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How Are People You Know In Real Life Responding To Xbox One?


I have 3 friends who take gaming seriously.

One I've yet to meet and ask
One is hardcore PC and I don't think he even learned about the Xbone.
The last reacted the obvious way...

The rest just learned the news from me, thus have no oppinions of their own...


yeah calling 'friends' dumb for their gaming choices is a bit much.

Never once said 'dumb' or anything close to that. If your friend wants an xb1 and you try and talk him out what does that say about you? Some people don't care about graphics...hell there are people that can't tell the difference from SD to HDTV and the other 'negative' areas about xb1 are not necessarily negative universally.


Only my friends who play videogames are aware of the console at this point.
Always online and no used games is very important to them, one of my friends was really excited about the console coming from a 360, but now he is considering getting a WiiU and a PS4.

So, pretty much negative reaction from all of them.


Never once said 'dumb' or anything close to that. If your friend wants an xb1 and you try and talk him out what does that say about you? Some people don't care about graphics...hell there are people that can't tell the difference from SD to HDTV and the other 'negative' areas about xb1 are not necessarily negative universally.

I mean for me, I treat some of these negatives as toxic for the industry as a whole. I really do. The worst thing about it, is that it's targeting consumers to deal with its drawbacks. Thats not a precedent for a good product. The Xbox One is going set a standard if it becomes successful and will literally become a blueprint for any company to follow regarding licensing and DRM.

This thing is screaming publisher box/ad revenue box/market control dominator.

How can it be all those things and Im barely seeing its origin DNA? A Video Game console.

MS needs E3. They will show up. I guarantee it because they NEED this shit to sell.

And I'll bet that if it becomes successful, 8-9 years down the road all these restricitons and security you see here will be in everything. Your movies, Your books, Your television and who knows what else.

That's why I'm disturbed. X1 will have great games. But the video games are only the secondary focus and a trojan horse.


Most the people I know are casual gamers and most are more interested in media than games but they do play the high profile titles like CoD and Bioshock Infinite.

The reaction was disinterest across the board. Nobody wanted to pay what is essentially the price of an Apple TV or Roku for one year's access to Netflix, Hulu, etc. The TV thing appealed to nobody. Nobody really cared about the used game thing, the discussion was more around how fast Gamestop will go out of business if this takes off.

On the gaming side unanimously they said they would go for the better hardware and better looking games. Price is a barrier. $500 is a non-starter, $400 is wait and see. Nobody was interested in the cell phone model of subsidizing the hardware price with recurring Live costs.


Marines that I know about out think it's the most powerful system and that Ghosts is the best looking game ever. I have got to get out of the military.


They like the TV stuff but after I linked them some DRM articles the shine quickly faded.

All of my gamer friends (yes, all) dislike it.


hide your water-based mammals
Only one friend has responded but not in the way I expected. He posted a status on facebook with a depressed tenor. I commented and said, "I would be depressed too after that Xbox One showing yesterday". This guy is a 360 supporter mind you but yeah......


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
A woman who who works with me and knows little about gaming emailed me the "Seven" gif that was evidently quite popular on Redit and said, "Looks like no one likes the new Xbox."


My wife (non-gamer) was stunned by the Kinect features and LIVE TV stuff. Other people I know are really excited by it. Gamers I know are really disappointed, but I know they'll change their tune once E3 comes.

Hyun Sai

They're waiting E3, and if Xbone confirms being a disappointment, they're going PS4 and upgrading their PC. Well depending on how PS4 ends too, they might just upgrade their PC.


One said it was absolutely amazing and totally beat out the PS4.

Why? Because it's going to get all the games like COD and fifa. Plus we never got to see what the PS4 looked like.


Some friends with a sizeable collection of XBLA games completely crossed it out as soon as they knew it wouldn't be backwards compatible. DRM and online only also screws them up royaly.


Some of them are planing to buy both consoles/the Xbox One anyways. Others are waiting for E3 and others are not planing to buy the Xbox One in the first months/first year.

Pretty mixed up, I guess.


They go like Xbox One? What is that?

But then again i don't have many gamers as friends. And those who are are more PC gamers and don't keep up with console news. They are only up to date on Nintendo games because i tell them all about it. But i think the Xbox One will do again once it launches most people these days don't know 100% what they are buying. They be like an entertainment hub sign me up. But when they bring the product home some will discover they don't like it and some will just deal with it.


Gold Member
Just like the PS4 reveal, idk a single fucking person IRL that even watched it. Which, for the next Xbox is kind of understandable, because none of my friends are Xbox guys, they are all big PS3 guys.
my wife(non gamer) is really down on it and openly mocking it, and some of her convention friends are shitting on it too

some guys I know who work at a developer in various capacity were big on 360 and seem to be changing to ps4 for their personal machines


Was at the pub with a friend last night, who owns a 360 and has always said it's a better machine than PS3. He's not someone who plays really often but he buys quite a few games and we've played online quite a bit in the past, when I had my 360. His words were: "They've ruined the Xbox".

Also watched the reveal live with my wife and she laughed at many of the features.

REV 09

I showed my wife the conference. She was impressed with the tv multitasking. As soon as they started talking specs she left the room.


Talking to a friend that had both a 360 and ps3 this gen, his answer based on the info given was he wanted a ps4 and would not be touching the xbone. He also wants a WiiU but will be waiting a bit more for it (lower price and mario kart). We both grew up with NES in the 80's for what that is worth.


On Facebook, frequent UK 360 gamer, plays mainly CoD + Fifa:

"Getting goosebumps watching this new Xbox video! Mind blown" (12 likes)

Somebody replies "fan boy".

"Mate have you seen it!? Holy ****!"


Gold Member
I told my bro it was online only and your physical copy is locked to your account, he thought that was stupid. We both said we're getting PS4s.


On Facebook, frequent UK 360 gamer, plays mainly CoD + Fifa:

"Getting goosebumps watching this new Xbox video! Mind blown" (12 likes)

Somebody replies "fan boy".

"Mate have you seen it!? Holy ****!"
Someone really likes dogs!


My girlfriends words after she got out of the bath halfway through and me explainging it was called xbox one and what shed missed, and after it had finished, she said "well fuck that"
Ah well my general idea for the other topic was seeing whether the E3 news (especially in relation with the PS4) had disseminated to the general public.


I had lunch on Friday with some coworkers (light or not really big gamers) and told them I preordered a PS4. The very first comment I got was "Does it have a camera that's on all the time like the new xbox? Does it need to be online all the time?"

Fucking crazy, lol. I had no idea they'd even know about that.

That reaction was just from reading mainstream press reaction. MS did a very bad job getting in front of their policies and now there's a segment of the mainstream audience that has this kind of poisonous reaction to the XBone.
Overheard five of my co-workers talking about Xbone recently, they seemed kind of upset about the online requirement, but at least one of them was going to get it anyway.

Family Dinner:
Dad had no idea what it was, mom had seen ads for it on TV and didn't care one way or another, though she knew it existed. I told her about all it's "innovative" features and she spazzed out and fumed about her bad experiences with MS products for about 15 minutes and said she hoped it failed badly. LOL.

But yeah, there will definitely be people who see the ads and aren't in the know who will buy this thing. For what it's worth my mom thought Kinect sounded really cool, but the always online and used games things made her freak. It was great.

Very few of my friends are gamers, they all seem to know it exists, but they don't care. I explain to them what it does and they all give me basically the same icky face.

Ummmm one of my friends works at Amazon and said that her co-worker wouldn't buy one because of online requirement, not the rational reason though, it was more like, "MY CHILDREN WILL NOT BE MOLESTED BY STRANGERS DAMMIT." Clearly all smart people working over there :p
BIL #1, huge "Xbot" if I ever met one: bought a gaming PC and said he wouldn't be caught dead with the XBone.

BIL #2, owns 360 and over 50 games: said "fuck that" and is looking forward to the PS4 (U.S. Army).
A good friend of mine who would often outright state his MS allegiance recently told me he feels like MS, "Totally dropped the ball," and that he, "... Never thought [he'd] say this, but Sony has got his money for next gen."

It's only one guy, but I was really surprised.


I had lunch on Friday with some coworkers (light or not really big gamers) and told them I preordered a PS4. The very first comment I got was "Does it have a camera that's on all the time like the new xbox? Does it need to be online all the time?"

Fucking crazy, lol. I had no idea they'd even know about that.

That reaction was just from reading mainstream press reaction. MS did a very bad job getting in front of their policies and now there's a segment of the mainstream audience that has this kind of poisonous reaction to the XBone.

its the worst kind of reaction. MS are relying on the mass market being ignorant of all this and just buying it anyway.

But if word of mouth spreads like it is, the mass market will just hear the negativity and go along with that without caring about the details.


Person 1: "Looking forward to the PS4 more"

Person 2: "I don't want an Xbox but I really want Kingdom Hearts"

Person 3: "I don't know, my boyfriend is the only one who actually plays games and he hasn't said anything."
most of my non-informed friends are unaware of the features, changes, major news shakers surrounding the new consoles.

all they want is their NHL, Madden and FIFA

my GF hates the idea of Kinect being on all the time and she told me that she does not want a spy device in our home, LOL


PS4 and Xbox One have come up in our staff roundtable discussions (we set aside part of weekly staff to just talk about what's on our minds, a free flowing conversation). The other gamer on our team went 360 this gen, as I did. He's going PS4 this this gen. My boss' family is doing the same, as am I.

My wife's friend, a 360 gamer this gen, is going PS4 for the next.

Literally every 360 owner I know (or know of) in my life is going PS4 this time around. Granted, that's like, six people. But I was surprised that they all already knew about the relative merits of the systems, and had made up their minds already.

MS is in a deep hole. Even if they start to reverse course on some of their decisions, a lot of people are already making up their minds.


I have a variety of gamers and non-gamers as friends and co-workers and I've never been more surprised at how informed they all are regarding this issue. The non-gamers are aware and they are upset thanks to Microsoft's complete inability to disseminate their PR message to the mainstream media, and the gamers? Even the most die-hard 360 fanboys are second guessing their next gen purchases.


After reveal, I had 3 posting about not wanting anything to do with it on Facebook. One guy who has always bought Xbox and PS is going PS only.

Told a few friends about it who are what I can only call semi-gamers (not casual, not hardcore, but still play games). They had negative reactions when I told them about the 24 hour check-in, but one also has lived a long time without always having Internet.

A co-worker's reaction (plays games, doesn't follow game news) when I told him about it: "WHAT?! That's dumb. What happens if your Internet goes out? You can't play a game then? That's dumb."
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