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Macquarie Report on NX: "Coming next week" (Take with a grain of salt)

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Seriously, it's so annoying people keep thinking it's getting delayed.

It you believe Emily that the NX is a hybrid with her details then you better believe when she said NX is ahead of schedule. There's ZERO reason to believe there's a delay.

Anyways I was going to post


A game called Oceanhorn was announced to come to a "Nintendo Console". I guess this is more evidence that the NX IS a console and not a hybrid. I can use this for my next YouTube video.

It's probably the wii u and they're trying to get attention.


It's probably the wii u and they're trying to get attention.
Seriously. We've seen this a lot.

"I'm happy to finally reveal that there's going to be some big NX news on Monday.

...What do you mean me announcing Indie Game #203954 for a platform I don't even have the devkit for doesn't qualify as 'big news.'?"


mynintendonews at least link my thread next time in your source jmon

GAF detectives and twitter users were the ones who found this lmao smh


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Honestly? Nintendo fucked up by not revealing this at E3. Now its hard to find a good time to show it. Whose gonna care about a product launching in March when the holiday season is starting now, shoppers care about what they can buy on black friday and for christmas.


Honestly? Nintendo fucked up by not revealing this at E3. Now its hard to find a good time to show it. Whose gonna care about a product launching in March when the holiday season is starting now, shoppers care about what they can buy on black friday and for christmas.

then what would be the difference, if the fucking thing releases on march anyways?

It's 2016 ! Twoooooo... thousand sixteen ! 'member that one ?

Didn't the original version of this say "2015"?


The Birthday Skeleton
Honestly? Nintendo fucked up by not revealing this at E3. Now its hard to find a good time to show it. Whose gonna care about a product launching in March when the holiday season is starting now, shoppers care about what they can buy on black friday and for christmas.

I agree with this and I said this also when other people where dreaming of Spaceworld. But most probably they weren't ready with the games nor the system. It's not clear if they are ready now. I guess we'll see in two weeks max.

Still strange that they missed a lot of opportunities this year and they going to end with the reveal in the holiday season practically.

But at least there is nothing left unknown about Pokemon, that's sure.


<snip>big insightful post</snip>.

Thraktor I have to disagree about where the PS4 pro and Scorpio power is going though. 4K is not a big thing yet, and therefore those consoles will be (And are allowed to by the platform holders) to use that power for non-resolution fidelity. This will definitely make the NX look even worse by comparison. This doesn't bother Nintendo because they don't care about that but it will certainly not help them get any of the 70+ million "core" gamers out there.
Honestly? Nintendo fucked up by not revealing this at E3. Now its hard to find a good time to show it. Whose gonna care about a product launching in March when the holiday season is starting now, shoppers care about what they can buy on black friday and for christmas.

I was just talking to a friend about how late last year would have been a perfect time to launch the NX. 3DS is sliding YoY steadily, bumped only by Pokemon Go at this point. Imagine launching a new platform at the height of Splatoon hype, before Pokemon Go hits, and was able to get some of that 2016 3DS support while Sony and MS had a quieter holiday outside of a pricedrop and bundles. Even if it were weaker than what we'll eventually get in 2017.

But I guess we will learn if the NX can overcome the numerous roadblocks in front of it in a few weeks.

Davey Cakes

After the E3 Zelda blowout, which successfully built up a lot of hype for the game and turned A LOT of heads, I feel like Nintendo wasn't completely in the wrong for not revealing NX at E3.

That said, Nintendo also squandered all their media coverage momentum by not saying a thing about NX in the coming months. They had an opportunity after E3. They had an opportunity after Pokemon GO's success. They had an opportunity after Super Mario Run's reveal. Yet, nothing.

The intrigue surrounding NX is still great enough that I feel Nintendo will always have the gaming community's attention. The reveal will be big no matter what, but that doesn't mean Nintendo hasn't missed some opportunities thus far. Here's to hoping they have a solid plan.


This was so hard to read. The first paragraph alone killed the whole thing. Just stop giving these people attention. They're regular Joe Schmo who wants views for their channels or twitch and are feeding off of people who want NX info.

I agree. And when I hear BOTW as a pack-in when Nintendo has never made their major high MSRP retail games a pack-in at launch I'm especially skeptical. (Along with some other things in there.)


Thraktor I have to disagree about where the PS4 pro and Scorpio power is going though. 4K is not a big thing yet, and therefore those consoles will be (And are allowed to by the platform holders) to use that power for non-resolution fidelity. This will definitely make the NX look even worse by comparison. This doesn't bother Nintendo because they don't care about that but it will certainly not help them get any of the 70+ million "core" gamers out there.

If I can buy a 4k TV for 500 CDN$ it's a big thing this black friday/boxing day


It must be oppressive working with a skeptic like Miyamoto. There's no evidence that the N...er... Next Zelda is going to be delayed past 2015 but he keeps asking that question. What a jerk.

nintendo would never say one thing and then change their mind

they can't lie

Davey Cakes

I don't get why people expect Bayonetta 3 to happen, unless they really feel like the character is valuable to Nintendo now. Did Bayo 2 not underperform?

Bayonetta being in Smash and having an Amiibo doesn't change the fact that Nintendo could very easily be burning money by keeping up this show of fan goodwill.
I don't get why people expect Bayonetta 3 to happen, unless they really feel like the character is valuable to Nintendo now. Did Bayo 2 not underperform?

Bayonetta being in Smash and having an Amiibo doesn't change the fact that Nintendo could very easily be burning money by keeping up this show of fan goodwill.
Its happening.. stop looking at all that little stuff
Yeah but supposedly they are legally obligated to be honest at the investors meeting so March 2017 is when the NX must come out because they said so under perjury of law

Correct. RoboCop will appear and arrest Kimishima if NX is delayed. Senior Nintendo officials will face up to 10 years in a secret island prison.

I know this because my uncle is Judge Dredd.


Haha I keep coming into this thread wondering why it hasn't been locked yet, I assume there must be some validity in here somewhere. But just more dreams to be crushed.


Haha I keep coming into this thread wondering why it hasn't been locked yet, I assume there must be some validity in here somewhere. But just more dreams to be crushed.

There's a lot of validity. Some folks have made some very sensible and smart posts. It just so happens that none of them contain official info from Nintendo or hot leads on new leaks. Rest assured, if either happened there would be a thread on the front page that rocketed to page 2 in under a minute, so I think it's safe to say that this thread is just a place for the NX hopefuls to post in until it is locked. Ya know... the weekly NX thread.
I don't think we will see a reveal until next year. It simply doesn't make sense for them at this point to jeopardize their Wii U and 3DS sales this holiday season.

My bet is it will be announced Super Bowl Sunday (just like Pokemon Go). Only difference is that it will be available for preorder right away and shipping in March.
I was predicting an October announcement for NX for the longest time, but I don't believe this one bit. I don't believe the NX is real any more. I'm done. The NX is a myth. I'm moving on.


Im off on tuesday. What are the odds this would reveal would be on tuesday?

I really don't think you should pay attention to this report. It's not happening this month.

Either way, Tuesday is not happening. A Direct being announced on Tuesday and happening on Thursday is the only chance. However, we're really at the point that you should just be expecting a delay confirmation on the 26th.


I don't think we will see a reveal until next year. It simply doesn't make sense for them at this point to jeopardize their Wii U and 3DS sales this holiday season.

My bet is it will be announced Super Bowl Sunday (just like Pokemon Go). Only difference is that it will be available for preorder right away and shipping in March.

Wii U sales? What Wii U sales?


Edit: I should add, I'm certain the revenue made by Super Mario Run in December will outdo the revenue made by Wii U hardware and software sales in the same month.


I don't think we will see a reveal until next year. It simply doesn't make sense for them at this point to jeopardize their Wii U and 3DS sales this holiday season.

My bet is it will be announced Super Bowl Sunday (just like Pokemon Go). Only difference is that it will be available for preorder right away and shipping in March.

I understand the pessimism, but you think that they're going to reveal a console via a commercial and nothing more. Don't you see the problem with that?
I don't get why people expect Bayonetta 3 to happen, unless they really feel like the character is valuable to Nintendo now. Did Bayo 2 not underperform?

Bayonetta being in Smash and having an Amiibo doesn't change the fact that Nintendo could very easily be burning money by keeping up this show of fan goodwill.

They do the same with Fatal Frame (Project Zero) since years (and at least the recent Wii U game of the FF series performed good).

Nintendo want games for different tastes and Bayonetta has some fans and will get media attention.
I don't understand this notion of Nintendo fans not wanting to buy western third party games. The real reason Nintendo fans don't buy third party games is because most of the time it ends up being a shitty port or a game that's 3 fucking years old. I mean you can buy these ports cheaper on other consoles. The Wii showed most western third parties half assing ports even though it was the best selling console. Although I'll give it to Unisoft because they actually do try, but the rest naw.

How do you solve a problem like 3rd parties...

This is a complicated issue and unfortunately, there aren't any easy answers. I do think that it cuts both ways and to only blame 3rd Parties is short sighted. My thoughts on the whole 3rd party situation is that while 3rd parties hold a good amount of blame, Nintendo fans at this point in time are essentially NOT particularly interested in 3rd party games or even non-traditional Nintendo games, or games that don't fit within the typical milieu. That being said, I don't think the fans per se are to blame, but rather Nintendo largely for not cultivating and diversifying its audience and library enough.

Going back 2 generations which was really the last where there was more or less parity between the consoles, the Gamecube still sold on average the least well in terms of the 3rd party games proportional to the install base. This is talking about the EA games including the Maddens, those Ubi games (Prince of Persias, Splinter Cells, etc) and many Japanese games as well. Really the only 3rd party games that did exceptionally well were those that were either exclusive (Tales of Symphonia, Rogue Squadrons) or semi-exclusive (RE4 and Viewtiful Joe) or had some exclusive content a la Link in Soul Calibur 2. Even in the mid 2000's, the audience was dwindling. But then Nintendo's conscious decision at that point to move away from the Red Ocean with the Wii both hindered and helped them. The sales were obviously nothing that any company expected and the 3rd parties were caught with their pants down.

At that point, I do agree that the 3rd parties really should have tried to make better games instead of half-assed rail shooters but those few games that did come out as strong efforts still didn't do well. I'm talking about something like Goldeneye or Silent Hill Shattered Memories... good exclusive "core" (for the lack of a better term, though I hate it) games that for an install base of 100 + million should have sold decently well. Now granted, most of that audience was the Blue-Ocean non-gamers and so forth and had no interest in an FPS but even still, that install base was absolutely huge. Everyone owned a Wii, even the so-called "core" gamers (again... stupid meaningless term. :)) Obviously the non-gamers moved on and unfortunately for Nintendo that move was largely to mobile. The gamers looking for diversity... even those that may have stuck around during the Gamecube years sought to supplement their experience with Sony/Microsoft/PC though a good number retained their Nintendo consoles for Nintendo experiences. Finally, the dedicated Nintendo only group obviously stayed which brings us to the Wii U.

So where are we at now this most current generation? Well you guys all know. 3rd Parties are at an all time low and have abandoned Nintendo's consoles aside from a few exceptions, and yes, those games that show up tend to show up late or lack features. Sure there's been some great 3rd party games like Deus Ex HR, NFS:MW U, but again both of those showed up late, despite being the best versions of those respective games. But to be fair, there really hasn't been a clear demonstrable title during this era where a 3rd party has put a full effort into a game with parity to every other system and launched on the same day and date with all the bells and whistles as the other systems and so, yes we can't really for sure say that the audience isn't there.

But having said that, the Nintendo-only audience does frustrate me. Nintendo has at least tried somewhat to expand their portfolio. This is clear through publishing (and in some cases developing) games such as Xenoblade X, Bayonetta 2, Fatal Frame 5, Wonderful 101, publishing Ninja Gaiden RE (which was the most polished that fundamentally a flawed game could be) and Devil's Third (which in retrospect was a failure). These aren't seen as typical "Nintendo" games and yet none of these sold anywhere in the realm of even the faintest of Mario titles. In fact, I wrote in a thread a few years ago about the "reaction videos" to the Nintendo E3 directs, and how there was a clear disparity of excitement. As I mentioned, Nintendo's fanbase that only own Nintendo consoles really have little or no interest in experiences that don't fit the typical Nintendo M.O, and those that are multi-console owners really have little or no incentive to play a 3rd party on a Nintendo console.

To sum up my rambling thoughts on this, I do think it's a problem that doesn't have an easy answer but I don't think 3rd parties are only to blame. I'd personally love to see more 3rd parties on a Nintendo system, but it needs to start with Nintendo taking active steps to fix it.

Astral Dog

To reveal a system in two days of notice is silly, this is not a common Direct but a console first showing to the public.

Only would work if that was the basics of the basics.we need weeks of speculation
I understand the pessimism, but you think that they're going to reveal a console via a commercial and nothing more. Don't you see the problem with that?

I think the reveal itself could be a commercial. The Super Bowl gets a lot of viewers. Nintendo could have its own events planned afterwards for a more hands on look. And of course, the NDA would be lifted for third parties who already know what NX is.
I don't think we will see a reveal until next year. It simply doesn't make sense for them at this point to jeopardize their Wii U and 3DS sales this holiday season.

My bet is it will be announced Super Bowl Sunday (just like Pokemon Go). Only difference is that it will be available for preorder right away and shipping in March.

Sorry, what? Go was announced in September of last year. The Pokémon anniversary Super Bowl commercial was promoting the overall brand, not any specific product, and it certainly didn't announce anything.
Wii U sales? What Wii U sales?


Edit: I should add, I'm certain the revenue made by Super Mario Run in December will outdo the revenue made by Wii U hardware and software sales in the same month.

Yes, currently there are a lot of 3DS and Wii U systems to buy games for... at least more than NX currently.


They do the same with Fatal Frame (Project Zero) since years (and at least the recent Wii U game of the FF series performed good).

Nintendo want games for different tastes and Bayonetta has some fans and will get media attention.

There is also the idea that Bayo is a critically-acclaimed IP with a lot of potential in areas Nintendo is not known for, and ostensibly Nintendo is doing a "reboot." Bayo 2 underperforming while being lauded by critics seems like a very realistic opportunity to A) add diversity to the lineup, B) form a bridge to Wii U adopters who pounced on the game, and C) let a creative dev do something cool for a company trying to re-establish itself.

I would sign off on it.
I feel like Thursday is the only day next week they can reveal the NX, but are they seriously not going to give people time to prepare for it?

Like all the YouTube channels that want to do live streams? Or all the people who want to see it live without work interfering? This is why I don't see any NX reveal next week. They would have to make the announcement on Monday to atleast give us a 3 days notice.

At this point I can only hope they reveal it on October 25 and give use the announcement date next week. It's the initial reveal-they SHOULD want as many people to watch it as they can get which means giving people some time to prepare for it. A 2 days notice isn't good enough, if it were to be next week.

I think the reveal itself could be a commercial. The Super Bowl gets a lot of viewers. Nintendo could have its own events planned afterwards for a more hands on look. And of course, the NDA would be lifted for third parties who already know what NX is.

This post is nonsense. I don't want to be condescending, but this is just a bad post.


Yes, currently there are a lot of 3DS and Wii U systems to buy games for... at least more than NX currently.

You make it sound like people have a reason to buy a Wii U these holidays when the last Nintendo title for Wii U this year just released. Did you forget the news that European retailers were doing their final orders for Wii U systems in September because Nintendo is obviously no longer going to produce any more?

Even Nintendo set their forecasts for how many Wii U units they would ship for the year to be very low.
I don't think we will see a reveal until next year. It simply doesn't make sense for them at this point to jeopardize their Wii U and 3DS sales this holiday season.

My bet is it will be announced Super Bowl Sunday (just like Pokemon Go). Only difference is that it will be available for preorder right away and shipping in March.

Pokémon Go was not announced during the Super Bowl, and why would Nintendo announce a new console during a very US specific sport event?
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