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Krazy Kristians set to convert trick-or-treaters

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White Man

-jinx- said:
I don't give a rat's ass WHAT kind of religious stuff people want to hand out...as long as it doesn't interfere with the ladies' God-given right to dress up in slutty costumes and knock back a lot of drinks for one night a year.

If PD's people had their way, instead of SEXY Nurses and SEXY Maids and SEXY Lady Construction Workers, we'd have SEXY Mary Magdalenes, SEXY Ruths, SEXY Salomes, and SEXY Susannas.


Console Market Analyst
-jinx- said:
I don't give a rat's ass WHAT kind of religious stuff people want to hand out...as long as it doesn't interfere with the ladies' God-given right to dress up in slutty costumes and knock back a lot of drinks for one night a year.


I read that as "and knock on my door for one night a year". Evelyn Wood failed me, and now I just remembered how much the movie Hard Candy sucked.
White Man said:
Shock, guys: Advertisements aren't religious material.

Advetisements (well...good ones) educate the public about a product. Giving someone a tract is not very different from that. If they aren't interested in the tract, fine. In fact, a little kid certainly isn't going to be interested in a piece of paper on Halloween that doesn't include candy. The argument that they'll somehow be confused is rather weak. Most little kids are with their parents, and everyone else is old enough to make their own decisions about religion.

Everyone here is not too far removed from being kids; tell me, would you be overly interested in a tract given out on Halloween? I doubt it; it's sort of like getting clothes on Christmas. Yeah clothes are important, and yeah your parents probably value that more than you, but in the end all you want is the toys.


White Man said:
And Halloween is the proper venue to be bringing that up? It's about putting on silly masks and getting candy, not endorsing sweeping social changes.

Of course! Woe and punishment upon those who don't follow proper Halloween doctrine and protocol!

I have no problem with you being personally offended by it because of your beliefs - I respect your right to question or deny the existence of God(s). However, it's kind of silly to argue it from an objective standpoint, isn't it?
PhoenixDark said:
Advetisements (well...good ones) educate the public about a product. Giving someone a tract is not very different from that. If they aren't interested in the tract, fine. In fact, a little kid certainly isn't going to be interested in a piece of paper on Halloween that doesn't include candy. The argument that they'll somehow be confused is rather weak. Most little kids are with their parents, and everyone else is old enough to make their own decisions about religion.

Everyone here is not too far removed from being kids; tell me, would you be overly interested in a tract given out on Halloween? I doubt it; it's sort of like getting clothes on Christmas. Yeah clothes are important, and yeah your parents probably value that more than you, but in the end all you want is the toys.

That is not what Halloween is about. They have every other day to ruin with their gifts of the lord's blessings.

Satan forbids this.


Do these same Christians also dress in military fatigues, pretending to blow up abortion clinics with a bible in one hand & a two-way radio in the other thinking God is on the other end?

White Man

PhoenixDark said:
Advetisements (well...good ones) educate the public about a product. Giving someone a tract is not very different from that. If they aren't interested in the tract, fine. In fact, a little kid certainly isn't going to be interested in a piece of paper on Halloween that doesn't include candy. The argument that they'll somehow be confused is rather weak. Most little kids are with their parents, and everyone else is old enough to make their own decisions about religion.

Awesome. So Religion is a product now? How American of a concept. I'll equate it with toilet paper, thank you very much.

And if you say the kid isn't likely going to be interest, then what intent do people hand these out with?

Everyone here is not too far removed from being kids; tell me, would you be overly interested in a tract given out on Halloween? I doubt it; it's sort of like getting clothes on Christmas. Yeah clothes are important, and yeah your parents probably value that more than you, but in the end all you want is the toys.

And that makes it okay that people try to preach to kids on Halloween, even if it is a feeble, half-assed attempt?
krypt0nian said:
Feel free to set these tracts on fire in the anti-Halloween bastards lawns.

One fukcing day to ourselves and they want to ruin it...

So because someone gave you a tract you have the right to deface their property? Please tell me which right is violated when someone gives someone else a tract:)

White Man said:
If PD's people had their way, instead of SEXY Nurses and SEXY Maids and SEXY Lady Construction Workers, we'd have SEXY Mary Magdalenes, SEXY Ruths, SEXY Salomes, and SEXY Susannas.




PhoenixDark said:
How is it telling anyone they're bad? We have nothing against tricker treating; if we did, we wouldn't be handing out candy in the first place.

Giving someone one tract and a handful of candy isn't going to ruin their Halloween. Let's leave the hyperbole out of the discussion mmk?
again you're trivialising this. whether misguided or not, most people associate religion with good, therefore when someone hands you a tract with a religious message there is an implication that you are doing bad. How can you not understand that? To continue, when some one is told that they are acting badly/misbehaving for celebrating Halloween, how does that not ruin thier day?

Do your folks also had out tracts on Independence Day telling of how many of the forefathers were deists and that we shouldn't be celebrating the birth of the nation that brought forth the seperation of church and state?


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
ronito said:
If you have to lure someone to your church with candy and such things perhaps you should re-evaluate your belief system.

PhoenixDark said:
So because someone gave you a tract you have the right to deface their property? Please tell me which right is violated when someone gives someone else a tract:)

My right to celebrate one day of evil without unwanted Kristian self-help recruitment materials.

Trick or treat covers this nicely.


Isn't Halloween a christian holiday of some sort to begin with? Like all the other holidays marked on the pull-up calendars.
krypt0nian said:
My right to celebrate one day of evil without unwanted Kristian self-help recruitment materials.

Trick or treat covers this nicely.

White Man said:
Awesome. So Religion is a product now? How American of a concept. I'll equate it with toilet paper, thank you very much.

And if you say the kid isn't likely going to be interest, then what intent do people hand these out with?

And that makes it okay that people try to preach to kids on Halloween, even if it is a feeble, half-assed attempt?

How is it preaching? Like I said, if someone doesn't like the tract they don't have to take it. It's not like we sit at the door, give out the tract, and say "God loves you, and since I love you too take this tract!"

krypt0nian said:
That is not what Halloween is about. They have every other day to ruin with their gifts of the lord's blessings.

So now there are laws which determine what Halloween is about? In America? o_O


White Man said:
Awesome. So Religion is a product now? How American of a concept. I'll equate it with toilet paper, thank you very much.

That's your opinion, but it doesn't do much to advance your argument from a rational standpoint.

And if you say the kid isn't likely going to be interest, then what intent do people hand these out with?

Who knows? Perhaps one of the kids and his family will become attracted to the faith, or at least be curious enough to check it out, which could possibly lead to new conversions. It's just about getting the information out there.

And that makes it okay that people try to preach to kids on Halloween, even if it is a feeble, half-assed attempt?

You act as if Halloween is a day that is supposed to be sanctioned from any kind of religious activity... while this may be how you perceive the holiday personally, that doesn't mean that other people feel the same way.
max_cool said:
again you're trivialising this. whether misguided or not, most people associate religion with good, therefore when someone hands you a tract with a religious message there is an implication that you are doing bad. How can you not understand that? To continue, when some one is told that they are acting badly/misbehaving for celebrating Halloween, how does that not ruin thier day?

Do your folks also had out tracts on Independence Day telling of how many of the forefathers were deists and that we shouldn't be celebrating the birth of the nation that brought forth the seperation of church and state?

I never said celebrating Halloween was wrong, did I. Did you read the tract I posted?
PhoenixDark said:
So now there are laws which determine what Halloween is about? In America? o_O

Are you ****ing kidding? You're telling me that Halloween is about giving out tracts to innocent kids that are out for candy? Why would there be laws governing a holiday's purpose?

Don't play dumb. Everyone knows what is expected on Halloween.

White Man

unifin said:
That's your opinion, but it doesn't do much to advance your argument from a rational standpoint.

I think all rationality was lost in this discussion when it was decided that religion and a bottle of Pepsi are just about the same thing.

Who knows? Perhaps one of the kids and his family will become attracted to the faith, or at least be curious enough to check it out, which could possibly lead to new conversions. It's just about getting the information out there.

So it is proselytizing on a holiday meant for kids to get candy, despite what was said previously? Cool, that's trashy.

You act as if Halloween is a day that is supposed to be sanctioned from any kind of religious activity... while this may be how you perceive the holiday personally, that doesn't mean that other people feel the same way.

I never said it should be sanctioned for anything. I just think people that use it as an excuse to try to push their beliefs on others are vile and/or trashy.


Professional Schmuck
These are the same sons of bitches that want to tip with a fake 5-dollar bill that says on the inside: "God's love is priceless."

CajoleJuice said:
What would you guys say of a person who just refuses to participate in the holiday?

Enjoy a nice movie that evening?

In the Chicagoland area this year, there are Krazy Kristians that tried to get the yearly grade school parade canceled as it violated their religious beliefs. They could have just had their kids not participate and there was another fun non-Halloween activity.

But they tried that they always try and ruined it for the whole ****ing school.

White Man

CajoleJuice said:
What would you guys say of a person who just refuses to participate in the holiday?

They had better things to do; ie, sit at home, watch Veronica Mars, and smoke BC bud (THE DEVIL'S WEED!!!!).


White Man said:
I think all rationality was lost in this discussion when it was decided that religion and a bottle of Pepsi are just about the same thing.

So it is proselytizing on a holiday meant for kids to get candy, despite what was said previously? Cool, that's trashy.

I never said it should be sanctioned for anything. I just think people that use it as an excuse to try to push their beliefs on others are vile and/or trashy.

I can understand how you feel offended by the "Halloween is t3h devil" crowd, but I (and the majority of Christians) aren't like that at all.

How is it "trashy" to spread one's beliefs? Again, no one's "pushing" or "forcing." They're simply "offering," as PD said, and if they refuse, then that's okay.

The kids still get the candy, the people who aren't interested aren't forced to take one, and the ones who are interested get to learn a little about the Christian faith. What is the big deal here?
krypt0nian said:
Are you ****ing kidding? You're telling me that Halloween is about giving out tracts to innocent kids that are out for candy? Why would there be laws governing a holiday's purpose?

Don't play dumb. Everyone knows what is expected on Halloween.

I already explained we give out candy as well. With the elections a week or so away, expect some people to pass out some political information as well. Is that against the hallowed Halloween rules as well?
unifin said:
I can understand how you feel offended by the "Halloween is t3h devil" crowd, but I (and the majority of Christians) aren't like that at all.

How is it "trashy" to spread one's beliefs? Again, no one's "pushing" or "forcing." They're simply "offering," as PD said, and if they refuse, then that's okay.

Pushing your religion to innocent kids who do not know better is trashy, creepy and all kinds of ****ed up.
PhoenixDark said:
I already explained we give out candy as well. With the elections a week or so away, expect some people to pass out some political information as well. Is that against the hallowed Halloween rules as well?

If they hand out political flyers to kids its just as dense as tracts. :lol

White Man

unifin said:
I can understand how you feel offended by the "Halloween is t3h devil" crowd, but I (and the majority of Christians) aren't like that at all.

I know.

How is it "trashy" to spread one's beliefs? Again, no one's "pushing" or "forcing." They're simply "offering," as PD said, and if they refuse, then that's okay.

Because you're offering the tracts to little kids that don't know any better. I bet if a kid did refuse, the person giving the tract would say something like "Oh, I think it's something you should check out." And as someone that has received such tracts before, in reality you don't get a choice. It's dropped in your bag and you don't even notice it until you're sorting out your loot later.

The kids still get the candy,


the people who aren't interested aren't forced to take one,

No. See above.

and the ones who are interested get to learn a little about the Christian faith.

Use your Christian days for that.

What is the big deal here?

You're polluting the minds of the young.
SpoonyBard said:
Pushing your religion to innocent kids who do not know better is trashy, creepy and all kinds of ****ed up.

How is giving a tract to someone "pushing" religion on them? "Pushing" insinuates "force". No one is being forced to do anything here.
SpoonyBard said:
Pushing your religion to innocent kids who do not know better is trashy, creepy and all kinds of ****ed up.

I'm sure the baptists would LOVE their kids being introduced to a rival faith alongside some candy. It's one of the rudest things I can imagine to try and recruit other families children like that.

I'm going to hand out "Bobby has two dads" books this year to the pretty little baptist kids. :lol


SpoonyBard said:
Pushing your religion to innocent kids who do not know better is trashy, creepy and all kinds of ****ed up.

Again, your inherent belief that religion is evil is entirely subjective, but this has already been addressed. Most of the kids have parents with them who can refuse if they wish, and if the kids refuse, you shouldn't force them to take one.

If people ARE forcing the tracts on people (and kids), that's wrong, but the way PD does it, he sounds like he makes it an entirely voluntary thing.

White Man

unifin said:
Again, the inherent belief that religion is evil is entirely subjective, but this has already been addressed. Most of the kids have parents with them who can refuse if they wish, and if the kids refuse, you shouldn't force them to take one.

It's not that religion is inherently evil (though I think it is), it's just that it's hokey to make Halloween about advertising your religious beliefs.


Console Market Analyst
PhoenixDark said:
Isn't clear that they're main goal is to reach the parents this way? Come on:lol

And that's why most tracts are in comic book form and require the reading skill level of an 8 year old...
The problem I have with Christianity (I'm Jewish) is that while it promotes kindness unto your fellow man and general goodness as judaism does, it does so while pointing a gun at your head the entire time. What meaning does being a good person have if you do it only in fear of not being "saved"?

Other than that, you can't argue with a religion that idolizes a man whose self sacrifice and non-violence make Gandhi seem like Hitler in comparison.


Professional Schmuck
Here's the deal.

If any one of you bastards walked your kids up to a house on Halloween and some guy in a turban opened the door and handed your kid a little pamphlet of his beliefs, how long do you think that would last?

Yeah, it IS the same thing. If you want to **** up an otherwise harmless holiday by giving kids unwanted and unwelcome messages about your faith, so be it, but don't be surprised when people object.

And I'm a Christian and I dont do that shit. I keep my faith to myself.


White Man said:
It's not that religion is inherently evil (though I think it is), it's just that it's hokey to make Halloween about advertising your religious beliefs.

Sure, some of those tracts are a little much, as I mentioned earlier in the thread. Surely, it's not going to be the most effective way to preach the religion, and I can completely understand how it seems artificially "religiously righteous" to spread Christian texts on a "pagan" (I hate that term) holiday, but OBJECTIVELY, there shouldn't be any problem with any other group doing the same thing.
White Man said:
Especially the single dads, right?

Single married....as long as they're hot.

PhoenixDark said:
Yes, they're handing out political information, buttons, and stickers...FOR THE KIDS! -_-

If people are handing out politico info as trick or treat supplements, its a bonfire in the lawn.


Console Market Analyst
PhoenixDark said:
Did you read the tract I posted?

Yes, and it's horrible that you'd drop that into a child's candy bag.

If it is your intention to witness to me, the adult, then talk to me. Don't use a child's curiosity as a catalyst for that type of discussion when we dump the candy out on the kitchen table.


PhoenixDark said:
I never said celebrating Halloween was wrong, did I. Did you read the tract I posted?
Yes I did and it called me sinner.

Again the point isn't what the tract says, it's the fact that it's even there is saying "what you are doing is anti-christian" and as I said before the majority of people view religion as good and Christianity is overwhelmingly the most popular religion in America. Therefore when some one is implicitly saying that another is anti-christian most people will interpet that as anti-good or bad/wrong.
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