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House of Cards Season 4 |OT| Anything for America. Netflix March 4th


Well they messed up by talking about season 5. 3 was good enough to hype, but this show should end with season 4.
All good shows should have five seasons.we got to the high point of Claire and Frank. S4 Clairemont vs frank. S5 Franks ultimate destruction.
I would be disappointed with a season 6 or a spin off though.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
No way House of Cards election season is going to be as entertaining than our real life elections.


Hunky Nostradamus
Question: House of Cards drops in about 24 hours — what have you seen and what can you share?! —Mark

Ausiello: I’ve seen the first six episodes. And I can share that in Episode [redacted], something happens involving [redacted] and [redacted] that made me choke on my Diet Half ‘n Half Snapple and violently s–t my [redacted]. Also, if the final seven episodes are as strong as the first six, Season 4 is going to give Season 2 a run for its money as the series’ strongest yet.

via Ausiello
I really hope they can recover after the mess that was season 3. I love 1 and 2, but 3 felt like a chore to watch and ended up being such a dud in terms of story. I don't even remember what happened beyond
Claire leaving.
Stamper fucking killed that hooker
No way House of Cards election season is going to be as entertaining than our real life elections.
You KNOW there's gotta be a Donald Drumpf cameo.


I'm excited for this even if I didn't like season 3. I don't even remember what happend, I need to find a good synopsis.
Ugh. I have a new lady friend coming to spend the night on Friday. Do I have tons of wonderful sex or ignore her and binge watch house of cards? Decisions


Can't fucking wait!!

Really hope it's better than season 3. It felt so different from the first two
Fuck. Just when I resolve not to binge NetFlix shows for 12-13 hours the moment they hit, too.

Can't fucking wait!!

Really hope it's better than season 3. It felt so different from the first two

That's because s3 was different. It needed to be. Frank won. s3 was about Frank finding out that he won. s4 will be about him figuring out what that means.

Frank tried to regain his humanity in s3.


When will this unlock on March 4th? I am in Europe (it's March 4th in like 5 minutes) and have a day off so perfect timing for me to binge watch it.


Homeland Security Fail
Avoid Slate's review. They have spoilers.

AV Club:

That said, there are some real risks taken this season, both stylistically, and in terms of plot. Did showrunner Beau Willimon decide to go out with a bang? Without getting into too much detail, a big event a few episodes in completely shifts the show on its axis in unprecedented fashion. Whether it ends up giving the series somewhere new to go isn’t clear in the six episodes screened for critics, but it’s nice to see House Of Cards showing some of the ambition Frank so admires.


B+ (their review seems to touch on the story a bit too much for my tastes, so I didn't read it all).


Without giving anything away, where the show occasionally stumbles, and at times risks jumping the shark, is in its handling of politics. Yes, the Underwoods can have done all kinds of horrible stuff behind the scenes in their pursuit of power, but there are certain practical curbs on the public face politicians must project – even in this day and age – that the series periodically violates, to the point where it can temporarily burst the dramatic bubble, making viewers (at least those prone to second-guess such things) keenly aware that they’re watching a work of flamboyant fiction. Put more simply, the writing conjures drama by making these highly intelligent characters do some very dumb things.


Hoping that this season is good. I wasn't a big fan of season 3.

Looking forward to watching some of it this weekend.
Yes, the Underwoods can have done all kinds of horrible stuff behind the scenes in their pursuit of power, but there are certain practical curbs on the public face politicians must project – even in this day and age – that the series periodically violates, to the point where it can temporarily burst the dramatic bubble, making viewers (at least those prone to second-guess such things) keenly aware that they’re watching a work of flamboyant fiction. Put more simply, the writing conjures drama by making these highly intelligent characters do some very dumb things.

Man, this is exactly what I didn't like about season 3. It was just too ridiculous at times. I will watch the first two or three episodes and see if I like it, but I'm not very hopeful.


This will do the trick to help me forget about the test I'll have just taken tomorrow, along with the beer.


I actually hated Season 3, and I want the show to end so knowing that there's possibly no end in sight isn't reassuring to me, but if they can steer the show back on track I'll be all about again. I'll start watching after work tomorrow, hopefully I'll enjoy it.
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