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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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I need to up my awareness. I just noticed Kuraine posting and it was all thanks to a reddit post. I want to say welcome to the forums but for all I know you started posting here last month.


New Kralkatorrik lieutenant or Scarlett's new experiment?

From a look at his gallery, he does a lot of angular stuff. I think it comes off as a little too mechanical at first blush, so you kind of have to look deeper. I think this could actually be Claw of Jormag or even Jormag himself.

hm, so I guess the halloween stuff must be the 2nd patch in Oct. I see no mention of it.

Though maybe some bits might go in too.

There's five Tuesdays in October, so theoretically we should have updates on the first, 15th and 29th. If they push Mad King back to the 29th, it's going to actually occur on Halloween, but run into November quite a bit (their holiday events usually run for a full month). If they have it on the 15th, that'd only run to November 12th. So I'm guessing they'll do that.

Weird having three updates in a month. Looking at my calendar, I wonder if they'll do an update on Christmas Eve since the 24th is right in line to be an Update Tuesday.

Always wondered why the statue of Dwayna looked nothing like Dwayna.

I always thought it was because the statue was corrupted.

It's amazing how many people like to shit all over this game because they played it a couple days back at launch.

I'd say something PRetro-y here, but I have too much fun playing the game to bother defending it. If people don't want to get onboard with what is arguably one of, if not the best MMO experiences right now, that's their loss. If they're too opinionated, biased, ignorant, or whatever to realize the first few days of a new MMO are going to be rough (and by MMO standards, GW2's launch was amazingly smooth, just look at FFXIV's reboot), I'm not going to feel sorry that they're not playing an amazing game.

I need to up my awareness. I just noticed Kuraine posting and it was all thanks to a reddit post. I want to say welcome to the forums but for all I know you started posting here last month.

Nah, Kuraine has been posting since before OT1, he was helping people out during the BWEs.


Explain me the difference between r/Games and r/gaming. I am woefully ignorant here

gaming is for just stupid meme shit

Games is for actual news and stuff

edit: I hope you all noticed the background of Twilight Assault has an aetherblade ship in it. The background looks to be faded screenshots


Scarlet is such a bad character she makes metzen look like shakespeare >_<

Ok thats going to far but still. I cant express how much I hate her and everything about her.....


edit: I hope you all noticed the background of Twilight Assault has an aetherblade ship in it. The background looks to be faded screenshots

The last boss fight of the new TA path will take place on an airship as Scarlet attempts to escape. After you beat her to a leafy pulp, she'll send the ship on a collision course into Caledon and it will crash into the Dominion of Winds, opening a path into the new zone.


The last boss fight of the new TA path will take place on an airship as Scarlet attempts to escape. After you beat her to a leafy pulp, she'll send the ship on a collision course into Caledon and it will crash into the Dominion of Winds, opening a path into the new zone.
And kill all the sylvari. Or should I say marysuvari!


What the fuck Zone 2? Why am I playing tribulation mode without being on trib mode?

There's lots of memorization involved in that zone, always watch where the arrow traps are. Assassins are extremely annoying though. You could use the shortcut to skip most of the zone too.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Got caught up in reading the early launch days on the first OT for whatever reason. It's really funny to me how (beyond the dramatically higher hostility levels of course) many aspects of the game we found too difficult or didn't fully understand that seem completely trivial now. There are accusations of all kinds of gamebreaking design decisions that never came to fruition, while a fair few legitimate problems are completely overlooked. It's clear for example that no one yet understood what culling actually was; thinking about how it would later become one of the most common complaints and then finally get eliminated completely is a great little parable for the genuine support this game is really getting when you cut through all the crap. Lots of things are covered to an inordinate extent that are complete jokes now, like the difficulty of affording trait books or gearing up for dungeons, or the overall viability of certain classes. It's also nice to see how many people who were regularly playing then are either still regularly playing now or have taken breaks and returned various times over the months. I feel like we've kept a really great community together over the course of this game's first year and it's amazing- insane, to me- to think that our peak guild player activity wasn't back then, but within the last two months.

This did give me a warm smile:
So what do you guys think about this game? I plan on buying it today but am afraid it'll die like other MMO's that aren't WoW. Do you see it being a barren wasteland a month after?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Launch OT said:
Working with a huge group of friends to take down a hard monster is just fun. It's not about repetition, it's about the thrill of the encounter, the social experience, and the rewards.

I hate how MMORPGs are all moving to tiny raid sizes of like 10 people or fewer.
Because designing them around 20-50 people is harder and I assume costs more, while on the user end, getting 50 people together, organized and willing to go through them is increasingly hard. Maybe not for WoW's huge numbers, but for every other game out there it's just not worth it.

GW2 way of dealing with it is making these events that happen in the world. There's pros and cons to it of course, but it's easier to get the people to do them. The drawback is that they are not as elaborate as they should be.
dat foreshadowing!


Once you guys see the new TA path, you'll hopefully understand why it's the main thing we worked on for Oct. We spent a lot of time getting it right/challenging/fun. You may also see some homages to the existing TA and other Scarlet alliance dungeons.

Awesome. I just hope there will be a right balance of the existing TA atmosphere and the new magic-techy. I hope they mesh well without losing out to each other.
Can't wait to see what it is about. :)


I'm very happy they're leaving the old ta paths. Hopefully they tweak them sorta like they did with ac. I like a lot of the encounters and the feel of the paths, they just need to be fine tuned.


I liked Outnumbered right where it is. Its the main reason we pull incredibly stupid stuff on the weekend bls. I like the idea behind the ruins & bloodlust, but the little rewards along with the cap times gave me a bad first impression.


A part of me hopes that Scarlet grows into a giant, rooted tree that we have to kill as a final for-reals world event boss.

I hope she travels to Orr in a ploy to use Zhaitans leftover energies as power, only to reawaken him and get killed.. SO WE CAN HAVE ANOTHER GO AT HIM BESIDES 2-2-2-2-2!

I just want an excuse to punch Zhaitan in the face again.


I hope she travels to Orr in a ploy to use Zhaitans leftover energies as power, only to reawaken him and get killed.. SO WE CAN HAVE ANOTHER GO AT HIM BESIDES 2-2-2-2-2!

I just want an excuse to punch Zhaitan in the face again.

They're redoing the Zhaitan fight.


I beat Zone 2, now going back for hidden rooms and babbles.

Then I will be done with that. then it's just Zone 3, then trib mode time!


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has disrupted my Tuesday routine.
Couldn't be around to make a post-Teq/makeups Karka Queen run suggestion D=

On the upside I finally finished my Gift of Fortune!
Now I need Spark more than ever o_o
Today's experiments:





Remember how elves ruin most stories?

Now its just tree people >.< I was hoping they wouldnt just be leaf elves... but they are...


Has this been posted yet? http://gw2dragons.com/dragons/leaderboard

API data of all # of Taco kills for each server. SBI total is at 9. Which is currently tied for 7th among all servers.

Although by my count, should we be at 11? Maybe hasn't updated for today yet.
Thurs: 1
Fri: 1
Sat: 2
Sun: 3 (I think that was the 3 kill night)
Mon: 2
Tues: 2


Goddamn at Blackgate. PVE masters

Wait a minute. That site says that Desolation was first before Blackgate. RECOUNT!

edit: awww shit, Northern Shiverpeaks and Borlis Pass still not on the list, rofl


Goddamn at Blackgate. PVE masters

Wait a minute. That site says that Desolation was first before Blackgate. RECOUNT!

edit: awww shit, Northern Shiverpeaks and Borlis Pass still not on the list, rofl

I converted the timestamps. It suggests
Desolation: 09 / 18 / 13 @ 12:01:23pm EST
Blackgate: 09 / 18 / 13 @ 1:19:26pm EST

maybe they're off. Didn't blackgate do it at 1:30 AM?

Edit: Well, 10:30 pm same day as release so timestamps seem funky.
See in I Wanna Be The Guy, 95% of the time you'll be dying doing really challenging jumps so the more occasional cheap surprise deaths are just like comic relief. In tribulation mode, actual challenging jumps are the occasional relief between the constant trial and error cheap surprise deaths. I wish they'd take the idea of tribulation mode and put it in the hands of someone who isn't an untalented hack piece of shit who has no idea how to make an actual challenge.


Has this been posted yet? http://gw2dragons.com/dragons/leaderboard

API data of all # of Taco kills for each server. SBI total is at 9. Which is currently tied for 7th among all servers.

Although by my count, should we be at 11? Maybe hasn't updated for today yet.
Thurs: 1
Fri: 1
Sat: 2
Sun: 3 (I think that was the 3 kill night)
Mon: 2
Tues: 2

this is kind of surprising. The reset must be the only time it finishes, which sucks. I can't do the reset outside of the weekends cause of my work schedule. I was afraid this was going to be the case and so far it seems true.;

While I like the teq fight. it sucks I can't do it but 2 days a week and 1 if I don't do anything saturday.

Maybe there needs to be an incentive for players who already finished it. Possibly drop a chest with a chance of ascended and that's all.


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has disrupted my Tuesday routine.
Couldn't be around to make a post-Teq/makeups Karka Queen run suggestion D=

On the upside I finally finished my Gift of Fortune!
Now I need Spark more than ever o_o

Watch it on Hulu!


I wish they'd take the idea of tribulation mode and put it in the hands of someone who isn't an untalented hack piece of shit who has no idea how to make an actual challenge.
Seriously it's so profoundly un-fun I don't understand how the people who made it are employed in the games industry.

Even as someone who strongly dislikes SAB2 (and considered SAB1 to be one of my favorite pieces of content, so the change was especially noticable), these two comments seem incredibly unfair. Josh Foreman has apologized several times for his missteps regarding SAB, to the point where he was actually asked to stop responding to comments like these on the official forums. He obviously wanted to deliver the best content possible but, like all of us, made some mistakes along the way. The other content he's worked on (SAB1, Mad King's Tower and a lot of the JPs) shows this was just a misstep.

Hate the content all you like, but there's no need to make it personal.
Even as someone who strongly dislikes SAB2 (and considered SAB1 to be one of my favorite pieces of content, so the change was especially noticable), these two comments seem incredibly unfair. Josh Foreman has apologized several times for his missteps regarding SAB, to the point where he was actually asked to stop responding to comments like these on the official forums. He obviously wanted to deliver the best content possible but, like all of us, made some mistakes along the way. The other content he's worked on (SAB1, Mad King's Tower and a lot of the JPs) shows this was just a misstep.

Hate the content all you like, but there's no need to make it personal.

Zone 2-2 and pretty much all of tribulation mode aren't a mistake, they are an extended demonstration of a profound lack of understanding of what makes fun gameplay. Not realizing lag would make the waterspouts too frustrating is an example of a mistake in SAB. Putting invisible instant deaths absolutely everywhere in an attempt to make a 'challenge' isn't a mistake, it's a failure at design at a fundamental level. Mistakes can happen. Design that is completely disconnected from fun at a basic level however should not be excusable.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Even if Josh Foreman weren't an incredibly talented and genuine developer and decent human being (which he is), I'd still find complaints about tribulation mode being cheap or unfair or not an "actual" challenge to be philosophically void. It's not hard to understand being frustrated by it but that's also inherently what it's made for. Merely not finding it fun is no reason to attack the person who made it. On top of which I personally like it quite a bit.

Those were just both really disappointing posts to read and I hope to move briskly past it onto other things.

Registration for the Sept. 24th to Oct 3rd trial is up on the main site.

I also hadn't seen the new dyes in the Deathly Dye pack, for anyone interested:
Swampblack Dye [&AgEduwAA]
Caustic Dye [&AgEeuwAA]
Toxin Dye [&AgEfuwAA]
Algae Dye [&AgEguwAA]
Acid Dye [&AgEhuwAA]
Acrid Dye [&AgEiuwAA]
I don't actually care how nice or how genuine he is, his job is to direct the development resources assigned to him to make good content for GW2. I cannot even comprehend how he thought tribulation mode would be fun in its current state. Simply making the invisible spike traps visible would dramatically make it more like a fun challenging jumping puzzle instead of tedious cheap trial and error dogshit.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I understand that you don't care, and I'm also making room for the fact that you might be just otherwise having a bad day and venting about something you find frustrating. I'd just ask you to acknowledge that your word regarding what is or isn't fun is not gospel. Different people can find different things enjoyable and there's no change to make tribulation mode any easier that would be an improvement in my eyes. You may be intimating that it was designed to be enjoyable by and completed by everyone who attempts it but that was not its stated purpose or goal. You're absolutely correct that it necessitates a lot of trial and error by design, and the sharpness with which you find it not to be fun to play is a supreme indicator that you should simply ignore it and save yourself the frustration.
I have no idea who it is for. I enjoyed I Wanna Be The Guy and Super Meat Boy so ostensibly it should be for me, a guy who has played and enjoyed ultra-hard platforming in other games. But as it is it seems like an attempt to make a Guyesque platforming challenge that fundamentally doesn't understand how to do it in an enjoyable fashion. Maybe I don't enjoy it because its appeal is more selective than people who have enjoyed other ultra hard platformers but maybe it is just bad.
But that's the underground ruins in Iron Marches, I believe. The Aqueducts are cool as hell though.

Damn, good eye. I was trying to catch people out with that one.

. I wish they'd take the idea of tribulation mode and put it in the hands of someone who isn't an untalented hack piece of shit who has no idea how to make an actual challenge.

Holy crap, dude. Was that really necessary?

This is the reason why I decided not to go into game dev. Because I'd be dealing with these kinds of comments, 24/7, no matter what I did, or how good I was. If I wanted to ignore the comments, I'd have to become a PR drone that only replies with preselected messages, and then be hated for that.

What a crap life, to put yourself in something, spend your days working on it, only to take that kind of abuse. I really don't know why people put up with it.
Damn, good eye. I was trying to catch people out with that one.

Holy crap, dude. Was that really necessary?

This is the reason why I decided not to go into game dev. Because I'd be dealing with these kinds of comments, 24/7, no matter what I did, or how good I was. If I wanted to ignore the comments, I'd have to become a PR drone that only replies with preselected messages, and then be hated for that.

What a crap life, to put yourself in something, spend your days working on it, only to take that kind of abuse. I really don't know why people put up with it.

So you've never worked in customer service then. People get shit about their jobs all the time, especially when they publicly screw up at doing it. Game designers are not unique delicate flowers.
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