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How Are People You Know In Real Life Responding To Xbox One?


all ps4 (even the ones who were locked in to 360 this gen). with my brother being the sole xbone. He's older and I think he's actually interested in the media stuff, and still feels some brand loyalty to MS due to MS having the better current gen in the US. he uses uses his ps3 for bluray and the occasional naughty dog game.

Gonna suck as him and I would usually split the cost of single player games and just pass them around. None of my other friends play as many games as me :(


My two brothers both despise the direction that MS are going with xbone, both are going for PS4 next gen after being 360 gamers this gen. All my gamer mates thankfully keep up to speed and are also giving the middle finger to xbone, either going PC or PS4.


Unconfirmed Member
I've talked to some of the kids I babysit, and they all know about the Xbox One's bullshit, and they're all swinging PS4. Two of them specifically said: "We wouldn't be able to take the Xbox One to our grandparent's house cause they don't have internet!"

And I talked to two of my friends who own consoles but don't follow industry news all that much, and they both knew about the Xbox One's DRM policies, too. I was pretty pleased.

So yeah, there's my anecdotal data.


My little brother and all his buddies are big 360 fans. All of them are depressed/pissed off and are now "done with consoles."
I am in my thirties all my Xbox friends and family members plan on buying XB1. Only people I know are irl who care about ps4 is me and a friend who are really hardcore. We both have vita's, ps+.

My brother is in his mid twenties his buddies are reddit fans they talk up ps4 drama but are really PC gamers.

Every gamestop near me sold out of xb1 before ps4 was even shown.


I asked a few of my friends where they were going for this gen and everyone has been saying PS4, even the staunchest of my 360 exclusive buddies.
My cousin said that he's shifting towards the PS4.

And hes the only person in real life I know who has a console. I need some gamer friends damnit.


I only know one person who is getting one, but he buys all the consoles so he doesn't miss out on any exclusives. Most everyone I know whether they game or not have heard of the DRM issues and aren't a fan.


Darkness no more
Gamer friends that keep up on things don't like it.
Gamer friends that just play casually seem to like it.


My friends were all about PS4 until they saw the exclusives for X1. Now they're on the fence and just non-committed all together. None of them are interested in buying anything at launch, they're more the wait and see type while they continue gaming on their PCs. None of them care about the DRM, it's such a non-issue for us that we haven't even given it more than a couple comments.
Mostly negative. I've been pretty surprised, considering I'm the biggest gamer out of anyone I know. Seems the news is just out there and people aren't thrilled..not liking the whole "you own it, but you don't" messaging.

The always connected Kinect was a very long conversation I walked into when I arrived at a Memorial Day gathering..was pretty funny and unexpected.


Seems like a lot more people are aware of the issues now that MS has clarified everything. Even my dad asked me, "Have you heard about that new Xbox? CNN said people were complaining it will be watching you 24/7" :lol
a colleague of mine was very negative on the allways connected kinect (in conjection with the project PRISM news)

did not talk with many other people about the xbox one.


tagged by Blackace
Few people with godlike Internet and disposable income saying they don't care and will buy it anyways. The rest mostly "how could they fuck up this bad." Some who have already been disappointed with MS as of recent have jumped off the train completely.
a good friend of mine is a Xbox whore and he is jumping ship, took him a while but after E3 and all that negative press they got he finally came to his senses and decided for PS4. Then again he lives in a country that MS is not launching in..... For me it´s a no brainer, I dont like being used and abused by companies. it is scary that these people still exists, hell use me and here take my money. Are people so stupid?


Everyone that I've told about the features have all said they won't ever touch one. My brother in law has only owned a 360 this gen and must have bought about 50 games since I've known him and even he is completely against it.


PS4 and Xbox One have come up in our staff roundtable discussions (we set aside part of weekly staff to just talk about what's on our minds, a free flowing conversation). The other gamer on our team went 360 this gen, as I did. He's going PS4 this this gen. My boss' family is doing the same, as am I.

My wife's friend, a 360 gamer this gen, is going PS4 for the next.

Literally every 360 owner I know (or know of) in my life is going PS4 this time around. Granted, that's like, six people. But I was surprised that they all already knew about the relative merits of the systems, and had made up their minds already.

MS is in a deep hole. Even if they start to reverse course on some of their decisions, a lot of people are already making up their minds.

It's the same at my company. There is one serious Xbot who won't budge, but everyone else I've talked to is jumping ship. All IT people in their 20's and 30's. MS has really screwed the pooch.
I only know one person who is getting one, but he buys all the consoles so he doesn't miss out on any exclusives. Most everyone I know whether they game or not have heard of the DRM issues and aren't a fan.

Unless a game is being published by a first party im not buying into third party exclusivity anymore. If this gen showed me anything it is that everything is coming to everything. It is just a matter of when.
Spoke to my brother and a couple of 360 only people at work about it and they don't seem very enthused by it it at all, in fact they seem confused by it.

None of these folk visit game forums so I presume what knowledge they have comes from mainstream media outlets.

In particular my brother has both a 360 and PS3. His preference has been for 360 but he plays offline and has done for most of this gen. Last we spoke about it he was looking to get a PS4 sometime next year.


Most of my +30 year old friends seem to be passing on it for now, and getting a PS4. Even the most diehard Xbox fans of them are moving to the other side, albeit begrudgingly.


My industry pals are all about the PC master race, with PS4 as a back up. My outside of industry pals (who mainly play COD) are 100% Xbone.

That being said, most industry peeps will end up with both. It's not like you can stay relevant unless you're stocked up on devices you need to play exclusive software.

A quote from one of my parents about the Xbone, "sounds very modern". Heh.


I have a group of 5 old friends, all mid to late 30s that I used to game with on live since Ghost Recon and up until I gave up on 360 a few years ago. One bought a PS3 a couple years ago but mostly played 360, and the others wouldn't even consider switching. Now, one is sticking with Xbone,two of them are going PS4 for sure and the other two I haven't talked to since the reveal but I think they will go with the group to play with us. None of my other gaming friends are considering the Xbone. Partly because of the price and mostly because of the used game stuff. If MS can't keep a 40 year old Halo die hard with a cat helmet on his desk to stick with them, they done fucked up.


My nephew is in the army. Him and his squad mates are all 360 bro shooter fans. They have now all preordered ps4's


I'm from Peru so given the current launch country lineup for the Xbox One you can tell how disappointed and angry they are.
Angry Joe mentioned them during his interview with Major Nelson.

Theres a woman in my office who is a huge 360 fand and hated the PS3, shes had very strong pro Microsoft opinions and refuses to listen to the facts.

She was positive the PS4 is gonna be shit cause the PS3 was shit.

Was positive PS4 was gonna cost $600

Stuff like that, at this point shes basically saying shes not gonna get a PS4 even if its better, so Im sure theres people like that in other places.

Then theres one guy whos still acting like its 2009 with "XBox is the shit yo, it has all the players, you gotta go with XBox"


The disheartening thing is that this is in a videogame studio ... Sigh.

I feel your pain, South America is mostly Playstation territory (I'd love to have the other companies come too) but there are Xbox and Nintendo fans too and some of the ones I know have been very thickheaded about the news, even after all the rumored IP blocking stuff.


They think I'm lying and making it up, because they think i'm some sort of sony fanboy.

Then I show them the truth and I use their tears as my bidet.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Theres a woman in my office who is a huge 360 fand and hated the PS3, shes had very strong pro Microsoft opinions and refuses to listen to the facts.

She was positive the PS4 is gonna be shit cause the PS3 was shit.

Was positive PS4 was gonna cost $600

Stuff like that, at this point shes basically saying shes not gonna get a PS4 even if its better, so Im sure theres people like that in other places.

Then theres one guy whos still acting like its 2009 with "XBox is the shit yo, it has all the players, you gotta go with XBox"


The disheartening thing is that this is in a videogame studio ... Sigh.


I have seen one person on a friends facebook that defends the console no end. Everyone else I have encountered in the real world is disgusted by MS and their policies.

That one person on FB was desperate as well, it was clear he was quite upset about so many people potentially leaving Xbox.


My dad is dissapointed. Me being out of the house most game news is me telling him what's going on. Regardless he's right there with most of us just mad about the fact were being treated less as customers with Xbox one.


The 3 or 4 of my friends that play games (we are in our mid-thirties, UK) are PC gamers first but are definitely going for the Ps4 over the Xbox One. The 'needing permission to play' every 24 hrs is the biggest sticking point, followed by the uncertainty around not having control over your own library while still paying £40+ for games.

Since 2005 the tech industry has changed massively, and it might well change again. I'm not taking any bets on locking myself exclusively into MSs cloud infrastructure, someone else can beta test it with their own media for a few years, thanks. Pack of jokers.


I had both consoles this gen as did most of my friends but all of us have PS4s on preorder while no one cares about the Xbone. They all thinks it's BS with the DRM and used games issue.


I have an old middle school friend who's son wants it badly. But she's hesitant to buy it since she's more worried about the "always on" camera.


I have heard from several people who don't follow video game news closely say that they heard the PS4 is going to be better.

My younger brother (he's 18) told me the other day that he heard the PS4 is going to be "way better" than the new Xbox. Word of mouth is spreading. Bad news for MS.

There's also a lot of misconceptions. A friend was telling me that he is freaked out about the kinect and how the government could use that to spy on you. People don't know the details but negative sentiment about the xbox one is definitely spreading to the mainstream.


"Get out of here!"

They don't believe me when I'm telling them about the restrictions. I have friends and family in Greece, you can guess how their reaction was. PS4 across the board.


Basically all my casual friends (aka buy COD + a sports game, and a wild card third game often rockstar made) were all 360 only people. Next gen basically all of them are going ps4 due to forced online/forced kinect/fucked used game policies, not to mention the domino affect of their friends going ps4.

These people were the backbone of 360 sales, and they are gone from microsofts future.
all my friends were die hard xbox enthusiasts but they've embarked on a social network rampage after seeing all that microsoft is pushing for. the 100 dollar difference pretty much sold it for them. with it being a lower spec policy heavy camera machine. im excited to be able to play ps4 with my friends i was a lone ps3 gamer. i had xbox's in the past but after my fourth died i had my fifth and just didn't want to even be the one playing it when it failed anymore so i gave it to my little brother.

tbh only die hard COD enthusiast acquaintances are the only ones deceived by M$ at this point. its bewildering to me. but oh well. cant win em all. just glad me and my close friends will all be on the same console for once.


They said they won't buy it when the online/used games policies surfaced. I think they'll turn around when a few exclusive great AAA titles show up though.


I really did not think MS would see much of a fallout from the masses. My nephew called me yesterday to ask if I can pre-order the GTA:V CE. The kid is a hardcore, gamer score whore, 360 fan. I asked him if he was excited for XB1 and he said no. He will most like get the PS4. If MS lost my nephew of all people, they lost ton of other fucking consumers.


I really only talked about it with my brothers. They're both more casual gamers, and don't read forums and stuff like that nearly as much. They both said Xbox is finished, and they just got a PS3 about 6 months ago. Huge Xbox fans.

I know another guy at work who is definitely a casual gamer. 43 years old I think. He wants to sell his 360 because of Netflix behind a paywall. He said he wants to switch to Playstation.

That's all I've heard personally.


love on your sleeve
Most plan to pre-order a PS4, a couple of them are shifting to PC gaming. I don't know anyone planning to buy X1.


I see the following:

  • non-gamers to very casual (most people I know): vague awareness PS4 is cheaper and XBone has some sort of privacy issue or something
  • general gamers: negative to XBone but not to the extent enough exclusives, etc. wouldn't win them over. Gently positive to PS4 for the most part but wanting to see more big games/exclusives shown
  • 360 fans: my 360 centric friends seem to have split totally in two, one group is super disappointed and claiming they're switching to PS4, the other group has turned fiercely loyal and claim they're sticking with XBone because MS will look after them in the end and all the issues aren't really issues at all
  • PS3 fans : my PS3 centric friends... well, I think you can guess easily enough.


I teach 11-16 year olds. Amongst them (very pro 360) its almost universally bad "no used games" "not as powerful" are the two main ones. I can remember 2 (out of the hundreds of kids) saying they'll stick with Xbox. One because his friends will have it (but he'll change if not) and one saying he can't give up Halo (to which his mate said its gone downhill with 343 - fucking love my students).

Among my adult gamer friends, most are against bar one hardcore xbot.
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