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How Are People You Know In Real Life Responding To Xbox One?


Most xboxers I know are still contemplating the switch...its almost with a certain amount of grief and resignation, like "(sigh) I think Im gonna switch (sigh)"

My response is if it pains you, why switch...but then they pretty much then concede there is life on the other side of their gamer ID or whatever its called, and most don't give two shits about the bones non gamer features.

The only straw they grasp to is either "but I like Halo" (and thats cool, that would be like losing Kratos), or 'b,b,b,b, but titanfall'.
I teach 11-16 year olds. Amongst them (very pro 360) its almost universally bad "no used games" "not as powerful" are the two main ones. I can remember 2 (out of the hundreds of kids) saying they'll stick with Xbox. One because his friends will have it (but he'll change if not) and one saying he can't give up Halo (to which his mate said its gone downhill with 343 - fucking love my students).

Among my adult gamer friends, most are against bar one hardcore xbot.

I really see the people whose first 'gen' of gaming was xbox, to be the ones most likely to remain with the bone,

I went from Sega Master System to Genesis blindly. Then I switched to PS1, and went to PS2 blindly, and probably stupidly went PS3 (but it finally made itself into a stellar platform), and am at the point where I dont care who makes it now, and was more than open to a Xbox switch, and then boom, sony mic dropped on them.

Basically this gen, almost no PS3 only owners will go XB1, there is no reason too. And many 360s are going PS4, because there are ALMOST no really good reasons to remain at this point.

This is going to be a great business case study in grad school in 10yrs once all the results, inner conversations leak...heads roll...etc


My Facebook friends are all pro ps4 and say the Xbox one is shit. Everyone I've talked to about it in person either hasn't heard of either or want a ps4, when I tell them about the online check in and lack of used games they laugh at the Xbox. People especially don't like that kinectis is required and is always on. I don't know anyone who wants one. Plus it's $100 more.
Some of my gamer friends were talking shit about the PS4 when it was revealed to have no BC. Now that they know the same thing applies to Xbox One all bets are off. In the end, I think MS giving up the digital advantage they had this gen will be one of the biggest mistakes.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Every person I know was a diehard Xbox fan, never wanted to touch PC games, or PS3 games. And they are all the type of person that only buys one console per gen.

All that said, every single one of them has the PS4 preordered already.


UK here.

At my workplace, mainly made up of casual gamers. It seems like the PS4 is on the menu and Xbox One has already passed its sell by date (though none are interested at launch, casuals huh).

My nephew though is in heaven. He is a playstation owner in a sea of 360 owners at his school. His report..."They have finally seen the light"


I'm having a hard time convincing my friends to go PS4.
Like many people, we all owned X360 and PS3 this gen, and because we started out mostly playing games like pdz, ghost recon, gears, halo, and cod.. X360 was the way to go.
And XBL was sooo much better than PSN for setting up games, parties and group chats etc.
PS3 couldn't do any of that, so ... easy choice.

And that resonated. And it's stuck with them. I tell them PS4 will be much better, PSN is gonna be better this time etc etc. But they all sold their PS3s cause of PSN's inferiority for online gaming, are happy with what Microsoft offers and just don't want to go back to it.
Most of my friends regretted purchasing PS3.

Now, Sony has converted me. I want nothing to do with Microsoft's next console. PS4 Day 1 for me. But there's no question that XBL platform was so superior for partying up with friends online for games of COD, NHL, anything really.. and people spent years making friends and grouping with friends on XBL. I think a lot of people are just gonna roll with it, rather than risk dipping their toes in the Sony pool (which was full of pee, last time they took a dip)
Before, my roommate had been saying that he was probably going to be getting the next Xbox, and the 360 is the only console he purchased this gen. When I told him about the DRM policy he very quickly decided he's not getting an Xbox One.

He didn't say he was getting a PS4 though. He said he might eventually get one, but more than likely he's just going to keep playing his 360 (he's the kind of gamer who pretty much just picks one game he likes and plays nothing but that for like 6 months, so there's a lot of 360 games he hasn't touched yet) and probably do a little more gaming on his PC.


My wife actually said she won't allow me to buy Xbone on principle, which I found funny. No danger there.
My wife said "You'll buy it anyway" when I was complaining about the used games policies. "(sigh) I know" was my answer. I'm so weak. :/
All die hard Xbox fans. (All military btw)

All of them want the PS4, some of them were felt betrayed by Microsoft because these were guys who supported the one American console maker since the first Xbox. One of them said this will be his first Playstation system because he hated the controller but likes what they are doing with the DS4.

I was the only pro-Playstation guy until this point, now I have friends to play online with :D

Also, one of my friends on facebook posted his receipt saying he traded in his 360 after the shit MS pulled.


Party Pooper
1. Friend who is the only person buying more games than I do has said "fuck next-gen, sticking with PC and handhelds", but he's been telling my for the past year how he is generally tired of video games and they don't give him the same feeling of joy that they used to.

2. dude I used to work with: "as of right now the PS4 has won me over, I like being able to do as I please with my stuff"

3. an acquaintance I met once who is hardcore Xbox was going on about how he "is all about supporting the underdog"... so I asked him if he bought PS3 first last time... he hasn't talked to me since
I've asked two people if they plan on buying any of the new systems. Impartial, generic questions.

Coworker answered "Maybe. But definitely not the Xbox." He then touched on the DRM news.

My good friend is still on the fence. We BOTH were planning on moving to Xbox One. We are primarily PS3 gamers, but many of our acquaintances are on Xbox Live. So we had decided months earlier to go green so we could play with them. The Xbox One would mean a fresh, exciting introduction to the MS side of things. Then the E3 announcements came out, and now my friend is not so sure. He trades in games to buy new games. He's heavily leaning PS4.

I keep all of my games, but I want to know that I have the choice to sell my games. I'm definitely going to PS4. I've already pre-ordered a launch day system on Amazon.


They all hate it. I've not seen or heard one overall positive opinion on the Xbox One in real life or on Facebook; it's almost entirely negative. PS4, on the other hand, has been either positive or neutral; no negatives for it.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Me and 2 coworkers preordered PS4 on the day after the press conferences basically, and I know of at least 2 more people who preordered and a bunch of people who're planning on buying the PS4. I know of no one (well, one guy in IRC who's pretty much crazy) who plans on One so far, which I didn't really expect to be honest.

But yeah, during E3 there was a lot of laughter in the offices.
Loyal ms-fanboy friend said he may switch to PS4, but he'll need to know more.

Someone on facebook that isn't much of a gamer said they were planning on getting an xbone since their 360 is borked, but after reading up on it, he thinks he'll just get another 360 when the price drops to $99.


My wife actually said she won't allow me to buy Xbone on principle, which I found funny. No danger there.

My fiancé said same thing.

"So no gamefly? So I have to pay 60$ to figure out I hate a game in the first twenty min no refund? FUCKTHAT"

We originally planned to not get a new console till next spring but we are getting one at launch due to my hype, and her wanting to add a +1 against ms.


Most xboxers I know are still contemplating the switch...its almost with a certain amount of grief and resignation, like "(sigh) I think Im gonna switch (sigh)"

My response is if it pains you, why switch...but then they pretty much then concede there is life on the other side of their gamer ID or whatever its called, and most don't give two shits about the bones non gamer features.

The only straw they grasp to is either "but I like Halo" (and thats cool, that would be like losing Kratos), or 'b,b,b,b, but titanfall'.

I really see the people whose first 'gen' of gaming was xbox, to be the ones most likely to remain with the bone,

I went from Sega Master System to Genesis blindly. Then I switched to PS1, and went to PS2 blindly, and probably stupidly went PS3 (but it finally made itself into a stellar platform), and am at the point where I dont care who makes it now, and was more than open to a Xbox switch, and then boom, sony mic dropped on them.

Basically this gen, almost no PS3 only owners will go XB1, there is no reason too. And many 360s are going PS4, because there are ALMOST no really good reasons to remain at this point.

This is going to be a great business case study in grad school in 10yrs once all the results, inner conversations leak...heads roll...etc

It seems pretty clear to me that people who like Halo would be more about Destiny because it looks almost literally like the next incarnation of that series whereas the base game is on the downslope.
after bringing up the lack of BC on both, it totally made brand loyalty onto next-gen less important when speaking about PS4 and Xbone to 360 owners who are not informed about NO BC on Xbone and PS4


Only one of my gamer friends had a 360 and he sold it to his brother. Needless to say no one wants an XB1.

Like I think someone from Sony recently said, hardcore gamers are usually who people go to for advice, I am quite a 'techy' in general and people ask me on occasion recommendations for technology, and I often just try to tell them real differences between what they were thinking about purchasing. I've recommended iPads to a bunch of people and I'd never buy one, I usually just try to inform. Most of the more casual gaming audience are likely ones who often trade in and make use of used games though. I would make sure to emphasize the DRM/used-game situation plus the benefits of PS+ when someone asks.


Neo Member
9 out of 11 friends I asked, voted for the right thing:



Update: my one big Xbot friend is most likely going to switch to the ps4. He really doesn't like what MS is doing with Kinect and doesn't like the extra 100$.

My other friends are mostly pc and even my PC master race friend said he would get a ps4 since it was cheap. He said 3 months ago if it was 400 he would get one for the exclusives.
Working retail, the vast majority seem to be PS4, I still get the occasional Xbox One. They usually just stick their head in the ground when I bring up the negatives/positives of either system.

Halo junkies will buy it.

Boss Man

On campus and on facebook I've seen/heard people who I didn't even know played games talk about switching from 360 -> PS4. There are a few that I knew played games regularly on 360, and their sentiment is to switch as well. One of them thinks the Kinect will spy on him...lol

At work (this is also on campus) there was one person who admitted that he was going to buy an Xbox One at launch and maybe get a PS4 later. He knew the issues surrounding it but said Xbox always has more exclusives. He also seemed to like Forza.

Overall, people are as misinformed and dumb as always - but the general consensus is very much in Sony's favor it seems.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
i told my friends about the the always on and no used games, he got mad. he might be switching now.


My best friend is a VERY big user of the Microsoft ecosystem and a core gamer like me. He uses Microsoft everything: phone, desktop,Surface, 360. He loves the voice control on his Kinect.

So obviously, he's preordered the XB1 and is excited for it. The DRM doesn't affect him because he never plays when offline and never rents games.

My primary console was 360 this gen but now I'm going to PS4. So, I'm not sure how our co-op gaming is going to work out. One or both of us is going to have to cave and get the other's next gen platform of choice.

On the bright side, we'll both be able to try out each others platforms.


A lot of my friends actually ask my thoughts on gaming to stay informed or to help them have a better idea of what each device/game is all about. Suffice to say, none of my gaming friends are happy about the Xbone. Most of us will be running Wii U/PS4/PC this gen. A couple of my friends think that Microsoft will have no choice but to patch out the drm bullcrap after 6 months, but that's the most positive thought on the device. We're all console guys/gals, we like trading our games around, and hate the change from ownership of a physical product to a software license.

As for the games themselves, no one in my circle is impressed with any of the exclusives except for Titainfall (bear in mind that we weren't blown away by Sony's exclusive offerings either; we're suffering a lot of genre fatigue). All the games on the platform that we want are multi-plats. I don't think any of us will be getting an Xbone. We agree it's the 3rd console curse.


- 3 of them say they will get PS4 over Xbone
- 1 of them tries to defend the Xbone, but says he will get both consoles
- 1 wants a PS4 over Xbone, but says he doesn't care about consoles and ultimately prefers PC over both
Haha, some funny stories about what people's girlfriends/wives said. Mines told me she wouldn't have the one in the house (already super incensed by Kinect on the 360) after I told her about the various policies. She's happy I've preordered a ps4....no idea what she'll do when she finds out I've preordered a one for launch as well haha.

I have one friend who initially heard the xbox one news and told me he'd hold off getting one, buy a wii u, and get a one in a few years once they'd sorted that stuff out. The last few days he;s been questioning me about the PS4 though, after he said he wouldn't consider one. I think FFXV, KH3 and The Order all impressed him at the Sony presser, may have shown him Sony has mostly the same games as MS, so why stick to one so heavily if you don't like the new aspects.

Everyone else is saying PS4, but not necessarily at launch. I'm not sure Sony or MS has offered gamers enough reason to upgrade this xmas; definitely enough to do so next year, but perhaps not for this holiday season. Interesting.


It's mixed for most of the people I talked to. Some are going to PS4. Others Xbox One. Many are waiting though to see how things play out.

Many of them are waiting since they remember how things went earlier this gen -- basically price changes, system updates, new SKUs, etc., before the 3rd year or so of the gen.


Every single person i know IRL who plays games has said its absolute trash and they will avoid it all costs. My brother who has not played a game since SF2 in the arcades as kids, asked me if i heard about the BS Xbox policys blocking used games and forced online. The mainstream isnt left out in the cold anymore, social networks are real time, news travels INSANELY fast and word is getting out.
Heard some kids the other day at the movies talking about the Xbox.

One was telling the other about how he didn't know if he wanted to get the new one because he couldn't sell his games. The other agreed that it sucked he couldn't sell his games, but preferred MS games to Sony games and so didn't really want to get a PS4.

I did not comment or correct any misinformation because I don't make a habit of preaching at strangers about videogames outside of the Gaf and GFAQs.
I only know one person kinda interested in it, who became an Xbox fan only a few months ago and says that "well we still have to wait and see... we need more information about both", etc.


We did a small poll and so far 14 said PS4, 0 said Xboxone, 4 undecided and 4 not getting either.
Out of the 14 who said PS4, about 90% have a 360 at present.


At first many weren't too shaken over the Xbone's policies, after E3 though and how the general mass medias picked up on the flaws of the Xbone all but two gaming friends (which this is a fairly large number due to clans, guildmates, and RL friends) are going PS4. Those two stragglers are people who buy everything so it doesn't matter to them.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
most of them seem to say the same thing about DRM however I'm an IT guy and so are my colleagues...

not sure if the rest of the world knows there is a console coming out tbh. I think it's more 'did you see that new thing in shops?' type deal with new consoles.
Several people I know who genuinely like their 360s say they're switching over next gen, no joke. I was surprised to see them talking about it as they are pretty casual, mainly CoD/Sports gamers from work.


The friends who have done research think it is a piece of shit. The friends who are uniformed i tell them to do research on the xbone policies.
At first they were ok but as this week has gone on the tide has turned.

I don't know one person being positive now, I honestly don't.

I still considered it a bit even with Kinect crap and poor specs but then the conferences came and now I won't be touching it.

This is Microsoft biggest folly. I don't see a way back.


Me, and three friends, we use Xbox a lot, we are gonna get a ps4 day one.

Other members family are undecided, we use a Xbox a lot, so this is a big change.


My friends are not really happy with it, the price being biggest factor, nor did they really like the other stuff (DRM, etc.) either.
Gotta ask my brother what his friends think.
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