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Gatchaman Crowds |OT| A classic re-imagined by the director of Tsuritama

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Episode 3

The budget might've taken a dive for this episode but but that didn't really stop me from enjoying this episode. I do like the direction its going in, even though I can't help but shake this feeling it may just turn into another [c]. :(

Episode 4

3/4ths of the episode was pretty good and increasingly interesting, suspenseful and entertaining. Though one scene really dragged it down just how it was handled
the car accident scene somehow came out a bit more comical then they probably intended (considering the 17 casualties), but Rui's breakdown did kind of bring me back into it. I guess it was just the idea of the car sitting there moving forward and back etc in the same intersection, folks just standing there, and the mom sitting bafflingly there.

Jou scenes with Sugane was memorable (there was one blush even with Sugane) which threw me off considering what I thought the show was at first, but seeing that hes just a really nice guy was nice, and then the scene with Alan.
I hope Alan isnt dragged into this and becomes some type of close death or something, now that characters can be killed off, have to start being cautious, especially OD losing his best friend even, and Rui having that near death experience :(

Soundtrack still hot and I have to agree with dakkumauji, Berg's voice with Yogi's from Karneval is glorious, was laughing in each scene just from it but then also rewatched it with the right frame of my again. He really makes the character. Too bad it will be lost in an engDub :(
Gatchman Crowds 04

A weird episode. Cutting away from the action wasn't the best of thing to watch and everything kinda just went here and there without really feeling like anything was really connected.

I mean some of the individual parts of the episode was interesting but as a whole it didn't really flow all that well together.

Oh right, at least we still have that FABULOUS Mamoru Miyano voice.


Gatchman Crowds 4

  • Sugane looks like he has some hero worship going with Jou.
  • That look between Paiman and OD sure was ominous. This side of OD is really nice too. I'd been wondering if he was even human given how low his assignment number was.
  • Glad JJ was brought back up too. Given Berg Katze has a note, I'd been wondering if he's been feeding false info to the G team as their assignments lacked a voiceover that all previous communication had. In the first episode, Hajime just assumed it was JJ which might have been to mislead the audience. JJ actually narrated his entry again this time so the lack of such seems to be really suspect.
  • Glad Utsutsu was addressed some too. Seems like the background members of the Gatchaman team are due to get their development rolling.
  • Rui watching Berg Katze kiss that girl seemed so unnatural. Scene of convenience.
  • I didn't quite get the bar scene. Women were across the bar talking to Jou and it was implied they were all there together or something. Felt like it didn't make sense.
  • Episode felt really lackluster past the slight plot advancement. Editing (?) seemed off.. I didn't even realize the Jou encounter had concluded because of that.
  • I think Jou is going to die nooooooo lol


Episode 4

The plot is really starting to come together, and it's interesting to see which of the characters are holding out secrets on the others. Looks like they're not going to play Rui as a villain for the entire show either, which is interesting. But goddamn, the production values can be so shit at times. There's a scene where Hajime's arms looked like they were only about as long as her head which was super weird. The direction this week feels really disjointed too, which made some stuff really hard to follow. I blame Mamoru Kurosawa - he storyboarded this week's episode, and he was responsible for ep6 of From the New World too. Fucking amateur.

I'm digging Hajime's development with Utsutsu though. Lots of potential there! <3

Edit: Here it is, BAD ART EXTREME!



This Galax stuff is ridiculous. It's going to be great when it blows up in everyone's faces.

Also is Rui supposed to be a wholesome crossdresser?


Just watched 4. I like what the show is trying to do with the social media commentary, but I think it would be better if they made it more subtle than everyone saying "galax is awesome!" every two minutes.


Is there a full version of the Gatchaman song (the one that pops up when they transform) somewhere out there? It's been stuck in my head for a week now but my meagre googling skills only produce the OP and ED songs.


Episode 4

Ugh, not only did the production values take a hit but the pacing in this episode, especially the later half was just awful. Not even Hajime's "specialness" or the music could save this episode. :(

also preemptive
rip joe
Just watched 4. I like what the show is trying to do with the social media commentary, but I think it would be better if they made it more subtle than everyone saying "galax is awesome!" every two minutes.

This is easily the most annoying thing about the show for me. It's a cool idea, but the execution has made me cringe a couple of times. Unnecessary dialogue and a whole episode(3) that felt like filler. I'm still in though, since the plot is starting to go places as of episode 4.

I also just watched Tsuritama and hope more of that talent shines through at some point.


Gatchaman Crowds 5

  • Lack of team dynamic is interesting.
  • Another JJ message narrated unlike their earlier orders in the first and second ep.
  • Tunnel emergency was a nice complement to the bad milk stuff earlier. More empowerment of the common person but with a more dire situation this time around.
  • Loved that end.
    A real hero finally appears much to the chagrin of the one person working against such a notion, doubly so for appearing before his Hundred.
  • The whole concept of the somewhat anonymous Hundred has me wondering who is going to pop up as one. Expected it from one of the four adults working the emergency.
  • I think we're finally on track.
Episode 05

I did enjoy that tunnel rescue scene. Pretty suspenseful.

Definitely interested in seeing how the plot goes from here.

Jou Sugane scenes really develop both characters well, while Hajime just drifts off nowhere doing whatever. Along those lines, Rui is really doing well for emotional development and providing great insight into the world at large. Powerful moving conversation that was on the rooftop, even replayed it.


Episode 5

A solid return to form. I really liked the episode. It's a good thematic union of the various elements the show has been building up over the first few episodes. I love the contrast between the casual discussion between Hajime and the team early in the episode, and Rui's conversation with No.26 on the rooftop. There were some pretty good layouts for the episode, and overall the visuals are much better than the last two episodes. The cliffhanger at the end is just brutal though. I really want to know what happens next.

Loved the layouts in the rooftop scene:


Gatchaman Crowds 6

  • LOAD GALAX sure sounds a lot like Lord Galax which seems antithitetical to his goals of equality.
  • Ep looked pretty nice aside from the dogshit Papyrus segment
  • Sugane is still working well at this old school representation of heroic idealism.
  • Savant Hajime returns:
  • I fully believe she unmasked in view of the cameras purposefully so people could have a face to associate with heroism. Doesn't hurt she looked awesome in uniform sans helmet.
  • She showed off her NOTE intentionally to gauge Rui's reaction.
  • She also saw through Rui's disguise easily.


Episode 5-6


Man these last two episodes were pretty great outside of the odd bouts of terrible production values. Hajime at the end of ep 5 absolutely owned and her little
reveal to the world in ep 6 was even more awesome. Actually, that entire bit was actually pretty clever in that it played into the increasing loss of privacy in the "social" world and how that'd apply to a supposedly secret hero organisation (oh and the cctv cameras too i guess.)

It's going to be very interesting to see just how Rui reacts to such an amazing person like Hajime!

oh and the music is still the best thing about this show. goddamn


Episode 6

Finally got around to watching this. I really like the direction they're going with it. Sure, the presentation is heavy handed and a bit too on the nose at times, but it's still a unique approach to a classic superhero franchise. I think it's pretty clear that the purpose of using Gatchaman for the show is precisely because of the attachment people have (or had) with Gatchaman as a classic franchise. It's something which has disappeared from public sight for a long time, and the times have changed, so the question here is "would they still be needed in the modern world" and if so, why? It's far more interesting to me than just another typical reboot or sequel.

Hajime is a really interesting character too. In this episode, they basically spell out what we've been debating about her characteristics since the start. She doesn't do random things, she doesn't just mess stuff up because she's silly, but everything is thought out and rationalized - except she can't really express to normal people how she thinks, and she processes data faster than most people. I really love the dynamic between her and Rui, because they're both geniuses who obviously know a lot about each other just by observing the other person, but they both have reasons for not saying too much.

The worst part about the series by far though, is the inconsistent production values. Episode 5 looked fine after a string of really dodgy episodes, but episode 6 is super crappy looking once again. There were really bad proportions, lots of crummy character art, entire scenes which were composed in really lazy or incomplete ways. Just bad stuff all round. Obviously this is a rushed production, and it's a pity because better production values would make the interesting material shine much brighter. :(


Gatchaman Crowds 7

  • Art was appreciably better this ep.
  • Guess there's a need for heroes after all.
  • Another tease at a team dynamic that wasn't followed through on.
  • Hajime/Katze discussion reminded me a lot of the initlal JJ conversation where she knew where he was despite his attemp to fool her.
  • Elimination of the Hundred narrows the conflict, I think, to Gatchaman vs Katze
  • Fully expect Jou to be depowered after that encounter. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if next week's OP had him back in human form at the end rather than suited up.


Episode 7
What could have been...

It's amusing that the most actiony, 'traditional' episode of the show is the most well-done in terms of animation and directing. At some parts it actually feels like something Nakamura would try unlike most of the rest of the series, like the Rui-Sugane conversation and the spinning camera thing.

With that out of the way, the script doesn't lose any steam and the character dynamics are getting more defined as we go;
It was cool having Hajime coming out to apparently fight Katze only for her to engage him directly in his obscure metaphor talk, and even keep up with him. Clearly she'll solve the riddle in a way nobody is expecting
No but really, if this show actually had a good staff it wouldn't even need schedule! Look at what Tanaka and a couple other guys did with it, effortlessly. I wonder why talented people don't come as much to this show, IIRC there were quite a lot of great animators and storyboarders aiding Nakamura in Ayakashi and Mononoke. Maybe they're all too busy now :/

@duckroll, I think Hajime is way beyond Rui, or at least that's how she's been portrayed to me. Especially with this latest episode where
she's shown to be the only one on par with Katze, unlike Rui who had to resort to fighting him and getting his ass kicked.
Episode 07

Enjoyable episode.

This is pretty much Mamoru Miyano's best performance all season. So amazingly FABULOUS.

Looking forward to what happens next episode.


Episode 7

Yeah okay I guess this is what happens when you have good animators on reserve for major action episodes, but can't afford to use them in normal episodes where there isn't any action. Lol. The difference in the quality of the shots here and in the average episode is really pretty huge. Makes sense to save up for a big "turning point" episode though. I'm kinda glad they finally got this over with so the story can move on to the next phase, which should be far more interesting.

I'm amused at how terrible Aya Hirano's role is in this show. It almost feels like they're writing the character for her as a gag to make fun of her. Pai-pai is soooo awful.
It's also hilarious how they set up the transformation, the race through the highway, and all that great CG, just to have her run away at the end. ??????????????? Lulz.

So with the series heading into the second half, I think the title "Gatchaman Crowds" is going to make a lot of sense by the end of it. I suspect that
Rui is going to come to the realization that heroes are required in the world, but his unique power is that he indeed make everyone a hero. If you take Gatchaman and add the power of Crowds, doesn't it mean.... everyone can be a Gatchaman? Gatchaman Crowds! <3


Episode 7


This show owns when it has the actual production values to back up the great setup! The playfully sadistic nature of Berk-Katse really draws you in, which made the
carefree exchange between the seemingly playful Hajime all that more engaging.


The start was slow but then really made it worth it by the end. Sugane and Jou's history needs to be divulged further but I wonder how they can work it in now.
If Jou cant be a Gatchaman anymore after having his book taken from him and crushed. Unless that isnt important. And in speaking of defeats, what happens to those members of Crowds who just were defeated there, was it just fainting or actual death?

berg Katze is quite good especially with best VA. I was laughing way too much from
when he got up and kissed Jou and then the whole scene after wrapping him around Jou and then near selfcest. Pretty interesting way to make it into something to psychologically and emotionally affect Jou in such a way to make him just lose focus and the will to fight. Usually would be disappointed that he lost but yeah he has to get over his self confidence issues first.

Good action.
Episode 08

A building up to something hopefully great episode.

Seeing how Hajime affects the other members of the cast and how this reveal would have never happen at the start of the show is fun to watch as well.


Gatchaman Crowds 8

What a good ep. I was tentative going in after hearing about the preschool stuff but I thought it was wonderful. Hajime's attempting to change the world from the bottom up while
Rui, and now, Berg-Katze's attempt was from the top down. Calling Katze out in the press seemed like a ballsy move too, robbing him of the initiative he's demonstrated in every ep preceding.

Using the preschool kids was awesome too as I think they'd be more accepting of the hero motif rather than the cynical adults that are present throughout the show. Sugane holding all those kids might be my favorite visual of the show so far. It's also worth noting how Sugane has grown from his defeat while Jou has wilted.

Good ending too as Rui is forced to confront unforeseen consequences. He's struck me as a slave to order too and the chaos of Katze and the fallout has helped sell me on how shaken his character is at the moment.



Well, I thought the previous episode was building up to something, which didn't quite happen this episode. Sure, the new CROWDS group started usurping Japan, but there wasn't any gravity to the situation. Part of that was due to Hajime immediately starting her "Gatchman Direct," but even then, it never seemed like anyone was panicking, even for the people holding out hope for the Gatchaman. Still, Katze was as entertaining as usual, and it was entertaining to see more and more people getting on board with Hajime's scheme.

Still, the most interesting development was Sugane renouncing JJ, which likely means that things are truly going to start picking up next episode. I'm still curious to see if JJ will have any major relevance to the story, but if he doesn't, then it will basically mean that the Gatchaman name Trojan-horsed a story that barely had any connections to the original series in the first place.


saw the first episode, fell asleep around 3am. will watch again...

not sure if this is a remake of the old gatchaman..

Beginning of the episode was amazing especially the vocal track to go with the
complete destruction of the cities order and infrastructure. Unfortunately, I do believe that like the city the plot has just completely collapsed and needs saving fast.
Everything after that point was hard to get into and just felt dull. Theres really no way for them to win and the pieces arent even in place, so I dont know where things will go from here even in a realistic manner.
Episode 09

Mostly a set up episode but it was pretty interesting. The Gatchaman Direct was fun and I did enjoy Sugane stammering in this episode.

I thought this episode is where stuff goes down but I guess it could be the next unless they pull a surprise Gatchaman Direct on us.


Episode 8-9

Finally found the time to catch up on this. Pretty solid two part lead up to the climax of the series. I really like how unexpected Hajime's actions are, and also what it says about the modern world the show is trying to comment on. Superheroes are nothing to be ashamed of, and even though they might not fit into the reality of the modern world, if they did exist people would probably be better off knowing about them. In a way I think it also shows why something like Iron Man really took off in the movies - because people do like seeing heroes who are unpretentious and willing to just step up and let the world know that they're there.

Aya Hirano voicing Pai-pai continues to be the running joke of the year. I really have to wonder if it's deliberately making fun of her without her knowing it, or if she's just game enough to play such a self-conscious loser. Lololol.

Production values are back to being pretty crummy overall, but it didn't really retract from my enjoyment. There were a couple of nice cuts in the episodes too, like these:

Hopefully in the final episodes we get some solid animation. Lol.
I gotta say, I prefer the designs of the old Gatchaman and Princess was a better heroine than the one in her. I might have to see the newer episodes to see which is better but so far I am not really into this.


Episode 8-9

I really do like the whole idea of the Gatchaman advertising themselves to try and combat the influence of Berg-Katse and his recently gained power over X. Hopefully Jou steps the fuck up soon gives the Gatchaman the much needed social networking power of the rule of cool.

oh and hajime still owns all
Episode 10

It had lots of RESOLVE, fun action, fabulous voice acting, I gotta say it was a great episode.

I really wonder if they can top this.
I dont know, I find the writing or at least some of the plot movement to go in a weird direction at times, and focus is consistently seemingly skewed from being focused on gatchaman to instead trying to make some type of message of emergency preparedness and unity among public safety, which makes for some odd moments.

Episode 10

Slow start and felt like they didnt address something important
Rui shown to look at the camera but then thats it, also shouldnt X have made a decision by now, multiple episodes where X continues to doubt this Rui impostor, so in my opinion, its odd that it has done nothing

Best moment kicked in close to the end
after Jou was empowered and Pai san empowered and the Gatchaman music started played, was epic
. Though it felt as if it was something that would be done in an episode 12 of 13, not a 10 of 13, so will the rest drag the plot out a whole lot?
I am still really enjoying this show!
There will always be a part of me wishing that it was a more traditional re-imagining(especially after how bad the live action movie was) but it is just so original and well directed that I can forgive it as an old school fan.

I am really looking forward to the last two episodes.

A part of me is still holding out hope that they do one more big throwback to the OG series in the final episodes. No matter how much I enjoy the show I am going to be profoundly sad if we don't get some of sort of badass Jet/Spaceship before the finale. All of the poetry about wings makes me hope for it but I am probably setting myself up for a letdown. My crazy off-the-wall theory is that Katze transformation ends up being some sort of all powerful spaceship/satellite and they use MESS-chan to create some sort of God Phoenix to battle it. Showing again that Hajime doesn't do anything without any reason and in the end they are only able to defeat Katze because of an alien species she saved instead of destroying. Considering the last episode we saw MESS-chan in was the one where Hajime realizes it responds to origami and with all the bird paper-craft imagery in the episodes....


Episode 10

With shit finally going down, the escalation is pretty damn entertaining. I think the weakest part of the episode, and probably of the series at large, is the lack of character development. I don't think Jou's character arc is really satisfying nor properly developed, and it doesn't really work emotionally as a result. But having said that, it's pretty exciting to finally see the team go all out to defend the city. The final shot in the episode was hilarious. I guess someone working on the show is a big fan of The Avengers. :)


I didn't realise this was only a 12 episode run so I was kinda surprised by how fast things were developing. It was pretty lame that Jou got over having his entire self worth shattered over the course a few minutes thanks to a few words. The president is such lazy character too. They could have something more interesting with him that fed into the larger themes of the show but he's basically just there for the other characters to feel better about themselves.

Also, for such an action focused event in episode 10, the animation quality really took a hit. I hope they didn't just focus on the CG stuff for the final 2 episodes.
Episode 11

The recap was a nice summary of everyone's growth due to Hajime which was a good reminder for me. It was nice to see everyone at the start and where they are now especially when I at times haven't been paying that close attention to everyone.

The second part definitely hyped me up for the finale.


Episodes 10-11


This show may have the incredibly inconsistent bouts of production quality problems, but when that music kicks in and that dialogue hits right where it needs to, it really gets me pumping like few things can. Hell, even the seemingly docile PM's getting heated!

I'll be really bummed out if this ends with
Hajime sacrificing herself which is what the first half of ep 11 was leading me on to believe. Though I can't really say I'd be happy if it was O.D either. :(

Maybe Hajime will surprise all of us once again and solve this issue without any more blood being spilt.
If they manage to pull that off then I'll happily look past all the bad animation and bits of poorly thought out pacing.

Episode 12 [end]

Well I think it had a strong ending at times and other times just left me feeling..."thats it"? Anyway kind of hope theres more just for the sake of
whatever has happened with OD and more to how the world is dealing with Crowds. At the end it kind of felt as if the Gatchaman were kind of pointless and worthless (and Hajime kind of said it too, or implied it when she had to contact Rui)

I was disappointed Sugane had limited screentime and focus over the course and Joe pretty much underutlized for the whole thing. They had their moments but somehow it became a, not that Im disappointed, Rui affair after forcing Hajime's terrible antics in our face.

Sadly, I think the anime will only be more remembered for its great OP, ED, and soundtrack than the content. Though I do like its message
everyone ought to do their part and cooperate across different branches etc, though seemed like something emergency responders and politicians should watch...

May not be buying, 7/10.
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