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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the information guys. Looks like there's been a ton of new things added since I last played so I'll read around and see what I should try.
Engineer should get following new additions.

- Hammer
- Dagger (off-hand) for dat Pistol+Dagger combo
- Mace (main-hand) for Mace+Shield, Mace+Pistol and Mace+Dagger.

So much potential!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Thanks for the information guys. Looks like there's been a ton of new things added since I last played so I'll read around and see what I should try.
If you at all like jumping around, definitely head to the Labyrinthine Cliffs and start hunting sky crystals.
YESSSSSS. And its coming this year as well. That's all I needed to hear.

The blog post was excellent. So happy to hear practically everything in it. Getting rid of magic find too? Anet has way more huevos than I thought. Plus it sounds like they're going to use my idea of "turning in" magic find gear for account mf. Great change. (though I'm sure I wasn't the first to have that idea)

MF is an awful stat to attach to gear, so happy to see them getting rid of it.

As for 500 crafting, egads, that's going to be rough, unless they seriously up the drops of the 400+ mats.


Mmm, weapon variety. Now if they'd only let mesmers run faster outside of combat.

Champions are always holed up in some pretty cool out of the way places so hunting will be fun.


While I'm happy they're getting rid of it, I sorta liked it outside of dungeons. It let players make the game harder for themselves while increasing the reward.

It was sorta like hard mode in gw1. Only obviously not as hard. I would like to see a hard mode toggle in gw2. That just increased your mf and gold find. Maybe as a party toggle so you can make dungeons extra hard but get better drops?


Kinda want necro with a bow. Because it's so weird to think about lol

Bifrost + Dreamer.

I hope the champion rewards revamp does pull people into Orr more, I hate that you're more likely now to get to a skillpoint in Orr by using a spy kit than by teaming up with local randoms to kill the champion guarding it.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
I'm new to this game, lv45 and getting annoyed by the lack of auto-group. I've been playing solo so far and trying to get into AC has been a crapshoot.

To make matters worse, I'm on Euro servers, so I cant even ask the nice GAF crowd here for assistance. =/

Each day that server transfer is looking more and more tempting.


I'm new to this game, lv45 and getting annoyed by the lack of auto-group. I've been playing solo so far and trying to get into AC has been a crapshoot.

To make matters worse, I'm on Euro servers, so I cant even ask the nice GAF crowd here for assistance. =/

Each day that server transfer is looking more and more tempting.

I think there's a server transfer donation fund, is there not?


The hardest part comes now with the waiting. urgggh.

But you have to understand that this stuff will be piecemealed throughout the content updates. Not as one big update.


I'm just waiting for the living story arc where we finally fight Trahearne.

Not gonna happen. But the best thing is that when new personal story will be added, it will definitely be just you, as your role with Trahearne is over. Something more central to your character (and MORE CHOICES PLS) would be awesome.


Not gonna happen. But the best thing is that when new personal story will be added, it will definitely be just you, as your role with Trahearne is over. Something more central to your character (and MORE CHOICES PLS) would be awesome.

Well, we were just talking about dreams. I CAN DREAM TOO.

But what I meant earlier about "personal story" style quests is that we really just need structured quests that do a better job of explaining the story. I know that Anet wants to avoid that whole "quest" nonsense, but in order to tell a good story, there needs to be focused content. I just want a quest that takes you throughout areas we've already been and AREN'T instanced. This is the only way to simultaneously add life to previously unused areas while also giving us substantial and impactful story development.

Also, I'm quite against story choices. I think I want a linear, coherent story in this game at this point, and choices would only keep them from achieving that. Also, I think it'd be cool if our Power/Dignity/Charm aspects ever came into play somewhere.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm new to this game, lv45 and getting annoyed by the lack of auto-group. I've been playing solo so far and trying to get into AC has been a crapshoot.

To make matters worse, I'm on Euro servers, so I cant even ask the nice GAF crowd here for assistance. =/

Each day that server transfer is looking more and more tempting.
You my friend are a prime candidate for the Stormbluff Isle Transfer Fund.

Are you in GAF yet?

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1. Join GAF. (Post your account.#### or character name)
2. Register on www.gafguild.com
3. Post in this thread

By the way um, have you tried www.gw2lfg.com ?

edit: Huh. http://gw2lfg.net/ is still around and active too. Does anyone know how the initial story ended with it? Still evil? It's so much nicer-looking.


Also, I think it'd be cool if our Power/Dignity/Charm aspects ever came into play somewhere.

I know I've said this before, but I really wish they would have reworked the achievement system into a journal like book when they went and redesigned the UI. Every achievement would be there, but the entries would be written in a first person perspective, and that text would be based on your personality choice of charisma, ferocity or dignity.

It'd be a lot of work to do every one, but it would be so much more amazing than what we have now. And using those choices in this way is probably easier than trying to shove it into a branching personal story.


edit: Huh. http://gw2lfg.net/ is still around and active too. Does anyone know how the initial story ended with it? Still evil? It's so much nicer-looking.
The few times I've checked it out, it was loading pretty slowly. Not a fan of an extra click to reach the filters. Also I don't think there's a delete function so at times my group gets join requests even after we've completed the run.

It does look nicer though.


finally, they are revamping dungeon rewards to reflect time/difficulty.

now, just fractals....

magic find removed from gear too, they finally woke up to this

don't understand this: "Ascended weapons and armor will remain account-bound like other ascended gear."

does he mean account-bound until you equip it? cause that's the way all ascended gear is, except for that southsun backpiece, which remains account-bound no matter what


I think it means that it won't be able to be listed on the TP...I guess? Like how you can't buy anything else ascended from the TP at the moment. It's not 100% clear, seems like an odd choice since you can buy/list/sell legendaries.


So what happens when we find out that we need to spend all our T6 mats in the process of making the pre-cursor? Heh heh.


seeing as t6 mats are used for the legendary themselves, they probably won't be used in crafting the precursor

You're not fun at all. =/

We're obviously going to need to invest our world experience points and a bit of our character's empty hollow pitch black soul in the making of the pre-cursor.


Who knows. Some T6 are already doubled up on for Gift of ______ in addition to the Fortune Gift, right?. I mean, I also agree it's unlikely. Probably a mix of old and new. Maybe that's a safe prediction.


I think a bit of something from each tier of crafting materials relevant to the weapon would be useful in putting some value back into certain tiers.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
You my friend are a prime candidate for the Stormbluff Isle Transfer Fund.

Are you in GAF yet?

If not:

1. Join GAF. (Post your account.#### or character name)
2. Register on www.gafguild.com
3. Post in this thread

By the way um, have you tried www.gw2lfg.com ?

edit: Huh. http://gw2lfg.net/ is still around and active too. Does anyone know how the initial story ended with it? Still evil? It's so much nicer-looking.

Cool beans. I did try one of those group finder sites but IU wasn't having much luck.



also i wonder what's going to happen to gold find infusions. are they going to affect the dungeon chests? because otherwise they just got nerfed into oblvion with the removal of coin from bosses


The Cryptarch's Bane
The few times I've checked it out, it was loading pretty slowly. Not a fan of an extra click to reach the filters. Also I don't think there's a delete function so at times my group gets join requests even after we've completed the run.

It does look nicer though.
It may be kind of browser-intensive; it's very speedy for me and works well on phone/tablet.

I'm also not sure what you mean by an extra click to reach the filters exactly- so far as I can see it's actually fewer clicks for the stuff you can filter for on, plus there are more filter options. I also like that it updates in real-time and you don't have to leave the view of the ongoing runs to add a new one.

However, you're totally right that there's no delete function which is kind of inexcusable... this is what it says:
1How do I delete topics?
Your topic is automatically deleted once you close your browser OR you are inactive on your browser for too long.
'Cept my browser frequently stays active while I game. I can't understand why they didn't include this, so that's a big pain.

I can't tell how the drama between the two sites was resolved yet, so for now certainly stick with .com. Wish they'd give it a coat of paint and an autorefresh, but it works.

edit: Any of our wonderful officers around to invite Slightly? :)


You my friend are a prime candidate for the Stormbluff Isle Transfer Fund.

Are you in GAF yet?

If not:

1. Join GAF. (Post your account.#### or character name)
2. Register on www.gafguild.com
3. Post in this thread

By the way um, have you tried www.gw2lfg.com ?

edit: Huh. http://gw2lfg.net/ is still around and active too. Does anyone know how the initial story ended with it? Still evil? It's so much nicer-looking.

gw2lfg.net still pulls data from lfg so it's still scummy.

The LFG system is now in testing and I get the impression it's going to be out during August.

Yeah I just got home let me invite him.


The Cryptarch's Bane
gw2lfg.net still pulls data from lfg so it's still scummy.

The LFG system is now in testing and I get the impression it's going to be out during August.
It also posts to gw2lfg (how...?), so I really don't know. The only communication I see between them is the initial nasty cease and desist drama from 4 months ago. But yeah I can't support it without seeing some assent on the part of gw2lfg.com's creator.


It may be kind of browser-intensive; it's very speedy for me and works well on phone/tablet.

I'm also not sure what you mean by an extra click to reach the filters exactly- so far as I can see it's actually fewer clicks for the stuff you can filter for on, plus there are more filter options. I also like that it updates in real-time and you don't have to leave the view of the ongoing runs to add a new one.
The page loads fine but the actual population of the listings takes a bit longer than the dotcom site. Edit: Wait, it reads from the competitor site too? That might be part of it. :lol

As for the filters, I meant the 'View dungeons and add new group' button hiding options, not the listings at the top. Dotcom just has a dropdown list for dungeons and text field for levels, although I would prefer that they improve the FotM level filtering so I don't need to type numbers.

It deletes when you leave the session? Never knew that. Yeah, it'd be handy to have the option if I'm still looking for more groups afterwards.

You are such an info Ninja! I was just about to post the link to that with some excerpts lol

Lewis: You've mentioned in the new blog post about crafting materials and in some respects it feeds in from my last question in regards to money earned - the cost of Tier 6 materials and the availability of them. The amount of CoF runs the entire Guild Wars 2 user base partake in is having an impact on the end game and Tier 6 collection. Are the new crafting materials a result of that and are you trying to reduce their cost - to get them back into the Trading Post system?

Colin: Well, I think the new crafting materials - there are two different kinds. One kind that is a guaranteed reward that you get for completing any core content: a dungeon, mini dungeon, jumping puzzle, keep or castle. Certain types of Guild Missions will earn you one category of the new crafting material. The thing we're trying to get across there is we're trying to have things with less random chance that you get as rewards. Instead they are guaranteed rewards you know you are going to get for doing this content. We want you to look at a timeline and look at all your guaranteed rewards to make this "thing". Those rewards will tie into making a precursor in the future I imagine, certainly they play a part in making crafted ascended weapons and armour if you choose to make those by crafting. That's really the main intent to guarantee their are rewards for doing content.

I think the Champion rewards are intended to help fix the ability to earn the Tier 6 crafting materials. Champions will have a chance to drop rare crafting and Tier 6 materials. The hope would be that it's going to help players get together to hunt down the Champions all across the world or form large groups in Orr or Southsun and work through fights to kill Champions. Those will plug back into the second half of the new crafting materials, sort of like Tier 7 or Tier 8 depending on how you look at it. This other half is a combination of lower tier materials all combined together to make a new material and they're time limited so you can only make X amount of them per day on each character that you own. They're tradable, so if you want to take your character up to max crafting and every day keep making more and more of these materials, it gives an economy to the high level crafters and keeps a value by limit the number that can be made each day. It's trying to help lower tier materials more valuable as they plug back into this new tier, but it's also trying to give crafters that new additional reason to want to max out crafting.

Not a ton of room left; mace, mainhand dagger, off-hand sword. Hmm.

Yep. Perhaps mainhand torch as well, although dual wielding torches might look funky.

Engineers need an option to hide the Kit Backpack because it just covers the back items.

Would love to have another weapon for Engineer, hammer seems most logical. In my opinion I think the turrets should be totally scrapped, just keep them as part of supply drop. No one uses them as utility for anything, they die so quick.

Not only do I always use them, I have the trait that allows me to throw them. Admittedly, this makes them so much more useful and flexible. Throw them away from you so that they either don't get aggro or, if they do, enemies have to spend so much time going to them and then back to you that they're dead by then. Or drop a flamethrower turret right on top of a ranged enemy, then use its smoke screen. Fun times.

Not a Thief :mad:

OK, how about this then?


There could be, but hearts would be the least likely thing we'd add. The renown system we felt did a nice job to guide players through our world at lower and mid levels, but we feel at higher levels we really can embrace the events system. I think you'll see is a larger sense of innovation and growth in what dynamic events can do for a zone. That doesn't mean vistas and skill points are out the window as it's highly likely you'll see those come back with new zones as well.

Great news. I was really hoping they would ditch the heart system going forward for new zones. It's unnecessary now.


Very few of the staves in this game have the model that would fit a melee profession, anyway. It'd look ridiculous beating someone up in melee with them.


Dual torch thief and elementalist would be cool too. Aha!

Katoki called it.

Huh? I don't recall anything I posted today matching up with anything I've read so far.

Very few of the staves in this game have the model that would fit a melee profession, anyway. It'd look ridiculous beating someone up in melee with them.

I want to hit people with the wrong side of Final Rest.


Katoki: "I think a bit of something from each tier of crafting materials relevant to the weapon would be useful in putting some value back into certain tiers."

Colin: "This other half is a combination of lower tier materials all combined together to make a new material.....trying to help lower tier materials more valuable as they plug back into this new tier."


I may be misinterpreting one or the other I guess.
I think Jira, Hawk or Retro should be invited by ANET to preview new updates and for interviews because they do so much to promote the game in this forum which gets just as many views as some of the sites that are invited to preview updates.


I think Jira, Hawk or Retro should be invited by ANET to preview new updates and for interviews because they do so much to promote the game in this forum which gets just as many views as some of the sites that are invited to preview updates.

At one point, we actually talked about making a GW2 Blog, just so we'd be considered 'credible press'... but then Ash would jump on the EQNext hype train, and he already has so little free time out of the pit as it is... then I'd get hooked on Starbound... next thing you know, poor Jira has to do it all by himself.
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