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How Are People You Know In Real Life Responding To Xbox One?

Facebook has been quite a mixed bag, most people are down on it. One person loves it, one person hated it initially but admitted they would never buy a PS4 so they're just going to get the XB1.

I know my father isn't going to want it because the camera and microphone. Even if you put a cloth over the camera the mic will still be able to hear you and he doesn't want unnecessary junk in his man cave. No recording so my mother will be getting a IPTV, DVR tuner instead. No subscription required there.




Someone in my graphics class was showing the reveal on youtube. People were praising it for the most part. New CoD and "graphics" went down well it seemed, lol.
I posted this in a different thread but I'll post it here too, since it has to do with the topic.

I remember I came into school today with the biggest smile on my face and said to my friend (who is a huge 360 fanguy and thinks the PS3 doesn't have any games etc etc) "so that Xbox One sure is doing everything right." So he got a little frustrated and I gave him the rundown of everything and he had a excuse for every single move

Me: "You know that you can't play pre-owned games on the system without a fee right?"
Friend: "It doesn't matter because the PS4 is going to do the same thing."

Me: "I didn't see a lot of games on that conference... just a lot of TV."
Friend: "Like the PS3 can talk, Playstation 3 has no games on it."

Me: "Kinect... kinect, kinect, kinect."
Friend: "Move... move, move, move."

I just love messing with him whenever Microsoft screws up because his reactions are funny. Don't worry he does the same for me when Sony messes up, but I like all 3 companies so i don't take it as seriously as he does lol. Still, I can't believe how far someone can go to protect a console and prove it superior when everyone has different tastes.
most of them are all saying: ''where are the game?''

one Apple fan said ''I like the concept of ONE, One box''

then a developer friend actually liked that you can't play used games so it forces more people to buy games


The had no idea what I was talking about. I know my brother is switch over to the PS4 next gen if MS disappoint him at E3 this year. So far, he is leaning toward to the PS4 because of MS press conference yesterday

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I posted this in a different thread but I'll post it here too, since it has to do with the topic.

I remember I came into school today with the biggest smile on my face and said to my friend (who is a huge 360 fanguy and thinks the PS3 doesn't have any games etc etc) "so that Xbox One sure is doing everything right." So he got a little frustrated and I gave him the rundown of everything and he had a excuse for every single move

Me: "You know that you can't play pre-owned games on the system without a fee right?"
Friend: "It doesn't matter because the PS4 is going to do the same thing."

Me: "I didn't see a lot of games on that conference... just a lot of TV."
Friend: "Like the PS3 can talk, Playstation 3 has no games on it."

Me: "Kinect... kinect, kinect, kinect."
Friend: "Move... move, move, move."

I just love messing with him whenever Microsoft screws up because his reactions are funny. Don't worry he does the same for me when Sony messes up, but I like all 3 companies so i don't take it as seriously as he does lol. Still, I can't believe how far someone can go to protect a console and prove it superior when everyone has different tastes.

What grade are you guys in?
Friends who're into gaming hate it for the most part, more casual friends aren't super hyped on it but don't see the problem with the features people are complaining about, mainstream news from what I've seen seems unaware there's any drama surrounding the One's unveiling at all.

Weirdly even though I'm not even doing a game/programming degree a lecturer I had was fucking livid over it, that was pretty funny. I imagine overall the reception towards One will eventually be worse in Europe/Australia than the US where a lot of the internet features are a far bigger deal due to far more unreliable internet providers and speeds.
I have heard people say that if it's a family console to avoid the Xbox One.

So just negative so far. Working at a hospital with kids, and people telling parents the why to avoid the Xbox One is amusing.
What grade are you guys in?

Seniors in High School.
Yeah I know we sound childish but its just friends messing around. Like I said he's a HUGE 360 fanboy and 100% anti-sony so I mess with him sometimes about it. He goes as far as saying things like "Uncharted's a rip-off, Sly Cooper is for kids, nobody wants to play Japanese games anyways, PSN is garbage due to that disconnect 2 years ago, etc etc."

You can't blame me for making fun of the guy for saying stuff like this all the time, lol.


I have heard people say that if it's a family console to avoid the Xbox One.

So just negative so far. Working at a hospital with kids, and people telling parents the why to avoid the Xbox One is amusing.

I'm having a hard time believing a console announced yesterday, that's mostly only known by gaming enthusiast at this point, is the buzz around a children's hospital.


I love reading through this and hearing some people's friends saying they want to play the new COD on the XBone so much. Like the damn game won't be on every other non-handheld console but for the XBone, you have to actually pay to play your beloved online, unlike every other console (besides 360).
One will get the Xbox One no matter what.
One is mixed between going Steam and keeping the 360 or just going to X1.
One is getting a PS4, but not for a while.
One will likely stick with his Wii and PS3, but could see a Wii U in his future.

I'll flip between getting one of them to just sticking with what I have for a while. I've gotten too used to inexpensive games.


My friends are mostly SFIV addicts who play on the 360 and they aren't happy either. They're all considering switching to PlayStation with the PS4.


Aftershock LA
90% of my gamer friends are furious or unimpressed. These guys and gals aren't forum dwellers or gaffers. They aren't like me, and they don't keep up with all of the latest gaming news, but they are not happy. And every single one of them is a 360 fan, who chose 360 over PS3 this gen, and couldn't be convinced otherwise. One of my old high school buddies, who was a diehard PS fan, jumped ship from Sony to MS this gen, but he's now right back in Sony's camp.

Their complaints all seem to revolve around how unimpressed they were with the hardware, the focus on Tv and sports, and didn't show off any impressive software. Pretty much all of them have stated in various Facebook updates and conversations I've had with them that they're getting a PS4.

They generally don't follow gaming events, so E3 may not get them back on board the MS train. But it's certainly possible. I know it's anecdotal, but no, it's not just the hardcore forum goers that are upset about the XBO reveal.


One of my friends who was a diehard PS2 fan and went straight to 360 this gen hates it. Another friend at work I told about the whole used game thing said "That's literally what Steam does."


Pretty much my reaction.


Most of my friends don't even know that there was a new Xbox reveal.
The "gamer" ones said 'what's the point of having a new console, for FIFA it doesn't make any difference...'. My friends who have PS3s basically only play FIFA on it.
That's the real world.


Of the people I know, the overall reaction was, to paraphrase just one of them: "I don't know why I should care, they didn't show any reason to."

And then today, after they read all the bad news that happened after the conference, the reaction changed to (again paraphrasing the same friend): "no wonder they didn't give me a reason to care, there isn't one."

I posted this in a different thread but I'll post it here too, since it has to do with the topic.

I remember I came into school today with the biggest smile on my face and said to my friend (who is a huge 360 fanguy and thinks the PS3 doesn't have any games etc etc) "so that Xbox One sure is doing everything right." So he got a little frustrated and I gave him the rundown of everything and he had a excuse for every single move

Me: "You know that you can't play pre-owned games on the system without a fee right?"
Friend: "It doesn't matter because the PS4 is going to do the same thing."

Me: "I didn't see a lot of games on that conference... just a lot of TV."
Friend: "Like the PS3 can talk, Playstation 3 has no games on it."

Me: "Kinect... kinect, kinect, kinect."
Friend: "Move... move, move, move."

I just love messing with him whenever Microsoft screws up because his reactions are funny. Don't worry he does the same for me when Sony messes up, but I like all 3 companies so i don't take it as seriously as he does lol. Still, I can't believe how far someone can go to protect a console and prove it superior when everyone has different tastes.

Wow, the Move appears to be catching on, there's just been a 100% increase in the amount of people talking about it! ;)


Depends on what type of gamer they are. The "casual" gamers I know range from neutral to positive. Which I think is what OP is really asking?


I talked to couple of guys at uni today and none of them were happy about the reveal, even the ones that weren't that much into gaming.


One of my friends on Facebook who around 32 and single, likes it because he likes cod, and he is the typical dude bro gamer.

all of my graduate school friends, we all are between 24 and 30 year old don't like it at all.we like.all sorts of genres though.
I had one friend say they will be waiting on a price drop and hardware revision, however he does this for every console. Everyone else I know that had seen it will be preordering.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Seniors in High School.
Yeah I know we sound childish but its just friends messing around.

I was just curious, I remember having similar discussions back in high school. It was fun.
My friends are mostly SFIV addicts who play on the 360 and they aren't happy either. They're all considering switching to PlayStation with the PS4.

Us guys over at the FGC threads have talked about this to. Most fighting game players are on Xbox for just about every fighter. I myself got a Xbox just so I could play SF4 against friends who were all on Xbox even though I've always been pro Sony since the first Playstation.

The FGC isn't a super huge, but every single player from the next Guilty Gear to the next Street Fighter game will all be on PS4 only as long as they don't pull what MS pulled yesterday. The tournament and offline scene is too important to us.
Facebook has been one guy I knew saying "if you don't like it who cares? It's going to outperform the ps4 and it looks sexy" to which about 6 of his friends tore apart. And then another person dropped the "highlights video" and everyone of her friends seemed to post some variation of LOL/getting a ps4. A third person basically posted "fuck Microsoft" and related images for a good couple of hours

Out of my close group of friends (I'd say 6 of us who actually care) it's been all jokes about the thing. Most of us are pc guys and it sends the consensus is either sticking with PC+ps4 or just pc all together. Wife said fuck xbox as well


Everyone that I know who watched the conference with me at school said:

"I'm going with Playstation"

"I might as well get the Wii-U"

"Makes the Vita look good"



Thinks his PR is better than yours.
One person talking about all the cool tv stuff, not a word from anyone else. Most people don't even know it exists.


Two of my colleagues heard of it, both 360 fanboys.
One of them is keen on going PC-only from now on, the other actually is interested on the PS4 (and he actually thinks PS+ is a good service, to my surprise), even if online won't be as reliable as Live - pending E3, of course.

Yeah, MS is losing core gamers with this move.


G***n S**n*bi
I only know 3 "core" gamers, not including my self. One of them is still playing catch-up with PS3 games and shit and doesn't give a fuck about next-gen right now. The other two are similar to my self.

The latter two have split opinions at the moment. One of them is like myself and is in shock and disbelief at how shitty this console is turning out thus far. Just amazed by the sheer shittiness. The other guy is a little more apologetic. He likes what he sees so far and isn't troubled by the lack of games shown so far... he's a smart dude by the way, but I don't think he truly grasps what the hell is going on with this machine right now and how much he's going to hate it in the end. And oh boy is he going to hate it in the end, that much is guaranteed...
The one friend I have who I chat video games with is primarily an Xbox fan. He despised the showing purely for its slant towards sports and tv, and the games they chose to show. Apparently doesn't care about the anti-consumer features since they "don't affect [him]." Amazingly, he'd rather sit out the next generation than pick up a PS4, as he hated that reveal too, but probably for more ridiculous reasons. You'd think someone who's all about the games would be interested in a console whose manufacturer actually showed off in-game footage of numerous announced titles.


My sister, who knows very little about gaming (aside from playing the Sims) asked if I knew about "the new Xbox that blocks used games." She said she keeps seeing tumblr memes and gifs making fun of it. This is anecdotal of course, but the word seems to be spreading quickly. All Xbox One needs is negative mainstream news coverage, then its bad image will spread beyond just gamers on forums to parents and others not familiar with recent tech. This could really affect the console in the long run.


I texted my friend, but he still hasn't hit me back. Friends aren't as hardcore gamer as I am, don't know if he saw it.
I remember seeing a thread on GAF yesterday saying only 20% of reception towards the Xbox One was negative, and the main-stream media was 40% positive and 40% undecided.

I was wondering how this holds in real life, and first thing I hear when I walk into class this morning was my friend talking to our friends (who don't play Xbox and didn't watch the event) about the Xbox One reveal yesterday.

He was positive about it, he actually said this: "Dude did you see the Call of Duty: Ghost gameplay they showed? Hooolllyyy crap it was good." I then asked him to rate the Xbox One reveal from 1-10. He gave it a 10 saying "It was the most advance thing I've seen." Along with "The Xbox One is pratically made for you! You walk in, say 'Xbox, on' and it signs you in! How awesome is that! And you can snap things, play games while you skype with friends!"

He was ecstatic about it, I'm going to talk with the rest of my gaming friends later to see what they think.

So how are your real life friends/family responding? Same way as Internet Gaming forums are reacting, or differently?

(Note, I'm in Highschool and everyone I will get reactions from are probabaly going to be fellow Highschool students)
What did they think of the 24 hour online sign in, no used games, serial key authentication, etc. OR do they even know about it?

Because I was initially hyped for the next-box(no matter what it was) until the whole Adam Orth fiasco, which turned out to be true. Then my excitement went from 100% to 0%.


My brother was trying to point out all the silver linings during the show... then the news of the used game situation came up... He had nothing positive to say at that point.
XO will sell like hot cakes.

I'm convinced that this is bullshit. So far I haven't seen a single convincing reason why it's going to sell like hotcakes. All I've seen is some " because dude bro and casuals!" type of posts, but nothing that actually explains why those people are going to pick this up instead of ps4 or whatever else type of gadgetry that will also appeal to those 2 dudebro or casual groups. Will it sell decently? Maybe( depends on the definition of decently I guess). Sell like hotcakes( as in for an extended time over several months be one of the hottest new toys that people gotta have?) I seriously doubt it
anyways, todays at work I asked 4 console owners at work. 2 people said no, they definitely weren't going to get one , 2 others expressed disappointment in it and said that parts of it sounded pretty shitty, and I observed a 5th person asking one of the naysayers " you're not getting one? why not ? It's going to be awesome!" I'm not sure if that person actually Knew much about the reveal though


The friends I watched the conference with were generally positive, but only one really cared about the TV foolishness. My more knowledgable friends were prety dismissive on facebook.

And then the post conference talk happened.

Everyone soured on the thing completely, except for self identifying "xbox fanboy", who reasonably refuses to believe anything until Microsoft put out a true, official statement.
They all loathe the concept, and none of them are considering buying it. I'm the most positive person I know IRL about it, and all that means is I might buy it one day, after one or two price drops, if it has a significant number of exclusives.


I texted my friend, but he still hasn't hit me back. Friends aren't as hardcore gamer as I am, don't know if he saw it.What did they think of the 24 hour online sign in, no used games, serial key authentication, etc. OR do they even know about it?

Because I was initially hyped for the next-box(no matter what it was) until the whole Adam Orth fiasco, which turned out to be true. Then my excitement went from 100% to 0%.

I honestly have a feeling that they don't. They watched the conference, made an opinion and tuned out. And will continue to until it's brought to their attention. If they somehow still don't care that it's a bad thing for all of us or think that it doesn't apply to them, their XBL friends' list turning into a graveyard sure will.
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