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Gatchaman Crowds |OT| A classic re-imagined by the director of Tsuritama

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I'm normally not too fond of genki girls but I loved Hajime.

She's so over the top in every single aspect that it just becomes amusing and hilarious rather than grating.

It's also pretty clear that her character type will be played with, just like with Haru in Tsuritama. You can already see the contrast between her and not only the members of the team but the world itself.


Duckroll liked it according to his twitter impressions!

I will post more detailed impressions later. I'm not feeling too good right now. But yeah, I liked it a lot more than Dresdendowner and Jexhiushater. Those traitors! This is definitely -not- [C].


Episode 1

As an introductory episode, it certainly feels very much like most Nakamura works - both the good and the bad. In this case I feel the only obvious flaw is that his protagonists are always introduced in an off-putting way where their negative quirks and how it affects their social interactions comes into the forefront before anything else. It's an effective way to channel the concept of how your perspective of a person changes the more you get to know them, but making the lead a turn off for the audience at the start can also be risky if they decide to stop watching it.

That aside though, I felt it was a very effectively executed start to the series. Let's get one thing out of the way - if anyone is expecting a normal Gatchaman reboot or just a modern update to the concept, throw those expectations away. This isn't going to be like that, and it was probably never intended to be. Instead what Nakamura is doing with the concept is using "Gatchaman" as an established and well known superhero franchise, and turning it on its head.

The lead character Hajime is a girl who doesn't have any pretensions and doesn't care for conventions or what people think of her. By placing her as a new member in a group with their own rules and legacy, it allows Nakamura to comment on societal norms and how people who think outside of that box can change dynamics very quickly. The embrace of social networking in both society and in the Gatchaman powers also allows the director to explore themes of how human interaction has changed and the question of whether we use these tools or if we're imprisoned by these tools.

I expect the narrative to pick up relatively quickly in the first few episodes, and they got all the exposition out of the way rather elegantly. I guess it's easy when the plot involves a new member in an organization though. The art is quirky and colorful, and I really dig the variety in backgrounds. The contrast between the Gatchaman HQ artwork and modern Japan is pretty great. It's true that some of the scenes felt unfinished and the there were some scenes which clearly had off-key animation and designs, but they didn't really detract from my enjoyment of it. The music fits the tone of the show really well, and gives the show an extra dash of kinetic energy.

Yeah, I really dug this, which was really the main reason I made the thread in the first place. I can understand that some people dislike the direction it's going for Gatchaman, but there's always the live action movie if you want something more traditional. The comparisons to [C] are kinda weird to me, since the show definitely doesn't look as ugly as that, and there's some solid direction in the action parts too. Not to mention, the 3DCG is much better integrated here than [C]. :p


Side note: Did the scene where JJ approached Hajime remind anyone else of the Escaflowne movie? I got serious deja vu because it was so similar to how Folken approached Hitomi in the movie. There was just that foreboding dread mixed with how normal the surroundings were and yet how secluded it felt.


Additional commentary via screens:



Like I mentioned above, I really like the contrast in the backgrounds, and the color design is really well balanced.




I like how they show what to expect from Hajime's suit powers by showing what goes on in her mind during the transformation process. It highlights her personal interests in art and design, and I'm sure her artistic creativity will become a major component of her special powers as the show progresses.


I suck at gifs, so I can't really make a full gif of this moment, but I loved the layout and execution of this shot. There's a nice top down view showing the elevation from which they're falling from, but it has walls positioned such that the camera work naturally guides the viewer to understand how Sugane's suit uses boots which can magnetize on any surface. I would his mobility pretty exciting to watch.
Episode 1

Pretty weak start. I think they made a baffling choice of character personality to give to the lead character as litrally everytime Hajime was on screen it came across as annoying and just way too out there in terms of the subject matter, personality, and cast dynamics. Just how many times does Hajime need to say Kawaii during the episode? Worst yet, why so excited and hyperactive and everything, calm down or something as it was just way unnecessary and made things dull pretty fast...until - please give more screentime fast, need immediately. Gatcha, Gatcha indeed.

Sugane as the Origami Cyclone alternate universe take on things is fantastic and easily has good suit, abilities, personality, and abilities. Probably will stick around for more and if he has some pretty large scale hi ougi.

Music is fantastic...when the Gatchaman chorus isnt playing, it sounds so awkward within the context of the musics direction and instruments.


Episode 1


The animation might've been a bit spotty at times (especially that leg shot, what the hell) but I liked this overall. I don't really have much experience with the Gatchaman franchise before but I don't feel like that has impacted my enjoyment of this in any meaningful way. The MC, Hajime, is one of those incredibly upbeat and quirky Genki girls which'd usually turn people off but I really liked her carefree approach to the sheer absurdity of the situation. It also helps that the rest of the cast seem pretty interesting in their own way too.

I was kinda worried with the CG battle suits when images first came out but they work for the most part and I can definitely see why they opted for them given the nifty designs of the MESS. They also mesh really well with the excellent backgrounds which are so vibrant, varied, and lively.

good shit nakamura

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I think the thread title is pretty misleading. A "re-imagination" implies telling the same material in a new angle. This is pretty much all Nakamura doing Nakamura stuff with a Gatchaman background --and even that is very barebones.

Whether that's a good or a bad thing I don't know.


I thought it was cool. The main character was a little annoying, but I think she contrasts nicely with her more serious teammates in the G Crew. Pretty exposition heavy in the second half, but I am happy to have that out of the way. The CG blends well with the world, but the animation and fights didn't quite blow me away.

Overall, a good first episode. I'm interested. That said, why is this called Gatchaman? I mean, beyond getting attention by using the name and some of the trappings.


Episode 1

I haven't seen any previous Gatchaman show or material (unless you count Chojin Sentia Jetman), so I don't care at all how close or different it is to previous Gatchaman shows. What I didn't like was how unnatural all the characters were, the girl and the boy were weird and I couldn't find anything they did to relate with them; they seemed like they had mental problems (especially the girl).

The animation seemed pretty low budget, but the cel-shaded CGI suits looked good, mostly because of how detailed they were. If they can show them more if the show, it will be cool; but if the rest of the show will be more drama like this episode, I don't think I will like it at all.
I liked the first episode enough to keep watching. Hajime is oblivious almost to the point of mental illness, but her persistent upbeat attitude stops the show from taking itself too seriously, which I kind of liked. I didn't have a problem with the suit design and like duckroll I enjoyed Hajime's suit powers being a mirror of her thoughts.

I appreciated that they didn't dwell too long on the school situation. When Hajime started blabbing about being a Gatchaman in public I thought "oh here we go..." but she's quickly whisked away to the HQ and things continued to move along. The episode ended up as a decent pitch that will need a few more episodes before I know if it's going anywhere good or not.

FWIW I have no previous experience with Gatchaman. From reading other people's comments it seems like that's both not a prerequisite and maybe even a good thing :p


Loved it, even though I do not know what the fuck am I watching. Then I realized this was by the director of Tsuritama, which I loved too. Will finish this series.


It was quite interesting, I actually quite liked C, sure it wasn't a masterpiece but I really enjoyed it and hope I'll enjoy this too.
Just watched the first ep. Yo. I reaaaally like it. It is super fresh visually. Has an awesome soundtrack too. And the premiere episode was super high intensity and directed really well.

Hajime is a little much but I suspect she'll tone down quite a bit as the show progresses.

Really looking forward to more. Thanks OP for hipping us to it.


I remember my friends trying to get me into C. I watched it and thought "This is a piece of shit." It lost me completely after only a few episodes.

They're accountants/really into math and stocks, so that may have had something to do with it them liking it so much.


C was an ugly pile of shit that ended up doing absolutely nothing worthwhile and notable with its premise. It's pretty much the complete opposite of Mononoke, Trapeze, & tsuritama which were all fantastic shows.


I think duckroll liked that re cyborg 009 which seems to be a complete betrayal of the original cryborg 009 so I don't really trust his opinion on things.
What the fuck is this? Before I watch this is there any reason this is called gatchaman (anything)?


I think duckroll liked that re cyborg 009 which seems to be a complete betrayal of the original cryborg 009 so I don't really trust his opinion on things. What the fuck is this? Before I watch this is there any reason this is called gatchaman (anything)?

None so far. The show could be called anything, IMO.

Gatchaman was a small part of my childhood but I don't mind this. You know, open mind and all. Unless you find this anime just bad, which is of course likely.


This anime is the new DmC. What have they done to Dante Gatchaman?

Except this time I like the new thing so far :p
I'm sorry but that comparison is bullshit to me.

As a Gatchaman fan this is a insult to my very being. My brow hurts cause I couldn't stop my face from distorting due to the sheer disbelief of what I was watching on screen. Every time I heard gatcha, the times I heard bird go, just made my face hurt more and more. I really would like to delve into the clearly twisted mind of the individual that felt the need to put gatchaman in the title. *sigh* This anime is officially just called Crowds.

That said meh. Hate the girl I gleamed over a few posts that called her a genki girl and I think that is being too kind. She is clearly mentally retarded which itself is a insult to mentally challenged people. There is being bubbly then there is this. I have no opinion of Jino. The fuck is that emotionless green thing why is it dressed like that? Was the flamboyant guy supposed to be a transvestite or okama? Anyway so far he's the average anime okama type. And Hajime is...a guy...I guess there's that. Then there was that talking animal/alien thing which as the brain damaged girl pointed out wouldn't shut up. And vague leader guy that talks in nothing but meaningless meaningful words. "The next monster is at the bus depot get on it." Boom done.

I don't know much about the director's style (I've at least seen a picture or two of Mononoke) but does he like to make things look like a rainbow threw up on everything. That section right after the elevator made me wince a bit. I didn't like that at all.

I'll give Crowds one more shot and that it.

Also I think some one mentioned it. That girl's breasts seemed to be huge though it looked like it kept changing. It's hard to imagine them being compressed in that suit.

...i thing this is the longest thing i've typed on gaf...


I think duckroll liked that re cyborg 009 which seems to be a complete betrayal of the original cryborg 009 so I don't really trust his opinion on things.

Sounds like you don't actually like reading impressions of what people have to say about a work, detailing what they felt worked and what didn't, and giving critique on the artistic value of a production. Instead you like to reduce things into a simplistic view were certain things which are not what you traditionally expect should not be given a chance at all.

That's fine I guess, just not very respectable to me. :p

I personally don't care about whether things are a "betrayal" of classical material or not. I think that you can take a classical concept and do a totally unexpected twist to it and still come up with something interesting and cool. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Not being open to something different is a tragic way to embrace art and entertainment at a large.

For the record, I don't think Re:Cyborg was very good, you would know that if you actually read what I said about it. But I do think some of what it did was very interesting, and themes remained evocative for days after I watched it. It made me think about things, which is more than I can say for most action films. On the other hand though, I'm a huge fan of Ang Lee's Hulk, which is another example of a creative "betrayal" of a traditional comic hero. That was really well executed, and I enjoyed every aspect of it thoroughly.

You don't have to like or even care for something you feel is stupid and isn't a traditional reboot or continuation to Gatchaman, but please don't be dismissive or reductive about people who have something worthwhile to say about it.
That said meh. Hate the girl I gleamed over a few posts that called her a genki girl and I think that is being too kind. She is clearly mentally retarded which itself is a insult to mentally challenged people. There is being bubbly then there is this.

It sounds like you haven't seen many genki girls in anime/manga. She could be A LOT worse (or better for me because I like genki girls when they aren't bitches).


Not being open to something different is a tragic way to embrace art and entertainment at a large.
I'm open to Crowds just not Gatchaman Crowds. I just didn't like the first episode of Crowds.
For the record, I don't think Re:Cyborg was very good, you would know that if you actually read what I said about it.
I was going off of my memory of that thread so that's fair.

It sounds like you haven't seen many genki girls in anime/manga. She could be A LOT worse (or better for me because I like genki girls when they aren't bitches).
Probably. I'm getting around to wrapping up Gargantia thats the most recent thing I'm going off of.

They also threw out the word gatcha every few seconds. So whatever.


On the other hand though, I'm a huge fan of Ang Lee's Hulk, which is another example of a creative "betrayal" of a traditional comic hero. That was really well executed, and I enjoyed every aspect of it thoroughly.
It's been forever since I've seen it but isn't the only real problem with the hulk movie is that it probably should have been a sequel. People were excepting more smashing but got a lot of character development? To me that is still a Hulk movie.


This doesn't look like Gatchaman to me. Whats the connection?

Nothing really, just the name and use of bird-based (hardly, if to be honest) superheroes. I suppose fans of this kind of anime may enjoy it, but this has nothing to offer to Gatchaman fans.

I guess that using the brand even without intending to make a Gatchaman series is at least a glimpse of hope for the franchise, and with the live-action movie coming later this year, maybe they'll eventually make a new Gatchaman anime as well.
I like this show's style. The animation quality is a little all over the place but I'm digging the design. I think I'm going to try to last-minute cosplay Hajime for Otakon and get coveralls for my boyfriend to go as Joe. Hajime is kind of infectious.

Sewing this jumper looks slightly daunting, though. Anyone happen to have a relevant pattern? =<


Hajime is the shit. I already liked her in episode one, but nwo with episode two she easily became my favorite character this season so far (I am watching 27 shows plus the leftovers of Shingeki no Kyojin and Railgun S). Her personality is such a contrast to the usual clueless or angsty protagonist.
Gatchman Crowds - 2

It delivered, the first episode wasn't a fluke. It was full of things happening. Action, character moments in "off time" showing how they are, lots of character interaction, with sparks flying between the protagonists, clashing, discussing, questioning things, more social network stuff, some hints here and there of the actual society, Hajime trying a... novel approach to the MESS and the bad guy appearing,


Episode 2

Yeah this episode was really great. Really fast paced and tight. They packed a lot of character development into the episode, and the fights were pretty cool too. I love how Hajime's crayon missiles explode into colored explosions as well. Great visual touch. I'll say that Hajime is a really exhausting character to watch and pay attention to, but she also surprised me in terms of her ability to connect with people. Her personality comes off as socially inept, but it actually seems to be working out for her. By speaking her mind and being more upfront and aggressive with her views than normal people, she might turn off people, but it seems she's also able to attract those who are willing to listen and bring them to her side.

I really like how they're developing the main narrative too. It's obviously not going to be a simple action series where the Gatchaman fight evil aliens, but instead Nakamura is using the concept of a superhero unit in modern Japan to apply social commentary on social networking.

The interesting part is how he plans to make this commentary interesting, and my guess is that
the villains will be exploiting society's reliance on connectivity, by turning Galax from the advertised tool for good it is into a tool for manipulation and chaos. But Hajime will probably be the one who stands up against destroying Galax completely, showing that if people choose to continue using it for good, evil will not triumph. How she chooses to deal with the MESS in episode 2 is a good indication for the sort of person she is, and the OP also heavily hints that she will eventually meet Rui and have an impact on him.
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