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Hackers using unreleased on-disc Street Fighter X Tekken DLC in online play


OK, gonna play devil's advocate for a moment...

Is disk locked content avoidable in this situation? When the characters are released, if you don't buy it, but someone else does, what the heck are you going to see when you fight that person online? A fighting polygon from smash brothers?

Blazblue handled it well, they made a patch with every char, then locked the char out until you bought.

This is the method Skullgirls will use as well. Then again, neither game held back content.

I'm not angry about the DLC, I'm angry about the long wait for on-disc content. KOFXIII got it out fairly quickly, and the delay they had was legitimately due to a freeze bug.

This game should have been sold for $40 given all that was cut.

That said, if you guys are mad at Capcom- do something about it. Don't buy their shit, and if you're tourney players, boycott playing Capcom games at tournies. Play other fighters. If Capcom loses their dominant position in tournies and sales, they'll change.


This is pointing out the obvious - of course budgets are "artificial". If Capcom felt like it they could spend 100 million on a fighting game and put 600 characters in it. (If they felt like not turning a profit too.)

Most people who have pointed out the DLC budget aspect, that I've seen, are just saying complaining about the DLC is pointless in that the extra characters would not exist anyway to be bitched about if Capcom hadn't decided to do it that way. This is not an "excuse" for how much the total game costs.

Let me put it another way: by all means say that an $80 fighting game is too expensive. Just don't pretend that the game has content you were "owed" in advance that has now been taken away from you. Which is how a ton of people rationalize. "I paid sixty bux and now I own EVERYTHING that was ever made at Capcom during the period of time in which this game was developed."

Which is a silly thing to say. You own what Capcom offered for sixty dollars. You're free to be unhappy with that (though a game with the base content of SFxT is exactly in line with the price of similar games).

No one likes anything.

Like I mentioned in the last lolCapcomDLC thread (and the one before that, and the one before that), people like to bitch about character DLC in fighting games when they really can't offer functional, better solutions to the same problems. No game has done it "right" mostly due to platform holder restrictions and such which people like to be ignorant about. I've yet to see anyone make a rational alternative to these ugly practices they're forced to resort to. This isn't Ubisoft where they're doing things just to be explicitly and unnecessarily difficult.

Ah, I see the Defenders of Capcpom are in this thread already. Wouldn't be a real thread without people pawns like you.

And people using this as a defense ASSUME this as well. No evidence that those characters would never exist just like Javik from ME3. In fact early designs and planning on both cases point the other way. Hell Cody and Guy were in that Poison reveal trailer way back at SDCC.

The mental gymnastics people play to justify their favorite companies is getting ridiculous. Look, you want to buy the DLC, go ahead but the defenses used for this are weak thats why this argument is ongoing and never ending. And people are going to continue to bitch and call companies out on this as consumers fighting for what rights we have left. I mean FFS at this point

1) we don't own that actual disc we bought
2) we don't really own the console we bought
3) we shouldn't rent or trade in or buy used those games we don't really own
4) on top of xbox live you pay for an online pass, either by getting said game new or paying $10 because they can shut those online servers down at anytime
5) you don't get to play everything on that disc you bought
6) anything else they forgot to limit or take away from us they can just by inserting words in the EULA agreement
7) If you bring up or try to question any of this you are a whiny entitled prick

Look at the EA online pass shutting down servers thread. Here is a hint GAME COMPANIES ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. They don't require your defense, they are not your buddies, they are not going to come to the hospital when you are sick and they are not going to reward you for your patronage and fighting for them. Their "community managers" are not there out of the kindness of their hearts and by the grace of the company. Ono does not have a twitter account out of pure love for you and the fans. They may have some fun doing it but IT IS THEIR JOB!

They want your money, they are a business, and they want your money. End of story, no bromance or hidden agenda. PR people are there saying whatever they need to say to diffuse a situation. This is the biggest problem with gaming communities so close to gaming companies and I think it the only industry out there capable of it, maybe to an extent the music industry. They use it to gauge what the hell they can get away with and this generation they have found they can pretty much get away with most anything. I'm honest to goodness terrified of what next gen is going to end up being.

And this doucebag has the audacity to call the gamers who unlocked these on-disc characters "ballsy" Look at your damn selves Capcom.


This a million times over. Certain people act like we should be fucking grateful to Capcpom for the shit they do when its their fucking job to create god damn video games. They were cooler when they just made games like Street Fighter II, Mega Man, Resident Evil, etc. Now they are literally one of the worst companies that exploits and takes advantage of their fanbase because they fucking know they can get away with it. Instead of questioning actions these poor souls just look up at Capcom from the ground and ask if they can have another and pull out their wallets and buy whatever they're convinced to.


So, I think we should discuss on what the term "DLC" stands for from now on.

Before it was DownLoadable Content, right? So, I guess it would Downloable key to open up Locked Content or something?

I just don't want to get confused anymore. :-/
So, I think we should discuss on what the term "DLC" stands for from now on.

Before it was DownLoadable Content, right? So, I guess it would Downloable key to open up Locked Content or something?

I just don't want to get confused anymore. :-/

Disc Locked Content.


So, I think we should discuss on what the term "DLC" stands for from now on.

Before it was DownLoadable Content, right? So, I guess it would Downloable key to open up Locked Content or something?

I just don't want to get confused anymore. :-/
Disk Locked Content


The sad thing is that they could've just left it out the disc, and left it to be downloaded later. We would be singing their praises if they became downloadable 6 months from now. We would just assume they've been working on those new characters the whole time. But no, they had to save money and put it on the disc.

People are saying Capcom decided that the sales of the characters > the PR nightmare it has caused. But that's not it at all. It's the savings from not having them download a 500MB (or whatever) file > the PR nightmare. How much money can that be?


So, I think we should discuss on what the term "DLC" stands for from now on.

Before it was DownLoadable Content, right? So, I guess it would Downloable key to open up Locked Content or something?

I just don't want to get confused anymore. :-/

My suggested definitions, with examples in fighting game terms

Expansion: added post-launch content sold separately
Example: Tekken 5 DR, SSF4 AE Divekick Edition

Mini-Expansion: a smaller version, like an added character.
Example: what Skullgirls is planning with their DLC chars

DLC: content locked on a disc or unlock key that is held back.
Examples: SC4/5, KOF, Marvel, SFvsTK


I'm just afraid they'll gimp the PC version somehow just like they tried to do for SSF4 because of a single file needed to be changed.

Plus... you know... Being ported to PC means that all the customers will illegally download your game, so why should they bother? amirite?

Sidenote: Laptop + Sticks = SOGOOD.JPG

That's like having a turtle as a pet that has a hamster in its shell.

That's like owning a book that requires a BluRay machine to read it.

That's like owning an air conditioner that cools your neighbors house.
The thought that this practice of DLC in this particular case is being used and set aside to extend gameplay longevity is laughable to me. Consider Capcom's vast history of superb fighters with a wealth of characters and color options BEFORE DLC became prevalent that lasted YEARS for the community, competitive or otherwise.

They use to just make great fighters with tons of variety that stood on their own. It's a dramatic departure from form which is why I think they are targeted a little harder than most in regards to this issue.

All this talk about DLC budgeting - why don't they budget bandwidth costs in their development so DLC truly is DLC? They are worried about nickles and dimes while nickle and diming consumers. There are right ways and wrong ways to approach DLC in my opinion. The right way is (as has been mentioned already) Undead Nightmare for RDR. Make a great game, make it great enough that it is successful, then give audiences an encore they want. The wrong way is create everything at once, put some on disc, budgeted or whatever, and then charge the consumer for it.

Are there no better alternatives being offered? Maybe that because the idea is fucked up to begin with. Make a robust fighting game. It's worked in the past because the games were great. I doubt that if these practices were commonplace around the time of SFII, that we would look at the series with the reverence we do.

Essentially, Capcom is sacrificing the future on the alter of the immediate all for a quick buck and at the expense of customer goodwill. And people are noticing.


Because I aaw that trailer with Cody and Guy and I TRUSTED Capcom to sell me a complete game they developed.

But they never said they were selling you that. In fact, they told you the opposite: this is the roster, Cody and Guy are not on it. Yeah, you might have inferred DLC from that, but that just reinforces that caveat emptor is a worthy principle.

Also, on the issue of trust -- didn't you just say that video game companies aren't your friend? Trust shouldn't enter into it; your interaction with them should be limited to a business transaction. The transaction will consist of you buying what they're selling. You of course have the choice of not buying what they're selling.

As a consumer I don't have to give a shit how they balanced their books to come to the conclusion to try and sell a complete game to me that locks out 12 characters from my use. They are not "entitled" to me jumping through mental hoops to justify what they did.

Are you replying to me? I didn't say anything about balancing books. I'm saying that gamers give publishers the worst possible message: they complain angrily but still buy the game. Often in these discussions the true choice of not playing the game never really comes to the table. Then is it a surprise that publishers don't really take consumer complaints too seriously?


So, I think we should discuss on what the term "DLC" stands for from now on.

Before it was DownLoadable Content, right? So, I guess it would Downloable key to open up Locked Content or something?

I just don't want to get confused anymore. :-/
DLC is no longer an acronym . It just means premium content.



That's like having a turtle as a pet that has a hamster in its shell.

That's like owning a book that requires a BluRay machine to read it.

That's like owning an air conditioner that cools your neighbors house.
Nah, it is just a way to save "transport" costs. Capcom could easily have just released the DLC stuff through patches later on, then sold unlock keys (they have to do it like this due to online play, so that everyone have the 3D models on their console). The end result would be the same, you would have to buy unlock keys regardless. The only different thing is that now you dont have to download a patch.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I guess by removing the ; in the INI file:

#The following enables DLC characters.
#Do not modify.                                
#CAPCPOM 2012                               



no shame


Are you replying to me? I didn't say anything about balancing books. I'm saying that gamers give publishers the worst possible message: they complain angrily but still buy the game. Often in these discussions the true choice of not playing the game never really comes to the table. Then is it a surprise that publishers don't really take consumer complaints too seriously?

When customers decide to exercise that option, gamers are the first to say you're an idiot for denying yourself the honor of playing game x and should just STFU and buy it anyway. Looks at the Batman debacle thread.


When customers decide to exercise that option, gamers are the first to say you're an idiot for denying yourself the honor of playing game x and should just STFU and buy it anyway. Looks at the Batman debacle thread.

I'm aware of that. I'm saying that we're complicit in the shit publishers are pulling. And not just people who buy all the DLC, I mean anyone who buys the game in the first place. Hell, anyone who preorders a game is just making it worse.


Worships the porcelain goddess
And people using this as a defense ASSUME this as well. No evidence that those characters would never exist just like Javik from ME3. In fact early designs and planning on both cases point the other way. Hell Cody and Guy were in that Poison reveal trailer way back at SDCC.

The mental gymnastics people play to justify their favorite companies is getting ridiculous. Look, you want to buy the DLC, go ahead but the defenses used for this are weak thats why this argument is ongoing and never ending. And people are going to continue to bitch and call companies out on this as consumers fighting for what rights we have left. I mean FFS at this point

1) we don't own that actual disc we bought
2) we don't really own the console we bought
3) we shouldn't rent or trade in or buy used those games we don't really own
4) on top of xbox live you pay for an online pass, either by getting said game new or paying $10 because they can shut those online servers down at anytime
5) you don't get to play everything on that disc you bought
6) anything else they forgot to limit or take away from us they can just by inserting words in the EULA agreement
7) If you bring up or try to question any of this you are a whiny entitled prick

Look at the EA online pass shutting down servers thread. Here is a hint GAME COMPANIES ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. They don't require your defense, they are not your buddies, they are not going to come to the hospital when you are sick and they are not going to reward you for your patronage and fighting for them. Their "community managers" are not there out of the kindness of their hearts and by the grace of the company. Ono does not have a twitter account out of pure love for you and the fans. They may have some fun doing it but IT IS THEIR JOB!

They want your money, they are a business, and they want your money. End of story, no bromance or hidden agenda. PR people are there saying whatever they need to say to diffuse a situation. This is the biggest problem with gaming communities so close to gaming companies and I think it the only industry out there capable of it, maybe to an extent the music industry. They use it to gauge what the hell they can get away with and this generation they have found they can pretty much get away with most anything. I'm honest to goodness terrified of what next gen is going to end up being.

And this doucebag has the audacity to call the gamers who unlocked these on-disc characters "ballsy" Look at your damn selves Capcom.

Straight Fucking Ether.


My suggested definitions, with examples in fighting game terms

Expansion: added post-launch content sold separately
Example: Tekken 5 DR, SSF4 AE Divekick Edition

Mini-Expansion: a smaller version, like an added character.
Example: what Skullgirls is planning with their DLC chars

DLC: content locked on a disc or unlock key that is held back.
Examples: SC4/5, KOF, Marvel, SFvsTK

How does KOF do this? Genuine question, I don't play the game.


And people using this as a defense ASSUME this as well. No evidence that those characters would never exist just like Javik from ME3. In fact early designs and planning on both cases point the other way. Hell Cody and Guy were in that Poison reveal trailer way back at SDCC.

The mental gymnastics people play to justify their favorite companies is getting ridiculous. Look, you want to buy the DLC, go ahead but the defenses used for this are weak thats why this argument is ongoing and never ending. And people are going to continue to bitch and call companies out on this as consumers fighting for what rights we have left. I mean FFS at this point

1) we don't own that actual disc we bought
2) we don't really own the console we bought
3) we shouldn't rent or trade in or buy used those games we don't really own

4) on top of xbox live you pay for an online pass, either by getting said game new or paying $10 because they can shut those online servers down at anytime
5) you don't get to play everything on that disc you bought
6) anything else they forgot to limit or take away from us they can just by inserting words in the EULA agreement
7) If you bring up or try to question any of this you are a whiny entitled prick

Look at the EA online pass shutting down servers thread. Here is a hint GAME COMPANIES ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. They don't require your defense, they are not your buddies, they are not going to come to the hospital when you are sick and they are not going to reward you for your patronage and fighting for them. Their "community managers" are not there out of the kindness of their hearts and by the grace of the company. Ono does not have a twitter account out of pure love for you and the fans. They may have some fun doing it but IT IS THEIR JOB!

They want your money, they are a business, and they want your money. End of story, no bromance or hidden agenda. PR people are there saying whatever they need to say to diffuse a situation. This is the biggest problem with gaming communities so close to gaming companies and I think it the only industry out there capable of it, maybe to an extent the music industry. They use it to gauge what the hell they can get away with and this generation they have found they can pretty much get away with most anything. I'm honest to goodness terrified of what next gen is going to end up being.

And this doucebag has the audacity to call the gamers who unlocked these on-disc characters "ballsy" Look at your damn selves Capcom.

shieeeeeet SO true!
Isn't that the point of DLC? You download new content for your game?

Things weren't like this before. What happened to the days of mvsc2 or capcom vs snk where you could unlock stuff by playing the game?

Why do people continue to ask questions like this?

Has it not been painfully obvious that this generation of consoles has made nickel-and-diming a standard practice?

We've been through this shit, people. Dozens of times. It's not going to change until we stop paying for it.
Why do people continue to ask questions like this?

Has it not been painfully obvious that this generation of consoles has made nickel-and-diming a standard practice?

We've been through this shit, people. Dozens of times. It's not going to change until we stop paying for it.

I've heard people say that if they dont support Capcom then they think Capcom will stop making fighting games.


But they never said they were selling you that. In fact, they told you the opposite: this is the roster, Cody and Guy are not on it. Yeah, you might have inferred DLC from that, but that just reinforces that caveat emptor is a worthy principle.

Also, on the issue of trust -- didn't you just say that video game companies aren't your friend? Trust shouldn't enter into it; your interaction with them should be limited to a business transaction. The transaction will consist of you buying what they're selling. You of course have the choice of not buying what they're selling.

Trust in your product and companies selling you stuff has nothing to do with friendship. Everyone has a relationship with companies they do business with but their is a difference between a business relationship and bringing friendship and an emotional connection with a company.

These shadier tactics of DLC and holding back content have eroded the trust people have in companies product. That has nothing to do with being friends or buddies. If anything gaming companies trying to be buddies or friends is them trying to gain that trust back which just comes off sleazy to me.

Are you replying to me? I didn't say anything about balancing books. I'm saying that gamers give publishers the worst possible message: they complain angrily but still buy the game. Often in these discussions the true choice of not playing the game never really comes to the table. Then is it a surprise that publishers don't really take consumer complaints too seriously?

I didn't buy this game. I was going to, I was excited for some of the characters I was seeing. In fact after I got my VITA i was even considering buying it for that to make sure I get all those characters, the complete game. After learning about them sticking these characters on the actual discs they are selling people though and making the characters timed exclusives has eroded my trust in capcom and their products so I am speaking with my wallet. The other point I was trying to make though is that others won't follow this and are so infatuated with these companies that they will keep buying this shit regardless and defending them even which makes it harder in the future to avoid this stuff without giving up gaming all together. How many goalposts do we have to keep moving to justify gaming companies behavior and antics?

Oh DLC will be fine, its a way for them to extend the life of games, surely the companies won't abuse it thinking they could get away with it because we just wouldn't buy it, teehee.

Oh this horse armor is just a fluke, no one will buy it and it won't catch on.

Oh only Namco will have the balls to abuse unlock keys

Oh day one DLC is not them holding back content. They are fighting piracy and used sales and they developed it entirely in that certification phase so it couldn't be included on the disc anyways.

Oh they had different development teams and budgets, yea...

Umm..they are saving on bandwidth costs for themselves by including the DLC content planned 6 to 8 months from now on the disc you just bought..

Just buy the fucking game or don't you ungrateful entitled prick!
Why do people continue to ask questions like this?

Has it not been painfully obvious that this generation of consoles has made nickel-and-diming a standard practice?

We've been through this shit, people. Dozens of times. It's not going to change until we stop paying for it.

I would guess most are asking because they haven't been or are just returning to the fighting scene?

I myself just stopped buying, so I'm in the "idiot depriving myself" category. Many here, although they seem to be on the other side, ARE correct. We must vote with our dollars to send a message. It'll take many of us, and won't be quick..but it can be done.


I'm more mad at Capcom's inept handling of the situation. How bad do you have to be to let me know I can't have characters for 6 months because Sony supplied moneyhats and also make it so that I can see other people playing them, be it on ranked or even the Youtubes.

It's basically Capcom telling me, not only do they NOT want my money, they want me to feel like an inferior customer (as my preferred console is the 360).

It's just bizarre from a PR perspective.

I had the same confusion with Marvel alt costumes, albeit at a much more "meh" level. I know the theory is waiting to release extends gameplay, but I can't imagine them getting equal or MORE money from customers by waiting til the casuals quit the game to release DLC.

The Sony moneyhats must block out the sun.

Its all for MonHun. No Moneyhats involved.


KoF characters were all unlocks.

I see, but if I understand correctly the game was also 50$ on release? I guess thats'...kind of ok. At least lets them do their "keep the game alive and fresh" thing without completely screwing over day 1 buyers. Still don't like it though.


Trust in your product and companies selling you stuff has nothing to do with friendship. Everyone has a relationship with companies they do business with but their is a difference between a business relationship and bringing friendship and an emotional connection with a company.

What you're asking for is tantamount to them being nice to you. You're asking them to give you something more than what they explicitly sold you. You trusted that they would be nice to you.

I mean, don't get me wrong, when a publisher does more than they absolutely have to it's great. But you can't have it be expected behavior, especially when it's so very rare.


What you're asking for is tantamount to them being nice to you. You're asking them to give you something more than what they explicitly sold you. You trusted that they would be nice to you.

I mean, don't get me wrong, when a publisher does more than they absolutely have to it's great. But you can't have it be expected behavior, especially when it's so very rare.

Being nice to me? Asking to be able to play the content on the disc I bought, to play the complete game they developed is them being nice to me?

Sometimes I feel like that guy from In the Mouth of Madness.


Not sure who i should shake my head more at; Capcom for screwing over their fans, or the fans who defend locked away content and call it piracy when you try to access something you already own.

Licence my fucken arse, wheres the EULA I signed? I signed no EULA. Did anyone else sign this supposed EULA?

You do by buying the game.

You actually don't buy the game, you buy a "pass" to play it
News Source said:
The hacks also appear to allow the PlayStation exclusive Mega Man and Pac Man to be used on 360, though InFamous’ Cole and the Sony Cats, also exclusive to PS3, are not on the 360 disc. Make of that what you will.
You know the ball has been dropped when hackers are getting more content out of the game than even those that buy all of the DLC.


Being nice to me? Asking to be able to play the content on the disc I bought, to play the complete game they developed is them being nice to me?

Sometimes I feel like that guy from In the Mouth of Madness.
Just wondering, would you have a different opinion if they released a patch later on and then you had to buy unlock keys?

You know the ball has been dropped when hackers are getting more content out of the game than even those that buy all of the DLC.
This probably indicates that Pacman and Mega Man are timed exclusive.



That's like having a turtle as a pet that has a hamster in its shell.

That's like owning a book that requires a BluRay machine to read it.

That's like owning an air conditioner that cools your neighbors house.

That's like having cable TV that doesn't let you watch every channel without an extra payment!



All this talk about DLC budgeting - why don't they budget bandwidth costs in their development so DLC truly is DLC?

Because that's a needless extra cost. There's no point to taking that cost when there's an alternative method.

Shouldn't companies be praised for being economical in this world of bloated dev budgets?

And on that note...

One company creates a game out of 50 million. Another company does the same but splits those 50 million into 40 million and 10 million for "DLC".

Dev budgets for on-disc products need to drop. The latter is the way things *ought* to be going, like it or not. Unfortunately, I don't think they *are* going that way.


Being nice to me? Asking to be able to play the content on the disc I bought, to play the complete game they developed is them being nice to me?

The game Capcom was selling did not have those characters on the roster. You knew this ahead of time. But still you believed that they would be in because they were in a trailer. You trusted Capcom to give you more than what they sold you. What would you call that?

There's clearly a disagreement between what Capcom is selling and what you bought, but it's clearly an error to suppose that you everything on the disc, just because you own the physical disc. I don't believe this has ever, ever been the case with games. It's just that earlier whether you owned the content or just a license didn't make much of a difference.


I see, but if I understand correctly the game was also 50$ on release? I guess thats'...kind of ok. At least lets them do their "keep the game alive and fresh" thing without completely screwing over day 1 buyers. Still don't like it though.

Well, going by the logic of some people in this thread, it's not okay. I don't see how KoF's characters are any different than SxT's in concept.


You do by buying the game.

You actually don't buy the game, you buy a "pass" to play it

Actually, that's not necessarily set in stone. I think given the nature of virtual products, it *ought* to be, but a lot of people balk at the idea of licensing games software.


Just wondering, would you have a different opinion if they released a patch later on and then you had to buy unlock keys?

People, stop with these repeating defense arguments. You're skipping a whole point of argument.

Fooling customers is not an acceptable answer either. This is not DLC, they were caught with their pants down and the fact that completed characters are on the disc is totally eradicating the whole "separately developed, not created in time for disc certification" argument. Yes, they could have done it the way you are describing and yes, it would have probably cut down on arguments and fooled many people. That doesn't make it any less wrong though.

I'm just not getting how accepting people are of these dirty unethical practices to the point where they are coming up with ways that Capcom could have fooled them that would have been more acceptable?! That's not the point, at least it shouldn't be the point.



Just wondering, would you have a different opinion if they released a patch later on and then you had to buy unlock keys?

This probably indicates that Pacman and Mega Man are timed exclusive.

I did in the case of Blazblue, but that's because they also did a balance patch with the DLC.
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