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Leigh Alexander: "'Gamers' don't have to be your audience. 'Gamers' are over."

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BAH! I thought this was about games culture. Just more about that fucking drama that happened. Get over it people. This is TMZ shit.

No, I don't know the details. I consider myself very "In" to gaming culture but I could give a fuck about this whole fiasco and have avoided the subject whenever I am able.

If I offended someone here...fine...sorry. Enjoy your sewing circle. I'll be playing First Light.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

I miss the days when gaming was a niche hobbie and could give you a sense of cultural belonging. :c
Despite the bullying and alienation I received, I think gaming was one of the few things that made me "cool" even back in my high school days of the 80's when NES was around.


Not really:

EDIT: Pretty sure she's a MRA
Yeah, before your edit I was about to say that she's says even more wild shit. I do agree with the initial posted tweet. Most gamers don't care about the politics, despite what some gaming journalists would like to believe.


Some choice post article Tweets from the calm, rational Ms. Alexander whose sincere desire is for a more mature atmosphere in the gaming community. Ben Kuchera levels of arrogance and hypocrisy:





Miss Alexander, how about us "nerds" start boycotting and DoNotLink you and ALL your articles? See how that plays out.
There's gotta be a word for when you're part of a group, and you enjoy what that group does, but you are also ashamed of the stereotypes and cliches that outsiders see of that group, so you shame and mock and disrespect that which you yourself are a part of.


People who read a lot of books are respected right? What about people who read a lot of romance novels or young adult fiction at an adult age?

People who watch TV are normal, typical people right? What about people who watch trashy reality TV and laugh track sitcoms?

People who enjoy movies are everyone almost, no big deal? What about people who love only transformers and Michael bay movies? Or only watch pornographic film?

Every media has its shameful side. The call of duty brainless legions and the people who drink mountain dew and doritos and argue with GameStop clerks are it for videogames.

And that's fine, but stop pretending like everyone except you is one of the bad ones. There are lots of good ones.


Gold Member
It's money. It's like these new game artist are a trendy group of men and women set to make the next big "thing'' in their own imagination. That's fine, but that's so selfish. It's like a thousand Phil Fishes. You're basically saying.. screw this medium, now here's this. isn't that what game genres were developed to be in the first place? And how are we all called upon? It's not like there's this giant bull horn sounding off naming us one by one. There's something for everyone.

It seems to be more like a large flow chart. Making a game in the center and about a hundred different people to market it to. They've already done that. Just look at the dark center of the internet. Fan base websites, Wikis, they all hold their own audience. Look at all those World of Warcraft websites or any MMO that has an item list to it. People follow that and they never go back to looking at the gaming press. I think they're having a hard time in the press right now because games only get so much attention and now everyone has the technology to make a game. Pardon me, but it's a cluster f*ck because it's anywhere and everywhere in different shapes, forms, and sizes.

To what she's saying.. it's offensive for traditional people to hear it being said that way, but it's also right in front of our noses. We know people play game A or game B for a certain reason.
Sigh, how can people defend this?

Leigh Alexander just loves beef. She even started shit with the Sonic fanbase of all people ffs. Resulted in some fanart in my Twitter feed that I really didn't need to see, too. XD

Yup. She has HER view of what gaming should be and if you don't agree with it then you are wrong and should "go away". She clearly has an agenda she's trying to push.

By her own admission she has little interest in video games as we currently know them these days. It's mostly the potential/the idea of video games that appeals to her.


Nope Nope Nope. Leigh, as usual being divisive and inflammatory. Just can't get on board with anything she says, especially because of the way she acts online. She is the LAST person who should be casting aspersions for how people behave on the internet.

Fem Kuchera?

The Kuch is the Larval stage of Leigh Alexander. She is the queen.


I miss the days when gaming was a niche hobbie and could give you a sense of cultural belonging. :c
I don't, i like gaming reaching a wider audience and more people making and enjoying all kind of games

I do miss the days though when people weren't being insulted and shamed on a weekly basis for liking to play (certain) games by gaming journalist
Some choice post article Tweets from the calm, rational Ms. Alexander whose sincere desire is for a more mature atmosphere in the gaming community. Ben Kuchera levels of arrogance and hypocrisy::





I've been following her for a while and I've defended her numerous times ever since she made a complete ass of herself with the GB guys at E3 a couple of years ago, but I've had enough. Fuck her and her holier-than-though bullshit.
Leigh Alexander just loves beef. She even started shit with the Sonic fanbase of all people ffs. Resulted in some fanart in my Twitter feed that I really didn't need to see, too. XD

I know so many people who are only happy for brief moments where they are looking down on someone else or some other group, or embroiled in drama against them that they can cry for attention for.

How sad it must be to be one of those persons. I think ms Alexander suffers from this.
The truly ironic thing is she comes off a lot worse than most of the people she's claiming are the 'gamer' she's painting in her head. If every gamer were a depiction of her persona I would stay the hell out of every online game.

She's projecting, I guess. But I'm not gonna say more about it because I don't want to create unnecessary drivel.


Those tweets, wow. I'm now finding it tough to believe she cares much for gaming. I'm getting the vibe she is using controversial and in your face articles on gaming to drum up publicity for herself any way possible. Or she's just crazy but great for getting clicks for whoever lets her rant on their site.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Seriously? "gaming isn't for nerds. Go away" talk about being inclusive.

When she's saying gaming isn't for nerds, she's saying that its not for anyone because its for everyone. Its entirely consistent with her position and a sentiment I've seen elsewhere as well. "Geeks" can be very possessive, treating gaming like something that's theirs to covet and defend. No, gaming is not for geeks.


Some choice post article Tweets from the calm, rational Ms. Alexander whose sincere desire is for a more mature atmosphere in the gaming community. Ben Kuchera levels of arrogance and hypocrisy:





Yeah I don't really see how anyone can defend this at all. The message should be that gaming is inclusive and for everyone, nerd or not nerd.


Gold Member
I guess she's a gamer after all

When they say more people search GAF rather than play games. That's how I feel mostly about what's on Gamasutra. The type of gamer who buys stock in a developer only to criticize their outcome. There are more gamers on GAF than on that website.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeah I don't really see how anyone can defend this at all. The message should be that gaming is inclusive and for everyone, nerd or not nerd.

Protip: she's not the one saying that it shouldn't be inclusive. "nerds and geeks" are. Again, entirely consistent with her argument


Neo Member
When she's saying gaming isn't for nerds, she's saying that its not for anyone because its for everyone. Its entirely consistent with her position and a sentiment I've seen elsewhere as well. "Geeks" can be very possessive, treating gaming like something that's theirs to covet and defend. No, gaming is not for geeks.

But she said "Go away". I could understand that interpretation if she didn't explicitly that.
Gamers are not over. Gamers are an ever changing and broadening group. Gaming journalism is over and thus click bait articles like this must be made to sustain a dying industry. I think the hostility towards gamers and the general apathy towards games in general shown by these journalists is in large part due to their profession rapidly becoming irrelevant.


She's responding to inflammatory comments with inflammatory comments. Immature maybe, but not indefensible

How are any of those tweets inflamtory? they say don't insult the base that made the job you're doing what it's what's soo wrong about just saying that?


I think you're taking her too seriously. She's just batting away trolls.

Or maybe people that identify as gamers don't like being generalized by what she said. I've followed Leigh on twitter before. I thought she was cool. She loves FF7, but then I noticed this is how she reacts in most situations. It's not about swatting away trolls. IF you show any sort of criticism this is how she responds. It's literally she's right and you are always wrong.

Her unwarranted ego doesn't help matters.


I think it's good that you don't describe her as a gamer, because it means she has more than just one facet of her life. Labeling yourself a gamer, usually carries the connotation that you only do that.

If this is all you can say about someone when introducing them, I would think they have a temple to Brett Favre in the living room and would argue Aaron Rodgers godhood with a straight face. If you lead into introducing yourself as a gamer, as some do, the some who Leigh is talking about, then yea that is not at all the same as casually mentioning someone is a Packers fan, probably while talking about sports or football in general.

And again, if you have a problem with the definition of gamer that she is using, then you should do something about, which is stop saying that the minority doesn't represent you, because CliffyB will tell you it does. I think Leigh is asking the nigh on impossible, but we absolutely have to try to police our own better, through social pressures, that their attitude is not acceptable. The Anita thread where people were asking if she was faking it was met with some disbelief, but also some agreement, which is pretty fucking sad.

Nothing you said here was factual or backed up by any real argument supported by statistics or an overwhelming statistical evidence that it is entrenched, other then CliffyB? And unless you can prove that there is a factual systemic problem in gaming culture(statistically) then it is at best a guess. Are there issues in the game indsutry? Of course there are. Are there events that happen that make you think how can people act like that? Yup, but is it statistically higher then, near any label or higher then the general % of idiots on the internet? I'm not seeing it, but if it is I'd like to see the statistics on this. It seems there is an assumption that something said is true, because it feels true or because you can point to instances of it happening, but that doesn't infer it is a systemic problem. It infers that there are problems, period, but I'm not going to say a group of people have a systemic problem without actual statistical proof.

And a minority doesn't represent a majority, I'm not sure why that would need to be stated. Saying Arizona University has a problem with academics, and the teachers need to reclaim their name, would at least have more of a basis then saying "gamers" have systemic issues, as a whole, to the point where gamer shouldnt be used or they need to fight for their name back.

TL;DR: if you are going to throw an entire label under the bus you should have some statistics to do so, before you actually do it.


Señor Coyote;127541324 said:
Gamers are not over. Gamers are an ever changing and broadening group. Gaming journalism is over and thus click bait articles like this must be made to sustain a dying industry. I think the hostility towards gamers and the general apathy towards games in general shown by these journalists is in large part due to their profession rapidly becoming irrelevant.

Game journalism becoming irrelevant? That's curious. What makes you say that?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
But she said "Go away". I could understand that interpretation if she didn't explicitly that.

Yeah I think that's just irritation and the limitations of twitter. I think she's being more abrasive then she needs to be, and on a personal level I think she doesn't seem particularly nice, but I get frustrated when I see what I think are misinterpretations.


What? This has already happened. Years ago in fact. Decades ago. Gaming is part of the mainstream. You don't sell 100+ million consoles and have gaming NOT be mainstream around the world. Come on now. Where have you been?

Not yet. A large amount of the current gaming population didn't have games as a normal part of their childhood. If you're 30+ and you proclaim to have been into games since you were a kid you'll still get people glancing at you from over their iPads.
I don't really care about what the label for video game enthusiasts is now, or later. I just want everyone to get along while sharing their experience with games, as is done in films, literature, etc. Is that too much to ask? :(

Some choice post article Tweets from the calm, rational Ms. Alexander whose sincere desire is for a more mature atmosphere in the gaming community. Ben Kuchera levels of arrogance and hypocrisy:


A part of me thinks that Twitter is a large part of the problem in escalating the conflict in these types of situation. Twitter is great at many things, but constructive and well-phrased discussion is rarely one of them. Instead you get inflammatory and unhelpful posts like these from every "side." It unintentionally encourages short, curt, and dismissive phrasing.


Some choice post article Tweets from the calm, rational Ms. Alexander whose sincere desire is for a more mature atmosphere in the gaming community. Ben Kuchera levels of arrogance and hypocrisy:





This is the exact kind of behavior I was talking about earlier, I'm glad I didn't give her a view on the article.


Blanket generalizations and hurtful, insulting statements from one group of people that have been marginalized, ostracized, or oppressed in some form to another group of people that have been marginalized, ostracized, or oppressed in another form is not only a bad way to engender any kind of empathy on either "side," it actually just fosters more resentment and toxicity and inflammatory responses. For a lot of people, gaming is their way to escape from whatever social ostrasization they face. Leigh is doing to them the same thing that others in the community have done to feminists and those in the LGBT community. Both are hurtful, and wrong. As someone who has had to endure a lot of this herself, I'm kind of shocked she would stoop to the same level of broad generalization and mean-spirited commentary.
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