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If i LOVED The Witcher 3, should DA: Inquisition be my next RPG or i must skip it?

I would completely avoid the entire DA series. It gets overhyped because a certain percentage of gamers really like that awful bioware romance shit.
Yep that's the only reason Origins was praised. Not that it was a successful, 3D, AAA CRPG designed for PC first when the genre was all but dead.


Yep that's the only reason Origins was praised. Not that it was a successful, 3D, AAA CRPG designed for PC first when the genre was all but dead.

That's a pretty weak reason to praise it frankly. You might as well praise the Wii version of CoD Blops.

I thought DA:I was the best Dragon Age game because it had the best moment to moment gameplay and the most interesting locales. DAO was very derivative and clunky. It didn't have any bullshit MMO true, but the Deep Roads and Fade were equally padding. I even preferred DA:I's moment to moment gameplay over the Witcher. Yes it was hold R2 to awesome, but at least it was awesome. Leveling up led to interesting new powers that were pretty satisfying to use, unlike the Witcher 3 (stream igni was kinda cool I guess), which remained boring throughout. Mind you, this is coming from someone who was shitting on DA:I when it just came out and most of GAF was still greatly in love with it.


Well the great gameplay, solid cast, and engrossing plot don't hurt.

There's not a single Dragon Age game with an engrossing plot and I'd argue not one with great gameplay either, but some people like the combat in DA:I and I can respect that.


That's a pretty weak reason to praise it frankly. You might as well praise the Wii version of CoD Blops.

I thought DA:I was the best Dragon Age game because it had the best moment to moment gameplay and the most interesting locales. DAO was very derivative and clunky. It didn't have any bullshit MMO true, but the Deep Roads and Fade were equally padding.

DA:O's gameplay was a billion times more interesting gameplay because it HAD tactics and strategy to it. Inquisition gutted the tactics and as as a result the Braindead AI made the game way harder than it needed to be. Yes, Varric, stand 3 feet away from the fire-breathing Dragon while firing your crossbow.

The game also becomes way too easy after your specialty classes open up, even on nightmare. The last boss is a joke.

I mean, I liked the game, but certainly not for its gameplay.


Actually the -main- story in DAI is far, and I mean FAR better than W3's imo. This being said 90% of W3's side quest beat the pants of DAI's side quests.

The lore, the secondary characters, the chilling trip in the future with the alternate events and consequences depending on your choices. Brilliant.
The only thing in W3's main arc that came even close was the trip across dimensions. But it ended up being a mere side show (far too short imo), and its main vilain as well, ending being no better than the sadly under developped and underpowered Corypheus.

If the whole main story had been anywhere near the Bloody Baron side quest line (alongside the Crones), Wild at Heart or the Skellige succession Quest line, we wouldn't even be here arguing and W3 would indeed (save maybe for glitches and CDPR usual jank) be one of the all time greats next to Baldur's Gate 2, Kotor, Lands of Lore, Morrowind and a few others.
Unfortunately, for me and as far as the main quest goes it fell short (very).
Poor summary of TW3's main plot. There's a heap of meaningful decisions with some awfully steep and far-reaching consequences. We didn't play the same game.
I looooved Witcher 3, and Dragon Age Inquisition was incredibly boring to me. Enjoyed creating my character and then got to the combat and..... Man, I dunno. Just found it so boring I stopped playing and haven't played since.

Luckily I got it on sale so didn't pay full price for it. I always say maybe one day I'll go back and give it another chance but honestly... Probably won't.
That's a pretty weak reason to praise it frankly. You might as well praise the Wii version of CoD Blops.
I mean it's worth mentioning at least, other than some bullshit reason like people liked it for the romances. This was before Pillars of Eternity, Divinity: Original Sin, Wasteland 2, Underrail, Shadowrun Returns etc. etc. had even been announced. The most acclaimed WRPG the year before Origins release was Fallout 3....

So to have a game that has 6 starting origins that not only change about the first 2 hours but can dramatically influence your worldview and decisions later down the line was impressive. The combat had a fully fleshed out tactics system you could input, the lore was a bit generic but the lack of a voiced protagonist meant there were tons of lines and options for dialog/roleplaying. 3 classes all with sub-classes (huge step up from KOTOR), solid companions (Alistair, Shale, Sten, Morrigan being my personal favorites), a pretty damn good villain with Loghain and a whole host of major decisions throughout the plot.

After development hell the fact that the game even came out let alone as good as it did in 2009 is an achievement in of itself. Saying people only like the game for its waifus is fucking ignorant, might as well say people only liked Witcher 1 for its sex cards. Which reminds me, Origins didn't have that childish bullshit and actually appealed to the LGBT community as well before it was common practice.


Poor summary of TW3's main plot. There's a heap of meaningful decisions with some awfully steep and far-reaching consequences. We didn't play the same game.

TW3's choices were pretty weak and not as ambiguous as previous games, aside from the Bloody Baron and Hearts of Stone.

With Skellige, the right choice is so fucking obvious its not even funny. I actually had a hard time choosing who would rule Orlais. I went with forcing them to work together, but it makes a weaker nation in the end whereas any sane person would pick Cerys in The Witcher 3. Then there's the Reasons of State choice. Reasons of State is bad enough with Djikstra's last moments of stupidity, but what made it worse is how, again, the choice is obvious.

Also, Book Emhyr and Nilfgaard=/= Game Emhyr and Nilfgaard. It has become quite clear that the *game* version of Nilfgaard is portrayed in a more positive light and "whitewashed" in comparison to the book counterpart. Heck, even that whole deal with Emhyr wanting to impregnate Ciri is retconne'd with him just wanting to abdicate the throne for her. With that in mind, Nilfgaard as presented in the game is preferable to even Dijkstra's Redania. Add that with betraying Roche and the most positive ending slide, Nilfgaard's rule is (somehow) seen as the most preferable option despite being the main antagonists in the saga. And no one wants Radovid anyways, whose descent into madness is almost as ridiculous as his sudden change in physique.

The main story in The Witcher 3 really is a joke. Sans some of the Skellige stuff, The Bloody Baron and Hearts of Stone (all o which is side story anyways) the *main* story is just as bad as Inquisition. Plus, the main villain has 12 lines in the entire game. TWELVE LINES. For a guy who was quite talkative in The Witcher 1 as a tertiary character, his five minutes of screentime in a 50 hour main story is jarring to say the least.


Yes, play it, of course. Good grief Gaf can be hyperbolic. Sure, the sidequests aren't as interesting (though Witcher has plenty of copy-paste style sidequests (coming from someone who adored the game). But there's plenty of good world-building and character development going on alongside fun combat. I do recommend playing the game on nightmare- makes combat so much more interesting.

This. Don't believe the hyperbole. DAI was a great game and it has those trademark Bioware features: brilliant cast of characters, great worldbuilding but a rather bland main story. Oh, and it is very pretty.

Origins is the same. DA2 had some great concepts and ideas, like a more contained story, it was very refreshing not to save the world from some big evil. Your rise from zero to hero in a single city was at least somewhat more original than typical fantasy stories. Sadly it fell a bit flat due to other reasons.


Also, Book Emhyr and Nilfgaard=/= Game Emhyr and Nilfgaard. It has become quite clear that the *game* version of Nilfgaard is portrayed in a more positive light and "whitewashed" in comparison to the book counterpart. Heck, even that whole deal with Emhyr wanting to impregnate Ciri is retconne'd with him just wanting to abdicate the throne for her.

Wait what?

How is that a retcone? He gave up on that plan in Lady of the lake. If he'd still try to do that in TW 3 THAT would be a retcone.

Why exactly is Cerys "obvious right choice"? I mean her election leads to civil war!


Wait what?

How is that a retcone? He gave up on that plan in Lady of the lake. If he'd still try to do that in TW 3 THAT would be a retcone.

Why exactly is Cerys "obvious right choice"? I mean her election leads to civil war!

Its never mentioned in the game, you think something that big and twisted would be brought up. There was a actually a thread on the CDPR forums of Emhyr's character and the flaws that you may be interested in reading: http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/51122-Emhyr-The-Game-Non-Character-vs-the-Book?

Regardless, Nilfgaard is portrayed rather positively, especially compared to whoever else their is to choose.

Cerys is the obvious choice because their is no big drawbacks. "Skellige prospered under her enlightened rule" (Cerys) vs. "the young king pledged to raid and burn the shores of the Empire of Nilfgaard each spring" (Hjalmar) and "shedding his countrymen's blood" (Svanrige)
Actually the -main- story in DAI is far, and I mean FAR better than W3's imo. This being said 90% of W3's side quest beat the pants of DAI's side quests.

The lore, the secondary characters, the chilling trip in the future with the alternate events and consequences depending on your choices. Brilliant.
The only thing in W3's main arc that came even close was the trip across dimensions. But it ended up being a mere side show (far too short imo), and its main vilain as well, ending being no better than the sadly under developped and underpowered Corypheus.

If the whole main story had been anywhere near the Bloody Baron side quest line (alongside the Crones), Wild at Heart or the Skellige succession Quest line, we wouldn't even be here arguing and W3 would indeed (save maybe for glitches and CDPR usual jank) be one of the all time greats next to Baldur's Gate 2, Kotor, Lands of Lore, Morrowind and a few others.
Unfortunately, for me and as far as the main quest goes it fell short (very).

Witcher 3 and DAI both stumble with their main antagonist;

Eredin and Corypheus both;

1) are self proclaimed immortal beings, with the main characters wondering if he can even be killed

2) both are corrupted versions of men who were twisted

3) both seek to change the world into shit because they are dicks

4) both of them desire an object/person/symbol, and when they dont get it, they prematurely end their own shit, with the game rushing out a final battle that has poor pacing

5) both of them are voiced by try-hards who try to make a scary voice, but it just sounds like a 12 year old going into puberty

In Witcher 2, Letho, is Geralts superior in every way. A better assassin, a better swordsman, a better Witcher. It's a game that pits the main character against a character who is flat-out more capable, more cunning and who doesn't have dumb motives for his actions. Letho wasn't strong due to a magical object or wasn't a god. He wasn't a overpowered individual where Geralt had to do 10 million pushups to compete.
And in Dragon Age 2, the Arishok was a much more interesting villain than Corypheus due to his ideology. Not bend on being mad, he was both empowered and enslaved by his doctrine. Even if it was a sort of Mongol approach (praising Hawke for killing his men, believing in the strong have the right to do as they please..).
I really enjoyed Dragon Age: Inquisition. The Witcher 3 is the far superior game, but Inquisition is satisfying nevertheless. I say give it a chance.


I had a similar question so I thought I ask here.

Which one should I get GAF, Witcher 3 season pass or DA:I deluxe edition?

Loved the Witcher 3 so much and I plan to play through it again in the near future. Also loved DA:O back in the day but absolutely hated everything about DA2. Should note that I have limited time for playing (limited as in, I can only play games for the two or three upcoming months and then won't be around for a very long time).

So, Which one should I get GAF?

I would say TW3 season pass. Seems to be getting rave reviews and since you loved Witcher, you'll be getting more of it so you can't go wrong with that. The deluxe edition of DA:I just gets you some preorder bonus weapons and armor and their usefulness doesn't last that long in a game that will take you at least 50 hours to beat. Its not like your getting the dlc then it might be tougher choice but Inquisition plays nothing like Origins. I'd say it has more in common with DA2 than with Origins from a gameplay perspective.

Yes, play it, of course. Good grief Gaf can be hyperbolic. Sure, the sidequests aren't as interesting (though Witcher has plenty of copy-paste style sidequests (coming from someone who adored the game). But there's plenty of good world-building and character development going on alongside fun combat. I do recommend playing the game on nightmare- makes combat so much more interesting.

No it doesn't. The combat is same on nightmare. It doesn't magically change into something that is so much better on nightmare. The only real difference is that enemies are just tanky and you have to deal a ton of damage to them to kill them. That makes encounters tedious, not interesting. If your playing Dragon Age at this point, your playing for the story and characters not the combat since their so many games that do the combat they are trying to do this game so much better than DA does its not even funny.
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