone else said the demo is the exact same as E3 so any and all issues still remain.


I definitely saw one of the stations next to the Forza 2 demo monitors having a fit. Looked like a bluescreen to me but it could have been a video error I suppose. If I'm mistaken I apologize I don't mean to make up rumors. I'll edit my post.

Hmm weird, I'll have a look and see what that could have been. Thanks for editing your post, we all know how quickly stuff can spread on here lol :)


I want to hear some Shadows of Mordor impressions. The stage demo I saw made the game, at least graphically look pretty bad. I want to hear how it plays in general and if it's worth my preorder.

I think it looks great graphically, unless something really bad happened or it was the 360 or PS3 version that you saw maybe?


I think it looks great graphically, unless something really bad happened or it was the 360 or PS3 version that you saw maybe?

It was probably just the quality of the stream. The only footage I could find was IGN's stream which was probably the same he watched and it was indeed pretty bad quality.

But yeah, it looks really nice graphically when you actually see good quality footage.


The Divison
On Xbox One, fantastic stuff. Really impressive scope and the gameplay was very solid tactical shooter type stuff. Was a damn relief to finally see actual game, it's not vaporware! Didn't look quite as good as the amped up PC reveal but really fucking solid overall. Reminded me of Watch Dogs to some extent, had a wireframe building zoom-out map with hotzones (events/missions) and some really nice UI design reminiscent of Dead Space - everything was rendered inside the game environment so-to-speak. Had some jaggies on fences and such and it wasn't running at 1080 nor had a stable 30 fps but saying it wasn't gorgeous would be a lie. The demo was a night-time mission set around Madison Sq. earlier in the time line from the MS presentation trailer but same ish locations. Had to take over a power station, were two players and a third via an iPad, seemed to work just as advertised!

How does the interaction work on an ipad?


Here are my impressions, some may seem a bit harsh but please keep in mind it is my opinion.

The Division

The demo was played live from one of the developers on an Xbox One.
And it looked absolutly amazing, phenomenal detail and pretty much everything seems to be destructible. One, if not the most impressive looking game I have seen.

But the game has aliasing from hell, frame drops and tearing, but there is much time to improve that.

The Order: 1886

The games looks amazing, the voice acting ist pretty solid and that is everything good I can say about this game.
By far the worst game I have played/seen at Gamescom.
The controls felt very clunky and made it nearly impossible to aim well.
To sum up the gameplay, you take cover behind something, shoot couple guys, wait for others to spawn, shoot some more, Cutscene and than repeat shooting spawning enemys.

Until Dawn

Didn´t expected to like it at all, but it really surprised me.
Great voice acting, looks good and has a damn good atmosphere.
Got scared pretty good at one part of the demo.

Far Cry 4

Well it is Far Cry, lookes and plays as good as Far Cry 3 and it has elephants :-D.

Lords of the Fallen

You couldn´t steal more from Dark Souls even if you tried.
Compared to Dark souls it feels a little slower, well maybe I´m wrong with this one because I played Blood Born before Lords of The Fallen.
It is also eaysier than Dark Souls, nearly beat the Boss in the limited time you I had to play.
Well, it looked solid, played solid, I guess it will be a solid game.

Alien Isoliation

Looked great on PS4, but it didn´t demo well, not enough time to get the game mechanics down.

Sunset Overdrive

The game could be a lot of fun, but the framerate is pretty bad and the multiplayer I got to play felt pretty chaotic.
Grinding seems to be a heavy focus of the game, but it is nearly impossible to grind and precisely shoot something.
On the plus side, the weapons are pretty cool and really like the colorful graphics.

The Witcher 3

Got to see a 45 minute long gameplay presentation.
The game looks absoutly amazing, but I guess everyone knows that.
The combat looked really good, fast paced with tactical use of signs, I really would have loved to play it myself.
The highlight of the demo was a fight against a Werewolf, it was a really tough fight because of the regenerative abilities of the Werewolf, so you have to use a potion to negate that effect.

If there are any questions, I´ll be happy to answer them;-)
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