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ITT Sony Fanboys make believe they own 360s

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Himuro said:
So are you going to say that having an hdtv isn't important? Or that people should play their 360/ps3 on sdtv's? Because that goes against everything the collective graphic whore 360 generation stands for and everything they support.

Factor in ps3 + 360 + hdtv and we are easily talking AT LEAST 2000 dollars.

Yet people can't afford a gaming pc, which can cost an upward of 400-600 for desktop and 1000 if we're talking gaming laptops?
And we're saving a shitload of money because of Steam sales. 8)
Not to mention Steam is also free and a lot better than the console's online services.

My "Gaming Rig" cost me 400 bucks of meticulous savings and patience of PC part sales. I can run Crysis at high settings.
NIGHT- said:
Did you miss this post

Couldn't agree more.
And your PC does nothing but gaming.

I'm sure you're using your Xbox 360 to browse NeoGAF.
WrikaWrek said:
"Now let me just say i'm no fanboy, i own both systems. But i just much prefer to buy games on my Ps3 than on my 360 for reasons i can't quite disclose...so i will not be buying almost any game for the 360 this year, and will complain about it. Also would like to let you know that i will buy the worst version of X multiplatform game, because its for the PS3, and should it be that much worse i just won't buy it at all and tell the publisher to go suck a dick."

hmm hmm

Some of that silky fine bs being spread.

Of course.

Thinly veiled trolling is still trolling. Which is why it's hilarious to read some of the delusional arguments put forth because deep down, you know they just want to say "360 AND M$ SUX!!11!"
Himuro said:
Why not? 360/ps3 fanboys say you need to have one, not everyone has one. In one of my old threads, these so-called "gamers" suggested I buy an hdtv before I get a current gen console.

How bout them apples.

So it's a must to have an hdtv for 360/ps3 but only when it's convenient. I gotcha.

So is this now a console vs gaming PC thread? Good grief.

Here are a list of reasons that I don't game on PC.

- I hate using a mouse & kb for anything beyond Minesweeper
- the online community for most games is tiny, especially in the US
- few games support local multi/split screen
- none of my friends game on PC
- I don't know how to build a PC, don't care to learn, and refuse to pay $700+ for gaming hardware off the shelf
- PC games have little resale value, and are often unavailable used
- Many current multiplatform releases are delayed on PC
- Many series I care about are still console exclusive

Feel free to nitpick every reason on the list, thread derail complete.
WrikaWrek said:
Why do some people pretend HDTVs are not TVs, where you know, you watch...channels and movies, with your family, friends, gf....

It's not the same thing as your monitor on the PC you know? It's just sort of "socially" awkward when these comparisons get made.

Because these people live alone so a monitor and a TV are the same thing to them. They don't understand the concept that a guy is more likely to talk his wife into buying an HDTV way... way before he can talk her into buying a "gaming rig".

Sho_Nuff82 said:
So is this now a console vs gaming PC thread? Good grief.

Here are a list of reasons that I don't game on PC.

- I hate using a mouse & kb for anything beyond Minesweeper
- the online community for most games is tiny, especially in the US
- few games support local multi/split screen
- none of my friends game on PC
- I don't know how to build a PC, don't care to learn, and refuse to pay $700+ for gaming hardware off the shelf
- PC games have little resale value, and are often unavailable used
- Many current multiplatform releases are delayed on PC
- Many series I care about are still console exclusive

Feel free to nitpick every reason on the list, thread derail complete.

I agree with all these points... and I'm a Mac user and have been for over 10 years. Using Windows outside of work is not an option I'm going to entertain.


I had live gold last year. But I have no plans to renew. I'll do my online gaming on my PC and PS3. Also I mostly just use my 360 for exclusives and multiplatform titles that are terrible on the PS3 (like Bayonetta).
Are we on to multiplat games and how they perform? in my experience, this is the list of PS3 games better than the 360 versions:

Bionic Commando
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Burnout Paradise
Alone in the Dark Inferno (released some time after 360/PC version with big changes)
and, allegedly, Darksiders

Doesn't mean the PS3 versions of games are as bad as people make them out to be. The reason Bayonetta is a big deal is because it's the first time in a long while that the performance difference was significant. Plus the audio is usually better in the PS3 version, so that may be a factor for some people. Also, I buy all fighting games on PS3 because I have my arcade stick, saturn pad, mad catz pad, etc. for it. Other than that, I buy all games on 360 unless they're on PC (sadly usually doesn't happen or get delayed these days).

Really the only people who should worry about this shit are the ones who have both 360 and PS3 (excluding PC for this point) and want to decide which version to get. In the end I just care to play the best version of a game I can. If I only had a PS3, I wouldn't care if my version wasn't as good because I wouldn't buy a new console just to play the same game slightly better. But since I have both a 360 and PS3 with no real strong preferences to either, I just want whatever is best.


Lets not kid ourselves anyway, for 70% of the people, the main selling point of a gaming rig is that you just pay for the hardware.


sparkle this bitch
ITT, I don't what the fuck happened but it sure is entertaining! Proof that people love to argue more about systems than play the fucking games on the system.


I'd love to stop renewing my XBL Gold as I don't think the relative price is justified given how many ads MS shits the thing up with but the thing is I play pretty much all of my online games on the 360 and all my friends from home have XBL and I've compiled a large list of cool online people to play with on the 360. Really hope Sony (and Nintendo for that matter) stick with an 100% free service to continually put pressure on MS to change XBL (price or features).
WrikaWrek said:
Lets not kid ourselves anyway, for 70% of the people, the main selling point of a gaming rig is that you just pay for the hardware.

That's actually what I hate most about PC gaming (somewhat of a lie). I like getting a new graphics card of w/e and seeing the same game play, look, and perform better. I hate how expensive somethings are and I hate opening up my PC and swapping shit out and dealing with wires (fuck wires) and all that shit. I want/need a quad core CPU now but can't justify the purchase yet. The reason I want it is because I played the Divinity 2 demo and Shattered Horizons and the games are a tad choppy. Striving for perfection is a parasite, man. I'm envious of people that don't care as much about this nonsense.

video games are so much fun


Himuro said:
Like Jwong mentioned, you act like the only use for a pc is gaming.

And no, hdtvs are not just for gaming. However, ps3/360 fanboys necessitate the need for an hdtv to the high heavens to those without one. So it's seen as necessary and required to many people.

And my current PC is fine for what I use it for..


shintoki said:
ITT, I don't what the fuck happened but it sure is entertaining! Proof that people love to argue more about systems than play the fucking games on the system.

I could be playing Ratchet and Clank now but i'd rather talk with my friend on aim and read the Steam sale thread and this thread. I'm doing something wrong....
Himuro said:
And no, hdtvs are not just for gaming. However, ps3/360 fanboys necessitate the need for an hdtv to the high heavens to those without one. So it's seen as necessary and required to many people.

And you didn't just do that with your crummy little laptop? How many threads do we have discussing how to make $400-or-whatever pc rigs that just assume you already have a HD-capable screen device? PC started this war.

Besides, my Console Gaming monitor is pretty darn spiffy.


Himuro said:
I don't care about pc vs consoles.

I'm just saying the price argument is stupid. He brought up the price argument and I debated it. You just CAN'T argue the price of having a gaming pc while owning ps3, 360 AND an hdtv.

You can have your reasons.

:lol :lol in circles we go..
Himuro said:
Huh? My laptop came with my hd monitor. Plus, as far as I know, pc gamers don't argue that it's REQUIRED to have an hd monitor to play the games and in some cases, it comes with the rig anyways.
by the definition of HD, all monitors from the last decade or so are "hd", even 15 inch crts, so what point were you making?


Himuro said:
It's a circular argument and has no base in logic. You can afford a 360, ps3 and an hdtv but not a gaming pc. You were the one who brought up the argument; back it up. Oh wait, you can't.

I thought we already discussed that that the argument of bringing a HDTV into this mix is retarded?


Himuro said:
I'm just saying the price argument is stupid. He brought up the price argument and I debated it. You just CAN'T argue the price of having a gaming pc while owning ps3, 360 AND an hdtv.

You can quite easily. Consoles win on price. Everytime. Your HDTV point is absolutely ridiculous. A HDTV is often a family acquisition. A gaming PC is not. A family PC will have inetgrated graphics or entry level Nvidia and ATi offerings.

This is from someone who spent £2,250 on a new gaming PC last year.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Man, this thread....some of you guys are so intent on arguing about everything.

If it means that much to you not to pay for Gold, don't pay for it, and either keep the 360 for single player games or sell it. I really don't think anyone is going to be able to convince the other side to see their point of view at this point.


Son of Godzilla said:
And you didn't just do that with your crummy little laptop? How many threads do we have discussing how to make $400-or-whatever pc rigs that just assume you already have a HD-capable screen device? PC started this war.

Besides, my Console Gaming monitor is pretty darn spiffy.
I use a Dell 2407 for both PC and PS3.

I use my Logitech Z5500 for both PC and PS3.

8) I win.
NIGHT- said:
I thought we already discussed that that the argument of bringing a HDTV into this mix is retarded?
How about wireless network adapters? And 1:1 dollar to gig ratio harddrives?


I haven't use mine since...... maybe late 2008? and since I don't pay for mi right to play that doesn't help the cause either.

When is gears 3 coming out?
Himuro said:
So are you going to say that having an hdtv isn't important? Or that people should play their 360/ps3 on sdtv's? Because that goes against everything the collective graphic whore 360 generation stands for and everything they support.

Factor in ps3 + 360 + hdtv and we are easily talking AT LEAST 2000 dollars.

Yet people can't afford a gaming pc, which can cost an upward of 400-600 for desktop and 1000 if we're talking gaming laptops?
This a ridiculous scenario though because it implies that $800 or whatever was completely all disposable income and not a purchase that was saved fir over time. You're acting like anyone who really cares about gaming the right way ought to have a couple hundo to drop at all times. I'm sure if everyone had the disposable income, everyone would own everything, bit obviously that's rarely the case.
Gotta agree with durante. The time you wasted arguing and nitpicking the minute and negligible differences b/t PS3/360 ports could've been spent on something else. You're better off flipping a coin to decide if no extra content is involved. And if it really does matter to you that much...what durante said..


Inanna Dan said:

I know you are joking but are people actually arguing that if you don't have live gold you are a "sonybot"? I'd read the whole thread but I don't wanna kill any more brain cells than I did last night drinking.
Metroidvania said:
Man, this thread....some of you guys are so intent on arguing about everything.

If it means that much to you not to pay for Gold, don't pay for it, and either keep the 360 for single player games or sell it. I really don't think anyone is going to be able to convince the other side to see their point of view at this point.
Pretty much. I don't care to convince anyone but I didn't find live worth the money since I could play most 360 games I'd want to play online on my pc for free and I don't care about "community aspects" or whatever else.
Pimpbaa said:
I know you are joking but are people actually arguing that if you don't have live gold you are a "sonybot"? I'd read the whole thread but I don't wanna kill any more brain cells than I did last night drinking.
No, only the usual crowd who have making threads and coming into these types of threads repeatedly to make sure that everyone knows and is beaten over the head with the fact that they are outraged about xbl, think its useless, and anyone who uses it is a moron.


elrechazao said:
No, only the usual crowd who have making threads and coming into these types of threads repeatedly to make sure that everyone knows and is beaten over the head with the fact that they are outraged about xbl, think its useless, and anyone who uses it is a moron.

I am sure those same people will happily pay $70 for PSN Premium.


WrikaWrek said:
Lets not kid ourselves anyway, for 70% of the people, the main selling point of a gaming rig is that you just pay for the hardware.
Ok, now you are just being stupid. One could argue similarly that everyone buying a 360 only does so because you can pirate games on it, unlike PS3. And it would be just as worthless as an argument.
Off to a good start!



there is joy in sucking dick
Holy shit, have we really gone back to posting Gamertags to prove 360 ownership? 2010 starting off with a bang!
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