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LawBreakers |OT| Zero G, With Cliffy B


Oh noes my precious Romerus. Well hopefully it's not to damaging in practice. Grapple buff is nice might try to use that now.

Also don't like the Occupy changes. Telling people where the next Zone sucks because in close games the teams that were paying attention to rotations could get an advantage. Although I do see it being good from a new player experience.

Blitzball change with shield could make it more annoying against a team with some coronation or good wraiths.

Edit -

As said juggernaut needs a buff to his shotgun more than anything.

I don't like that change to the romerus at all


I dunno how I feel about Battle Medic anymore. I like the role but the role has some serious mobility issues. The fuel is too low and as a weaker defense class who focuses on hanging back and getting out when things go down it really isn't much. Also in zero G the class feels way too floaty and even with blind fire it just doesn't feel good, especially if you grab the blitzball it just doesn't feel like battle medic has the mobility the other roles have.
I like the blitzball timer change. Don't like the Occupy change. Getting to the next zone quick was a great race and really brought in the movement mechanics of the game to get some quick points before the enemy team gets there.

Not sure I like this Romerus nerf and I don't even play Assassin. I liked that Assassins were now gun weilders instead of just melee spammers like in the betas and it's because they had a powerful gun if they were accurate with it. The travel time on the pellets meant they had to get in close which is dangerous for them and in a high speed game like this it's not easy to hit those charge shots. I disagree with the change and hope it doesn't lead to more melee spam assassins but we'll see.

Edit: they really should have done something to address leavers for this patch. It's currently the biggest issue in the game for me.


Positive changes all around. I'm all for the grapple extension. I'd much rather be using my blades as assassin than the shotgun.
Ah yes lets make people's experience with the game bad so they quit playing it by matching them up against people not even remotely in their skill range. That seems like a great idea for the overall health of the game.

Skillbased matchmaking should only prefer players under level 10, and then for those over level 10, it's a free for all.
Good video by jackfrags about the situation around the newer arena shooters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtrUOzBqdNo
(I know lawbreakers isn't an arena shooter but I think it still applies)

After seeing the Quake Champions and UT numbers with the name/branding behind that I think these styles of games are just destined to be super niche.

Lawbreakers definitely fits the Arena shooter mold even if it is without weapon pickups :D
Seems like decent patch notes. I don't mind the Occupy changes so much, as I think it will help newer players with the mode.

Kinda surprised they didn't do anything about GS, but whatevs. I'm not a balance expert. I trust them more than myself in that regard :p

E92 M3

Seems like decent patch notes. I don't mind the Occupy changes so much, as I think it will help newer players with the mode.

Kinda surprised they didn't do anything about GS, but whatevs. I'm not a balance expert. I trust them more than myself in that regard :p

GS is fine though - and I barely play him. It takes good aim to actually be deadly with him.


Just played a round of Blitzball, and this is a GREAT patch.

It's even more hectic and fun now, with more reason to play defense and be careful when/if to rush the ball.

This game!!


GS is fine though - and I barely play him. It takes good aim to actually be deadly with him.

He's probably fine on console but certainly not on PC where people can aim, one of the devs already acknowledged he was a bit overtuned.

E92 M3

Except he's not, one of the devs already acknowledged he was a bit overtuned.

Yes, he's been changed already. Just because good players dominate with him doesn't mean he needs to be nerfed further. In fact, it's good motivation to get better.
Just because good players dominate with him doesn't mean he needs to be nerfed further.

I mean, it could mean that. Using essentially the "git gud" argument is kind of poor when talking about balance.

If GS has an advantage over equally skilled players playing other classes, that's a problem of being overtuned.

Now, I'm not saying GS is definitely overtuned, but if he's dominating others at most levels of play, thats at least worth looking into, not just an issue of "git gud"

E92 M3

I mean, it could mean that. Using essentially the "git gud" argument is kind of poor when talking about balance.

If GS has an advantage over equally skilled players playing other classes, that's a problem of being overtuned.

Now, I'm not saying GS is definitely overtuned, but if he's dominating others at most levels of play, thats at least worth looking into, not just an issue of "git gud"

No GS is dominating me lol. On the other hand, I don't fight in ranges that GS is strong at.

I am a strong proponent of bettering yourself before anything else. I was complete SHIT at assassin and then it just clicked.

Practice makes perfect - one of the best-balanced shooters there are currently.


Good video. Man, before jumping into this game I was concerned about how Boss Key would handle post launch support and interact with their community. These guys have already exceeded my expectations. Kudos to BKP. Keep that coming.
I am a strong proponent of bettering yourself before anything else. I was complete SHIT at assassin and then it just clicked.

Sure, but that doesn't mean that balance issues don't exist either. You can better yourself, but if there are balance issues, you can't really do anything about that. Devs cannot better us, devs can improve balance. We cannot improve balance, we can better ourselves. However, just because we cannot balance the game does not mean it's not worth talking about.

Using an anecdote about how you fare on PS4 speaks nothing about the actual balance of the game on broader level. There's a really good reason as to why they have separate patch notes anyways. PC and PS4 are vastly different. Precision in general (you know, player skill things) is much higher on PC solely due to the input of M+KB vs controller. Hell, Cliff has basically said this himself.

I'm all for hero limits, facing a team full of the same character is boring and it'll give players a reason to try other characters.

Yeah, I've gotten really bored of seeing 6 of the players in the game be either Wraith or Gunslinger.

E92 M3

On console.

Console and PC are different beasts.

Sure, but that doesn't mean that balance issues don't exist either. You can better yourself, but if there are balance issues, you can't really do anything about that. Devs cannot better us, devs can improve balance. We cannot improve balance, we can better ourselves. However, just because we cannot balance the game does not mean it's not worth talking about.

Using an anecdote about how you fare on PS4 speaks nothing about the actual balance of the game on broader level. There's a really good reason as to why they have separate patch notes anyways. PC and PS4 are vastly different. Precision in general (you know, player skill things) is much higher on PC solely due to the input of M+KB vs controller. Hell, Cliff has basically said this himself.

Yeah, I've gotten really bored of seeing 6 of the players in the game be either Wraith or Gunslinger.

I have no experience on the PC, so obviously commenting from the perspective of a console player. And agree that balance should be different for PC and console.

For instance, Titan plays very differently on PC compared to console.


I'm all for hero limits, facing a team full of the same character is boring and it'll give players a reason to try other characters.

I disagree with this personally. If they add a competitive mode sure I wouldn't see an issue with that but for quick match I wouldn't want any restrictions. Literally the reason I stopped playing Overwatch, I got tired of not being able to play the character I enjoy and I also like changing roles based on the current situation of a round. It does get people playing other characters but if someone doesn't wanna play whats available then it's no longer fun imo.

I just enjoy jumping in an playing a few games and I'm not really a competitive player so I just don't enjoy limits but I'm probably in the minority with this. This is kind of why I'd like to see a straight DM/TDM mode where it's just free for all. I'll see how it goes but personally if it's implemented I'm probably out.


It's so cool to see Rohan Rivas again, saw him first when he worked at GameTrailers. Good memories and I like where he has landed.
I'm all for hero limits, facing a team full of the same character is boring and it'll give players a reason to try other characters.
I agree it would be, but in my 60 hours on PC it has never happened. There's never more than 2 maybe 3 on very rare occasions, of same classes per team. But yeah I wouldn't mind that much if they set the limit to 2-3 per team. Restricting it just to one wouldn't be good at all imo.

And about the Gunslinger, I have terrible aim even on PC as my mouse is on my sofachair's armrest. It's not really the best surface for it and doesn't have enough space and my aiming has always been very shaky even when I played shooters very actively. And it's my only S+ character currently. So I can't agree that you HAVE to be good to perform well with him. Playing with him is full of surprises for me "oh neat a headshot huh". =D

Edit: Not demanding for a GS nerf here, just about my own experience with him.
Man, I have not had much time for online games lately. I think I'm still at account level 5-8. I can only imagine how matchmaking will treat me when I have the time to play.
I'll say I haven't seen class stacking really being an issue in all my hours with the game so far. Like yeah it can be annoying when the enemy puts two Juggs on the point but they are usually giving up something to pull that off since there is only 5 people per team. It haven't seen anything that is total game ruining that would require such a big change.

I also think this game's design allowing for classes to be fairly even on combat terms makes it less prone to hero stacking being unfair and shitty like it was in Overwatch. It's not a game where you go up against a certain class and feel like you already lost or won.
tried this game out, did absolutely nothing for me.

not a fan of these "hero-esque" type shooters in the first place, hoped this one would feel different, but nope.

i'll stick to TF2 and BF1 thanks.


tried this game out, did absolutely nothing for me.

not a fan of these "hero-esque" type shooters in the first place, hoped this one would feel different, but nope.

i'll stick to TF2 and BF1 thanks.
Well that's a bummer. It does feel quite different from those games you mentioned atleast. But I guess that's not indeed your thing.


Well, I'm going to offer a counterpoint.
Later. When I actually get off of work and boot the game up for the first time. PS4 Pro user, if that means anything.

I've been in and out of this thread for a while, on the fence about getting it.

I decided to try it out. Why not?

As someone who played that other game for all of 3 weeks and then dropped it, anything I should know before diving in head first and hitting my head on the bottom of the pool and drowning?

Just curious if I need to be aware of anything going in, that's all.


Well, I'm going to offer a counterpoint.
Later. When I actually get off of work and boot the game up for the first time. PS4 Pro user, if that means anything.

I've been in and out of this thread for a while, on the fence about getting it.

I decided to try it out. Why not?

As someone who played that other game for all of 3 weeks and then dropped it, anything I should know before diving in head first and hitting my head on the bottom of the pool and drowning?

Just curious if I need to be aware of anything going in, that's all.
Not really, give the tutorial videos a watch. Honestly jumping in is the best way imo, you'll take a beating most likely but when you find a role you click with it'll feel natural.
So I decided to bite, (30 bucks, not that steep), but I'm surprised there isn't a training area, or even a minimal in-game tutorial. First match I had no clue what was going on, except the whole other team was the same character and no matter what role I switched to I was just getting chewed up in a second.


So I decided to bite, (30 bucks, not that steep), but I'm surprised there isn't a training area, or even a minimal in-game tutorial. First match I had no clue what was going on, except the whole other team was the same character and no matter what role I switched to I was just getting chewed up in a second.

The whole tutorial thing has been an issue for new players but they're working hard to get something implemented, at least that was in one of their last dev videos. The game has a bit of a learning curve but I wouldn't get discouraged if you take a beating at first, just try some roles until you feel comfortable. You can also create a custom game by yourself and practice traversing the environments and zero G stuff it's really helpful.

lord quas

So I decided to bite, (30 bucks, not that steep), but I'm surprised there isn't a training area, or even a minimal in-game tutorial. First match I had no clue what was going on, except the whole other team was the same character and no matter what role I switched to I was just getting chewed up in a second.

Huh? I just bought it too and I'm pretty sure I just played a tutorial area with robots...


Huh? I just bought it too and I'm pretty sure I just played a tutorial area with robots...

PS4 doesn't have the sandbox stuff (yet) Bosskey said they ran into a few hiccups while trying to implement it in the PS4 version. It will hopefully be added in soon though.


If you need tutorials there is a ton on youtube to digest that BossKey has put out along with the community.

So somewhat good news for this game is that the new CoD is a snorefest IMO, so that won't be eating up my time for my go to shooter this year. The real test is Destiny 2 PvP, which for me, was quite enjoyable in the beta. Not to mention Destiny has TONS of other content and isn't just a PvP shooter.

Much more likely to play this if D2 PvP doesn't have legs. May just do D2 for the other content, and my go to MP is LB.
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