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GAMESCOM / Impressions from the show floor


Are you sure it was the same build?

Pretty sure yea. There's actually video's on YouTube of people playing it on the show floor. Exactly the same demo and build as from E3 by the looks of it, which is a shame. Would have been nice to see an updated build and a different segment.


The issue is that these types of impressions have carried over from conference to conference and preview to preview. I don't think they are able to change it.

I don't think that's the case. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's only been playable at 2 shows and the firsthand impressions we're getting now are a lot different from the ones we had it's first showing (which is weird since it's the same demo). I hope they didn't make changes that affected the game negatively

Dee Dee

I went to the indie booth and played a bit of "Below" - it looked so beautiful! And the amazing music again! Wonderful and mysterious successor to Swords and Sworcery, I died a lot if times. (I think bats poisoned me?)

I also learned about "Out There" which looked like a FTL clone, but a friend explained very enthusiastically about how it is based more about collecting ressources and crafting. It lacks the combat aspect of FTL it seems. The Devs were there to promote a free update for it.

I also tried "Affordable Space Adventures" in a multiplayer mode with a friend. The dev skipped a few levels for us to show us more of the complex stuff, which made clear that there is a lot of potential for a very clever game. I am looking forward to see it more fleshed out! I really liked the atmosphere it reminded me a lot of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet.

I spent a long time intriguedly watching "Where is my heart". Graphically it is very close to Fez, but I really could not figure out the gameplay. You have more than one character. It is out on steam and humble, check it out if you like pixel-puzzle-platformers.

I would also like to point out "Dungeon of the Endless", which from what I can tell is a very cool looking pixel-dungeon-crawler.


Some brief stuff:

Batman Arkam Knight
Jesus Christ CGI level of graphics Batman running on PS4. I have no idea what magic they pulled but this was the real deal. Only played Arkam Asylum and skipped the others but this one is Day 1.

Great impressions!
But i think you've made a mistake with Batman running on PS4, did the devs told you that or you figured that out because of DS4 plugged in?

It most likely ran on PC with DS4 just like they did at E3.
I would also like to point out "Dungeon of the Endless", which from what I can tell is a very cool looking pixel-dungeon-crawler.

This game is great and shaping up well in Early Access on Steam. It is now headed to XB1 through their indie dev program and is worth keeping an eye on if you like games like FTL.


The issue is that these types of impressions have carried over from conference to conference and preview to preview. I don't think they are able to change it.

There's been many positive impressions too though. Bare in mind, these impressions are supposedly of the same build.

Polygon said:
I was given an opportunity to play a short (very, very short) section of The Order and I will say from the out that it was fun, in a Gears of War, strangulated options sort of way.

My gun is terrific. It shoots multiple projectiles, which bury themselves in the woodwork around my targets. They do not seem to do much harm, until I augment them with a fireball, which lights up the projectiles. My enemies die horribly, soon to be replaced by new waves of roof-crawling baddies. We escape, move onto a new set of barricades and get down to some urgent exposition.

It's not terribly original, and the weapon's vast power is a cause for concern, but it is enjoyable. Why? Because it's tightly rendered and convincingly paced.

CVG said:
Easily the most interesting aspect of the demo - incredible visuals aside - is the sole gun we used. Instead of firing conventional bullets it shoots a rapid-fire stream of thermite - an explosive mix of metallic ingredients. But the thermite is harmless by itself, simply dousing enemies in a cough-inducing powder and doing very little damage - until you shoot the gun's secondary projectile, a flair.

But it's not all for show. The gun and its clever physics allow for some intriguing shooting strategies because it doesn't force players to use its two ammo types in any particular order. For example you can douse a specific target with thermite before lighting him up with a flair. Alternatively, if you face multiple targets hidden behind cover, you can shoot a flair at a wall behind them, where it will stick, and follow up with thermite that will bounce off the wall and rain down on your hidden and unsuspecting victims.

Destructoid said:
After finally having some hands-on time with The Order: 1886, all the positives that we saw before are reaffirmed, but five minutes of solid gameplay isn't exactly enough to warrant shouting its praises from the mountaintops.

While the cover system was effective enough, it was the introduction of the Thermite Rifle that made the demo a thoroughly enjoyable affair.

Oh yeah, it's also a ton of fun to shoot semi-wildly and light groups of enemies on fire.

To be honest, I was a bit disappointed -- not in what I saw, that was mostly great, but in that I couldn't spend more time with it. The cinematic approach to visuals looked fantastic in practice, and it seems as if the technology-driven weaponry will be a real treat to use.

Joystiq said:
I actually really enjoyed using this gun.

It's a two step gun so it allows you a very small element of planning.

I really feel drawn in to the environment, and think the level of detail is quite remarkable.
The cinematic appeal really helps maintaining the flow of battle and story telling.

Figboy79 said:
Here's a copy/paste of my impressions from my blog:

The Order 1886 wasn’t the first game I got my hands on at E3 this year, but it was definitely one of the titles I was anticipating checking out for myself the most. For those unfamiliar with the title, The Order 1886 is a third person shooter set in an alternate history London in which an ancient order of knights must protect the world from supernatural threats. The game is being developed by Ready at Dawn, exclusively for the PlayStation 4. So, how did it hold up? Read on below to f ind out.

After waiting in line for what felt like an eternity, I finally sat down in front of my 1080p demo station, and picked up the control. After pressing “X” to begin, I was shown a series of tutorial pages to quickly catch me up to speed with the game’s controls, and then I was off. The demo began with our knights of the Order holed up in a rundown part of the city, surrounded by Rebel fighters. The first thing that struck me was how stunningly detailed and realistic the graphics were. I’ve posted a screenshot above, because I just don’t think my words can properly convey how amazing this game looks in person, running on a PlayStation 4. The attention to detail in both the character models, facial expressions, and environment is jaw-dropping.

To be honest, I didn’t actually realize the game had started, and I was in control of Galahad, our protagonist, and leader of the Order. It wasn’t until I realized that he was just standing there, leaning against cover, doing nothing, that I rotated the camera and began shooting at the Rebel fighters with one of two available weapons in the demo. The main weapon on display in this segment was the Thermite Rifle. It’s primary fire, by itself, is relatively harmless bolts of compressed gas that disperse into a debilitating cloud upon impact. This will cause enemies to cough and sputter, but nothing more. It’s not until you combine the primary gas pellet, with the secondary incendiary shot that things get interesting (and more fun). The second shot will ignite the thermite gas, causing an explosion that engulfs enemies, killing them. The Thermite rifle also has applications beyond simply setting enemies on fire, as later on in the demo, Galahad used a thermite clip to blow up an obstacle blocking the team’s path.

The demo was short, and only had a brief scenario where players must help a wounded man get to safety while taking out Rebels. There wasn’t enough to really get a feel for the game as a whole, but I came away impressed. As mentioned before, visually, the game is incredible, and one of the most impressive games I saw on display. The controls felt wonderfully responsive, and moving between cover, and aiming and shooting were responsive. The Thermite gun was fun to use, and really just had me eager to try out the other weapons Ready at Dawn have crafted for us.

The only complaint I have with the gameplay is the pistol. Pistols are usually kind of a joke weapon, there to take up a weapon slot, and be a fallback for players who want to conserve the stronger weapons for later encounters. The problem I had with the pistol is that it was terribly inaccurate. Despite my crosshair lining up perfectly with a targets head, the bullets would often go astray, or hit a shoulder or a chest or stomach instead. I understand that a pistol in that era was more than likely not very accurate, and the Order isn’t Gears of War or Uncharted, but I find that gameplay must trump realism and stylistic choices no matter what. If the weapon isn’t very fun to use, it should be tweaked until it is. Fortunately, The Order won’t be coming for another 8 months, which gives Ready at Dawn plenty of time to tweak the pistol’s accuracy.

The Order is a third person shooter to the core, and is not breaking any new ground on a gameplay level, but what is there is incredibly polished already.

Overall, I found the game gorgeous, atmospheric, and fun to play. The demo was painfully short, a tease really (you could beat it in less than 10 minutes), and didn’t showcase any of the QTE segments, or supernatural enemies that are sure to mix up combat scenarios, so it’s really hard for me to form a real judgment on it. I walked away from The Order 1886 impressed, and looking forward to seeing more in the future.

msdstc said:
like others said its the thermite gun section. that gun is ridiculously fun, and the damage really isn't indrect since to ignite the thermite, you have to hit the enemies with a for missile/bullet. the soft cover system is great similar to tlou but a little more stick so somewhere between tlou and uc. Its surreal when your playing it looks so incredible in person, definitely the most impressive game I've seen visually.

the voice acting seems good from the little there was and the gunplay feels and controls so great. was getting headshots during the pistol sequence with ease. i was concerned with how it would feel having watched since vids, it looked clumsy, but that wasnt the case at all.

there was some feature similar to deadeye in rdr or bullett time, but i didn't quite grasp it in the short time i got to try it seems like it could be good. overall i think this game will be outstanding.

mrbingbong said:
I'll post my impressions here as well.

First the good stuff:

The game is gorgeous. The image quality is pristine and the frame rate is rock solid. I never felt it dip once. There are moments during the game where I couldn't tell whether it was cut scene or gameplay. It was incredibly seamless.

The thermite gun. A really interesting concept and definitely cool to use. I'm sure plenty of people know that the primary shoots flammable gas and the secondary fire ignites it. It shoots in bursts and I thought it was a nice to touch that when you shoot the gas directly at the enemy, they choke on it. About halfway through the demo, I inadvertently created a trail of fire by shooting the primary fire after the flammable gas was ignited. Starting at the base of the flame, you could make it go across your screen by leading it further along. Definitely an awesome experience.

The feedback of the guns, in my opinion, was really well done. Granted, I was only able to use the pistol and the thermite gun, but the recoil after firing each shot was refreshing; each shot causes you to recollect your aim, which is a serious departure from no recoil shooters like COD and Titanfall.

The blackwater mechanic was pretty damn cool. As many of you probably saw, once activated, you just flick the right stick to automatically aim at the next enemy. The animation is just great to look at. It's like something straight from a western.

Now, the bad:

The scenario was doing no favors in selling the game. The demo was the same as the previews that were shown a while back. You're hiding behind cover, drag the guy into the house, go to the next alleyway and it ends there. The problem was that it suffers from being too much of a cover shooter. You sit behind cover and basically play shooting gallery until the next segment. In the first segment, I thought I'd try to snap out of cover and play more aggressively, but since the enemies were placed where you couldn't reach them, you're basically forced to stay behind cover.

Another gripe was the so called soft cover system. From the previews, I thought it would follow the cover systems like Tomb Raider and The Last of Us, but it was closer to Gears of War. Circle was to snap into cover and Cross was to exit out of it. You could also push back to exit, but I still thought it wasn't as intuitive as it could be. For a game that preaches seamless transitions, I thought the cover could've been much better.

All in all, my hype went down a bit. I'm still pretty excited for the lore and story of the game, but I really hope they add more variety to the gameplay bc the demo was shallow.

Shining Sunshine said:
Do showfloor impressions go here?

The game is definitely pretty cool. The shooting is solid, although the part I played isn't traditional shooting, as I will further divulge.

First, the showfloor demo is the same as that short video they shown a couple weeks back. I even asked them why did they show such a short video, and the guy said they were told to have that sort of length even thought they had way more to show.

Anyway, I'll only talk about the gun as the level I was playing was still pretty brief (I heard it took people 15mins to beat it even though it took me like 3 minutes). The gun was pretty damn cool. So you go and try to shoot the enemies, but it doesn't kill them. What the gun is supposed to be is like a molotov cocktail rifle. It fires rounds that creates a phosphorous cloud, and then you shoot a secondary fire to ignite it. So I spray the general area of the enemy, ignite it, then I continue shooting to make sure they completely burn to death.

I think what's drawing me into this game is all the fancy tech that seems futuristic, yet is Victorian style.

IcyEyes said:
Talking about the visual, this game is pretty impressive. Best looking game I have seen so far here at the E3.
The whole experience feels very cinematic and the 30fps are not a problem at all since they are pretty locked.
The gameplay (for what I tried so far) looks like an advanced version of Gears and that is good since I really enjoyed the Gears series.
The Order looks like a corridor shooter (based from what I saw, which is a very small part) and if you like experiences like this, probably you will love this game!
It's awesome to see and fun to play.


I spent a long time intriguedly watching "Where is my heart". Graphically it is very close to Fez, but I really could not figure out the gameplay. You have more than one character. It is out on steam and humble, check it out if you like pixel-puzzle-platformers.

It was also released as a mini a few years ago on PSP. Is this a sequel?


Dang man. Most of this sound exactly how I would summarize my E3 impressions.

Basically, unless something drastic happens, there are games coming out in the next six months that are going to disappoint, and others that are going to surprise. Sound obvious? It probably is, but I really mean it when I say that there are games that the hype isn't in touch with what I experienced with hands-on.

Still heavier. Character moved like a tank. Reminded me more of something like Gears.

My experience with The Order: 1886's gameplay was that my character felt like I was playing Killzone in third person. It was super heavy at E3, and sounds super heavy now.


Pretty sure yea. There's actually video's on YouTube of people playing it on the show floor. Exactly the same demo and build as from E3 by the looks of it, which is a shame. Would have been nice to see an updated build and a different segment.

Because many here are wondering about the negative impressions of the Order: 1886 I´ll go more into detail with my hand on impressions.

The clunky controls had nothing to do with the flare gun, you could switch between the flare gun and a pistol of some sort I guess and the aiming with that felt a bit clunky, but it could have been me, my brother was ok with the controls.

But that is not why, in my opinion, this demo is so bad, if it only was that it would be pretty easy to fix.

The game is so static it felt almost like a rail shooter, the enemys spawn in waves behind different covers and the only thing they do is shoot at you and take cover.
The entire demo felt scripted from start to finish, there are even invisible walls in some places.
I really can´t understand how anyone could get a positive impression from this demo.
I have spoken with other people that have played the demo and there was no one that liked the gameplay.

Maybe this part is not a good represantion for the rest of the game, I actually hope so, because as I said before, the game looks amazing and I also really like the setting.
It would be kinda sad if they can´t turn things around, maybe it would be good for the game to delay it a bit further.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
There's been many positive impressions too though. Bare in mind, these impressions are supposedly of the same build.

I think that the good thing out of the negative impressions is that RAD will see it repeated through impressions, plus it's the E3 demo, right? Maybe the aiming has improved. That's what I got from the trailer, but I've not played it so I can't be sure.

Anyway, great to see the great impressions from Sunset Overdrive keep being positive. Insomniac is back, baby!

The other impressions (Witcher 3, Batman, The Division and AC:Unity) were also expected. Next year is gonna be awesome.

EDIT: Thanks for the impressions, Claptrap! Hope this is just a bad demo and the rest of the game is actually better.
Sounds like Nintendo will be knocking it out of the park with their upcoming titles (and including some new IPs/spin-offs, as well), while Sunset Overdrive seems to be signalling Insomniac's return to form.

I'll reserve judgment about The Order, but the impressions seem congruent with my initial impressions and the developer's vision/focus, so no surprises here. Again, I'll wait and see, but my current level of interest is low when you hear something akin to a heavily-scripted, graphics-focused, clunky cover-based TPS that puts some novel ideas to waste.

2015/16 can't come soon enough.


I went to the indie booth and played a bit of "Below" - it looked so beautiful! And the amazing music again! Wonderful and mysterious successor to Swords and Sworcery, I died a lot if times. (I think bats poisoned me?)

I also learned about "Out There" which looked like a FTL clone, but a friend explained very enthusiastically about how it is based more about collecting ressources and crafting. It lacks the combat aspect of FTL it seems. The Devs were there to promote a free update for it.

I also tried "Affordable Space Adventures" in a multiplayer mode with a friend. The dev skipped a few levels for us to show us more of the complex stuff, which made clear that there is a lot of potential for a very clever game. I am looking forward to see it more fleshed out! I really liked the atmosphere it reminded me a lot of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet.

I spent a long time intriguedly watching "Where is my heart". Graphically it is very close to Fez, but I really could not figure out the gameplay. You have more than one character. It is out on steam and humble, check it out if you like pixel-puzzle-platformers.

I would also like to point out "Dungeon of the Endless", which from what I can tell is a very cool looking pixel-dungeon-crawler.

Thanks for the impressions on Below and Affordable Space Adventures, both sound really cool. I'll have to check the other two. :)


formerly "chigiri"
Because many here are wondering about the negative impressions of the Order: 1886 I´ll go more into detail with my hand on impressions.

The clunky controls had nothing to do with the flare gun, you could switch between the flare gun and a pistol of some sort I guess and the aiming with that felt a bit clunky, but it could have been me, my brother was ok with the controls.

But that is not why, in my opinion, this demo is so bad, if it only was that it would be pretty easy to fix.

The game is so static it felt almost like a rail shooter, the enemys spawn in waves behind different covers and the only thing they do is shoot at you and take cover.
The entire demo felt scripted from start to finish, there are even invisible walls in some places.
I really can´t understand how anyone could get a positive impression from this demo.
I have spoken with other people that have played the demo and there was no one that liked the gameplay.

Maybe this part is not a good represantion for the rest of the game, I actually hope so, because as I said before, the game looks amazing and I also really like the setting.
It would be kinda sad if they can´t turn things around, maybe it would be good for the game to delay it a bit further.
Sums it up well. Spoke with a Sony rep there tho and they said this was a chunk of a level, I really didn't expect this sort of cheap gameplay from this game, mad me sad. :(
Because many here are wondering about the negative impressions of the Order: 1886 I´ll go more into detail with my hand on impressions.

The clunky controls had nothing to do with the flare gun, you could switch between the flare gun and a pistol of some sort I guess and the aiming with that felt a bit clunky, but it could have been me, my brother was ok with the controls.

But that is not why, in my opinion, this demo is so bad, if it only was that it would be pretty easy to fix.

The game is so static it felt almost like a rail shooter, the enemys spawn in waves behind different covers and the only thing they do is shoot at you and take cover.
The entire demo felt scripted from start to finish, there are even invisible walls in some places.

I really can´t understand how anyone could get a positive impression from this demo.
I have spoken with other people that have played the demo and there was no one that liked the gameplay.

Maybe this part is not a good represantion for the rest of the game, I actually hope so, because as I said before, the game looks amazing and I also really like the setting.
It would be kinda sad if they can´t turn things around, maybe it would be good for the game to delay it a bit further.

I've always wanted developers to at least learn from open-level design from the last gen, especially with the RAM bottlenecking their experiences. It's a shame they cannot evolve from this compromising design. Ugh. At least ND tries to expand it's corridor shooting with a "sandbox" arena from the Shipyard level.


I can understand demos not having customisable controls and settings, they can be laborious to implement, but at the same time if you're presenting at an event, have features so as many people as possible can enjoy it.

I definitely agree since I would think adding an invert (normal) Y axis would be something easy to do. But I am no programmer so...

Nice impressions around here though, thanks.


Because many here are wondering about the negative impressions of the Order: 1886 I´ll go more into detail with my hand on impressions.

The clunky controls had nothing to do with the flare gun, you could switch between the flare gun and a pistol of some sort I guess and the aiming with that felt a bit clunky, but it could have been me, my brother was ok with the controls.

But that is not why, in my opinion, this demo is so bad, if it only was that it would be pretty easy to fix.

The game is so static it felt almost like a rail shooter, the enemys spawn in waves behind different covers and the only thing they do is shoot at you and take cover.
The entire demo felt scripted from start to finish, there are even invisible walls in some places.
I really can´t understand how anyone could get a positive impression from this demo.
I have spoken with other people that have played the demo and there was no one that liked the gameplay.

Maybe this part is not a good represantion for the rest of the game, I actually hope so, because as I said before, the game looks amazing and I also really like the setting.
It would be kinda sad if they can´t turn things around, maybe it would be good for the game to delay it a bit further.

like others have said it is the old e3 demo and the build probably goes back further then that. their latest build may have fixed many of the issues but is not stable enough to demo.. Also invisible walls are not unheard of in demo of unreleased games. they could be there so you cant wonder off to areas they are not ready to show yet. also game doesnt release until feb dont know why one would think it needs another delay b/c a old demo of a old alpha build needs work.

I do have one question, I cant rmember if it was your impression or not but someone mentioned a narrow FOV but I thought the order is suppose to have a wider FOV one of the reasons for the odd resolution no?


Dang man. Most of this sound exactly how I would summarize my E3 impressions.

Basically, unless something drastic happens, there are games coming out in the next six months that are going to disappoint, and others that are going to surprise. Sound obvious? It probably is, but I really mean it when I say that there are games that the hype isn't in touch with what I experienced with hands-on.

My experience with The Order: 1886's gameplay was that my character felt like I was playing Killzone in third person. It was super heavy at E3, and sounds super heavy now.

I really hope Shadow of Mordor is one that will surprise peopel with how good it will be.

Any impressions of it?


Sums it up well. Spoke with a Sony rep there tho and they said this was a chunk of a level, I really didn't expect this sort of cheap gameplay from this game, mad me sad. :(

Yeah, that's very sad to hear. If the rest of the game is like that then my previous thoughts on the game being a Whack a Mole + Beyond hybrid isn't far off the mark.


I've always wanted developers to at least learn from open-level design from the last gen, especially with the RAM bottlenecking their experiences. It's a shame they cannot evolve from this compromising design. Ugh. At least ND tries to expand it's corridor shooting with a "sandbox" arena from the Shipyard level.

Watching the new trailer the dock/pier area is definitely not a corridor.


like others have said it is the old e3 demo and the build probably goes back further then that. their latest build may have fixed many of the issues but is not stable enough to demo.. Also invisible walls are not unheard of in demo of unreleased games. they could be there so you cant wonder off to areas they are not ready to show yet. also game doesnt release until feb dont know why one would think it needs another delay b/c a old demo of a old alpha build needs work.

I do have one question, I cant rmember if it was your impression or not but someone mentioned a narrow FOV but I thought the order is suppose to have a wider FOV one of the reasons for the odd resolution no?

No, that wasn´t me, the FOV seemed fine to me.
Maybe I am a bit harsh with the game, because I had high expectations for it.
I have still hope, that in the final game the gameplay will match the visuals.
And as I said before maybe the demo was a bad representation for the rest of the game.


Ok, impressions of the games I played on Friday:

Below oozed atmosphere and started up very nice. Got pulled away by my friend to get some Bradwurst. The develper confirmed only XboxOne and PC and nothing else for now *winkwink* *nodnod*

Battlefield: Hardline (on PS4) had a counterstrike like mode. As cops you had to retrieve the hostage from the robbers. The location was relatively small and was in an weedplantation on an industrial area. Only one live per round, best of 7 and you switched roles after three rounds. As a mode it was fine, but it didn't feel it takes advantage of Battlefield strengths. Didn't think it looked good, but we were very close to the screen.

We managed to get into Far Cry 4 at the end of the day (apparently on PS4). It was the fort out of the trailers and you could do whatever you wanted. I circled around the fort and got some fun out of sneaking around. Apparently there was an elephant you could take into the fort and there were some advanced controls I absolutely missed. As with BF:H, it didn't look good, but we were very close on the screen.

Saw the presentation for Civilization: Beyond Earth, reminded me of Alpha Centauri (which is very positive).

Convention observations:
* The League of Legends tournament was ridiculous, they had half of a hall devoted to it. Don't get MOBA's so it was bizarre to me.
* There were random mobs, which as far as we could determine fans were around there celebrities. Did not get who they were and were absolutely random.
* They had more halls in use compared to the last few years, but the overall feel wasn't as busy.
* Indie Megabooth was fantastic, highlight of the show for me. It was awesome to actually talk to the developers.
* Lines for games weren't as bad as last year, but still over 2 hours for some of them.
* Missed out on Evolve :(
* Blizzard had the best booth, all the games were playable and you could look at the screens of people playing them. The closed booth are a dissappointment compared to that.
* Enjoyed a well deserved Mojito while watching vollyball on the beach :)
* Didn't see anything on No Man's Sky
* No sign of GAT5 for consoles


We managed to get into Far Cry 4 at the end of the day (apparently on PS4). It was the fort out of the trailers and you could do whatever you wanted. I circled around the fort and got some fun out of sneaking around. Apparently there was an elephant you could take into the fort and there were some advanced controls I absolutely missed. As with BF:H, it didn't look good, but we were very close on the screen.

I thought the game looked really good, but I played it at the Sony booth.
I've always wanted developers to at least learn from open-level design from the last gen, especially with the RAM bottlenecking their experiences. It's a shame they cannot evolve from this compromising design. Ugh. At least ND tries to expand it's corridor shooting with a "sandbox" arena from the Shipyard level.

That's the thing. Uncharted is not a corridor shooter, nor do you have to use cover. Drake's mobility, the verticality of the levels as well as the more open design allows for different approaches. The Order has none of that, based on what I played. It's only hook is awesome graphics. I want to eat crow on this one and hope it's just a crap demo.


Yoshi Wooly World

Game of the Show! Never expected this, but I had so much fun. Looks and plays fantastic.



tsc tsc The Order sounds garbage. They should have stuck to their original goal of making destruction based physics a huge part of the gameplay. now it's just a carnival sideshow head pop shooter. no thanks


Dang MKX had a public demo open? Which characters were playable? Did it include Raiden and Kano?

The Order impressions are pretty much spot on for how I imagined playing the game would be feel based on everything they've shown thus far. Really hope RAD goes back to making platformers/character action games after this.


there was a combined rockstar / 2k games booth, do we know what was being shown?

anymore GTA 5 remastered details?

I couldn't get into bloodborne / destiny booths as I had a kid with me but there were insane queues from mornin til evening anyway, seems both games are gonna be huuuge!


How does aiming work in Sunset Overdrive? Is it just like a typical third person shooter or is there some kind of mechanic for locking onto enemies?

Most of the weapons in the demo were explosive and had huge splash damage so aiming wasn't too important.
I'm still on the fence about the game, I didn't feel that the demo was particularly engaging , I suspect it would be a great game to play mindlessly with your friends.
The level we played on had short runs of cabling between buildings that you could grind/zip line along, mostly it didn't give you huge amounts of time to shoot as you did so.

The character customisation seemed like it will be great though, as I assume it's going to extend to character moves too, I had some kind of light sabre.
You were next to invincible in the demo Which did take away the peril , the enemy count was significantly reduced compared to the single player videos that have been shown

I played the demo twice at the aftershow (Brandon from Insomniac was talking us through)
The Order's like Driveclub last year. Take the same demo to a couple of conventions even though everyone complained about it the first time.

I still have to get it at some point to see if Gallahad knocks out the French guy for being French.
The Order's like Driveclub last year. Take the same demo to a couple of conventions even though everyone complained about it the first time.

I still have to get it at some point to see if Gallahad knocks out the French guy for being French.

It feels like The Order's pretty deep in crunch right now that they clearly don't have the resources to build a playable slice outside the 5 minutes 'Thermite Gun' section, or even update it.

I mean, the logical development for a game like The Order is to normally get a bombastic on-stage gameplay reveal with one of its best set-pieces, but it's probably too much for the dev team right now.

Seems like the best bet for The Order right now would be a pre-launch preview event or something, similar to what inFamous Second Son had once the game was all polished up and very close to shipping.


I don't think The Order felt clunky at all. I had no issues with aiming and other stuff. I still don't think it was particularly great. It's a another cover based shooter with lots of cinematic bullshit. If you are sick of that kind of gameplay this game will not change that.

Games of the show for me were:

Mortal Kombat X: Looks and plays amazing. The streams and shit don't do the game justice of how good it looks. Variations of characters change the play style quite a bit which means this game will be deep.

Pillars of Eternity: The game I have been waiting for since there are no more Infinity Engine games.

Runemaster: RPG influenced by Norse mythology. has a big open world to explore which get randomized together with it's quests. It also ha sa deep dialogue system and a turn based hex combat system. Definitely a game to look out for.

Bloodborne: This will pretty much be the game people have been waiting for that were disappointed by Dark Souls 2. It looks great, the no shield gameplay made me switch things up quite a bit. Also don#t overreact over comments about making it more appealing it's still a hard game.

Splatoon: I was shocked at how tight the shooting felt with this game even with motion controls (I tried both). It was very easy to pick up and play and immediately it turned into a nail bitting fight over ground on the map. If they deliver a good amount of maps and maybe a couple of mode variations this could be a winner.

Not a Hero: New game from the OlliOlli guys at Roll 7. it's like a 2D mixture of Gears and Max Payne. Very simple and tight controls but those really help in keeping the action going. Going from cover to cover, using suicide kittens and sliding into dudes just to execute them is incredibly fun.

PS: I thought Dead Island 2 was more fun than Dying Light. Combat in Dying Light just felt really bad. And all my impressions except from the Sony Titles are with my time in the business area.


Difference between hype pieces of professional games journalism and the criticism by average joes on The Order reaffirms a lot of my prejudices.


Seems like instead of Titanfall becoming XBone's darling, Sunset Overdrive is going to be the one game MS was counting on.
Dang MKX had a public demo open? Which characters were playable? Did it include Raiden and Kano.

Not sure, I played it in the business area. All characters revealed so far were playable, so Raiden and Kano included. Game looks really promising.

Mortal Kombat X: Looks and plays amazing. The streams and shit don#t do the game justice of how good it looks. Variations of characters change the play style quite a bit this gae will be deep.

Yep, it looks so damn sharp and fluid.


I think Sony needs to drop RAD and focus on their own studios. I still think there is too much of mismanagement at Sony greenlighting projects that dont deserve to be greenlit. Now I may be wrong at how the order will turn out but yeah it is highly unlikely that it will even turn out to be decent at this point. I mean if they cant get even the shooting right for a stop and pop shooter then what is the point of this game?

Judging by QB that seems like another similar missed opportunity from MS. We shall see though...


Seems like instead of Titanfall becoming XBone's darling, Sunset Overdrive is going to be the one game MS was counting on.
I can't see SO setting the world on fire in terms of sales tbh, even with a tonne of marketing. Doesn't help that it's coming out at a time where it'll be competing with real titans.


Any Destiny impressions?

*Braces for avatar quoting*

I don't know what they have shown in the business area because I didn't have an appointment. The public stuff was pretty much just the beta Crucible stuff.

I think Sony needs to drop RAD and focus on their own studios. I still think there is too much of mismanagement at Sony greenlighting projects that dont deserve to be greenlit. Now I may be wrong at how the order will turn out but yeah it is highly unlikely that it will even turn out to be decent at this point. I mean if they cant get even the shooting right for a stop and pop shooter then what is the point of this game?

Judging by QB that seems like another similar missed opportunity from MS. We shall see though...

The shooting in The Order is fine. The thermite gun has a huge spread because you are supposed to blast everyone with it and then ignite the smoke. I played around with the normal handgun and it was accurate. So I have no idea where this impression comes from that it's clunky. Creatively the game is bankrupt though.


I think Sony needs to drop RAD and focus on their own studios. I still think there is too much of mismanagement at Sony greenlighting projects that dont deserve to be greenlit. Now I may be wrong at how the order will turn out but yeah it is highly unlikely that it will even turn out to be decent at this point. I mean if they cant get even the shooting right for a stop and pop shooter then what is the point of this game?

Judging by QB that seems like another similar missed opportunity from MS. We shall see though...

You're judging the game of some tiny very early demo, which has actually received positive feedback from lots of people and outlets, negative feedback from others.

I think people need to remind themselves of the calibre of studio RAD is, especially with cinematic type games.



You're judging the game of some tiny very early demo, which has actually received very positive feedback from tonnes of people and outlets, negative feedback from others.

I think people need to remind themselves of the calibre of studio RAD is, especially with cinematic type games.


Those are psp games with a predefined template to work on. This is their first major original work. Look it may still turn out to be good and I will be the happiest to eat crow if it is. But this kind of impressions for a standard shooter are simply not good enough in 2014. If you have spent so many years developing the game but cant spend enough time setting up a 5 minute demo showcasing some competent gunplay then somewhere someone messed up.


Bummer, I could have gone for a game like The Order. This far along and the impressions being that tepid overall don't bode well.


Those are psp games with a predefined template to work on. This is their first major original work. Look it may still turn out to be good and I will be the happiest to eat crow if it is. But this kind of impressions for a standard shooter are simply not good enough in 2014. If you have spent so many years developing the game but cant spend enough time setting up a 5 minute demo showcasing some competent gunplay then somewhere someone messed up.

That's such a cop out answer. It's not easy to make a top tier, highly critically acclaimed game, especially multiple times in a row, even if you have the template. See GOW Ascension, Perfect Dark and so on. It's probably easier for a studio to mess up a franchise than it is to keep up the quality of its legacy.

And a lot of devs struggle with the stage demo side, because they're in crunch time making the actual game, heavy in actual development. It's not a case of simply taking out a small chunk of your game and calling it a day. There's mass testing, polishing etc required, plus gauging the whole difficulty level, that it doesn't give too much away etc. Hell even in the demo they're showing off, there's still a few glitches that have occurred here and there, so you can tell even that segment isn't fully done.
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