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Japan release day sales 2/8: Virtua Bomba 5


Public Health Threat
Bu-bu-bu DOA4!

Inane commentary aside, it may not sell systems in Japan, but anyone would be stupid to think it won't sell at least 100K in the short time.

As for worldwide, the question is not if it'll sell, but how much compared to the other version.


Amir0x said:
I generalize the country based on over two years of horrific sales for the worst games ever conceived by mankind. It's just hyperbole, though. Obviously, I don't literally mean every Japanese gamer has bad taste - there are the few tiny people who purchased Okami, or Megaman ZX, or even Hotel Dusk. But for every time I see a phenomenal truly worthy next-gen game with ambition, like VF5 or Gears of War, sell 50,000 vs. a shitty piece of software developed by 2 people while they were high over in Akihabara I can't help but see the writing on the wall.

People have accepted last-gen technology, and have spoken with their wallet. And they've accepted it at the helm of swinging with finnicky remotes and tapping rapidly a low resolution screen. Which is fine, but, it is what it is. I choose to call it a gimmick, but that's in the interest of my opinion which I can't change. Does a gimmick not become a gimmick if it sells a billion?

gim·mick Pronunciation Key [gim-ik]
–noun 1. an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, esp. one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.

What's wrong with a gimmick again?
Amir0x said:
I generalize the country based on over two years of horrific sales for the worst games ever conceived by mankind. It's just hyperbole, though. Obviously, I don't literally mean every Japanese gamer has bad taste - there are the few tiny people who purchased Okami, or Megaman ZX, or even Hotel Dusk. But for every time I see a phenomenal truly worthy next-gen game with ambition, like VF5 or Gears of War, sell 50,000 vs. a shitty piece of software developed by 2 people while they were high over in Akihabara I can't help but see the writing on the wall.

People have accepted last-gen technology, and have spoken with their wallet. And they've accepted it at the helm of swinging with finnicky remotes and tapping rapidly a low resolution screen. Which is fine, but, it is what it is. I choose to call it a gimmick, but that's in the interest of my opinion which I can't change. Does a gimmick not become a gimmick if it sells a billion?

I know we've butted heads many times over the FF subject, but allow me to say I agree 100% with you here.

Great post.


Oh no! Japanese people are buying different things than me! What a horrible horrible place! They keep buying horrible shit like
while ignoring excellent games like
Beyond Good & Evil
! Condemn them, I say!


ethelred said:
Oh no! Japanese people are buying different things than me! What a horrible horrible place! They keep buying horrible shit like
while ignoring excellent games like
Beyond Good & Evil
! Condemn them, I say!

Americans and Europeans buy the same DS games as the Japanese anyway, and the Japanese picked up more traditional games than anyone else. :lol

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Amir0x said:
i dunno, gkry, that actually sounds like it confirms what i think! ;)

"in order to increase salability, acceptance" :lol

Well, by that reasoning, that makes Bluray and higher processing power gimmicks also. That's the whole point of adding those features. To make them more appealing to consumers.
justchris said:
gim·mick Pronunciation Key [gim-ik]
–noun 1. an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, esp. one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.

What's wrong with a gimmick again?



Moderation Unlimited said:

...designed to increase appeal....

Meaning it was designed to make people like it more. The touchscreen/wiimote increases it's appeal to the gameplaying (and more importantly game buying) public. Meaning, in the eyes of the public, it is a better device. Isn't that a good thing?

an ingenious or novel device....

Not necessarily novel, but certainly ingenious. Usually when something is ingenious we consider it a good thing. Does it suddenly become less good to be ingenious when refering to video games?

Without genius and novelty, we slowly plod ahead to mediocrity. All advancement is incremental, and nothing new is ever discovered. More than half of the gaming genres that exist now are based off of things that were, originally, gimmicks. Without gimmicks, we would pretty much only have sports & racing games.


I've got to the point where my mind automatically dismisses the word "gimmick".

It's become the only fallback left for people who try to give out negative criticism.


gutter_trash said:
VF5 is going to do well in the west, not big, not small, but well.

PS3 owners have nothing to play (like me right now) and we want something new and especially since it's the only real next gen fighting game. VF5 will sell well (proportionally to how many PS3 owners exist)

Also the media coverage has been mostly positive across the board from GS, IGN, 1Up and the magazines. OPM, EGM ect ect ect

the lack of many games on the PS3 actually gives VF5 bigger exposure in the media when compared to VF4 when it came on the PS2 last gen.

Allot more not fighting game enthusiasts are talking about VF now, and it is that damn true

Well lets hope your right for SEGAs sake, but your predictions involving VF5 haven't come true in the past:lol

Junior Member
(12-06-2006, 01:26 PM)


gutter_trash said:
okay, to all of yous saying that say the 3rd party games I listed are not guaranteed exclussives.

If Virtua Fighter 5 gets ever ported to the 360, then I ask for a 4 month ban of for 1quarter if this game ever gets ported to 360.

a safe bet

It has'nt been 4 months since VF5 for the 360 was announced has it?


What is with all the Japan sucks shit? They're the ones who usually buy Virtua Fighter in droves. Can't blame them cuz the system it's on is damn expensive.


MaddenNFL64 said:
What is with all the Japan sucks shit? They're the ones who usually buy Virtua Fighter in droves. Can't blame them cuz the system it's on is damn expensive.

But in case of Japan the system isn't so expensive anymore...

Let's wait and see what's going to happen with Musou...
MaddenNFL64 said:
What is with all the Japan sucks shit? They're the ones who usually buy Virtua Fighter in droves. Can't blame them cuz the system it's on is damn expensive.

jarrod said US and Europe have been larger markets for VF than Japan since the series moved to PlayStation
People are going crazy over day one sales. 32,000 isn't exactly phenomenal or anything by any stretch of the imagination, but it isn't terrible either for one, single day. Give it time and see what it does in an entire week or even a month. Also, the game isn't even available in Europe or the US yet, so it can make up for lack of sales in those territories. It seems like quite a few Japanese games are selling better outside of Japan, so VF5 is probably no different. Also, VF from what I've seen was never been a system seller and it sure doesn't have enough recognition and popularity to sell a $500-$600(or whatever the price is there) console. VF3 sold terrible on the Dreamcast with an average size uerbase and VF4 sold pretty good on the PS2, but considering the immense userbase, it should. Even VF4: Evo didn't necessarily garner great sales despite it's budget price and improvements. So why were people expecting a miracle with VF5 with such a diminutive userbase? Yes, 32,000 isn't so great, but I am expecting it to hit 100,000 in a reasonable time frame over there.
gutter_trash said:
VF5 is going to do well in the west, not big, not small, but well.

PS3 owners have nothing to play (like me right now) and we want something new and especially since it's the only real next gen fighting game. VF5 will sell well (proportionally to how many PS3 owners exist)

Also the media coverage has been mostly positive across the board from GS, IGN, 1Up and the magazines. OPM, EGM ect ect ect

the lack of many games on the PS3 actually gives VF5 bigger exposure in the media when compared to VF4 when it came on the PS2 last gen.

Allot more not fighting game enthusiasts are talking about VF now, and it is that damn true

I hope it sells well in the USA for Sega. I do wonder if it will attract new owners to the PS3 or if it will just sell to the people who already own the PS3. I love Virtua Fighters and Sega, but I am willing to wait and get it on the X-box 360, when I get a X-box 360 this summer.
Dante said:
Maybe my expectations are low, but 32k for one day is bad??
I think your expectations are low. DOAX2 on the 360 sold more than that on day one to put it in perspective. With only 32K sold on the first day, I doubt it sells more than 60k the first week.


justchris said:
gim·mick Pronunciation Key [gim-ik]
–noun 1. an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, esp. one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.

What's wrong with a gimmick again?
Dont be like I was. Leave Amir0x alone. No matter what you say, or how you say it, he wont change his mind, wont back-down, and will make you increasingly angrier with every reply.


Then you make funny pictures, and move on;



moku said:
Dont be like I was. Leave Amir0x alone. No matter what you say, or how you say it, he wont change his mind, wont back-down, and will make you increasingly angrier with every reply.


Awww, but I suck at getting angry. Takes too much effort.

Of course, I also suck at making funny pictures.
how many times you walk into Wal-Mart and look at the glass where the games are and don't see anything new

this is why VF5 will sell well, there are no PS3 games to buy now, people will buy


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
cvxfreak said:
Americans and Europeans buy the same DS games as the Japanese anyway, and the Japanese picked up more traditional games than anyone else. :lol
And Nintendogs did worse in Japan compared to NA or EU. Amir0x is just sore that AC:WW did so well there. All 3 regions has their own fair set of pros and cons.
Sony fans set themselves up for bomb, stupid things like Virtua Fighters will turn the situation around in Japan. Stop making dumb statements and you wont end up with cake on your face, PS3 will come into its own after a bit, but it wont be one game, the price is too high, it's going have to be a set of conditions.
The thing is, isn't the VF series mega-popular in Japan as far as fighting games go? So people think wow the PS3 release will pwn in the sales but when it doesn't they think well the PS3 sales must really be sucking cause we know Japanese fighting fans love VF.

Obviously VF isn't enough of a system seller to warrant it.

If FFXIII was coming out earlier I wonder how many Japan folk would be forced into ponying up the cash instead of 'waiting it out'.


My favorite part about this thread is when people make value judgements about games that hasn't been released and the reception they may receive in a foreign country.


Amir0x said:
I generalize the country based on over two years of horrific sales for the worst games ever conceived by mankind. It's just hyperbole, though. Obviously, I don't literally mean every Japanese gamer has bad taste - there are the few tiny people who purchased Okami, or Megaman ZX, or even Hotel Dusk. But for every time I see a phenomenal truly worthy next-gen game with ambition, like VF5 or Gears of War, sell 50,000 vs. a shitty piece of software developed by 2 people while they were high over in Akihabara I can't help but see the writing on the wall.

You keep saying this in most of these types of threads, but I fail to follow your logic. Okami, Megaman ZX, Hotel Dusk, Virtua Fighter 5, Gears of War; you keep calling these games truly worthy next-gen games with ambition, while in fact they are minor spins on tired concepts. There's nothing ambitious about 'm. These games could've easily been done on last-gen hardware, albeit less lush looking.

Don't get me wrong, I do not think Wii en DS games have been very different. Both systems have seen some remarkable use of the hardware, but it's mostly old concepts with a new interface.

Ambition isn't restricted to sumpercomputers with HD visuals, surround audio output or online infrastructure, nor does it need new ways to control and interact with your game. Ambition is about the willingness for a developer to think outside the box and stick with it, even though it might not be the easiest way to make some money.


jj984jj said:
And Nintendogs did worse in Japan compared to NA or EU. Amir0x is just sore that AC:WW did so well there. All 3 regions has their own fair set of pros and cons.


NSMB/MKDS/FFIII/Tetris DS/Wario in Japan > US


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
cvxfreak said:

NSMB/MKDS/FFIII/Tetris DS/Wario in Japan > US

Japan rox.

Seriously, GAF needs to sometime acknowledge that a lot of games that they laud aren't system sellers.
Instead of being bitter to Nintendo, maybe these people should suck it up and I don't know like blame (gasp!) their paper champion ... Sony?

Last time I checked, SONY is the one that bailed on the PSP and let Nintendo bend it over and have at it.

Last time I checked it was SONY that decided to make a bloated $600 game machine and bring it out in 2006 (when the PS2 wrapped in 2000, giving Sony more time than Nintendo or MS had).

Last time I checked SONY is the one that's seen their marketing/PR go down straight into the crapper? I mean really think of their marketing/PR debacles of the past year alone. Mexican accented squirrels, borderline racist billboards, pathetically lame "viral marketing". Barf. This company has fallen a long ways from the FF7 marketing campaign hey day.

No one gave Nintendo any breaks from bringing up their screw ups and subsequent market fall in the mid-90s.
Wait, I'm confused.

Is 32k bad for VF5 on a brand new console? VF4 was totally awesome, but I don't remember thinking of it as a system seller or even a HUGE name outside out the gamer popullation.

32k in a day or a week or whatever seems ok.


soundwave05 said:
Instead of being bitter to Nintendo, maybe these people should suck it up and I don't know like blame (gasp!) their paper champion ... Sony?

Last time I checked, SONY is the one that bailed on the PSP and let Nintendo bend it over and have at it.

Last time I checked it was SONY that decided to make a bloated $600 game machine and bring it out in 2006 (when the PS2 wrapped in 2000, giving Sony more time than Nintendo or MS had).

Just doesn't get it.
Over and over and over again.
(Today, 04:26 PM)
Reply | Quote
underfooter said:
Wait, I'm confused.

Is 32k bad for VF5 on a brand new console? VF4 was totally awesome, but I don't remember thinking of it as a system seller or even a HUGE name outside out the gamer popullation.

32k in a day or a week or whatever seems ok.

Well for comparisons sake, DOAX2 sold 33k on its first day. DOAX2. The volleyball game. Japan. 360.
sony bailed on the PSP? really? why is there a new Ratchet PSP game? or a rumored God of war PSP game? or the upcoming Loco Roco 2? or GT Mobile? or the next SOCOM PSP game? Killzone PSP? cmon...sony isnt nintendo's gamecube or MS's Xbox where they cut and run and leave the 15+million fanbase leaving a piece of unsupported crap with a 2 year long drought :(


frAntic_Frog said:
sony bailed on the PSP? really? why is there a new Ratchet PSP game? or a rumored God of war PSP game? or the upcoming Loco Roco 2? or GT Mobile? or the next SOCOM PSP game? Killzone PSP? cmon...sony isnt nintendo's gamecube or MS's Xbox where they cut and run and leave the 15+million fanbase leaving a piece of unsupported crap with a 2 year long drought :(

Thats what I was getting at.


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Well for comparisons sake, DOAX2 sold 33k on its first day. DOAX2. The volleyball game. Japan. 360.

These are the key ingredients to a successful Next Gen title in Japan: boob physics and a market debauched enough to not care about the quality of the game parts of the game. You may also use the word "Gundam" if you're short on cash.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
frAntic_Frog said:
sony bailed on the PSP? really? why is there a new Ratchet PSP game? or a rumored God of war PSP game? or the upcoming Loco Roco 2? or GT Mobile? or the next SOCOM PSP game? Killzone PSP? cmon...sony isnt nintendo's gamecube or MS's Xbox where they cut and run and leave the 15+million fanbase leaving a piece of unsupported crap with a 2 year long drought :(

The hell? This post is all sorts of wrong.

1. You're talking about Sony supporting a system in its second year compared to the competition's systems LAST 2 years.
2. You're mentioning a few Sony games like as if they're pumping them out every day or something.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
VF5 numbers aren't that bad. expect double of these numbers week end. Jet Impulse is the only truly bomb there. WTF, the game looks great :(


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Well for comparisons sake, DOAX2 sold 33k on its first day. DOAX2. The volleyball game. Japan. 360.

But the amount of gamers with a 360 back then it much different to the amount of gamers with a PS3 now. There's probably about 150,000 gamers with a PS3 in Japan right now.


Parl said:
But the amount of gamers with a 360 back then it much different to the amount of gamers with a PS3 now. There's probably about 150,000 gamers with a PS3 in Japan right now.
Theres over 600,000 gamers in Japan who own a PS3.


Parl said:
But the amount of gamers with a 360 back then it much different to the amount of gamers with a PS3 now. There's probably about 150,000 gamers with a PS3 in Japan right now.

Please try to refrain from guessing sales amount again. Unless you are trolling PS3.
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