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Leading Breitbart Tech Writer & Alt-Right Voice Allegedly Collection of 44 Interns

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According to Breitbart News, prolific conversvative writer and ethics in games journalism enthusiast Milo Yiannopoulos has a team of interns who write his articles for him.

Also the interns are from 4Chan and need to be coached not to say the n-word.

A leading voice of the new “alt-right,” Breitbart.com tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos, does not write many of the articles that appear under his byline on the conservative news site, two sources who have worked directly with him told BuzzFeed News.
These sources — a former intern and someone who has worked with Yiannopoulos for years both in and outside of the Breitbart News Network — as well as a video taken from a private chat offer a glimpse behind the curtain of one of a new movement’s leading provocateurs. The sources also suggest that much of the commentator’s work is written by a bevy of mostly unpaid personal interns.
Yiannopoulos confirmed in an interview with BuzzFeed News that he has “about 44” interns — “a mix of paid and unpaid” — writing and conducting research for him. But he denied that other people write stories for him start to finish.
“Two people write Breitbart stuff for me,” he told BuzzFeed News, but “ghostwriting is too great a word.” He said that the majority of his interns are researchers and that some write speeches for him. “I have two books coming out this year,” he said. “It’s completely standard for someone with a career like mine to have researchers and assistants and ghostwriters.”
Yet the sources who came forward to BuzzFeed News tell a different story. “Milo Yiannopoulos is not one person,” said the Breitbart employee. “That person does not exist. It is a collective consciousness of various different people who come and go.”
The former intern said Yiannopoulos delegated frequently. “I wrote articles for him,” he told BuzzFeed News. “His articles on Breitbart. He writes some of them, but most no. He has other people writing his shit.”
Yiannopoulos directs these personal interns — who are not associated with Breitbart — through a private group on the chat service Slack. BuzzFeed News obtained a minute-and-a-half-long video that appears to depict activity in the group, which is called PROJECT MILO.
In the clip, the user “milo” warns the group not to use racial epithets because of the way it would look if the group chat became public: “Can’t believe I have to say this but no n-words in shitposting or anywhere else, thank you. Please THINK about how this could appear if leaked to the wrong person.”
#shitposting is another channel in the PROJECT MILO Slack.

Immediately after the warning from “milo,” a user named “marc” adds “that also includes anyone saying ‘sieg heil’ to me in shitposting, you know who you are.”
According to the former worker, “marc” is Marc Geppert, who is listed as Yiannopoulos’s executive assistant on his personal website. (Geppert did not immediately respond to a request for comment from BuzzFeed News.)
Yiannopoulos told BuzzFeed News that all uses of the n-word in PROJECT MILO were ironic. “A lot of these guys are young 4chan guys,” he said, referring to his interns. “They use it in the sense that message boards use it … It was the n-word with an -a, not with an -er — they were quoting hip-hop lyrics.”
“I know they don’t mean it in a racist way,” he continued. “It wasn’t like I had to police racism out of my Slack.”
Elsewhere in the video clip, “milo” writes, “does anyone need anything else from Daddy tonight?”; instructs the group to tweet a link to a Breitbart story about Twitter censorship of conservatives from their accounts; and tells workers to tune in to an appearance on Fox News. He also asks several workers to write a speech about feminism: “include (1) feminism attention seeking for ugly people (2) wage gap (3) campus rape culture… a load of mean jokes.”
Yiannopoulos insisted that this kind of delegation was normal for public figures, adding that “I take a much more hands-on approach than most people.” Indeed, Yiannopoulos has tweeted about the headaches of having the amount of assistance he enjoys:

As someone who has watched Milo lead moral crusades against "unethical journalists", I find these relevations AMAZING.

milo's response on twitter

Just a quick reminder to everyone of the current date, but at the same time - this seems like a risky thing for Buzzfeed to run with as 'prank news'. Which makes me very confident that it is actually real.


Sounds exactly on par for Brietbart. Not sure why people give them credence. They've done nothing to earn it.

Just a quick reminder to everyone of the current date, but at the same time - this seems like a risky thing for Buzzfeed to run with as 'prank news'. Which makes me very confident that it is actually real.

Hmm. Sites could at least wait until midnight EST.


Kinda seems..... unethical.

I also love the rationalization of using n-word slurs. I totally say SIEG HEIL to my bros, too. I'm just quoting rap.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
“I have two books coming out this year,” he said. “It’s completely standard for someone with a career like mine to have researchers and assistants and ghostwriters.”

Said no online tech journalist ever.


No Scrubs
Buzzfeed uses their clickbait article traffic to actually fund legitimate journalism.

I will take Buzzfeed anyday.

Pretty much. They manage to have real journalism every now and again. Brietbart wouldn't know what journalism looked like if Walter Cronkite walked up to them and slapped them in the face with his dick.


“A lot of these guys are young 4chan guys,” he said, referring to his interns. “They use it in the sense that message boards use it … It was the n-word with an -a, not with an -er — they were quoting hip-hop lyrics.”
lol sure


We need an Aprils Fool thread.

People are getting suckered by these threads.

I don't think this is an April Fools. April Fools jokes are characterized by being comically unbelievable. Milo interns needing to be coached not to say the n-word is the most believable thing I've ever heard.


Aprils Fools are always funniest when they are revealing about what people want to believe. And when you aren't sure if they just might not be true.


Come on guys, this is obviously not true. The only real question is whether this is an April Fool's gag by Buzzfeed, and he's playing along, or an April Fool's gag by him on Buzzfeed and the sjw internet at large.
Come on guys, this is obviously not true. The only real question is whether this is an April Fool's gag by Buzzfeed, and he's playing along, or an April Fool's gag by him on Buzzfeed and the sjw internet at large.

Sources claim interns produce much of Breitbart.com tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’s work. Yiannopoulos says his practices are “completely standard.”
posted on Mar. 31, 2016, at 8:18 p.m.

Confirmed legit


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Come on guys, this is obviously not true.

It's about as ridiculous and unbelievable as an openly sexist and xenophobic reality TV Star being the leading Republican candidate for president.
Ignore this fucker. He only exists because of outrage, it makes him rich. Ignore him.

Yeah, fake or not, reading through his Twitter proves that he's loving this. His love of Trump makes perfect sense- a know nothing braggart who talks a big enough game to attract a rich collection of bottom feeders. That he breaks ranks with most decorum and standard modes of how to act in his field is the entire reason he has a base. None of the mouth breathers that follow him will be upset by this. i don't doubt that he's getting flooded with requests to intern for him. There are plenty of sad, lonely, empty people out there who would appreciate enjoying even a pale reflection of the sad, fleeting fame of a glorified troll

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
People I trust on Twitter are saying this is legit. I won't play the credibility game that much, except to say that I personally now believe this, at least, isn't a prank


I really don't think this is an April Fools thing, wasn't it published the day before anyway?

pranks are published the day before by people jumping the gun all the time.

I want to believe this but considering the date I'm not sure. I hate Apr 1st.
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